- カワウソコタローとハナ 父ちゃんの服の中を安全地帯にするコタロー Otter Kotaro&Hana The Safe Place Under Dad’s Shirt
- カワウソ コタロー これまでに覚えた芸と新技を一気に見せます! Kotaro the Otter 6 Awesome Tricks
- カワウソ コタロー ほとんど人間の子どものような1日 Kotaro the Otter One Day Like a Human
- 【60万人記念】これを見ずしてカワウソハナの魅力は語れない!激カワ保存版 Introducing Hana the Otter 600K SUB SPECIAL
- カワウソコタローとハナ ついに直接対面!! Otter Kotaro&Hana Come Face to Face
カワウソコタローとハナ 父ちゃんの服の中を安全地帯にするコタロー Otter Kotaro&Hana The Safe Place Under Dad’s Shirt

(c) KOTSUMET 困ったらとりあえず父ちゃんの服の中に隠れる玉置コタロー 顔だけ出してる時はカワウソ人間みたいになってます。 ハナも昔よりはだいぶ落ちついてダイブすることもだいぶ …
Anyone who does not find this cute has some serious emotional problems
Kotaro: _tries so hard to hide himself from Hana._Hana: _sees Kotaro,_ “ah there you are!” _jump and nose boop Kotaro_ 😆💕🤣
What a nice way to end the week , with those adorable faces my angels ,I kiss them good nite ,love you kotaro n Hana n kotsumet family from a Frenchy in Australia 🇫🇷🇦🇺❤️🌟🐤🐌🐢🐞🐇🐾🐾🐣
Мне кажется они его не как папу, а как маму воспринимают, их в дикой природе мать кормит 😄
2:21 Otter hands are too cute
Kotaro: Hana can’t find me in here Hana steps on kotaro Kotaro: oof Hana: haha there you are KotaroKotaro: dang it she found me
Как я вас люблю 😘
i love their hands
I watch a clip of Kotaro and Hana everyday. A dose of happiness before I head off to work.
The nice part of my day is a next movie with my favourite Otters…Thanks Kotsumet for another film with crazy and lucky Otters…nice day for All….🙋🏻♀️👌🐾🐾😉
Kotaro y Hana hola los quiere su amiga argentina 💐♥️
Earthling has given 🐿 Alien birth 🐿 in the most unusual areas. Congrats Earthling, on your 🌞 SAUSAGES of Joy 🌞. 💖 🐾KOTARO & HANA🐾 are predicted to deliver the viewers Unlimited Happiness. 💖 ….👽 Dr. Mars 🖖
Сладкие,потешные, красивые! !конечно, папа -самый лучший!
Under daddies shirt, great place to hide! No one’s ever going to find you there, ever! So silly 😂💛 and loveable!
Cute fingerrrrrrrs! The music is classic! Awww, wink!
Playful animals are the most intelligent !!
Dad = protection Hana = Love Kotaro = why me 😉😍🤣
I hope that you guys have plenty of food for all of you in case there is a lockdown there!!!💟💟💟
カワウソ コタロー これまでに覚えた芸と新技を一気に見せます! Kotaro the Otter 6 Awesome Tricks

(c) KOTSUMET 【コタロー1歳記念】 11/10に誕生日を迎えたコタローの1歳記念として、赤ちゃんの時と現在を比べた動画をいくつかお届けします! コタローがこれまでに覚えたとっておきの …
Never realized that otters are so intelligent and fun loving.
😂he had to bring back both balls just cute! Hes better then a dog!😂💚💋
You can’t be doing this to all of us non-having Otter humans lol
That otter high five killed me
Kotaro’s best trick: Make everyone fall for him at first sight !! ☺🥰😍
He was so cute when he was trying to bring back both balls. 🙂
2:34 …. and so, Kotaro went on to graduate with honors in circusology. He is now travelling around the world and training young otters who will go on to change the future.
and the awesomest 7th trick: being the awesome otter just the way you are, Kotaro!
He is intelligent and quick learner too..
Kotaro is still the smartest of all otters , and most handsome ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Kotaro is the best!
The smartest otter i have ever seen in youtube
Wow, Kotaro knows more tricks than I do!
Wow, this cutie is so smart, he’s an absolute joy to watch!
YAY! You’re so smart and cute Kotaro!
He is a Staight UpNINJA!! 😱
The Best, adorable Kotaro!!😍😍😍😍
Kotaro the Olympian! 🏅
😍😍😍😍 i love ya Kotaro! So smart!
カワウソ コタロー ほとんど人間の子どものような1日 Kotaro the Otter One Day Like a Human

(c) KOTSUMET コタローのとある秋の1日。 朝起きたらまずトイレに行き、ストレッチすることから始まります。 その後は、食う、遊ぶ、泳ぐ、寝るの無限ループ。
Kotaro is the best otter in the world. He looks like a human baby boy. I love him so much.
I laughed so hard when he start scratching his butt..
I love how Kotaro uses the hands to eat. Its like a human child 😍
Awww, Kotaro was the most adorable baby boy! Everything he does is adorable, but when he was chewing on his little hand, that was and still is too cute! LOL
such a cute water sausage
I love his ears!
If Kotaro forms a Fan Club and we can visit him one on one and have a private session to play with him even for an hour, I think the queue will take a few months??? Kotaro should start to earn some serious $ and he can start to donate his earnings to other abandoned animals, Otter Kotaro can become a little Charity Prince…………
一日楽しそうだねぇ(●´ω`●)でもコタローちゃん!お尻掻いてる時、おっさん見たい( *´艸`)でも可愛すぎる(*´∀`*)ポッ
本当可愛いぃ😭💕幸せそう ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ )コタローがかきかきしてるの可愛い😍
I love watching Kotaro’s old videos, he was so cute (I mean he’s still now cute…), and his voice was so melting.
Я очень люблю выдр, они такие красивые, изящные милые мордочки👍👍👍😍😍😍😍❣️❣️❣️❣️💋💋💋💋💋💋
【60万人記念】これを見ずしてカワウソハナの魅力は語れない!激カワ保存版 Introducing Hana the Otter 600K SUB SPECIAL

