ぴょこぴょこしか書きません!【Love Balls】[ENG SUB]
![(c) A.I.Games ぴょこぴょこしか書きません!【Love Balls】[ENG SUB] ぴょこぴょこしか書きません!【Love Balls】[ENG SUB] (c) A.I.Games](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCbFwe3COkDrbNsbMyGNCsDg/xNIBMTH7yZw.jpg)
(c) A.I.Games 線を描いて2つのボールをくっつけるパズルゲーム! ただ線を引いてもわたしには簡単すぎるので、 ぴょこぴょこの形の線だけ書いてクリアを目指します!! □Love Balls …
Never thought I’d actually see the day where Ai-chan plays with her love balls on camera, on YouTube no less.
Creators must have had something wrong when they wanted to name the game love Balls. I’m just speechless
all these times, i just realize that Ai-chan’s ribbon is a love-shaped ribbon that represent her name ,AI (love).
I just realised that kizuna’s outfit changes through every channel
I love her commitment on using that shape
That was so relaxing and so much fun to watch. The song at the end always makes my day
smh the line between what is and isn’t a pyoko pyoko is so blurred nowadays
We love Katamari! Katamari centers around balls!
Wow, she loves hearts because she draws it on every single level!
She really likes the Crayon Physics clones. How many of these are there?
All love ai chan!!!*love from colombia to you *
Y la version en español para cuando todos la esperamos 💙💙
AI – Chan you’re the best at making videos 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Every stroke you did is definitely a pyoko-pyoko great job
Your so good at love balls by just drawing hearts
Sometimes the pyoko pyokos look a bit like chairs and it’s still kind of adorable
広告内容と違うおじさんを助ける『あの詐欺ゲーム』が『ゲーム』になったヤツ【Pull Him Out】

(c) A.I.Games あの詐欺ゲーがアプリになった! Save The Girlのあの子も出てくるし・・・! サクサク楽しめるのでみんなも遊んでみてね!! #KizunaAI #キズナアイ …
“Oniku agimashite”My thoughts exactly.
Always find: Ai-chan is THE GENIUS of all kinds of puzzle games!!
I love so much how she accomplish herself that cute way XD
“I didn’t even make one mistake, this video might not be fun to watch”Trust me, watchinh someone play this without making a dumb mistake is exactly what i want.
Thanks for the video Ai-chan, its fun see you playing any kind of games
The guy/s who made those clickbait ad games actual FULL games are geniuses.
You’re right, Ai-chan. It’s not that the game’s easy, you’re just too smart.
9:10 “You are smarter than 88% of users.” As expected from an Intelligent Super AI!
About time a real game like this existed. Thanks for showing! 😃🥰
I always wondered if those games were real, now I know at least one is, and it’s super easy. Thanks AI chan
Damn,You are real smart at this.It will get harder pretty soon.This is flawless.She made it without any mistake at all.Not even a single mistake is made.Like playing one foot blast beats.
I finally found this game thanks to you Ai chan 😂
I think Kizuna would make a great Toram online or evil lands series
Congratulations. You are the smartest person in gaming. Ready to take it to the next level? Myst IV won’t play itself.
Just hearing your voice make me enjoy your video 🙂 love you Ai-chan😍😍
Its weird when the games in the ads look better than the one being played (that looks like a fake game), but the games in the add are the actual fake games that look like they could be real.This is why I have trust issues.
>>Solve obvious puzzle made for 5 year olds.Game: Congratulations you are smarter than 90%!Me: We’re not going to be ok are we?

