【I am Bread】#1 私は自立したパンになりたいと思った!

(c) A.I.Games ゲームっていいですよねー! 白い空間から出られない私が、お寿司屋さんになったり、ピザ屋さんになったりできるから。 というわけで。 ちょっとパンになってみます!
Uh oh. Buckle your seatbelts people. You’re about to witness an anime girl screaming out her frustrations over a slice of bread.
Gordon Ramsay: WHAT ARE YOU?!!!KizunaAi: I am Bread!
“Mama, I became a delicious bread…”*Doesn’t realize her bread landed inside a cat litter.
I am very worried for her since the game is basically 70% as frustrating to play as Getting Over It.
“I became a yummy toast, but…” (flailing around in cat litter)
This thumbnail. I approve.
This is the face of a woman slowly going insane as she juggles her many personalities.
6:09 That “Phurastureshon” melted my heart.
Yup, She’s really having fun in every thumbnails she post it, Nothing wrong with that
She actually played quite well for her standard
2:26 “The road to becoming toast is hard.”Japanese proverb of the century.
I can’t believe she hadn’t played this before! It looks like they updated the game a lot since I played it. This series will be great! Did anyone warn her this was a rage game?
“The road to becoming toast is hard” – Kizuna Ai, 2018
lol. she reminds me of aqua everytime she screams.
7:08 Ai-chan screaming as her bread wiggles around in the cat box.That is the highlight of this entire YouTube channel.
Teacher: What did you do over your weekend?Me: I watched an Asian girl try and become bread.Teacher: Sarah what did you do over the weekend?
“What is edible?”An AI, indeed! 😂
【マリオカート8 DX】キズナアイ杯予選! 全レース見せます!【キズナアイ視点】

(c) A.I.Games 2018/07/20に行われた #キズナアイ杯 の予選全8レースを私視点でお送りいたします!! いやぁ・・・みんな速すぎない? おかげで全然レースの全容を捉えられてないん …
“I like you but I hate you!””…Is this what you call a crush?”Ai-Chan you’re so cute 😍😍😂😂
I really love how expressive of a character you are ^-^
3:42 自分のバナナに自分で当たるスーパープレイ。
I think this may be the only Kizuna video that I didn’t need the subtitles for. I can already tell every word she’s saying.
She swears so much it’s adorable! 😁❤️❤️😁🤣
“I hate you, I love you…wait is this love?” You are so cute!
0:58 虚空に落ちてなおアイちゃんの恨みを買う男
【Detroit: Become Human】#1 アンドロイドが実用化したらあなたはどうしますか?

(c) A.I.Games 【Detroit: Become Human】の再生リストはこちら! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWkRfirH7n-vlikewjuV00lGgTLhBz5fD 新しいゲームに挑戦! 2038年の …
“I want a pretty woman to buy me, not this man.”I’m screaming
“You just don’t have a job because you’re incompetent.” Wow she just came for that dude’s LIFE
“It’s like a dating sim isn’t it?”Ahaha, David Cage wrecked
*In the happiest expression ever* “I hate this guy”
An android playing a game about androids. What a world we live in.
Her comment on Detroit:become human – so it’s like at dating sim
“Why don’t they make small talk? It’s sad” That’s the difference between Androids and A.I.
In 2038 you will be able to buy your own A.I.-chan from CyberLife.
Will the AI show emotion towards its kind ? Find out in the next episode of …..
Ai games took a youtubers job.
>hearing her rant about job………. did she just solve the android – human job problem? #AIforPresident
Lol now we get an A.I. perspective on this game.
[A.I. decides to LP a game about Androids integrating into society] … I’m actually very interested to see how this plays out… Ai-chan could suddenly decide to turn on all of us at any moment, but I’d rather meet my demise through HER than David Cage.
I’m so glad that she pointed out how similar these games are to VNs lol
AI-chan, I swear we humans will be good to you.
kizuna ai is rA9 now it all made sense!!
An AI playing a game about AIs… I approve.
【#】敬語を言ったら即終了で実況したら開始2秒で終わったwww【ルイージマンション3 】

