- DIY☺︎miniature flower house 100均フォトフレームを使ったお花屋さん 〜ミニチュアハーバリウム、バケツetc〜の作り方
- DIY☺︎miniature Chinese medicine dollhouse like Ghibli 漢方薬棚のあるジブリ風ドールハウス〜漢方瓶、ウォールシェルフetc~の作り方
- DIY☺︎miniature old apartment dollhouse 1/16size 古いアパートのズボラ部屋を丁寧に作ってみた!
- DIY☺︎【100円ショップ】100円の材料でdollhouse miniature Bookshelf Sofa…編 つくりかた
- DIY☺︎miniature watch store 100均ステンドグラスのある時計修理屋さん〜ミニチュアステンドグラス、作業机、時計etc~の作り方
DIY☺︎miniature flower house 100均フォトフレームを使ったお花屋さん 〜ミニチュアハーバリウム、バケツetc〜の作り方

(c) Hanabira工房 こんにちは☺︎Hanabira工房です! 遅くなりましたが、明けましておめでとうございます! 本年もよろしくお願いします。 今回は、カエルの …
Me: omg, it’s so cool I wanna do it!My hand: no u don’t
When I become a fairy, I’m going to her houses.
This is what I thought I looked like making doll furniture when i was 10
That was so beautiful and relaxing 🍃
I’m so happy YouTube put your channel in my recommended list today. This was an amazingly well done project.
Your attention to detail is impeccable! The tiny person that lives there is going to be so happyyy ☺️
It would be cool to see life size versions of all their pieces. Absolutely astounding.
This was amazing! I couldn’t believe they actually laid the wood flooring by hand. I really want to get into Miniatures.
I adore this, thank you for showing us your entire creative process! Your ability to make new things look antique is unparalleled.
There’s something so relaxing and heartwarming about watching this peice come together with such care and detail!
I love how they make items and things like floorboards and such look used or old instead of new it gives it the illusion that it’s been around for awhile. 💕
It’s seems really simple when you creat this flower house, but it’s beautyfull as if you are writting a poem. Thanks !
Thank you for making this!! I’m getting ideas so my grandmother and I can make fairy houses together 🙂 I learned a lot from this video!
Thanks soo much for this video. Ever since I first saw it I wanted to recreate it. And now I finally did as a birthday present for my friend. Thanks a bunch for uploading this video and inspiring people to get in contact with their creativity.
� muito lindo, encantada!
This is one of the most unique flower garden shops I have seen. I used the same method with frames for my St. Nick holiday display in 2003. Love it! Thank you for sharing. Much love to all.
Creating something like this is the most beautiful kind of art, amazing! The music also suited the theme perfectly, it was very relaxing and soothing to watch ♥
this is the stuff I watch instead of sleeping
The detail added in the house leaves me speechless! Amazing work!😊
Your creations are incredible! So inspiring, I especially adore the studio Ghibli ones! 💖
DIY☺︎miniature Chinese medicine dollhouse like Ghibli 漢方薬棚のあるジブリ風ドールハウス〜漢方瓶、ウォールシェルフetc~の作り方

(c) Hanabira工房 Hanabira工房です☺︎ 今回は「千と千尋の神隠し」のあるシーンを参考にドールハウスを作ってみました。 薬棚を調べてみると色々な棚が出 …
The absolute mad lad actually went and made every individual cabinet and then went on to make every individual bottle. Not premade bottles, actually MADE them themselves. Amazing.
me, before watching: ah so it’s like an assembly video where he buys a miniature set and assembles it?me, after watching: i was wrong, i was so wrong and im sorry
can we all appreciate how this masterpiece started with a picture frame
Imagine being a mini human and this dude happens to be ur friend and he would just make this aesthetically pleasing room set ups for you.
I love how this makes me feel calm inside. Your patience really is rewarded by this amazing work of art. Thanks
So cute, kawaii
This must have been hours of frustrating, painstaking work. That when you edit and boil it down becomes only a 15 minute video.Beautiful
Exquisite!!! Your attention to every detail tells me you know Spirited Away, Chihiro, and Ghibli. My heart soared when you created each and every drawer and filled every jar. You could make some hefty cash if you sold this replica. A lot of us love Ghibli ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I did not skip even a second while appreciated this masterpiece. Really *respect* your hard work.
I’ve always loved miniature stuff and I’ve used polymer clay for some projects but holy shit this has to be one of the most impressive things I’ve seen. It’s so inspiring and legit everything is hand made. Woah
As a Chinese medicine student, my heart feels really warm after seeing this 😊💕
I wish I had the same amount of patience this person has
It’s remarkable how much effort and detail is put into these! It looks absolutely beautiful!
Not only I don’t have the patience to even think doing this, I don’t even have fingers that do what I want it to do when it comes anything smaller than a match sticks. However, it is therapeutic and meditative just to watch. Thank you Hanabira工房 for sharing.
Seeing you build such beautiful settings with affordable materials, it makes me feel like I could try to do this, too. Imagine – cute little rooms hidden on bookshelves… 😊
The amount of detail that has been handcrafted is breathtaking as always, you and your fellow model makers have our respect.
My God he actually made each individual cabinet
DIY☺︎miniature old apartment dollhouse 1/16size 古いアパートのズボラ部屋を丁寧に作ってみた!

