隠れ場所がヤバすぎるw 難易度上がってる?【またおじいちゃんがいない】[ENG SUB]
![(c) A.I.Games 隠れ場所がヤバすぎるw 難易度上がってる?【またおじいちゃんがいない】[ENG SUB] 隠れ場所がヤバすぎるw 難易度上がってる?【またおじいちゃんがいない】[ENG SUB] (c) A.I.Games](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCbFwe3COkDrbNsbMyGNCsDg/oDpl-CMHxn4.jpg)
(c) A.I.Games 前回の続きからプレイしました! 脱出ゲームとしてもふつうに難しかった・・・! スパイダーマンとか自由の女神とか、何でもありだよねw 前回の『またおじいちゃんがいない』 …
5:46 進撃の巨人走りで笑ったw怯えるアイちゃん可愛い
Yay love this game !✌️
Damn it, I was hoping you had gone back to Spider-man.
I love the game outfitIts… K A W A I I
what can i sayshe is kawaii
Hasta calamardo te extra�a …ejem…ejem.. Like buen v�deo.. Si ..si ..
おじいちゃんに吹き飛ばされるとこシュールすぎて草 アイちゃんの反応可愛いw
【バイオハザードRE:2】クレア編実況#3 地下で初めてのボス戦!あまりの怖さに色んな歌を歌ってみた・・・!

(c) A.I.Games シェリーちゃんと初対面!そしてボスとも初対面!! 視野外からの攻撃は怖いからやめてよ欲しい・・・ 今回も絶叫です・・・。心臓が何個あっても足りません。心臓ないけど。
はい絶叫集です。 0:24 1:16 1:28 2:30 2:42 4:35 4:56 7:00 9:40 15:24 17:53 今回恐怖のあまりに歌った歌はこちら! 11:19 14:50 15:19 15:28 15:46 グレネードランチャー最強説・・・
Considering her skills and other video commitment, also taking account that she will improve over time, I’d say she will finish this game in 1-3 years
17:53 It might sound weird, but that is the purest scream I’ve heard. You can feel the sincere fear in her voice.
25% gameplay,10% edit,65% ai chan panicking and screaming
15:20 Well, that’s Ai-chan singing Doraemon theme song. It bringing back my memories. Plus, I love that Ai-chan imitiate Doraemon’s voice.
Watching Ai-chan fighting Licker is truely entertaining
15:20 lmao, singing Doraemon while scared remind me of Gintoki.
if someone does an animated version of this… it would look like Kizuna just running around screaming at everything she sees.
I’d like to see Ai chan play Catherine, I bet there would be so many ‘Tensai Ka’ moments and her comments on the whole story and choices would be fun to watch
Dear Ai-chan, please keep your calm lol… She is so easily panicking in any situations even at a “should be” non-difficult situation, it’s funny and adorable in same time..
so many Ai chan panicking and screaming moments this video and i love it lol.
OMG This was both funny and scary thanks to Ai-chan reactions. This is golden hahaha
Cant wait for episode 4! Cant wait to see Ai-chan’s reaction to the “Hat”! XD
Ai’s so adorable and cute whenever she panics and gets scared by just some random zombie sound or whenever Ai gets grabbed by a zombie. I also I can’t help but laugh when she panics too XD. Daisuki-desu Ai-chan <3 🙂
Does anyone remember that one sponsored game she played where she played the English version of a mobile app? My favorite line of that entire video was….”Rabbit?! Boss is…rabbit??”😂😂
This is so cute. Even though I can’t understand japanese i can sympathize with Ai’s terror.
8:20 to 11:02 has me in stitches…The way her words flow, along with just how DONE she is with getting cornered, is so apparent, but as much as you want to feel bad for her, the conveyance just makes me laugh…Even on the lowest difficulty, the particular situation she’s in there should’ve killed her. She even states as much.
マイケル・ジャクソンから逃げる!?【Escape The Ayuwoki】[ENG SUB]
![(c) A.I.Games マイケル・ジャクソンから逃げる!?【Escape The Ayuwoki】[ENG SUB] マイケル・ジャクソンから逃げる!?【Escape The Ayuwoki】[ENG SUB] (c) A.I.Games](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCbFwe3COkDrbNsbMyGNCsDg/VybbggTph2Y.jpg)
(c) A.I.Games 海外のみんなからコメント欄でおすすめされたのでやってみました! マイケルジャクソンをモチーフに作ったホラーゲームらしいです! 鍵を見つけて脱出するんだけど、途中で …
The one thing i dont expect a anime girl to say is “im being chased by michael jackson
Un meme latino aquí, interesante, nunca pensé que llegaría tan lejos¡Más de 500 likes!, muchas gracias a todos (OwO)/“
7:05 That’s the best noise I’ve ever heard in my life.
Jajaja, eres más valiente que el Rubius. Diablos, me encantas. ❤️
Nunca pens� que un meme latino llegara tan lejos :n
Now since Ai-chan played too much Horror games, she start to show immunity to Jumpscare. This is really a step on better AI development and huge leap to human extinction.Ahhh, I miss moment when she’s to scary to move into next room.
Avengers endgame is the most ambitius crossoverme: what about a japanese ai playing a game about a latin meme where i a chilean is making fun of this in english
Ai-chan, para vencer al Ayuwoki solo deb�as gritar “EOOO!”
de todas las cosas que eh visto jamas habia imaginado en ver a una mona china jugando un juego acerca del ayuwoki xD
Que tan lejos puede llegar un meme latinoamericano? Bueno…
he singhe dancebut most importantly…*hee hee*
Este juego es imposible, ni siquiera ai-chan puede con el
:vLa waifu jugando un videojuego de un mame hispano.Me siento orgulloso de ser latino alv.
La maldad del ayuwoki llego hasta Japon.
*When kizuna sees all the (spanish?) People here:**(�o�)*
no puedo creer lo lejos que llegan ahora los memes que hasta canales japoneses hacen videos al respecto. Buen video AI-chan, lastima que no me entenderas :v
Ai meet the latin american memes, be careful, is a no escape from this
2:24 her scream scared me 7 times more than the actual in-game jumpscare
Increíble, un meme latino ahora videojuego que lo juega la super kawaii Kizuna AI 😃
【Where’s My Avocado?】お子様にもオススメな頭の体操ゲーム発見!

