The Q(おすすめch紹介)

The Q(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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DIY Automatic Coin Sorting Machine from Cardboard v2.0

DIY Automatic Coin Sorting Machine from Cardboard v2.0  (c) The Q

(c) The Q DIY Automatic Coin Sorting Machine from Cardboard v2.0 For this project you need cardboard, cutting knife, battery, electric motor, small nut and glue. The most …

I remember seeing this a long time ago! Thank you for suggesting it again

Who is never going to make this but is interested in learning it’s machanism?😁

When You Realize, That Size Of All Coins Are Same In Your Country!

Imagine making this whole thing to then realise you never have any coins to sort :-/

I’m the type of person who would take all of the sorted coins and put them back through the machine


Plot twist:It took him longer to build that then just using the other thing

God, this is cool! It really makes me realize that I have no excuse not to be doing something similar; after all, an electric motor, cardboard and solder don’t cost very much

Ой, наші олюбленні монети 😂👌

Just found this, wonder when exactly all these millions of people were recommended this

That moment when you know that you will never build this already at the beginning of the video, because the first thing to have is a motor.

He is just a super-legendary man who always brings such mind blowing ideas to us…….😀😀

I love this clips, dont stop and continue with cardboard 😀

Almost perfect. But what will you you do with the battery when it runs out?

If only there was some universal symbol to indicate “on” and “off” they could’ve put on the switch lol

If you watch closely you’ll realize that some dimes are ending up in the quarters which means he still has to sort by hand lol

One suggested improvement, don’t seal the back of the motor section. You’ll have to cut in order to replace that battery in that current design.

Угарнул, когда вместо скрутки простой, чел начал паять.

If I get this one, I will be playing with my Son… whole day 😅 childhood has gone, but still…. this is better than a 50 dollar toy 😉

this is one of the best compilations I’ve seen the great video.

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How to Build Creative Labyrinth for Rat

How to Build Creative Labyrinth for Rat  (c) The Q

(c) The Q How to Build Creative Labyrinth for Rat In this video I show you how to build family friendly creative maze labyrinth for your pet rat or hamster. All you need is …

His eyes are so cute.

5:40 how happy he was feeling

This video showed me how impressive a rat’s learning capability is to be honest.

Fidgets spinners these days are just used for new inventions

Casually a rat walks up to you while playing a game and you know what to doTURN THE RAT INTO A GAME!!!

That was so cute😍


Me encantooooooo

You rat so cute😍😍😍 этой крыске повезло с хозяином😊

Sooo cute I’m gonna cry🐹🐭❤️


Esse � o melhor dia

WoW.Keep making videos like this.

Que incrível. 💗

Очень милая мышка ! 😻👍

Que mono😍😍😍😍

If you put a rat through a maze a few times like three or four they end up mastering it and can get out in seconds

Awe your rat is soooo cute!! I used to have one like it, except the tan-ish spots on yours were grey on mine <3 <3

Amazing video!

Love it

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How to Build Combine Harvester from Matches Without Glue

How to Build Combine Harvester from Matches Without Glue  (c) The Q

(c) The Q In today’s video I want to show you how to create qute difficult but fascinating and amazing looking combine harvester from matches. Materials you need: …

All this effort ruined in a minute ☹️

A very creative idea. 💛 I look forward to seeing your designs. Congratulations on your journey forward

Sinceramente imprecionante,que talento ,,..

You’ve really enjoyed the process and had a beautiful moment in mind.

Thank you for this handy tutorial, I have always wanted to build a combine harvester out of matches without glue!

maximo!!!! Parab�ns!!!!!

There’s plenty of modern combine harvesters that end like that

Сам создал сам, и уничтожил!Однажды, всё что мы создали, создаём и создадим обретёт конец этого видео, но только это так, как мы, не кто не сможет пересмотреть! Нужно приучать себя, ценить что делаешь сам и делают другие!😉

Well now, that is art. Thank you!!!

Doido maluco 🔥

Something that took probably a month to make shouldn’t have been burnt. Did you ever think about selling these pieces as art ?

أخلق من نفسك شيئآ يصعب تقليدهُقمة الروعة 👌👌

Неужели не жаль свой труд? Мне жаль за тебя. Ведь и правда можно музей открыть. Ведь там столько труда, терпения. А ты , бац и спичку зажоную подносишь ! 🤦‍♂️

Imagine stacking up matches to form something amazing for hours/days/weeks just to burn it all. I mean yeah sure, u do u man.

Ей,чувак у тебя отличные нервы!!!мне нравиться твоё рукоделие!!!!супер!!!

How long did it take you to make it & where do you find the time!!!

No s� qu� le admiro m�s : el pulso o la paciencia. �Ah!… yo no lo habr�a quemado… Quiz� despu�s de un par de a�os.

2021.Quero ver pegar a energia de volta condessa la e forma a matéria de novo que era kkkk.a matéria virou energia, agora quero ver voltar, a energia virar matéria. kkk.🤔

I feel so bad that he takes hours to build things and is burned in less that 15 min

No more lies I almost cried because it was so beautiful that I was sorry to burn.

DIY Warship Battle Marble Board Game from Cardboard at Home

DIY Warship Battle Marble Board Game from Cardboard at Home  (c) The Q

(c) The Q DIY Warship Battle Marble Board Game from Cardboard at Home In this video I show you how to make amazing board game warship battle for 2 players! All you …

Kind of impressed at the recent backlash against pre-made electronic entertainment in favour of home made physical equivalents.

Согласитесь, что отсутствие авторских прав в СССР это хорошо? А то б вас уже по судам ктотнибудь из наследников патента затаскал))) Годный ремейк игры из моего детства))

Ah yes, the classic. I’ve missed this

Ah yes, the classic. I’ve missed this

This is amazing

How I wish this man gave is schematics for his builds

Parabéns 👏👏👏

It’s fantastic


It be cool if you made several holes like the original so the ships can be placed strategically

Love your videos


You are just great

I keep learning more everyday

that look very fun


Fun fact: Probably only 0.5% of people that are watching this videos are the one that make this while 99.5% watch this just for entertainment

whats the width and length of the entire box/arena?



Fire Domino Giant Match Chain Reaction | RACE OF COLORS

Fire Domino Giant Match Chain Reaction | RACE OF COLORS  (c) The Q

(c) The Q In today’s video I want to show you unique and and extremly hard to build art project! Domino giant match chain reaction! Smallest match is 5cm and the largest …

The world is unnecessarily polluted with further Co2

You have done a lots of work bro 😁


ماشە اللە زۆر زۆر جوانە

Super action et moment magique merci ! 😉👍

Ну как обычно. Делаешь что-то оочень долго, а она погорает за пару секунд (

وووو:-) 😍

Green Orange yellow red: *My whole class with their assignment*Blue: *Me*


You definitely should have soaked the rope in paraffin before hand, so they stayed lit!

Legal viu 😎✌

The amount of time and work needed is just mind blowing

His days of hard works just got vanished in seconds with that fire!

Such a great effort

He deserves to subscribe to all the effort he had to make

So good !

Me gustan mucho sus videos

Awesome 😀😀

Blue has decided he will do it backwards.

The amount of time and effort has had to take is mind-boggling.