(c) Hanabira工房 こんにちは!Hanabira工房です☺︎ 今年初のドールハウスという事で去年と違ったモノを作りたいと思い去年の12月下旬頃からズボラ部屋 …
The attention to detail and care put into this artwork is breathtaking. Every time you cut to a scene making the tiniest thing such as shelves on the inside of the refrigerator door or functioning sliding glass cabinet doors; I am astounded (THE RUST ON THE BOTTOM OF THE PANS ALSO). I’ve never felt this level of admiration for an artist before, you inspire me to put greater care into the little things. Thank you for sharing your talent and skill with the world through these videos!
This is magical. Not only did you make this a little home, you’ve make it feel LIVED in.Details like grime, rust and clutter added with loving care to each of the items within tell a story. It’s truly what it means to perfectly tell a story with imperfect things. Bravo.
this is the only channel that does miniature construction stuffs that doesn’t talk while doing it. they just play music and its very comforting. i watch these to fall asleep sometimes, or when i’m feeling anxious. thank you.
I love how all of these creations have this old and imperfect aesthetic, they look more like an actual place where someone would live than a pristine white apartment :p
This looks like the apartment that’s part of every anime character’s depressing backstory.I absolutely LIVE for these uploads. I’ve never wanted to craft more than I do now in this quarantine. Your videos give me some great ideas for projects!
“100均商品”の文字を見ても、「自分にも作れそう」とか「今度やってみよう」とか、少しも思えない程のクオリティの高さ…いい意味で身近さがまったくない( ◜௰◝ )笑壁とか本棚の本とか見えない(隠れてしまう)部分まで細かく作り込まれてるの見ると毎回感心してしまいます…大雑把な自分には絶対まねできないなあ
This is so, so good! Every time I thought I had a new favourite part, something would be even better. For some reason, the care taken to make the perfect little garbage gave me poignant emotions, especially that there are teeny tiny little Playmobil boxes next to the recycling. The fridge is so excellent, and the cookware, and everything! This must have taken so long to do, thank you for all your hard work!
Seeing this makes me feel sad somehow, as though an elderly man or elderly lady lives there and has to make ends meet by delivering the newspaper. You do such exceptional work on every piece, and I appreciate every video subject.
this is so amazing!! Recently I’ve been stressed because of the coronavirus, but watching you put so much care and effort into these beautiful rooms is really releaxing!! This deserves way more attention, and I hope that you will keep up the good work! <3
Thank you so much, Hanabira, for this video. I was feeling low all day and unable to create but this video inspired me, as I saw the light change from afternoon until sun setting on your project. You worked all day (many actually) to make it a reality. Good message. I will work on my Victorian style diorama of insects, but from evening until morning.. as is my time.
Your creativity and talent are amazing, but I really like how what you make brings back memories to me of my grandmother and grandfather’s house in Fukuoka: this kitchen is so similar to how theirs was (although it was a house and not an apartment), and all of the little details just make it that much better.
If I was tiny, I’d love to live in it. 🙁 ❤Love your art and dedication and passion.It’s so soothing and inspiring
I feel an immense peace when you upload. Thank you for making my day better💚
I love this video. Everything is so tidy, tiny and perfect. It’s really calming to watch and the results of each project are outstanding! Thank you for the inspiration to work on something creative today!
Out of all the miniature doll house videos, He is my favorite. The way he puts the little real details in everything he does is so amazing. Everyone else doesn’t do the furniture or houses like he does, well that I have seen so far. I just love the way he creates everything. I wish I could do this like he does, but I can’t so I’ll keep on admiring his creations. Well done my friend.
I live in an apartment similar to this! I tried to clean it up and make it my own. I simply cannot believe you create everything from scratch! You are absolutely brilliant! Your design, architect, engineering and art skills are amazing! Your videos are perfect, the music is awesome. I wish I could live in your miniature world with you! Much love from Newfoundland, Canada. 🇨🇦😻💜
I love watching these so much. They’re always so soothing. Also the sweaters look so freakin soft and comfy. It just adds to the chill vibe of these vids
I am always just amazed at your skill and talent in designing these miniatures. I can’t take my eyes away from my computer. Thank you for another relaxing video!
I feel like this person has a happy life. To be able to sit down to make such detailed miniature builds, you need determination and happiness. <3
As a person who loves Architecture, design, and miniature items, I am in heaven.
DIY☺︎【100円ショップ】100円の材料でdollhouse miniature Bookshelf Sofa…編 つくりかた

