- カワウソに初めて炭酸水あげたらとんでもない事になった Otter Reacts To Trying Sparkling Water
- カワウソコタローとハナ 可笑しくてほっこりする2人のやりとり Otter Kotaro&Hana Get on Great Together
- カワウソコタローとハナ 誕生日に鯛の舟盛りが出てきて喜ぶハナ Hana the Otter Happy First Birthday!
- カワウソの前でポップコーン作ったらリアクションが面白すぎるコタロー Otter Reaction to Popcorn Maker
- 待ちに待った新しいプールに狂喜乱舞するカワウソ Otter So Excited About The New Pool
カワウソに初めて炭酸水あげたらとんでもない事になった Otter Reacts To Trying Sparkling Water

(c) KOTSUMET 自宅で炭酸水が作れるソーダストリームを買ったので、カワウソ達にもあげてみました。 何の迷いもなく頭から突っ込んでびっくりするおっちょこちょいハナと慎重にシュワる …
I love how they hate it but they keep going back to it like they want to figure it out lol
I can’t believe they’re real. Feels like I’m watching a cartoon.
My mind was blown just by the fact that he could take off the cap…
Imagine how intense the fizz must feel when you have whiskers.
Youtube recommended: Want to see Otter?Me with exam next day: Yes
Who else would just love to spend the day with these two beautiful animals?
Next Episode: Otters Try Bourbon For The First Time
These Otters have such amazing personalities
I admire his determination to finish off sparking water lmao
I love the otter in the very beginning of the video just standing up on that chair like “where tf my s**t at”
I love their little hands. Is it me or are otters a mixture of several types of animals and a little kid?
Fun Fact: otters have a habit of rearranging small things in your home, every day.
What does walking away and coming back do? They ain’t writing a book, and getting stuck on what to say next. 🤣
the way kotaro was standing in the beginning is like when the teacher quiets down the class during your presentation, and you’re just standing there awkwardly
For someone like me who has never seen an otter in his life, it is utterly odd to be watching one otter video after anotter…..err, I mean another.
They’re like, “I know it’s water. There’s no way it’s not water. But there’s something WRONG with it…”
Otters: EWW YUCKa second later…Otters: Let’s try it again!
How he didn’t like the taste but kept coming back to drink it, that’s kind of funny
If they can figure out opening a bottle today…I bow to our future Otter overlords.
Who can even handle this level of cuteness…??? Cut it out
カワウソコタローとハナ 可笑しくてほっこりする2人のやりとり Otter Kotaro&Hana Get on Great Together

(c) KOTSUMET コタローとハナを会わせてから1ヶ月ちょっと経ちますが、すっかり仲良しになりました。毎日2人で追っかけっこしたり、じゃれあったりして家中ドタバタ。 寝ている飼い主の顔も …
They are like a mix between dogs and very smart dolphins. They are so cute also 😍😍😍
She’s the annoying little sister lol so very sweet
These are little catdogs. Agile like cats and aware like dogs 😀
Забавно, Хана тут еще совсем малявка, непривычно после новых роликов)
Да уж ни когда бы не подумал что выдры такие смышленые, ну а глазки это что то , просто прелесть.
Мило 🙂 Рад за вас , что вы завели ещё одну выдру . Вдвоём им явно будет веселей вместе .
Молодец хозяин….достойную жизнь организовал своим питомцам….живут как любимые детки.
Добрый вечер!. Они такие сладкие, как маленькие дети, мне так нравятся, как они кушают, и ещё они такие умные 😊😊😊😘😘😘😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Даа, как все изменилось! Весело у вас. Котаро, мой любимчик, а мелкая – задира!
3:00 Kotaro: “Hey, it’s not a fish! That’s my leg!“ Hana: „Om nom nom…“ 😂
Это просто необыкновенной красоты животные. Очень игривые и думается не шкодливые.
Love seeing them play. And when he caught ball. Adorable they are
They are so cute. Hanna is quite the warrior queen.
Aww this is soo cute when the other one was a baby!!! What memories!!!
“QUICK! GIVE IT TO ME! HERE SHE COMES!!!” HAHA, hes learned what it is like to have a BRATTY little sister who wants All of YOUR STUFF!♡♡♡
Kotaro:” Daddy give me fast pls, before hana is coming ” 😂❤
Cutest babies on YT. Love Kotaro’s smarts: High Fives, Chin in Palm, Nose Boops. And baby sister Hana is so small and adorable here. Love them!
Прелестные малыши))Намного смышленнее кошек и вовлеченные в процесс игры))Как много с ними занимается хозяин!!
I almost feel sorry for Kataro, but at the end you see how much he likes playing with Hana. 😂😂😂😂 Wow, she’s so Feisty!
какие они славные!…
カワウソコタローとハナ 誕生日に鯛の舟盛りが出てきて喜ぶハナ Hana the Otter Happy First Birthday!