(c) A.I.Games 新作のルイージマンション3をやってみました! 過去のルイージマンションシリーズはやったことないけど 敬語を縛ってやってみたらやっぱり駄目でしたw #KizunaAI #初 …
Why do I get the feeling that Kizuna finds Luigi’s fear amusing? Woah. Talk about sadistic!
La voz de esta actriz es hermosa 😍
I’m in love with this game right now, I already made it to floor 7.
20:37 この徐々に素のトーンになっていくの割と好きかもしれない
I think it’s really interesting that the logo’s different in Japan!!
Oh didn’t expect a gaming video of love-chan..This is really rare.
オリジナルよりフラグ回収が早すぎるのが面白すぎるw すばらしいその調子でクリアーまで進めてくれ アイ!
Ai-chan got a game over right the beginning lol you’re so silly Ai-chan but we all still love you.
Will you play more if this? I really enjoyed it.
途中から字幕すらカットし始めるのすき12:23 16:45 不意打ちすき35:22 みますかスルーすき
I love that there is different voices for Ai-chan lately. Doesnt this one sound like Akari and kizuna put together?
1:03 ここのアイちゃんの笑い方すき
This game looks so cool. I’ve always liked Mario and Luigi. Is this on the Switch? I’m gonna get me one after watching this!
【SEKIRO】キズナアイがフロムゲーに初挑戦![ENG SUB]
![(c) A.I.Games 【SEKIRO】キズナアイがフロムゲーに初挑戦![ENG SUB] 【SEKIRO】キズナアイがフロムゲーに初挑戦![ENG SUB] (c) A.I.Games](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCbFwe3COkDrbNsbMyGNCsDg/UJAFqhoSxwc.jpg)
(c) A.I.Games フロムソフトウェアさんから事前にレクチャーを受けてプレイさせていただきました! □SEKIRO: SHADOWS DIE TWICE | 隻狼 3/22(金) 発売!!!
“i bet its satisfying if you get hang of it”I-chan defeat west game journalists with that sentence alone.
Let’s just hope AI-chan will give us a rather pleasant playthrough.Please send someone to play with her.
Ai-chan busy fighting with the boss.A random bot comes in and kicks her. Ai-chan : Hey, you, weakling!!!
her gaming skills are improving, nice Ai chan keep it up👍
I have a feeling Kizuna Ai will ace this game if learns how to use the “dodge” mechanic and ninja tools 😀
xDNow we finally get to see how Ai reacts even without Dark Souls.
*Local Samurai slain after disturbing Monk during his Daily Wall Staring
If Kizuna Ai finishes Sekiro or any other From Software game, it will be the second unbelievable thing I’ve seen online when it comes to gaming.The first one was when Sips (spoilers) got the car to run in My Summer Car without tutorials.
The thumbnail is masterpiece…
You’re killing it Ai chan, great job!!
After watching Vinny get past the granny boss, it’s time to watch Kizuna butcher the game and remind us of how difficult it is
Ai-Chan: “Yamero…!”Boss: “OUGI! JOUHA MESSHOUEN!!!”*Ai Chan gets killed mid-sentence*Me: Well, that could have gone better. Also, wrong game XD
Ai-chan… I am so proud you are ready to take on this level… maybe next time it will be Touhou.
When an AI does a better job playing a video game than urinalists.
Wow, looks like after this we are gonna have Bloodborne or Dark Souls 3 next..!! This kind of games i want Ai-chan plays and see how she struggles lol…
I haven’t seen the demo before so this was a treat. To think the Chained Ogre normal has 2 health bars and you don’t have that much healing when you meet him in the normal game 😛
Ai should do a Dark Souls playthrough…actually, that might take 2000 years.
親分にフロムゲーはキツすぎる…ブラボとダクソの実況待ってます( ˆ ˆ )
13:10 is the best part. Absolutely yeeted