【Fall Guys】1位目指して突っ走る!【角巻わため/ホロライブ4期生】

(c) Watame Ch. 角巻わため ドドドドドドド 本日遊ばせていただいているゲーム(Fall Guys) https://store.steampowered.com/app/1097150/Fall_Guys_Ultimate_Knockout/ ※本ゲームは GHI …
1:22:53 “Watame please wink”~glad to be noticed by my favorite sheep~ 😍
6:51:47 Smug Watame immediately presses Play after last game. 😀
This must be her longest stream so far. I’m glad she enjoyed this game quite a lot and she actually got better throughout her Fall Guys stream. Even she only comes close to winning, she’s still No.1 in our hearts.
9:38:38 Everyone will remember the name… Big Smoke.
Watame’s effort playing 9 hours of this and thanking us and constantly chatting with us is great.I hope she rest well
That guy who made Watame say Big Smoke’s order, mad respect
8:36:00 for anyone here for Whataburger
5:02:08 How can you say no to that?
This was a legendary stream and I learned something wathabergur actually exists 🤣🤣🤣
I went to sleep at two and wakeup to see her still playing. That’s insane.
She seems to really enjoy this game.
Wow, stream ended up being almost 10 hours long because Watame kept playing one more game and reading superchat! Thank you for this long stream Watame, it was really fun☝️🐏
7:22:44 – blessed yawn and stretch🙏
4:02:20 Hacker-kun: I must go my people need me
the sheep that actually doesn’t make you sleep
She really quick adapting this game, and with less raeg
4:49:18 Final round with cheater 😔
People use sheep to help them to sleepWatame: “we don’t do that here !”
length of this stream was crazy long… thank you for the stream; really enjoyed it!

(c) Watame Ch. 角巻わため 天井に空を描きます☁ 余裕があれば周りに花壇も作りたい! 本日遊ばせていただいているゲーム(Minecraft) https://www.minecraft.net/ja-jp/ ※本ゲームは Mojang に …
1:31:37 Don’t really know what was happening here, but it’s definitely worth hearing 😄 [LOUD EARPHONE ALERT 🚨]EDIT: Watame Shin-chan (thx @ka ka) 🙂
Welcome to another episode of: When Will Watame Go to Sleep? On a more serious note, love these long streams since I’m actually able to catch the end of them live. Thank you Watame!
4:40:30 4:40:304:40:30 4:40:30やめたまえ。ガチの悲鳴はやめたまえ。
I can’t stop laughing when read that sign “anti kelelep”, “mata batin”, “awang api”
2:23:52 Watame at HoloID Shop/HoloIDショップのワタメBonus :2:26:41 Sneeze/くしゃみ2:38:04 Inainaina4:40:29 Blessed Scream/祝福された悲鳴
For some reason that watame thumbnail is extremely menacing
2:44:30 Watame at demon castle
自用2:26:40 くしゃみ助かる4:40:30 悲鳴助かる
4:40:28 blessed
2:32:00 麺屋ぼたん発見2:34:30 手慣れたもん

(c) Watame Ch. 角巻わため おなかがすいたのでつくったうたです(○´⌓`○) おなかすいた~! 回線が切れたらごめんなさい、謝罪動画はこちら↓ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6IwhTuKSRk …
That’s a pretty carnivorous diet for a lamb
“What’s your favorite genre of music?””Uhhhh it’s hard to explain.”
Ah, a lamb singing a song about food and meat makes me want to eat lamb meat…
When she is head bopping with song, isn’t it all so cute? Especially with a song about food that makes me hungry too!
I didn’t know that being hungry can activates someone artistic brain.
Botan: Why do I hear boss music?
The headbanging is too precious
I will protect this lamb from all harm that may come to her as long as I live. (And always keep her tummy full)
Ahh so this is what the cure for depression looks like.
The whole thing is adorable, but 1:12 is so absolutely precious i could not restrain myself from smiling any more >w>
That smile at the end 😍

