- DIY☺︎【100円ショップ】100円ショップの材料でケーキ屋さん dollhouse 〜miniature cake shopの作り方〜
- DIY☺︎miniature parfait shop フルーツパフェ屋さん ~How to make ダンボール屋根、ココット、黒板etc~
- DIY☺︎miniature Moomin’s dollhouse ダンボール屋根のムーミン風ドールハウス~ミニチュアベット、ドレッサーetc~の作り方
- DIY☺︎埃を被ったシルバニアの家を買ったので綺麗にしたい。のと最後に【重大発表】があります。
- DIY☺︎diorama 加湿器をお洒落にする為にジオラマを作る。Miniature inspired by Dr.STONE making humidifier stylish
DIY☺︎【100円ショップ】100円ショップの材料でケーキ屋さん dollhouse 〜miniature cake shopの作り方〜

(c) Hanabira工房 hanabira工房です☺︎ ついにhanabira工房のケーキ屋さんが完成しました☺︎ 少し大きめサイズをつくったことで時間もかかってしまいまし …
If I were a doll, I would definitely shop at this cake shop!! Everything looked so good! Domo arigato, Hanabira!!! ~Janet in Canada ^.^;
To do an apprenticeship with you, would be life changing…. The joy I recieve in your workmanship is beyond my capacity to explain in words. Respected teacher ❤
This is an ambitious project. Love the separate rooms and arch. Thank you for sharing. ❤
I adore this! I’m feeling so inspired to put together a couple of dollhouse kits I bought!
I am a new subscriber to your sensational channel. I enjoy watching these handmade arts&crafts as it’s always been a hidden hobbie of mine since I was a child. Would be even more interesting to watch if the subtitles were in English. Thanks 😊
I love this! It’s great that you show how to make such a wonderful creation on a limited budget!
I love your channel. You are so talented. Your work is amazing and creative. Subscribed. Clicked the bell too. I love seeing the Japanese insight into miniatures. I would love to visit Japan one day. This makes me want to visit even more.
Of all the people who are making miniatures in youtube Hanabira is the only one i can watch for years
The creativity is mind blowing! Great dollhouse!
Your house must look amazing with all these models
Maravilhoso amei
Amei demais!!!
I am so amazed at the patience and precision. Wonderful job
Really like ur diy dollhouse…. Unlike most others where their so-called diy are from diy kits, i like that you diy from scratch and raw materials 😍
It is awesome!Please, keep creating such adorable things. It inspires much people (at least me and my friends 🙂 )Thank you!
Hello, it is so relaxing to watch you work! Lots of love from Italy 🇮🇹
You have a wonderful imagination and you’re very talented. I’ve enjoyed every video you’ve posted. You made me hungry for some cake! Thank you for sharing with us! Keep it up!
Wow! I love what you do. You are so talented! Please keep making these beautiful dioramas
DIY☺︎miniature parfait shop フルーツパフェ屋さん ~How to make ダンボール屋根、ココット、黒板etc~

(c) Hanabira工房 こんにちは!Hanabira工房です☺︎ 今回は100均材料でミニチュアパフェ屋さん(ドールハウス編)を作ってみました! フルーツパフェ&果物 …
putting moss on anything really makes something instantly look like it came out of a fairy tale 😂
This was like therapy to watch, my inner child is perfectly content. Beautiful little shop. Great craftsmanship.
Seeing someone making something that they think endearing just makes my heart lighten up. Thank you for sharing your great work.
This is so pretty and inspiring!! The attention to details 💕✨Your work really inspires me and transports me to another world of magic. Thank you very much for sharing your work! Keep it up 🥰
Ill love to see this guy tackle howls room from howls moving castle, that is some crazy dense decoration
What a beautiful and adorable creation! I was captivated and in awe throughout the whole video. I want to make my own miniature cafe now! 🙂
This is the third video i’ve watched from this channel and at this rate, this person may as well just design an entire fairy tale town at this point.PS I love it 😍😍😍
This is literally one of the most aesthetically pleasing and satisfying video I’ve seen in sooo long. Adorable.
Lovely! I love all the little tiny details you put in this project! Amazing work 🙌
It’s so beautiful and peaceful looking! I love your work! Just a little sad to know that there can’t be any costumors for the shop to go in and buy and relax in this cute shop ❤️
For some reason my palms get sweaty when I see you delicately organize all of the small details haha. Gah, it blows my mind how much you’ve cultivated your craft. Thanks for sharing!=]
I’d love to see his/her version of a painters studio. I feel like it would be splendid!
I absolutely love everythingggg in your channel!!! Omg i am not a creative person actually my patience can easily drop but after watching this and your recent videos? Im inspired tbh :’) keep up and more powerrr to youuu XOXO
Your patience and keenness gives out the best results.I love your channel ❤️
Stunning as always! Thank you so much for the subtitles 😙
This is one of the Best constructive/architectural miniature channels, in my opinion, followed by two other channels that I watch. Beautifully done. My only qualm is that I’m a stickler for cohesion on scale, and this project is varied. Thank you for sharing. Much love to all.
I’ve been feeling stressed all day. I just watched two of these videos and I’m much more relaxed now. Your skill is amazing.
I love it so much!! Me and a good friend are going to make a miniature shop too and you inspire us a lot 🙂
This is so inspiring and I love to watch these pretty miniature dollhouse videos you made. It is amazing and fantastic. Somehow it is relaxing too.Now, I want to learn this and made one for myself.
DIY☺︎miniature Moomin’s dollhouse ダンボール屋根のムーミン風ドールハウス~ミニチュアベット、ドレッサーetc~の作り方