(c) Hanabira工房 今年も沢山の人が明るく楽しい一年になりますようにU^ェ^U 皆様のご健康とご多幸をお祈りいたします 本年もどうぞよろしくお願い申し上げ …
Man, I don’t think we have some of this stuff at our dollar stores in America. I am sure I could get creative and make similar things though!Great job.
watching this video just after your moomin house really shows how much you have improved in only one year!! your videos are always so calming and cute, thank you so much for making them!!
Your dollhouses are amazing and your videos are so relaxing to watch, keep up the amazing work and thank you for sharing your talent with all of us 💜
Time to bust out my popsicle sticks and foam board ♡ I love this video! Very inspiring:)
Looking back at this it shows how much you have grown as a creator. From your art to the editing and camera work. LOVE IT!!
You’re craftsmanship is absolutely terrific! Thank you so much for continuing to make these videos, it’s so relaxing to see! 🙂
Simplesmente apaixonada ❤😍
This is amazing! You did an absolutely wonderful job with the stuff you had to work with… I’d love to see how you made some of the other objects in there
Parabéns, muito lindo! 👏Obrigada
You bring 2 of my great loves together in this video, miniatures and books. Thank you!!!
Cheers to you for having the dedication to do this fine detailed work!
Mais uma vez eu adorei o que você fez sua arte é incrível eu poderia morar nesse lugar lindo…😍😍😍
Happy New Year to you too! As always, another breathtaking video. I just love watching your creations come to life. Thanks!
I really appreciate all the care and attention you put into your work, thank you
I am always speechless… thank you for sharing your beautiful work with us! You are a huge font of inspiration! ♥
What a cozy, cute reading room. Especially inviting on a cold winter day.
i don’t know if it’s a fan, the sound from a camera or if it’s a sound in the music or something else entirely, but i swear i hear a cat purring in the background and even if that’s not what it is, it’s still nice. this is great! it’s really neat to watch this person make miniatures from every day items
DIY☺︎miniature watch store 100均ステンドグラスのある時計修理屋さん〜ミニチュアステンドグラス、作業机、時計etc~の作り方

(c) Hanabira工房 Hanabira工房です☺︎ 今頃?って感じなんですがInstagram始めました〜☺︎ まだ何もあげてないのですが…よろしくお願いします …
I recently found this channel and i have been binge watching all of the little crafts before I fall asleep or whilst I eat. It’s so calm and relaxing, just watching the love flow out of the mind of the creator into the little masterpiece! This channel deserves millions of subscribers 💕🏡
I am new to this channel and I find your work truly amazing. It gives me the same feelings that I feel Watching some of Hayao Miyazak’s movies. The feeling of sad nostalgia, which does not make sense at all but I think it has more to do with the feeling in our hearts than the actual subject. What I am trying to say is that your work sparks a childlike joy in my heart or reminds me of it, the joy adults and grownups don’t get to feel as we grow up. The joy you felt when you saw something simple but it seemed magical because you did not know how it happened. The joy of hope that only comes with the purity of heart that only children have. The joy of possibility, the joy of enchantment. I don’t know if this makes sense but I am thankful that you posted this here.
i’m always somehow amazed by the detail you put into every piece, even after i’ve watched plenty of your videos already. the care and detail that goes into all of your work is incredible! i hope you yourself are proud of your talents… i think you have a lot to be proud of!
It just blows your mind how such amazing people get less attention when compared to some not so talented people
I love your work so much!! Also thank you for adding captions!
This is so beautiful, and calming to watch. Thank you for sharing. ♥ It also really inspires me to just. get to work on creating something, because looking at something crafted with so much love is so uplifting.
I love where it said “imperfect chair”. There is nothing imperfect in these miniatures. I love the stained glass.
I love all your miniatures!! The videos are so calming to watch. <3 Also, while lots of miniature youtube channels just build pre-boxed mini sets, you actually make your own stuff, which I appreciate. Couldn’t believe when you set to work making ALL those watches and clocks!! Such great work!
This is amazing! I love your work! You put so much time and effort into making those incredibly cute and detailed miniature. Thank you for sharing your work with us and thank you for adding captions for English speakers. Love from France.
I love love love how you made the windows look so real with resin- it really worked!
I’m in awe at your skill at creating so many tiny, beautifully detailed things. Thank you for posting this lovely content!
I’m crazy over your works! Thank you so much for filming all these videos – it is such a pleasure to see the whole process! Your skills are just top 💯😍
I love it how you added watch accessories on the green moss, it looks fantastic! 👌👏😍
AAAAHHHHHHH!!!! OH MY GOODNESS! as soon as i saw the tint watch being made all i could think was “spare me my life!” i can’t imagine how much patience you have to make tiny watches!
Those tiny watches though…. the effort is amazing. Most people might probably not get that much dedication to do a lot of those miniature things (myself included 😂) really love watching your videos, I’m always excited to see what you’ll do next
Amazing! Your attention to detail is phenomenal!
It looks beautiful 😍. I love how much work and dedication you put in all the tiniest things you make❤. Keep up the amazing work!
Using the resin to create the stain glass texture was honestly such a beautiful touch.
Its inspiring how much time you used to make such masterpieces. You are a patient and detail oriented person. Been binge-watching your works since I found your channel this quarantine.