- 【30万人記念】カワウソコタローとハナ 可愛すぎるハナのベストシーン一挙公開! 300K SUB SPECIAL! Hana the Otter Best Moments
- カワウソ コタロー じゃがりこ食べてたら横にいた Kotaro the Otter What’s that? Is it tasty?
- カワウソ コタロー 歌う鳥が怖くて大泣きしてしまう Kotaro the Otter Scared of the Singing Bird and Crying in Dad’s Arms
- カワウソコタローとハナ 父ちゃんの相席ササミ食堂 Otter Kotaro&Hana Love Chicken
【30万人記念】カワウソコタローとハナ 可愛すぎるハナのベストシーン一挙公開! 300K SUB SPECIAL! Hana the Otter Best Moments

(c) KOTSUMET チャンネル登録者30万人記念動画 今回はハナ編です! 見返すとやっぱりハナはスーパーやんちゃ甘えたガールですね。 【カワウソコタロー1年間のベストシーン一挙公開!】
Your house looks like a paradise Haven for otters.
3 dislikes ?! I bet they are fishes
В квартире две выдры,море игрушек для них ,а вокруг чистота и порядок…респект и уважуха вам!🤗
Мне кажется, что весь мир полюбил Хану и Котаро. Их невозможно не полюбить! Они чудесные!!! Здоровья и счастья вам!!! И конечно же малышам)))
She has a different personality to Kotaro but she’s so cute.
She’s so precious the way she sleeps. Sooo cute. You’re so wonderful with them.
Заботливый и любящий Хозяин создал Рай для своих милых питомцев – Малышей!)))
Hana is precious and adorable
Hana’s personality is so cute. I love her freckle on her bottom lip❤️Both of them bring such joy to us who watch. ❤️❤️❤️
Как же я вас люблю. Такие миленькие выдрята и еще счастливые что живут у такого доброго хозяина!!!
Hana is a real sweet little girl. She is smart, persistent and gentle. I enjoyed her water ballet. She loves dad like a real father. Kisses from Budapest. 😘😘😘💞💞💞💖💖💖💖❤️❤️❤️🇹🇯🇹🇯🇹🇯
Please make a Kotaro Scratching his Belly compilation I’m gonna cry
Спасибо за порцию милоты , на них невозможно смотреть 😁 без умиления 😄🤗😄😁😁👍💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💋
I love her little noises she makes when food is around 😍❤
Какие они хорошенькие, прямо лапочки
Hana, what a cute girl you are.. 💕It’s so adorable when Hana is giving nail trim to Papa and juggling her stone or shells. 💕😍
The cutest little thing that makes the Cutest little noises lol those back-flips are killer lol
Hana can swim superbly well in the bathtub. Love the compilations and have enjoyed tremendously. Happy that Hana and Kotaro are so well taken care of, so happy for them.👍👏❤😘😍🤩🥰🦦
Желаю всем деткам такого папу💋💋💋💋💋💋😍😍😍😍😍💝💝💝💝💝💝😘😘😘😘
Oh my love, what a first year you’ve had! savaging plushie donuts, jumping on Kotaros head and skillful water ballet were just a few highlights. And those little noises you make, just adorable.
カワウソ コタロー じゃがりこ食べてたら横にいた Kotaro the Otter What’s that? Is it tasty?

(c) KOTSUMET お土産のじゃがりこ手羽先味を食べてたら、コタローが忍びよってきました。 「なにそれ?おいしいの?」とじゃがりこを狙っていましたが、じゃがりこは人間のお菓子なのであげ …
What kind of demon dislikes this? SO MUCH LOVE!! SOOO PRECIOUS!!
Those little squeaks with that face…Omg, I cannot resist!!!!
Wicked papa, teasing lil Kotaro. Next time you want a steak Kotaro should tease you lol. 😂
That outo melts my heart everytime! Best part of the video for sure; Art!
Kotaro voice is soo cute !!! Love….. Love….. Love
Как же он стоит на задних лапках, когда, что-то просит…🤗🤗😍😍. Нельзя дразнить.
Aww! Give him a potato stick! 🥔
2:19 stock d’eau et de bouchons ! 😁Adorable petit kotaro qui couine 😍
カワウソ コタロー 歌う鳥が怖くて大泣きしてしまう Kotaro the Otter Scared of the Singing Bird and Crying in Dad’s Arms

(c) KOTSUMET 人感センサーで歌う鳥のおもちゃにコタローがひょこひょこ寄っていき、反応した鳥が突然歌い出しました。びっくりしたコタローは自分も鳴き声をあげてあたふた。それでも興味 …
ohhhh my god the way he puts his one hand in mouth u will kill me with Ur cuteness 😂
Aw, he got scared; needs Papa to comfort him. Sweet little thing. He sucks his hand when he’s insecure.Looks like Papa keeps ahead of him.🎏
his cutiness is melting my heart like sweet butter
I love Kotaro he makes me smile and laugh 😂
Don’t be scared, my beautiful Kotaro! I love you!
Kotaro don’t worry, that bird 🐦 won’t touch you, it has to pass over my corp!
Kotaro…you’re such a sweet boy! You’re gonna be ok! You’re in good hands with your Dad!
Sweet baby, so sensitive and kind. He has you to protect him.
Awww such a big baby. Kotaro loves being in his daddy’s arms.
It’s cute voice melt my heart….
“What is this unholy creature without a smell?”
I love Kotaro so much, he’s such a sweet little bean 💞🌟
Aw… What a scared little bean😭😥
Милый, смешной ласкунчик! Very beautiful! 👄💖👄💖👄💖👄💖👄💖👄
カワウソコタローとハナ 父ちゃんの相席ササミ食堂 Otter Kotaro&Hana Love Chicken

(c) KOTSUMET 今日は父ちゃん食堂でコタ課長とランチするOLハナ子。 ハナ子のうまいもんを見つめる視線はなによりも真剣。 出来る女は食うのも早い。 コタ課長はおかず食べたらごはん …
Kotaro is the best otter in the world .he looks like a gentleman.
Very cute video. Love when Kotaro and Hana sit at the dinner table and the high fives is great. They are both so adorable and smart.
Hana: “I’m not Kotaro or a seal. Just give me the food already!”
Как же они красиво кушают своими лапками❤❤❤❤❤😘😘😘😘😘👍🌼🍀
That high five is just too adorable <3
Kotaro has the best table manners. But Hana is improving, she can sit calmly while being fed. 💕So cute when Hana lift Papa’s palm with her paws so she can rest her chin on it. 😍😍♥️
1:57 自分用サムネがあまりに可愛いから必死に探してしまいました笑2人とも短い、お手手で一生懸命タッチしてて可愛い😉💕コンビニのサラダチキンが食べたくなりました😂
0:26 Kotaro is so adorable doing high 5’s, chin in dad’s hand and nose boops.
Hana and Kotaro have such good table manners! They have better table manners than some humans.
see your having a great lock down with these 2 cuties glad your save 😇
it’s smart one knows of asking for food and sits on the chair like human baby very cute .
Какие же они классные!! обожаю их!!!😉💝💝💝💝💝
Absolutely, totally, thoroughly…… unbelievable, so bloody adorable. They’ve made my day !