【*】【ドッキリ】初心者のフリして無双してみたら予想外の結果にwww【ぷよテト】【ENG SUB】

(c) A.I.Games 初心者と思わせて、実はテトワン経験者でした! この企画のために、めっちゃテトリスの練習頑張った! コツ掴めてるかな・・・? #KizunaAI …
Oyabun acting like a caring teacher after all the loss n Aimouto having a laugh to herself abt it is ughhh theyre so cute together qwq
My eyes exploded, looking at substitles and tretis’ squares of both kizuna ais is insane
それでも可愛いよ! テト99も楽しく実況してるアイちゃん大好きなので続きも期待してます! (私は大体80位ぐらいで死んでホームに戻るのですごいなあと思ってます) 3:40,9:51,16:09,18:51 お互いへの優しさや愛に溢れてるやり取りが多くてこっちまで幸せになれる動画でした。良かった…。
I could listen to them talk all day… dont even care about the game they 😍
That Enel reference is on point!
I basically need 3 pairs of eyes to observe facial expressions of both, the subtitles, and the gameplay.
GTA 5 FAILS:Funny Moments / チャリとバイクで高速下山【Grand Theft Auto V】

(c) A.I.Games いや〜下山なんて余裕。 私は一回もミスっていない。一発で成功。いいね? ☆色んな人のGTA 5 下山動画☆ 【GTA5】バイクで高速下山 完全版 …
KizunaAi: Oh My GodJoseph: I’ll forgive the japanese
Franklin: *Why are we still here? Just to suffer.*
Everytime she screams, she just sounds like Aqua from Konosuba.
Fun fact: Kizuna Ai is the cutest thing ever!!!!
Finally, Ai-chan play GTA 5. Try to play the Story mode and get the 100% progress in this game. Also thanks again for Ai-chan to upload this Video.
Kizuna Ai playing GTA 5 … sweet. So many chances for random BS to happen so we can see her rage.
First time I got this early. Playing these type of games are always enjoyable to watch.But I would really love to see AI-chan play some actual GTA V story mode. Perhaps we could see a livestream in the future?
*AI-chan speaks english**me blushing after heard it*
0:00 転落集0:16 開始 はいどうもー0:28 1回目発進0:58 木に引っかかって死亡1:06 2回目発進1:27 死因:着地失敗1:30 3回目発進1:37 即死1:53 4回目発進 自称フラグ建築士1級のアイちゃん2:06 やっぱr…グキッ2:08 5回目発進2:20 5回目の死2:23 6回目発進…3:00 会話中の死3:03 7回目発進3:45 ※良い子はマネしないでね からの死4:01 8回目発進4:16 木にダイブ4:21 9回目はっしn… 5:42 下山なんてちょちょいのちょいまる~(8回死んでる)6:09 謎のポー音6:09 自転車が余裕(?)だったからオートバイで発進6:23 看板直撃「e?」6:33 オートバイで2回目発進6:37 「eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!?」6:45 予想外にもろいバイクで発進6:49 バイクと離脱7:03 転がって死7:09 ムズ過ぎてルート変更 4回目発進7:38 岩に突っ込む7:45 オートバイ5回目発進8:10 「いいよいいよ下れてるよ eeeeeeeeeeeee!?」8:19 6回目発進8:37 6回目死亡8:45 7回目発進9:19 そーれはーやばいー↑9:27 ブレーキの大事さを身をもって感じたスーパーAIのお話
This is something I can never get tired of. I love it !!
Dude, you have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to see you play this game. When I saw that notification pop up, I got so excited.I’d love to see you play the online mode. Provided you can get it to work, it’s the most fun I’ve ever had playing games. I’ve got more hours in it than any other. Probably more than my next three most played combined. That being said, I know it’s not for everybody but, even if you like it half as much as I do, I’m sure you’ll have a blast.
I think ai-chan should go play story mode of gta 5 on her livestream
This is so so so funny keep up the good work AI chan😂😂
It’s funny when Kizuna-chan say “oh ma gahhh” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
6:22 I feel bad for Franklin 😂
1:52 ~さすがフラグ建築士1級!なんか、あい2歳の頃を思い出すwこの勢い、あいちゃん!って感じ、楽しいっ(*^-^*)
Finally! Ai-chan plays GTA! I’ve been waiting for this moment.
Now I want to see a full playthroughs of this game from her.
Torturing Franklin for 10 mins straight.
【INSIDE】#8 クリアするまでやめれま10!【衝撃のラスト】

