- DIY☺︎木製のミニチュア自動販売機を作ってみた!How to make a Wooden Miniature Vending Machine!
- DIY☺︎miniature station at Sea diorama キャンディの棒で海に駅をつくりました。
- DIY☺︎【100円ショップ】ミニチュアとなりのトトロ つくりかた /How to make miniature My Neighbor Totoro
- DIY☺︎miniature using matchbox “japanese goldfish scooping” 100均マッチ箱に金魚すくいを作ってみた。uvレジン、金魚ポイ~etc.の作り方
- DIY☺︎【100円ショップ】ミニチュア ドーナッツ屋さん//dollhouse//miniature donuts shop 1$
DIY☺︎木製のミニチュア自動販売機を作ってみた!How to make a Wooden Miniature Vending Machine!

(c) Hanabira工房 皆様、こんにちは☺︎ Hanabira工房です! 前回のプレゼント企画たくさんの応募ビックリしました。 チャンネルの感想も凄すぎて朝起きる …
Who in their right mind would dislike this video? There’s 16 people out there who don’t appreciate the time, talent & dedication this channel shows 🙁
Your videos are so inspiring, and got me back into building miniatures again after over 10 years 🤗 thank you for your lovely work!
Everytime I heard the music I always knew it’s Hanabira miniature time 😊It felt so good that I play it to make me sleep.
Wow veryvery cute🤭🥰💕
It really adds another layer of appreciation to your work to see just how long it takes you. 8 days for one vending machine! And you usually have a ton of props/furniture 😱😱😱
The dedication to your craft is awe inspiring thank you for sharing it with us ❤️
Great! You did do good
With the amount of detail and planning you put into your projects, i can imagine just how time consuming it must be just to prepare a single video like this. Thank you for your hard work.
Wow! The amount of details. I especially love the flapping sticker on the back of the machine. Those never stick for long in real life haha.
It’s so amazing and well done. They need to build a Museum of Hanabira Miniatures. Though I would enjoy the sights as well, I would gladly travel there just to visit that museum. Your miniatures are wonderful.
This is downright one of the coolest things I have ever seen. As soon as I’ve settled down enough I’m totally getting into this. 😆 😀 Amazing! 😀
Thats why I havent seen u for awhile. The master piece took a lot of time. ☺️ Amazing as usual.
That homemade shrink wrap system is genius and came at the best time for my own project!
People who take the time to build models just as a hobby have a special place in my heart. It’s such a cute and cool craft
I have no words… This is so detailed, so realistic I love it
Another fantastic creation, I am in awe 🙂 I watched this video a few times, especially the making of the contents for the vending machine, just awesome! Thank you for sharing this video with us. Hoping that you are safe and well in these darker times. Have a great day 🙂
Aah, I love this to be continued…Could you maybe build a full-blown mini-town? (if you have space, that is)
Tus videos son asombrosos! 😍Me relaja mucho ver el procedimiento y como de a pocos armas cosas maravillosas. Se nota que te gusta mucho y que lo haces con cariño💜Gracias por compartir tus obras de arte!
Your attention to detail is astonishing as always.
DIY☺︎miniature station at Sea diorama キャンディの棒で海に駅をつくりました。

(c) Hanabira工房 こんにちは!Hanabira工房です☺︎ 今回は、初めてミニチュアを外に出して撮影しました。 天気も良くて、寒くもなかったのでとてもラッキー …
Not only did you make an amazingly detailed diorama, you made a special carrying case to take it to the actual beach to get glamour shots of it in an appropriate setting. You did not have to go that hard but you did and we love you for it.
So beautiful!
I love your videos – it’s the little details like the moss in the roof guttering for the rain water and the junctions of the down pipes – detail I feel some people would miss. It reminds me so much of some of the scale model making I did for interior architecture at university – I look at your supplies and think “I have all of those things in my home office, I should try my hand at miniatures if I can find the time”. You definitely inspire me. 😊
I love that we get to see your models assembled piece by piece because it really highlights the level of detail- looking at each piece in isolation makes it very obvious (the amount of rust on the roof panels, for example) and then when they are combined with everything else, they look so seamlessly realistic that one barely notices them at all. They become like the full sized, real life details we overlook every day in the world around us. Outstanding!
I love to watch your videos when am nervous or sad…it makes me feel comfortable and relaxed!
7:27 oh yes, the beautiful old music Hanabira uses. Love the fact that it started raining when I started to watch this video… So calming.
Me: Oh I wonder what the Japanese means!Me: **clicks captions**Hanabira: **opens a package and makes crinkling noise**Captions: *APPLAUSE*
I love how you did the roof in this build. I’d love to see you do one with a classic Japanese style roof (like the castles or the pagoda) especially because the details on corners and under the eaves can be so beautiful. Fun challenge maybe?
You deserve so much more recognition, your craftsmanship is phenomenal!
Every time I watch one of your videos I am so impress by the quality and the ingenuity of your miniatures. They are flawless and so realistic, it’s amazing.
Watching Hanabira doing these little pretty dioramas makes me feel so peaceful and happy ♡♡♡♡
Travelling to the beach for the final shoot is a wonderful touch! Please do something like this for the forest or meadow next! 🌳🌻
Absolutly awesome build! Looks so beautiful in its aged and worn down appearance. Very well done. Greetings around the globe to Japan from Germany.
me every time hanabira breaks out the glue and moss: *hELL YEaH*
I like how watching it being made let’s you appreciate every little detail that you might not have noticed from just looking at it
Adorable and well made creation!💚The ocean look soo beautifull !
I am totally mesmerized and in awe of your talent!! Your attention to detail is amazing! Even your sketches are incredible. Just found your channel and can’t stop watching you. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing. Your attention for detail is lovely. What a wonderful outing to the seaside.
DIY☺︎【100円ショップ】ミニチュアとなりのトトロ つくりかた /How to make miniature My Neighbor Totoro