(c) KOTSUMET ハナの1歳の誕生日祝いはコタローの時と同じくおめで鯛です! 去年よりちょっとグレードアップして舟盛りになっております。 無類の魚好きハナは喜んでくれるんでしょうか?
Got me once. I told myself im not watching another damn otter video.. Im a busy man.. Yet here I am. Dammit got me again
This ottes not only has a more friends than me, but also a better diet.
I love how Hana appreciates the art and craft of the meal rather than just stuffing face right off the bat
“What about this side?””What about THIS side?””What about thiiiiis side?”
she’s looking at the fish like ‘omg where should i start!’ TOO CUTEEE
-Down to hangout this weekend?-Sorry I got otter plans.-Don’t you mean “other”?-Nope. 🙂
Why is she so adorable? Didn’t know otters were like this.
Otters are by far the least coordinated animal I’ve ever seen eat, but they’re so precious.
She looks overwhelmed like a kid at the candy store Lol… The way they bob their head back when swallowing is so funny 😅
My cheeks and the muscles near my temple feel overused from smiling and laughing so hard at this video. That otter is the cutest thing ever.
Hana is an angel. Those little hands alone make me cry
My heart truly can’t comprehend the adorableness of Hana
She takes her time deciding where to start with the fish! 😂
The otter is like, “I like to rip my food open myself.”
Hana: look at all this fish!Kotaro: we’re gonna need a bigger boat.
0:51 this is heaven
Okay, otters are god-tier next to them cats. Now I know. Their squeaks shatter my very soul.
The offhanded way they paw with one hand for more food while looking straight up and trying to chew and swallow what they already have in their mouths!
Imagine being the ghost of that fish watching ur self get eaten as a birthday meal by otters
Different love able – these otter’s are so full of energy-so much fun to watch. Luv the end.
カワウソの前でポップコーン作ったらリアクションが面白すぎるコタロー Otter Reaction to Popcorn Maker

(c) KOTSUMET 今日は世界カワウソの日!ということでカワウソ達にポップコーンを作ってあげました。 パチパチ音にびっくりしたコタローは猛ダッシュで階段を駆け上がったかと思えばすぐに …
Милые такие 👍👍👍 смешные 😁😁😁
As of this moment, I am officially an otter enthusiast😆
Oh, God, they’re Adorable! So curious and investigative!
Oh my god their little hands! And those squeaks are just adorable
They are the most curious of animals, more so than a cat.
Youtube: Want to see otters reacting to a popcorn maker?Me: sure
They are the same as me. I stopped to eat this stuff 30 years ago. This is why I reach 83 years age already. 🤣🤣🤣
They are such curious little creatures! They’re hilarious to watch!
Надо же какие любопытные!!! И хорошенькие!!!
They are so smart, and adorable.
I honestly had no idea that I want an otter
Some of the cutest animals ever.
Господи,какие они замечательные! А любопытные,как все малые детки.Сказка!
These fur babies make my heart just melt they look so soft and cuddly
What’s so special about this? That’s my exact reaction when the popcorn maker is brought out.
Omg if this isn’t the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Their little faces and hands. I love them❤
Adorable, just F ing adorable!! The F word is to enhance adorable!
They’re so cute; so curious. )
Gosh they’re funny. Almost look like penguins when they stand up.
待ちに待った新しいプールに狂喜乱舞するカワウソ Otter So Excited About The New Pool

(c) KOTSUMET カワウソ達が待ちきれない様子なので冬用の小プールから夏用のプールに変えました。 あんまりわかりませんが去年のプールより少しだけサイズアップしています。 プールの …
Their voices sound like a rubber duckie you squeeze. 😆
Internet: “Here’s two otters playing in a baby pool”Me: “Sigh, of course I am watching this… twice.”
I’m a grown man approaching his mid 30s and this is the most heart warming thing I’ve ever seen.
I don’t understand how they can be so pretty, like super cute, and the sounds they make, I’m melting
I was not expecting them to sound like squiky toys lol but this is wholesome
Very happy that this was on my recommended and not a video from 9 years ago
I always thought keeping pets like this would be cruel, but these two otters look incredibly happy and well taken care of.
This is youtube: my guilty pleasure is watching other peoples’ pet otters.
Anybody else finds these videos relaxing, its like a stress reliever 😂😩
I’ve been dealing with really bad depression and watching these videos always cheers me up.
this came randomly into my recommendation , but im so glad that it came. those otters are soooo cute, they made my day ❤❤
There’s no way this much adorableness in one place could be legal! There otter be a law. 🦦🦦
Props to god for creating this beautiful creature <3
I feel like they would love their slide in the pool!
This is what heaven must feel like to them. No stress from predators… Just peaceful sleep, ready made food & snacks for them & a big water pool for them to play all day! 🙂
Thank YouTube for this recommendation I can watch this all day .
“I’m not a scrubbing brush!” -Old Scrubber Wilkinson
All the dislikes on the video are all the people who couldn’t handle all the cuteness 😍 ❤
Милее и красивее этих выдр никого нет , кто придумал называть страшную и злую женщину выдрой .
you need some structures in the pool they can climb on and sun on…chairs, tables, rocks or cement blocks stacked etc