(c) Hanabira工房 こんにちは、Hanabira工房です☺︎ 今回は、ムーミンハウスを作ってみました! 以前コメント欄にリクエストが書いてあったような気がします …
I love the moomins and when I saw this video I was so excited! It was so calming and peaceful, thank you for your work!
So beautiful ,both my daughter and I love this,your attention to fine details make it even more special and your workmanship is something to be very proud of 😀
Your videos have a special feeling of relaxing… Loved this mini art work
I used to built huge playhouses made of cardboard for my son but I never put in so much love to details and precision. Very cute.
Breathtaking!!! This is a Moomin-worthy house. I am sure they would move in as quickly as possible. I am a new subscriber. Thank you for all of your hard work ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Perfeito! Seu trabalho est� cada dia melhor!
I have been following your channel for quite a while ❤ and I’m in love with your detailed crafts. The second BGM is so lovely! Does anybody know the name?
thank you for teaching me this technique for roof shingles, i used it for my fairy house 🙂
Childhood memories 😊 Amazing work and great effort making it look so easy yet it can be so frustrating. However, the end result is always worth it thank you for sharing 💕
Wow, this is a great tutorial, so easy to follow, will definitely try this sometime. Thank you for sharing this beautiful home.
That is absolutely adorable. It was inspiring, your painstaking care. Your final model is a treasure. Thank you for sharing it. I’d never heard of the Moomins and am now looking forward to sharing with children as well as marveling at your handiwork. Exceptional!
Wow, Super cute! You did an amazing job on this. As much as I love making and display creations like this I just don’t have the room for a lot of art work that doesn’t have a purpose. This is why I would love to see you create items that have a practical purpose and are decorative. Like a pen/pencil holder, something to keep my hair accessories in, maybe a container for my makeup, or something to display my many pairs of sunglasses. I would also love it if you could come up with some kind of decorative decanters for my kitchen that hold my flour, sugar, salt, pepper and such. I’m redecorating my kitchen right now in a French chef theme and if you have any ideas for some decorations with purpose that I could use in my kitchen I would be thrilled to see what you can come up with. I really love your videos and I can’t wait to see what you come up with next. Thank you and take care😁👍Dee
This is so cute and relaxing 💗😍✨
Your creations are so magical, thank you for sharing them! 🙂
Your BGM, the way you calmly do your work.. everything is so relaxing to watch!
brain: I want to do it.hand: NO!!!wallet: Yes, you can.
I love the Moomins! This is so cute!
Absolutely gorgeous 🙂
When I saw things fall out of your hands I thought : “Oooh, so Hanabira is human, at least!” 😂I love your works, you’re amazing ❤

