【キズナアイ杯】狂乱の前夜祭! 出場者16名の魂の叫びを聞け!【マリオカート8 DX】

(c) A.I.Games ついに明日・・・ #キズナアイ杯 の本戦が開催されます!! 出場者がそれぞれLIVE配信を行います! ぜひいろんな視点でお楽しみください!! ※敬称略で失礼しますm(_ …
明日、一番速いやつが決まる!! みんなの走りに注目だーーー!ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
I don’t know what’s going on in this video, but I’m looking forward to Kizuna Ai cup tomorrow!
2:03 爆破したのバレてて草
【Apex Legends】#1 世界で話題の新作FPS!初心者でも撃ち合えて楽しかった・・・けど、まさかの結果に!!

(c) A.I.Games 世界中で大人気のバトルロイヤルゲームなんだって!! みんな、うまくなるコツあったら教えてください!! マッチしたお味方様ありがとうございました・・・そしてごめんなさい …
one minute of silence for those random people who teamed up with AI chan.
1:27Kizunai:Weapon Weapon RE-45:Am I a Joke to you??
this is the prove that ai-chan actually is a bot.
6:24A brave man stops Ai- chan from using pheonix kit to charge lv 1 shield when she has full health.
4:26 I missed these Ai-chan battle royale gameplays.
I need a Shroud and AI chan mash up please 😀
That encouraging feeling when you’re a total scrub in BR games, but then you watch Ai-chan play and suddenly feel like you’re totally a pro in comparison.
Watching AI-chan playing BR games is like watching a torture
As a player watching 6:18 is PURE TORTURE. But Ai chan is adorable when she panics hahaha. And press F for that bloodhound who is genuinly trying to carry ai chan
Watch out Shroud, a new champ is in the making
I don’t even know Japanese but I still watch AI-Chan for the reactions
Had a feeling when I clicked on this, it was going to be a lot of AI chan saying “wait wait wait.” to other players shooting her as she tries to figure out the game. I was not disappointed. 😅
still wait for your Undertale playthrough AI chan, i really wanted to watch you play it! Much love
1:46 Real Ai-chan gameplay
I need a video where she yells “KAZUMA!!!” Cause I’m convinced the VA for Aqua is secretly Kizuna. Actually imma go compare the voices right now.
ai-chan searching for gun but she accidentally pass through it at 1:29 hahahahaha
You did your best Ai-chan and I love you for that!
Got super excited when I noticed Kizuna A.I. played Apex. Realized I can’t understand a word she says without subtitles. Sad day…
【Guts and Glory】#3 みんなのコース、レベル鬼すぎじゃない!?