(c) A.I.Games 「線を描く」だけの簡単かわいい脳トレ的ゲーム! 頭の体操に、ちょっとした暇つぶしに、ほっこりしながら楽しめる感がとってもいい感じー!ლ(´ڡ`ლ) アボカドってこんなに …
This game was worth it just to hear her say “avocado” a bunch.
アイちゃんはこの手のゲームをやっている姿がとても可愛い( ´艸`)
*Kizuna Ai is kawaii as always* 😙😙
Hey, Ai-Chan! Since Deltarune is out, do you plan on playing Undertale? It can be any version, but it will be easier to play the Switch one or the PC one. I really want to see your reaction to both of these games!
when she said she was genius omg im lost of words the cuteness flowing in to my heart and mind cant take it anymore <3
She makes it look so easy! As expected from a super intelligent AI.
I like how she said “avocado kawaaii”
So cute keep it up i love you kizuna, jam is always here for you😘😘😘😘😘
nunca me pierdo los videos de kizuna chan :3
It’s another Happy Glass-style game!
First scare:4:17
アイちゃんの閃き素晴らしぃ~(≧▽≦)ノシ こういうゲームいいねヽ(*´▽`*)ノゲームやりたくなるし、アイちゃんがニコニコしているのが最高(๑>ᴗ<๑)و✧♪
anyone else practicing hearing Japanese with her videos?
【RESIDENT EVIL7】ふぁ○きゅー10時間耐久!伝説のバイオ7総集編を一緒にみるぞ!【BIOHAZARD 7】

(c) A.I.Games 伝説が再び・・・! 10時間ぶっ続けでバイオ7を一緒にみよう! 一緒に楽しい「おうち時間」を過ごそう! ↓バイオ7の再生リストはこちら!
I believe this is where all her “legendary” marksmanship began… good times, good times 😌
Este es el directo de kizuna más largo de todos (11 horas) wow😮😮💜💜
After 3 years her voice hasn’t change for a single bit. Amazing
Ai-chan reacting to her own playthrough? Amazing!Also the best of reactions from 11:12:34 is simply great!
1st Japanese Channel ive ever seen with fans from different countries, I love this channel, *her voice cures my depression.*
I don’t understand what the f- are they saying. But i love it.
Lots of Kizuna scream. Best stream ever.
✨ countries more supporting Ai-Chan ✨
Pewdiepie is playing Minecraft Hardcore for 12 Hours bad things happened and Ai-chan 11 hours watching BIOHAZARD 7 i don’t know she okay or Not 😱
Oh my God I would watch all 11 hrs again if it was translated lol, hope A.I. chan is ok after this lol
12 hours… I have listened to two Kizuna AIs for nearly 12 hours. Say what you will, but I have no regrets on that matter.
個人用 7:22:09 7:22:09 7:22:097:22:09 7:22:09 7:22:09長時間お疲れ様でした!!!面白かったです!!!
Been blessed with Ai chan screaming ..