(c) Hanabira工房 お久しぶりです☺︎Hanabira工房です! またまた遅くなりましたが、明けましておめでとうございます。 Hanabira工房は去年、動画制作だけ …
Gracias por compartir tu magia y talento.�Eres un artista incre�ble.
Love the attention and detail put into not only the furniture, but also every single accessory and decoration that went into this adorable little house. It takes a lot of looking to really appreciate how much effort went into building this, and I’ve found myself pausing many times to observe the details you put into this house. Thank you for sharing your process with us.
YOU’RE BACK!! I missed your videos so much! 😭 This build is very interesting – it’s still got your flavor and whimsy, but with a more modern twist with all the black and white. Truly amazing, from one artist to another. 👏🏻❤️
my favourite part about a Hanabira video is trying to figure out what something is as it’s being made. the joy in thinking “AAAA ITS A MAILBOX” is the pinnacle of my day.
the amount of skill, imagination and patience that went into this is incredible! amazing work! and it kind of makes me want to appreciate the smaller things in life 🙂 I’m not in a place to criticize, but I want to note that I think if u painted the walls or applied wallpaper and the wood siding or the floor it might have showcased all your amazing little creations even more! 🏠❤
Muito lindo, parab�ns pelo trabalho! Que bom que retornou
I’ve missed this channel!!!! All of the waiting is always made up for with all of your hardwork that you put into these pieces! I watch these as I fall asleep, imagining life inside these tiny houses you restore and build. One of my favorite youtube channels by FAR thank you!
家を塗装し始めた時に待ってこれ何分あんだ?って思って46分!?ってなったけど気がついたら終わってた( ・∇・)凄すぎてマジでなんも言えない😌真似したくても真似出来ないってこういうことなんだなぁ😳
Ah! Como senti sua falta! Seu trabalho � incr�vel e seus v�deos me trazem uma paz sem tamanho. Muito obrigada!
Bonjour ! C’est une œuvre incroyable ! Quelle minutie , les détails sont si réalistes. Vous avez des doigts en or. J’adore les miniatures. En France, à Lyon, il y a un musée de la miniature que j’ai eu le plaisir de visiter. Vous pourriez très bien y figurer. On voudrait être Poucette pour vivre dans votre maison et lire, et lire …! Félicitations et merci de nous laisser participer à votre création. Je me suis abonnée ! Amitiés de France 💕
There are NOT enough words to describe how talented you are! Everything you create is perfect and detailed. Thank you for sharing your talents with us.
I’m so happy to see your videos again ^^ You inspired me to try making tiny houses and dioramas of my own! Thank you for sharing your creations <3
Love the attention to detail!! The fact that all of the books had pages and that every cover was different from the other you are such an inspiration
I can’t tell you enough how much I love your videos!
DIY☺︎diorama 加湿器をお洒落にする為にジオラマを作る。Miniature inspired by Dr.STONE making humidifier stylish

(c) Hanabira工房 こんにちは。Hanabira工房です☺︎ 今回は『Dr.STONE』の石化シーンに感化されジオラマを作りました。 朽ちた街に滝が落ちていく様子や …
Another stunningly beautiful piece! I just love how you made the buildings, such a great way to make proper looking skyscrapers from scratch
The way you made grass with the sponges + acrylics is SUCH a precious trick to know because most of us don’t have access to hobby grass, and most hobby/miniature material is super expensive, so to know how to make the materials with household stuff is AWESOME. Thank you king.
You’re really creative! You just attracted a bunch of Dr.STONE fans on the spot and this is a really pretty diorama!!
That’s gotta be the world’s coolest looking humidifier
This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing your art with us, both the process and the end result.
Your miniatures are always a pleasure on the eyes. I’ll never stop marveling at your skill and patience. Amazing job, Hana!
I like the abandoned city vibe! Your commitment to detail and hand making each and every part is always astounding!
This is so beautiful, thank you so much for taking the time to film & edit so you can share with us, I really appreciate your art!
The amount of details within your work and the effort that goes into each video is incredible.
im an english speaker but just wanted to say i love your work, it’s amazing! this is one of my favs already❤️🌳
“ok, he’s making a tiny post apocalyptic city. and yes every speck of rust is perfectly placed and each little tiny window exists and sure the crumbling buildings covered in overgrown vegetation stir feelings i cannot name but it’s fine, i can handle this level of–“*hanabira carves out a river shape on top of the pillar*”NO!??? NOT??? A WATERFALL!??? YOU MAD LAD YOU UTTER VILLAIN YOU—“
Another lovely sculpture, Hanabira! I especially love how you always keep perspective in mind.
As a giant Dr.Stone Fan, I’m so absolutely in love with this masterpiece!! T^T <3 10 billion percent exciting!!
Absolutely captivating to watch this project come to life within your hands 🙂 So much attention to detail. This is **Awesome** Thank you for sharing this video and the little tips along the way, in making trees and grass. Have a great weekend 🙂
Yay! A new video from Hanabira! Always a good way to start my day! Thank you for continuing to post these wonderful videos during these horribly difficult times. Hope you and all your loved ones are doing well.
Thank you for making and uploading your art pieces. This one is such a wonderful work.