(c) A.I.Games ついに・・・INSIDEのラストが! 明らかに! 9ヶ月越しのクリア、そしてエンディングは一体・・・ それでは、どうぞご覧ください!! 9/21(Thu)19:30 (GMT+9:00)START …
Mario’s hunt for the gold and silver acorns really took a turn for the worst…
The real gold and silver pinecones were the friends we made along the way
5:01 ‘ “Marry me…” Sure thing! But don’t forget the fact that I’m virtual. I can’t die and will outlive you.’
Her talking about wanting to do advertisements and have figures made me so happy for her. I have all her figures, and they’re all gorgeous, and her music videos are wildly successful. It’s so nice to watch her grow :’)
This is obviously too late to matter, but for what it’s worth: Yes, there is a secret ending. Without spoiling too much I’ll say: 1) Those sphere’s Ai-Chan broke in video #7 and an earlier one DO have a purpose. 2) There are several spread throughout the entire game and the game does have a subtle way of showing you where they are if you’re observant, so they’re not unfairly hidden. 3) There is one last other thing you need to find and if I recall correctly that one is actually perhaps unfairly hidden. It’s very difficult to see and extremely easy to miss, so I wouldn’t fault someone for looking it up. 4) Alternate “ending” is perhaps misleading as it isn’t at the end of the game and the things you need come after it, so you need to go back on a second playthrough to get it once it’s unlocked.Doing this will give you a LITTLE more about the story.
I’m really impressed how they could control both her virtual model as she plays and reacts tbh. That’s an awesome work of doing things simultaneously and most especially, during a live :^00 👏👏👏✨✨
*1:30** “I love you! You love me! Okay?”❤ – AI Chan 2017*
クリアおめでとうございます! アイちゃんの実況が本当に楽しくてかわいくて、9ヶ月を3日くらいで駆け抜けてしまいました! 最高に面白かったです!これからもゲーム実況を楽しみにしています!
This was the first time I joined Ai-chan’s live, really miss it. ^^
I can’t believe the finale won’t have subtitles 🙁 I was following this and enjoying every episode so much.
You know those bumpy pine-cone balls with the fuel rod you found a couple of in the playthrough? I think for the good ending you need to find them all
What? KizunaAI actually finished a game?What kind of sorcery is this!?
25:15 “youre the bestu girl” “Ohh,thank you”
44:31 Did we just hear Kizuna’s real voice for a second there? xD
when she said “you love me!” my heart melted
見れてなかったからめっちゃありがたい!!今から見ます!超楽しみ(@ ̄ρ ̄@)
28:45 Ai-chan le pregunta a un manch�n de sangre y tripas: “Daijoubu?”
38:17 このシーンすこ
Congratulations on completing a game for the first time!Please play ‘Ori and the Blind Forest’
【Flip Trickstar】目指せ金メダル! 華麗なる私の宙返りを見よ!

(c) A.I.Games 来るオリンピックに向けて、このゲームで遊んでみようと思います! ゲームなら、私でも金メダル級の演技ができるはず・・・! 決めろ、ムーンサルト!(が何かはよくわかってい …
And now for another episode of “What weird game did Ai-chan find today?”
I can’t… this is too cute
At least we know now that Ai-Chan would kill it as a high-flying wrestler
0:16 ドーン!!まじ好き、ほんと好き!!笑う0:25 お寝んね!!0:30 若干音割れ天才もほんと好き0:57 ゴンッ!1:26 謎掛け声好き1:37 ぐきゃあ2:48 低音謝罪助かる助かる、、、3:00 文字キャプなし天才好き3:08 駄々っ子ムーブ可愛い 3:13 謎掛け声すこすこのすこ!!
Next they need to have this thing with moving cars. Last level would be on a jet liner.
Kizuna is best animu waifu but seriously nice program/software its so adorable
Kizuna AI is hilarious 😂❤
Can’t wait for the next episode ! <3 <3
Kizuna : see nooRenai circulation : o shit here we go again
Alternare title: *Kizuna AI gives a man head trauma for five minutes strait*
Let her play Yandere simulator lol.
Looks like AI-chan found her favorite game. XD
Oooo, I love the pink letters! (~˘u˘)~
Няшка, оч понравился выпуск)
Damn her laugh at 00:47 >,< kawaii
The way she says sorry are so damn kawaii!.
【スーパーマリオ オデッセイ】#05 ウェディングドレスを取り戻せ!

(c) A.I.Games 前回たどり着いた湖の国を攻略! 奪ったウェディングドレスで結婚式をあげようなんざ、このキズナアイが許さへんでー! というわけで行ってみよう!ლ(´ڡ`ლ) …
I think this is Ai-chan’s favorite game.
“lots of charin charin” that’s so cute omg
note to self: wait a few hours before watching a new kizuna ai video
GamingSins Part 415:19 = Another acid trip. This reminds me of Mario & Luigi: Partners In Time. Though I do like the Super Mario 64 reference so that sin is null & void19:17 = Discount Goofy.Current Sin Count: 29 (37 – 8)
4:32 that’s just adorable
I don’t know why, but I always thought that Rango, the Broodal she just fought (the bouncer for the wedding) seemed easier than Hariet, the Broodal she previously fought in the Sand Kingdom (the pyrotechnist at the wedding).
“lots of charin charin” that’s so cute omg
That would be so awesome to watch
kizunaaaaaa I love your voice 😊
Melhor gamer que existe
Ahaha, I can see poor Ai-chan’s programming working against her in the broodal fight- she doesn’t understand perspective, just the pictures on the screen.At about 19:52 she recognizes that when Mario and Rango overlap, if she hits the “Drill” button, she hits him. So she does the exact same thing at 20:30 and has no idea why it doesn’t work, but scores the hit at 20:34, so she keeps the base logic anyway. You see her try again at 20:52, 21:28, and 21:39, making minor changes to the distance between the two characters before hitting “Drill” each try until a success is reached.”Learning through brute force.” It seems to be a common theme in AIs playing video games, and does explain how she gets distracted and forgets about commands from time to time.I wonder how complex her algorithms actually get…Well, anyway, she’s trying, and that’s what matters~
A Kizuna � muito fofa pqp
私はマリオが大好き! ❤貧困は私に任天堂スイッチを買わせません 😔