(c) A.I.Games とにかくピカチュウがかわいすぎてヤバみが深い。 名取さなちゃんが大変なことになる理由がわかった気がする。 そしてライバルの名前は、どうしてこの瞬間これにしたのか …
Ai chan and Pikachu. Double the cuteness.
After enduring the likes of Resident Evil, Doki Doki Literature Club, and Silent Hill, this must be a breath of fresh air for A.I.-chan.*_Enjoy it while it lasts, because the Resident Evil II remake is right around the corner. ;-)_*
I never knew how much I needed to hear Ai-chan make Pok�mon noises. This is the cutest LP I’ve ever seen.Eevee is better then Pikachu.
Whoever is doing the translations for these is doing a bomb ass job 👌🏻
11:28 I love when Ai-chan goes “Yay~”
Oh please AI-chan, I can only handle this cuteness for so much.
18:40Accidentally skipping learning Double Kick…yup, that’s our Ai-chan!
AI Chan….I Choose You..To Play Let’s Go Pikachu! Finally a dream LP 🙂
This is absolutely the cutest Ai Chan video I’ve ever seen!
This unironically helps with my depression yet fuels it somehow I’m kinda stuck between both
Yes! It’s finally translated! I’ve been waiting ages for this one!
Kizuna ai so adorable when she get hyper for Pikachu
4:17 I love how Ai-Chan bounces along with the Pokeball.
Ouch, savage Kizunai at the start. Poor professor Oak. I love it.
AI Chan uses Charm!It’s Super Effective!AI Chan’s sub count rose sharply 🙂
Thank you, translators!! I’ve really been looking forward to this Let’s Play. ^_^
I don’t understand a single word but I loved every second of it
キズナアイがゲーセンに!私の曲を筐体の中でプレイしたらカオスになった!【太鼓の達人 グリーンVer.】[ENG SUB]
![(c) A.I.Games キズナアイがゲーセンに!私の曲を筐体の中でプレイしたらカオスになった!【太鼓の達人 グリーンVer.】[ENG SUB] キズナアイがゲーセンに!私の曲を筐体の中でプレイしたらカオスになった!【太鼓の達人 グリーンVer.】[ENG SUB] (c) A.I.Games](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCbFwe3COkDrbNsbMyGNCsDg/_WuWQn0SZ54.jpg)
(c) A.I.Games 『太鼓の達人 グリーンVer.』に私の曲「AIAIAI」と「Hello, Morning」が収録されました! ということで、バンダイナムコアミューズメント様の全面協力のもとプレイ&実況に挑戦 …
That moment when everything is in another language and you cannot understand the title
I never thought I missed original AI-chan this much. I love her how she’s messed up in Taiko game 😂😂😂
Was thinking the Hello World song was too easy but then I saw a torrent of notes headed at you and started to think the opposite 😆. Good job and congrats on the colab.
Listening to Ai-chan sing along to her own song is the cutest.
“I am provided with technical support from Bandai Namco, it makes me able to play Taiko Drum Master.” said Ai-chan on Twitter.I’m wondering what will happen in this episode.
I love original AI Chan voice and also her laugh and RAGE 😈😂😂

(c) A.I.Games ピザ屋、というとあの地獄の5日間を思い出しがちですが・・・ 今日は7日間、ピザ屋を経営する平和なゲーム! って思ったけど・・・厨房はある意味、地獄だった!
Ai chan did not even hesitate when giving the homeless a free pizza.
Did Kizuna Ai finally have an official english subber? Or fans are so damn fast, either way salute to you guys!!
I love listening to her say pepperoni
I want to see Ai-chan play Yomawari: Night Alone / 夜廻
Customers order be like -When you know only 1 line of a 10 marks question in exam, still you gotta fill the entire answer sheet lol
When you have played this game before and know the pepperoni haves a specific way to go, in little circles they give you and if you dont do it like that some customers get mad :’0
>leaves giant cheeseless spots on all of the pizzas>doesn’t understand why no one likes her pizzas
Even though I can’t understand anything she says her reactions makes me laugh
Kizuna Ai is playing Good Pizza, Great Pizza? I didn’t realize I needed this until now.
As someone who has spent a good portion of his years working around the pizza business: You did your best and i’m very proud of you, Ai-Chan! Keep up the good work!
I’m fine watching with or without subs at my level of understanding japanese, but even then, I thank the subbers \o/ For your hard work and speed, keep at it <3
“Pepero pepepe” needs to be A.I.-chan’s magical chant.