(c) KOTSUMET 先日の50万人記念コタロー紹介動画から、あっという間に60万人達成することが出来ました!本当にありがとうございます!! それによりハナの紹介動画を60万記念と …
Hana eats so fast, she could compete with her lost Japanese brother Matt Stonie 🤣
Who else find Hana’s “Nyam Nyam Nyam Nyam” eating sound super cute? XDDD
Hana shares her fish with Kotaro unless it’s salmon, then it’s all hers.
I’m pretty sure my girlfriend has left me for Hana & Kotaro
I’m watching from India and its such a good distraction from all the bad things that are happening here. Thank you so much Hana and Kotaro.
Hana is absolutely adorable, and her juggling skills are unrivaled. I love the fact that she shared that big chunk of marlin with Kotaro. I guess she figured that that would make up for all of the times she stole his food. I cracked up over Kotaro’s look of annoyance when she put her toy in his water.
“Hana isn’t really a picky eater”? She’s a vacuum! 😂
these otters are wonderful and cute like little children.
She is absolutely adorable ..o love her ..
Смешно едят…Любовь любовью,но еда-отдельно .🤣
Спасибо!!! Увидела случайно и уже не могу не смотреть)))
Kotaro was like “ what u up to?” When Hana came and accidentally threw her toy into his food bowl 😀😀
6:10 Kotaro: I beg your pardon? Remove yourself from the vicinity of my food woman
Hana is an otter with a thousand personality and all of them are extra…. I still think Hana is the most beautiful girl otter ever. She looks like wearing dark eyeliner and glossy pink lipgloss all the time 😍😍😍
После каждого просмотра у меня хорошее настроение.С нетерпением жду новых видео💖💖💖
3 раза посмотрел!!!Фееричная девочка!!!💯💥⭐
This channel is an overdose of cuteness, even the thumbnail is absolutely adorable.
Смотрела много других выдр по ютьюбу, Ханна самая красивая ! Правда, она настоящая красавица!🦦🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Такой релакс от ваших видео, обожаю смотреть на этих милых добродушных зверьков. Спасибо за это удовольствие
Спасибо авторам! Премилые зверюшки! Понимаю, что держать их дома не смогу, а полюбоваться глазами любящих хозяев приятно!
カワウソコタローとハナ ついに直接対面!! Otter Kotaro&Hana Come Face to Face

(c) KOTSUMET ケージ越しの面会に慣れたので、いよいよ直接会わせることに! お互いどんな反応をするのか、ドキドキしながらご覧ください!! ブログ:https://ameblo.jp/kotsumet Twitter …
… “oh NO!!!! It’s a GIRL!!!!!!”…. Kotaro😆😆😆😆😆… “and she’s touching my STUFF!!!!! DAAAAAD!!!!!!!”
Otter’s emotions are so real. They aren’t fake like birds.
2:00 when you get the sibling you never asked for.
*Look at Hana chase kotaro…. lol… she might be little but she isnt a push over…. lol… Hana said “HEY DUDE! stop sniffing my butt…”* 🤣😂😋😉😁❤
When Hana tips Kotaros back, he sounds like an turbocharged otter “psccchhhhhh”. 😂But they are both so damn cute. 🙄
OMG…..they are so funny together))) Hana is so small in front of Kotaro💖😊but very brave little girl)))and Kotaro still confused💖😊
0:25 Dude Kotaro started gunnin’ it for his life XD
Kotaro is so curious of Hana yet so afraid of her!
She just wants to play and he’s like, wait wait wait, no not yet!
Simply adorable, watching them chase each other, too cute
2:07 The look on Kotaro’s face! As if he is thinking, “who is this”?
🤗Как интересно наблюдать за этими шустрыми умняшками
This is so fun i can barely handle it
Theyre freaking adorable
Спасибо большое! Теперь моё желание удовлетворено. В одном из видео я спросила , есть ли у Котаро приятели и хорошо бы посмотреть их общение. Теперь у него есть собственная подружка. Хоть она и маленькая но покажет Котаро где раки зимуют! Ему теперь скучно точно не будет!!!!!!!!!!
Ooohhhh Hana is in it to win it! She means business!
2:32Hooman: **puts bottle cap on his back**Otter: *STOP I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR YOU HOOMAN. I HAVE SOME INVESTIGATION TO DO.*
3:06Hana: Oh my god, you hit me! – runs to cover her face -Kotaro: Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry…Hana: HAHA! It was a PRANK! I GOT YOU NOW!Kotaro: NOOOOO~
YAY 👏Loved it!! Greetings from Dallas Texas 😘 Thank you for sharing this exciting moment!!!