
(c) A.I.Games かなり前に、LIVE配信で「このお金でCupheadをやってくれ」というスーパーチャットをもらったことをしみじみと思い出しております。 遅くなりましたが、結構リスエストを …
Even an AI, who can’t even read English, didn’t get stuck in the tutorial.Well, almost.
First time playing and already she’s getting beaten by vegetables.
Ai’s stats:Engrish: 100Strategy: 45Rage: 100000000000000
Because of the extreme amount of rage in the future of this series, we suggest that you be ready for your ears to fall off if you wear headphones.
Since she can’t read the tutorial messages, watching her try to poke and prod the game to figure out what the hell feels so reminiscent of any number of Westerners trying to play a Japanese only title.
This series will have a ton of rage moments lmao
Kizuna Ai is better at games than games journalists.
1930s style western cartoon vegetables bully anime waifu. More news at 11
“I can’t even see his HP”Welcome to western video games, bucko
Ai chan playing cuphead? This is obviously a gift from the gods
2:04 Ai-chan’s impression of Mickey Mouse
Lmao, Ai can hardly read English but she figured out the Jump+Dash in one go. Where’s Dean Takahashi when you need him?But judging from the rest of the episode, this game might be too much for her. Especially if someone doesn’t properly explain it to her lol
I can FEEL how genuine she is in this video.In other videos, a good actress could put it on, but in this one… She’s real. She’s really real.
Kizuna Ai is playing Cuphead!? Let the rage begin.
I like how she was able to understand the premise of the story instantly from just the pictures.
When she threaten the potato, that “I’ll make you curry” I was like thats adorable.
Cuphead?! One way or another, this is going to be amazing.
Now remember, everyone…This is not Dark Souls…This is CONTRA
It’s interesting to see how Ai chan is growing up while fighting against the root pack in this video
2:20 That feeling when you realize that an anime character is a better gamer than Dean Takahashi.10:36 Well, I think this proves AIs have souls, because that is the sound of someone who had theirs destroyed.
【PUBG】#09 私は車でドン勝するんやーーー!!!!

(c) A.I.Games 前回は失敗しましたが・・・ 今度こそ! 人間のみんなの世界に行ったときに車に乗れるよう練習しつつ! そのままドン勝狙っていきたいと思います! 車があれば無敵!
You know I think Ai-chan might be getting better at this.*sees end of video……..oh
That was quite a sad ending
We need to fund Ai-chan some aim software X3
Tip:Do single shots when an enemy is farsingle shots are more accurate
I love the constant foreshadowing of the inevitable loss from the translators…Reaaallyyy motivates me to cheer on AI-chan
Tips: You can hold the shift button (when in car) to go faster….
XD Vaya final inesperado!!! XD Saludos cordiales y �xito dulce waifu youtuber!!! :3
6:53 Top 10 Anime Plot Twists
KizunaAi: I’m gonna win with my car*sees an enemy**jumps out while the car still running*KizunaAi: Ah!|Sad ending.
She’s finally learning! Yay~
『絶対に驚くガッチマン』さん VS 『絶対に驚かないキズナアイ』【Pacify】

(c) A.I.Games スナック愛にも出てくれたガッチマンさんとホラゲコラボ! 心強すぎるよパパー!!! ガッチマンさんありがとうございました!!! ガッチマンさんのメインチャンネル …
13:17 PayPayの話をするキズナアイちゃんに対して食い気味に「ペイペイ?」って聞き返すガッチさんが面白かった
冷静に着々と進めていくパパさんと、驚かないようにするも驚いてしまうアイちゃんの協力プレーは見てて面白かったです! いちファンとしては次のコラボも見てみたいっす!
17:57 パパ呼び可愛いガッチさんの言う通り、その手のジャンルが好きな俺にはたまらない
17:15 ここからがアイちゃんの本領発揮
【バイオハザードRE:2】クレア編実況#6 ついに「F**k You」が・・・!

(c) A.I.Games タイラントやゾンビ犬から逃げて、孤児院へ! シェリーちゃんと再会できたかと思いきや・・・。どうなってしまうん? そして、今作でもうっかり出てしまいました・・・。 バイオ …
11:50 今作も飛び出してしまいました・・・ 15:11 多分今回で一番の絶叫ポイント・・・ みんなのお気に入りはどこだった?あ、いつもアドバイスありがとう!ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
The most adorable cussing I’ve ever heard.
I don’t even care if I can’t understand it, this is so adorable and entertaining <3
nice, you handle your self well! since this game is probably limited on ammo, you only kill what you have to! tho if she finishes clair’s play trough, will she play Leon’s? on the original PS1 i played both disk but i started with Leon’s first and remember his parts a bit more… tho i wonder if they still have that Giant Alligator!?
3:40 A.I.”Sherry san where are you” so cute
11:50 この後の反応も含めてすこ
4:34Forgot that this is the censored Japan version of the game. Wasn’t expecting his torso to still be there lol
I now live in a world where Kizuna did a deep-voiced impression. I am abundantly joyous.
1:17 I’m using this… thing called “aim assist” so… Oh god no! *Immediately misses a shot*
Ai chan I’d love to see you play Outlast please!
I always love your videos Kizuna AI chan adorable reactions
I can’t wait to get that game for my birthday
I love the skill of voice actor for AI chan
Hearing Kizuna Ai curse makes me wish she’d do a rap video with lots of cussing haha 🙂 “Yo yo yo, mada-fwa-kah! You jus’ a bweetch yo yo yo!” (in her high pitched cute voice) lol!
The F u loses its offensive tone when said in such a cute way
13:35 I’ve never heard Claire say this in my game lol
I love how the censoring is purposely made terrible to show that an inferior version is being played.
No entiendo nada de lo qu� dice pero me gusta.Tal vez no me entienda nadie pero gracias por las risas.
I need more 확큐~!

(c) A.I.Games ルシファーが推せる!可愛い!!! みんなはどの悪魔っ娘がお気に入り!? どの子も可愛い!私も悪魔のハーレム欲しい・・・!!! #KizunaAI …
“I am human!”Kizuna Ai lied as naturally as she breathed.
Normal people AHHH: opens eyes in surprisedAi: looks down and opens mouth
“I know how demons feel” Care to explain, Ai-Chan ? : )
Her screaming is so cute.
Kizuna: as expected I know how demons feel!Is……is she telling us that’s she a demon?
Ai-chan: *screams*My earphone volume: it’s over 9000!My Ear: my time has come.
Of course Kizuna Ai would play this game eventually.Ai-chan can’t resist the temptation of waifus.
The screams of kizuna: the game
Ai-chan might have had an easier time reading the English version! XD
“I love Lucifer so much!!”- Kizuna Ai, 2020
6:20: …I see some of the jokes didn’t survive translation.(The original English line was “I’d sure love to play with you,” which sounds much more like a sleazy pickup line and less like how Malina interprets it. Which is why it’s funny when she interprets it like that.)
I gotta be honest, I usually don’t care for V-Tubers but she probably has the most genuine personality of them all.
“When demon girls are involved, no price is high enough”Guy got his priority straight
I want a sequel to this video where she gets the secret ending
32:54 動きが完全にParty Parrotこのゲーム凄く難しいのにアイちゃんよく頑張った!
26:19 ここ狂おしいほど好き、アイちゃん可愛い好き
From Ai-chan’s expression, I’m guessing she considers Lucifer Best Girl.If she does, that means she is a Girl Of Culture. <3
This composer did a good job, I thought it was a Danny B jam