(c) Watame Ch. 角巻わため いらっしゃいませー!勇気ある者達よ!!! ぺっぺ!!!!!!!! フブミオデートに関する放送タグは #フブミオデート だよ! わためぇのみの配信に関する話題は #ドド …
0:02:30 開始/Start 0:07:43 フブミオ来店/Fubu-Mio’s arrival 0:35:30 空飛ぶストーカー/Flying stalking 0:40:17 アイテム返却/Return items 0:44:50 肉食獣たちの宴/Carnivore carnival 0:58:50 フブミオじゃんけん/Fubu-Mio Janken 1:05:10 ししろんじゃんけん/Shishiron Janken 2:41:40 そら先輩/Sora-chan is approaching 2:56:04 そらるしじゃんけん/Sora-Rushi Janken 3:03:00 てぇてぇ空間/Tee-tee atomosphere 6:01:48 ふーたんの勧誘/Invitatio from Flare 6:24:15 ちゅーちゅー/Choo Choo 6:53:42 つのまきじゃんけん/Tsunomaki Janken7:36:16 事故物件/A shop with a history8:44:35 アンインストール/Uninstall
1:40:41 麺屋ぼたんのチラシに気づくわためぇ
1:05:01透明ししろん へのリアクション可愛い
9 hour stream. Watame’s endurance is muki muki
10:10 blessing laughs 10:23
Thank You for your enjoyable minecraft stream! I feel asleep while watching and listening you playing the game coz its so comfy lol Otsukare!
1:06:36 「トロッコを取ろっこ」すき
Huge stream. Was fun
yasashi yurei, arigatou!
I could watch Watame fly through the sky all day long, she was having so much fun.
Cute fluffy sheep dares to punch an invisible lion with no consequences whatsoever, what a seiso world is the holoserver.
【 #角巻わため1周年 】角巻わため 1st Anniversary Live Fever!!🌟【ホロライブ4期生】

(c) Watame Ch. 角巻わため 1周年のお祝いだ!みんなで楽しい時間を過ごそう ✨ ✨1周年記念グッズ https://hololive.booth.pm/items/2606905 ✨曇天羊/角巻わため feat.Calliope Mori【 …
Her existence is the embodiment of comfort and fluffiness.
Watama is such a sweet person, she makes everyone smile just by existing. Thank you for coming into our life’s. Congratulations to your first Anniversary and I’m looking forwards to many more.
Here are some english and japanese time stamps / こちらが英語と日本語のタイムスタンプです 00:00:33 ★Start 00:04:01 1. Ai-mai Chocolate / Tsunomaki Watame 00:10:02 2. Bubble Love / Junky 00:15:36 3. Hello/How Are You / nanou 00:22:40 4. One Night Carnival / Kishidan 00:29:18 5. King Gainer Over! / Yoshiki Fukuyama 00:35:37 6. Yoshiwara Lament / Asa 00:40:21 7. L.L.L / MYTH & ROID 00:44:58 Message from Calliope Mori 00:46:20 Tsunomaki Watame Goods / 1st Album 00:53:11 8. Cloudy Sheep / Tsunomaki Watame feat. Calliope Mori 00:59:20 ★ED 00:00:33 ★開始 00:04:01 1. 愛昧ショコラーテ / 角巻わため 00:10:02 2. バブルラブ / Junky 00:15:36 3. ハロ/ハワユ / ナノウ 00:22:40 4. One Night Carnival / 氣志團 00:29:18 5. キングゲイナーオーバー! / 福山 芳樹 00:35:37 6. 吉原ラメント / 亜沙 00:40:21 7. L.L.L / MYTH & ROID 00:44:58 Calliope Moriのメッセージ 00:46:20 角巻わためのグッズ / ファーストアルバム 00:53:11 8. 曇天羊 / 角巻わため feat. Calliope Mori 00:59:20 ★ED I don’t know Japanese at all, so if I made any mistakes please tell me so I can correct 日本語が全く分からないので、何か間違いがあったら教えてくださいそうしたら修正できます
My Jingisukan Can’t be this Cute.My Jingisukan:
The thing I love about Watame is how gentle she usually sounds but her singing voice is the total opposite with how strong it is. Happy anniversary hitsuji, congrats on the new songs.
Watame: *My cuteness will pierce through heaven*
I don’t have anything fun or witty to say. I just wanted to tell you that you’re a talented artist with a huge heart. We’re all glad you became a part of our lives, and wish you the best for that second year.
Congratulations on your 1st Anniversary Watame. You have such a great stage presence.I will buy your album as soon as possible.
Thank you for always bringing us so much happiness. わため最高!!!
Thank you so much Watame, your amazingly happy and cheerful nature complements your emotional strength so much. Your an inspiration to everyone, especially those that struggle everyday with both mental and physical issues.Please continue to enjoy singing, dancing, playing games and spreading the love you, give so much.☝️🐏❤️
Wonderful stream, the whole concert really got me movin’ and groovin’ with all the songs. Happy 1st Anniversary Watame!
Anyone else tingled when Calli said “Let’s make a nice song together *again* some day” at 45:55?
Happy anniversary! There’s a lot of vocal talent in Hololive, but Watame has always been among those that really stood out. Thanks for the year of good music you’ve given us!
Watame’s voice is so clear, even in live.
35:36 その歌が好きです ♥
Congratulations to the best sheep! Watame No.1!That collab with calli was godlike! Hopefully you get to make an anison for real!