(c) Hanabira工房 久しぶりにジブリを作りたくなり、バス停で待ってるトトロをつくってみました☺︎ コメントもいつも見させてもらってます☺︎ありがとうござい …
Muito bonito
you are amazing….you are my favourite YouTube channel ♡ can u please sometimes add translation in English for the stuff you use in the description below .. pleaseeee thank you ♡♡♡
Мне очень нравятся Ваши ролики! Ваши мини-шедевры потрясающие!!!! Спасибо Вам!
I love it. Great work 🖒
please.. give the english subtitle >.< your work really stunning .. good job !
もうこれは完全に職人業ですよ! 普通に売れる商品並みの、かなりの出来映え❕
i love your work and your youtube channel <3
対面式の時美術部の作品としてこれを作らせていただきたいです。m(*_ _)m
DIY☺︎miniature using matchbox “japanese goldfish scooping” 100均マッチ箱に金魚すくいを作ってみた。uvレジン、金魚ポイ~etc.の作り方

(c) Hanabira工房 Hanabira工房です☺︎ 以前からマッチ箱の中にミニチュアを作ってみたかったので、今回UVレジンを使って金魚すくいを作ってみました!
This is such a lovely video! The amount of care and effort you put into each of your projects is amazing, and I love everything about this. I could watch you work all day 🙂
Honestly I really love your videos! The time, effort, and care you put into each craft is amazing! Also you are really talented with these things, truly mesmerizing to watch ❤️
I love watching your DIY miniatures. It’s so soothing and beautiful. I think you do a great job with these mini figurines. 😀
I’ve only just discovered this channel a day ago, and I’ve been binge-watching it even though I have my JLPT exams coming up and I should actually be studying. I’m in absolute love with everything Hanabira makes. Also, I’m addicted to the music that plays at the beginning of this video and which plays in many of Hanabira’s videos. I keep a video with the music playing in it, open in the background when I’m working on my own projects… it is very calming. In fact, I’m doing that right now… I’m probably doing everything other than studying, now that I think of it
I wanna imagine that you know a bunch of little fairies and you build them a ll these cute little things.
It’s so relaxing to watch you work. Thanks for sharing. I would like to make a resin mini pond someday. This is inspiring.
発想も凄いし、器用で、綺麗で……最高(*ˊᵕˋ* )優しい雰囲気があって、癒されます……
What a great idea! You’re very talented & I don’t think anyone could make it better!👌🏻🐟💕
It inspires me to do things with patience and dedication when i watch your video. I really love the style of your work💕
Super cute! I really wanna make one of these now, very adorable!
You put so much thought and care into these, it absolutely astonishes me every time. Great job!
The beauty, the art, the workmanship exceptional!
That’s beautiful ^^It’s absolutely beautiful, I missed the frog figures, glad they’re back ^^
I loved watching you make this matchbox “Japanese goldfish scooping” diorama!!! I like the tubs of water with fish in. So kawaii!!! Domo arigato! ~Janet in Canada
Hi Hanabirai love how you make miniature houses and every detail is beautiful , it’s like i’m in a dream greetings from Colombia hugs and kisses follow these wonderful videos… ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Do you sell these? Cause I’d definitely buy one! Love the super relaxing videos <3
DIY☺︎【100円ショップ】ミニチュア ドーナッツ屋さん//dollhouse//miniature donuts shop 1$

(c) Hanabira工房 100円ショップの材料でminiature ドーナッツ屋さんを作りました☺︎ みなさんはサクラ見ましたか? 早くしないと散っちゃいますのでお早めに …
Esta persona simple y sencillamente maravillosa, que manos tan h�biles y que imaginaci�n tan grande todo le sale perfecto.
Hanabira, love that you take so much care and patience with each step, it’s a pleasure to watch you work!
I’ve just discovered this channel and I love it. I have always loved miniatures. I love small detail so I’m very inspired to make my own someday.
Beautifully detailed as always ..so adorable 😀
So relaxing. The music reminds me of the hours I’d spend building houses on The Sims 1
Thank u for doing such amazing job…love it! 🇧🇷
What exactly happens after creating these miniatures? Do they just have them lying around their home or do they sell them?
I love your work. Thank you for sharing!
Wow 🤩 donut shop so much cuteness 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
I love you, I love your feeling about the amazing job you’re creating.. this absolutely remind me of myself.. you are so cute and beautiful inside outside.. please keep it up.. I love it a lot ❤️
It’s like… oh awesome! She found little plastic donuts she can buy and use…. BAM! No way… holy crap… she’s using them to make s custom mould so she can create her own custom mini donuts… whoooa. Mind = Blown.
It’s so lovely ;; But how do you keep them clean? I imagine if dust get to the mini doll houses would be hell to clean? Would a glass be enough? how to keep it looking cozy and beautiful :cc
So cute…..and well made.
i love the English translations. because he could be saying “i got this box from this place and it cost this much and this is how big it is.” but the English translation is “box.”
Прям медитация какая то!😆 класс! Такое классное видео.