- カワウソ コタロー 焼きいもの匂いにつられてやって来た Kotaro the Otter Lured in by the Smell of Baked Sweet Potato
- ビーチにやってきたカワウソが海に初挑戦! Otters Go to The Beach
- カワウソコタローとハナ いたずら者、落とし穴にはまる Otter Kotaro&Hana Fall Into A Pitfall
- カワウソコタローとハナ 川がある公園へお散歩【後編】 Otter Kotaro&Hana Take a Walk On the Riverside Part2
- 【10万人記念】カワウソコタローの名作を一気に見せます!赤ちゃん編 100K SUB SPECIAL! Kotaro the Baby Otter
カワウソ コタロー 焼きいもの匂いにつられてやって来た Kotaro the Otter Lured in by the Smell of Baked Sweet Potato

(c) KOTSUMET スーパーで美味しそうな匂いにつられて焼き芋を買って帰った飼い主。食べようとしたら匂いにつられた焼きいも小僧がやって来ました。 サツマ芋は犬や猫には良いおやつ …
I love when he puts his hands together like Mr Burns from the Simpsons “Excellant”
‘How dare he try to feed me this stuff – I know, I’ll jam some in the USB port of his laptop – that’ll teach him!’
I’m so jealous. Otters make life brighter.
Me: Kotaro can’t get any cuter than when he’s swimming on the floor. Kotaro: you ain’t seen nothing yet. *stands on hind legs and waddles about.*I die. He’s too damn adorable. :’)
Sweet baby Kotaro will have this sweet potato with fish 🙂 I so love him!
He’s like “please dad I’m a good boy gimme gimme” 😂😊❤ so cuute😭❤
The way Kotaro is able to walk upright is just too cute. 😍
Oh gawd it is soooooo cute when he wobbels on his back paws and stands like a human!!! Cute Kotaro!
*kotaro’s like ” mmmm, something smells good.. what you got there papa…” lol…* 😂😋😉❤
Gotta play with it first. Just to make sure!
I want it, no I don’t, yes I do, what is it? Lol, you make me laugh so hard little buddy.
Он прекрасен!!!
kotaro’s so cute.he uses his hands like a human.
I love it when he stands up on his hind legs <3
-” Папа дай. Что ты там такое вкусное кушаешь ? Ну дай , дай. Фу какая гадость и как ты такое ешь ? Я есть это не буду , но хотя-бы наиграюсь ! ” Какой же ты милый , маленький Котаро. Спасибо за видео.
Awww still so cute
He’s like a little human walking on his feet! 🤣🤣
He’s so funny. You have a treasure in your home.
my love kotaro❤️💚💛💜
ビーチにやってきたカワウソが海に初挑戦! Otters Go to The Beach

(c) KOTSUMET カワウソ達との温泉旅行の帰りに熱海のサンビーチに行ってきました。 まだ春なのに常夏かってくらい暑かったのですが、2人は初めて間近で見る海に興味と恐怖が入り …
I love how Hana keeps hopping up and down to see how big the ocean is.
Hana implores Kotaro: “Does this big water ever end?” Kotaro squeaks: “I don’t think so Hana, but there must be a bazillion fishes in there.”
Kotaro: “I never knew water could grow up this big!” 💦
“The sea ! We can’t go into the sea! That’s our cousin’s territory!”
These otters know what they are! They are not ocean/sea otters. Important to know what you are and what you do in this life!
0:48 The way Kotaro’s head is just moving up and down while he is being carried is so funny😂😭
Hana and Kotaro forgot to remind Daddy to bring their beach hats, suntan lotion and sunglasses. Things that are the right accessories for celebrities!
And everyone laughed at the ‘NO DOGS ‘ signs on the beach front
“A gigantic body of salt water in motion? Must investigate!” 🐾🌊🌊
I love how Kotaro just puts his face on the car air conditioner💨🦦
YouTube: Is your day complete without an episode of Kotaro and Hana? Me: No.
Last time they got attacked by carbonated water and now they got assaulted by the sea water.🤣
It’s funny watching them run forward and backward as the sea comes in and goes out! 🙂
*Wave rolls in* “Oh My Otter, the waters attacking, RUUUUN!!!”XD
Hana: Jeez Dad I don’t think I can even see the other side😮
Спасибо за русский перевод доброму человеку 👍👍👍🙏🙏🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 Thanks for the translation into russian😇
4:33 It is always important after new experiences to keep the old habits 😉
Замечательная прогулка🥰 но на речке лучше🦦😆
カワウソコタローとハナ いたずら者、落とし穴にはまる Otter Kotaro&Hana Fall Into A Pitfall