(c) A.I.Games みんなが作ったコースに挑戦できるのもこのゲームの醍醐味みたい! ということで早速挑戦してみました! ・・・わかってたけど、飛び散り過ぎじゃない!
“A hole in one!” Is just the thing I needed to dying laughing about at 4:00 in the morning
7:35 Hahaha has someone made a list of Kizuna sound bites yet?
Ahh the intro totally turned a bad day around. Thank you AI-chan
3:04 i though ai chan goes to heaven
Aw she keeps scrolling past my level! If she keeps doing these, I’m sure she’ll play it! Circus of Death, Kizuna-sama!
今回の名言叫び6:55 もーー焼き鳥!
Yep it’s cavalier Angelo the demon bike that Dante uses
Tercera española comentando me super duper encantan tus videos AI-chan! Mucho amor desde España🙋♀️❤Third spanish commenting, I super duper like your videos AI-chan! So much love from Spain🙋♀️❤
I need captions because I’m totally lost, but I still love that angel voice even tho I can’t understand a milligram out of it 🙂
This girl its so very cute <3 ojal� que si alguna vez le pas� algo no sea tan malo i love you A.I-chan
I want Kizuna-AI going for Youtube Rewind 2018
sus reacciones me dan risa 😂😂😂
Why am I laughing so much? 😂
kizuna ai is kawaii AF . and der is no one more than you
【ぷよぷよ】負けるとワイプが小さくなる ガチンコオンライン対戦!【ぷよぷよeスポーツ】[ENG SUB]
![(c) A.I.Games 【ぷよぷよ】負けるとワイプが小さくなる ガチンコオンライン対戦!【ぷよぷよeスポーツ】[ENG SUB] 【ぷよぷよ】負けるとワイプが小さくなる ガチンコオンライン対戦!【ぷよぷよeスポーツ】[ENG SUB] (c) A.I.Games](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCbFwe3COkDrbNsbMyGNCsDg/CQE7Gij1rT0.jpg)
(c) A.I.Games switchのぷよぷよでオンライン対戦をしました! 普通にゲームしてもつまらないので、負けるたびに私のワイプが小さくなるルールでやります! 普通に強者と対戦してしまっ …
The incredible shrinking Ai-chan!
5:07 Wait, did Shigure realize what Kizuna was doing and try to TEACH her combos? That’s what it looked like to me
Watching kizuna in the morning makes my entire day better.
Original Ai playing and screaming is a lot more cuter <3 Imouto Ai personalty is cute too! Im so TORN!
This is my general experience playing puyo puyo… I’m lucky if I can get a 3 combo. This is also why I will never play this game online. I played the ds one online (it was one of the anniversary, so either 15th or 20th) a few times and completely got curb stomped. Although, I am glad fever is a part of this. That’s my preferred play style. I have many fond memories of playing Puyo pop fever on the GameCube, then I bought it for the ds. It’s a shame that Puyo Pop Fever 2 didn’t make it over. I also heard Fever 2 is a pain to patch in English. The last I checked, they pretty much gave up on it.
Well, unlike Tetris 99, she got hit by reality from the very beginning. Watching this much frustration is good for us… not so much for Ai
This game was the bane of my existence back in school
4:19 ペルシャ15連鎖は強いw
ヽ(*⌒,_ゝ⌒*)ノキャッキャ ぷよぷよやってくれて嬉しいですわぁ
7:24 シロちゃん先生とのコラボリベンジ待ってます
Damn, those chains!
今までで一番腹立った!!part2【I am egg】[ENG SUB]
![(c) A.I.Games 今までで一番腹立った!!part2【I am egg】[ENG SUB] 今までで一番腹立った!!part2【I am egg】[ENG SUB] (c) A.I.Games](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCbFwe3COkDrbNsbMyGNCsDg/cZ9ayAaz1C0.jpg)
(c) A.I.Games イースターも近くなってきたからたまごということで挑戦したのに・・・ ふざけんじゃねーぞこの○○ゲー!!(2度目) 絶対できねーじゃねえか!! あと、食べ物は粗末にしちゃ …
This kind of frustration transcends the language barrier.
Seeing her literally get more and more frustrated is so adorable <3
“So, being eaten by people… that’s super weird, right?” – Ai-chan’s philosophical musings.
A.I: I am eggHowtoBasic: smashing eggs Everyone: how to crack a few eggs
And these types of games will be the reason AIs snap and decide to wipe out humanity.
This was such a good episode because of the editing. I hope she catches on that 10 minute videos get her more revenue, though. And we get more to see. Love ya ai-chan!
She’s so taken by the music back at 0:20 you can hear her voice change xD That would be the last type of music I’d guessed I’d hear on a game like this, too Kizuna.
Damn this game, I’m gonna go play Sekiro, it’s easier and less frustrating.
Sorry Kizuna-tan but I can’t stop laughing at when you’re getting frustrated in this game. Peace ✌️
Northernlion and Kizuna Ai. An ambitious crossover.
AI-chan looks good with short hair. Even when she’s just showing off her beautiful garbage-tier self.
Happiness to hatred in 4 minutes (3:52 to be moe exact)5:08 for angrery and adorable
*Angry Kizuna Ai Noises*She was clearly frustrated with this game. I don’t think She’ll ever play it again.
3:47 That moment when your anger transcends screaming or crying and you just… sit there.
When the egg crack/broke it’s cooked?. *Nani*ow yeah and Kizuna AI said kusso.
3:18 entr� a ver de qu� se trataba este canal, presion� este v�deo y… �Esto es tan gracioso! XD Gracias por los subt�tulos en ingl�s, gracias a ello puedo entender y disfrutar el v�deo. Amo a Kizuna AI! :3
I feel like I’m watching the formation of AM’s mindset.* egg falls and breaks *”Hate.”* ladder falls over then egg falls and breaks again *”Let me tell you how much I’ve come to hate you since I began to live.”
Cant wait to see the remake in Unreal 5 with photorealiatic textures 4 years from now.