(c) KOTSUMET 寝てるオトモのコタルーを襲ってくる狂竜ハナクルガを落とし穴にはめました。 本人はなんだか楽しそうです。 ブログ:https://ameblo.jp/kotsumet Twitter …
kotaro is like ” Dad from where you have taken this tornado to our peaceful home” ? 😂😂😂
Poor Kotaro was just nodding off when Hana jumped on his head! little sisters can be so annoying!
Don’t ask me why but it kind of looked like Hana was trying to read the little paper manual she stole while under the chair.
Hana has boundless energy. She’s only a year younger than Kotaro, and he was always so calm when he was her age.
Hana reminds me of a little girl in a school playground, constantly running after a little boy she “loves”, tormenting him, trying to kiss him, play fighting etc. and Kotaro is the poor little schoolboy who desperately wants to be left alone.
Hana is really active…always disturbing Kotaro
Hana is always annoying Kotaro 😂 it’s like a real sibling’s relationship 😂😂
Thank you so much for another great video
KOTARO: “I’m gonna snuggle and chill with Dad and scratch my bum”HANA: “Oh no you’re not big brother, you’re gonna play with meeeeeee!”
Хана непоседа, похоже у Котаро были планы поваляться. Но! Ох уж эти женщины))
If there is a way to jump into the chair without disturbing Kotaro’s nap… why bother?– Hana
Котарушка 😘как же я люблю этого малыша))) и конечно же неугомонная Ханушка 😘 how calm baby Kotaro is, so restless baby Hana😀
Kotaro must have given Hana his energy. He didn’t even fight back. I like how Hana used her opportunity to groom her bottom while stuck in the blanket. Made for some cute photos I’m sure.
Самые милые малыши❤
if Kotaro would speak: Hana, you crazy otter, leave me alone!
S�o dois fofos,esses lindinhos!
Hana is too naughty, like an energy ball. Wish the pitfall could be deeper, so the good boy Kotaro would sleep in peace beside Papa. 😄😄❤️❤️😘😘🐹🐹
Kotaro you bite her next time she try to attack you lol
カワウソコタローとハナ 川がある公園へお散歩【後編】 Otter Kotaro&Hana Take a Walk On the Riverside Part2

(c) KOTSUMET 川辺のお散歩後編です。 ハナはキャリーで休憩中。コタローをどこかで泳がせたいと思いながらぶらぶら。 入れそうなところはあるけど昨日の雨で水がちょっと濁ってるか …
First time seeing Kotaro jumping in and out of the river like a dolphin. Can feel he’s feeling super excited swimming in nature.. 😍💕💕
Please take them to more rivers! Kotaku looks to happy out in the wild!
He’s super happy… this is his natural habitat please bring him more often
Kotaro’s swimming technique is absolutely adorable😍 What a cute jumpy baby🤗
Yes please. Take these otters to the river more often. They need it.
Котаро так резвился в воде, прыгал как дельфинчик, такая прелесть!!! Вы такой молодец, столько внимания и любви к животным! ❤❤❤
I laughed out loud when he dived in. So amazing to see his instincts take over, to see him in his natural habitat!I couldn’t BELIEVE how high he jumped out of the water!Like a little dolphin.This video made my day.
*Kotaro💗Hana*It’s like going to Disneyland for otters. We must come again!
Make more videos out of the house! I love the lake /water
Dolphin kotaroooooo
Kotaro does a great dolphin imitation.
Awwwww, a dip in an otter paradise. He really stayed under water a long time. Then, on to a warm bath and a nap. Life is gooooood!
Good job Kotaro!!! Jumping like a shrimp. 😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍
He jumps like a wee porpoise! So cute!
Hahahaha, the way he darts into the water, what an adventurous little guy! Absolutely lovely to see him having so much fun.
Котаро молодец сразу прыгнул в свою стихию😃😃😃😃😃
That’s it, you gotta build a bigger pool.
【10万人記念】カワウソコタローの名作を一気に見せます!赤ちゃん編 100K SUB SPECIAL! Kotaro the Baby Otter

(c) KOTSUMET 昨年の3月からはじめたコタローチャンネルですが、おかげさまで先日チャンネル登録者が10万人を突破しました! 嬉しさと感謝でいっぱいです、本当にありがとうございます …
He really is so darn adorable i never knew otters were so cute. God bless
Kotaro is national treasure, mascot of japan
Little fella. He’s loved from all over the world.
i bet he doesn’t know how adorable he is.
Kotaro sucks his own fingers, it’s so funny.
Я уже ничего не смотрю,только это ролики!Такой позитив!😘💖💋
Baby Kotaro was such a cutie. And he still is! 🙂❤
Oh man, is that adorable or what? I want one.
Adorable baby Kotaro video compilation. Congrats on well deserved 100.000 subscribers..We love you, Kotaro and parents/ Kotsumet channel.. of course, Hana too.. 💕 Stay as a happy loving family of humans n otters 🤗
Я в них влюблена😍, никогда не думала, что они такие красивые♥️♥️♥️
Какое же милое существо. Обожаю ваших питомцев и ролики о них. Удачи вашему каналу!
Какое чудо !!!Миленький,хорошенький ребенок!🤗🤗🤗
he is so adorable. i love his whiskers and his silky little ears. he is so cute when he self-soothes by sucking on his fingers. thank you for sharing.☺
Поздравляю со 100 тыс.подписчиков!!💐Котарочка самый лучший выдренок в мире!! Снимайте, показывайте! Я вас обожаю!!👏😘💐
Милота зашкаливает! И сколько же нужно любви и терпения с ними! Успехов Вам!
Какая же лапусечка😍
Kotaro the most handsome (good looking) otter on YouTube ✔👍👌😎🐱🚀
Чудо какое то! До чего же милый ребёнок!!!
Такой сладенький, лялечка маленькая! Спасибо за видео!
Боооже! Ну, какая же милота эти выдры….Название не по их мимишности!!! 😘😘😘😘😘