- カワウソコタローとハナ 気持ちいいと噂のグローブブラシを使ってみた Otter Kotaro&Hana Magic Pet Grooming Glove
- カワウソコタローとハナ 2歳の誕生日にお寿司をにぎってあげた! Kotaro the Otter Happy Sushi Birthday!
- カワウソ コタロー 平成最後!これがコタローの1日! Kotaro the Otter It’s a Wonderful Day
- 【10万人記念】もっとすごいカワウソコタローの名作を一気に見せます! 100K SUB SPECIAL! Kotaro the Otter Best Memories
- カワウソコタローとハナ 贅沢な朝ごはんいただきます! Otter Kotaro&Hana Lovely Breakfast
カワウソコタローとハナ 気持ちいいと噂のグローブブラシを使ってみた Otter Kotaro&Hana Magic Pet Grooming Glove

(c) KOTSUMET 撫でるだけでブラッシングが出来るペットグローブというものを買ってみました。 最初は絶対警戒するので慣れさせるところから。。ダメだこりゃ 【コタローとハナ2020年 …
“Dad, something is wrong with your hands. Don’t touch me until you see a doctor.”
This is better entertainment than anything in TV!
Kotaro: You had me at belly rubs. Hana: What’s up with your elbow dad?
I don’t know why Youtube recommend me this but this is wholesome..
Me at 1:49: What is the otter holding!? Has it found something it shouldn’t have…Me a few seconds later: oh, OK, we’re fine
Seems amazing that they will try to wear the gloves.
Какие любопышки!Сколько любви с обеих сторон!🥰❤💖😘🥳💋💋💋
Удивительные создания : напоминают и маленьких детей, ласковые, как кошки! Фантастика! 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
И Котаро поймали.)))) .. Почти все боятся этих рукавиц))))) Какие умненькие любимцы)))) Календарь классный!!!!
OTTER a synonym for fiddling with everything😜love those fellas!
Спасибо за приятные эмоции, классно музыка подобрано
Какие же они классные!!!❤❤❤👍👍👍
❤ 😍💓😍💓😍💓😍💓😍 I can’t imagine the joy and the happiness they can bring to their owners, it’s just impossible not to be in love with this creatures
Вот они классные😂любопытные такие
Привычка всегда нужна!😊
Самые любопытные существа, Которых я видел
У меня спаниель такой перчаткой шерсть вычесываю работает на ура.
Такой перчаткой я чешу британского кота. Ему очень нравится. Очень хорошо массажирует и вычесывает. Моется хорошо
Вот они какие, ежовые рукавицы
Я такими же собаку начёсываю, полезная перчатка. 👍👍👍👍👍
カワウソコタローとハナ 2歳の誕生日にお寿司をにぎってあげた! Kotaro the Otter Happy Sushi Birthday!

(c) KOTSUMET 本日11月10日はコタロー2歳の誕生日! 1歳の誕生日は鯛のお頭でお祝いしましたが、今年はカワウソ専用寿司「コタ寿司」を作ってあげました。 シャリはササミと鶏ミンチを …
*I would like to have this otter as a guest on my sushi channel :)*
It was so sweet when he carried some of his food around the house to share it with Hana!
“Want to go for a drink?””Sorry, I have Otter plans””Haha. You mean ‘Other’ plans?””You heard me”
Never realized an otter would look so adorably derpy when eating.
This is exactly what I look like eating tacos when I’m drunk at 3:00 AM😂
My wife thinks otters are cute when they eat, but whenever I eat like that, she hits me.
Awww. He’s like a human kid, not knowing where to start on the birthday cake!
Pretty much the cutest most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my 56 years on Earth.
I love how he smells each one before choosing his first bite
I can’t believe I just subscribed to an otter channel😂
youtube has ruined me. now i wanna an otter, a hedgehog and a meerkat.
It sucks not having opposable thumbs.The Otter
Otters are seriously one of the most wholesome animals I have ever seen…
Love how he just pauses to check no one’s is creeping on his sushi 🍣
Kotoro is so cute; he wanted his friend at the party…
Her: wanna go on a date ? Me: i can’t, my otter has birthday
Kotoro is a real g.. Waiting for hana to Come home to give the last slice
That’s hilarious. He sits down at the table with a bowtie on and balloons in the back. Happy Birthday!
I like how the otter ponders which sushi to eat first.
ok why do they need to toss the food around lol
カワウソ コタロー 平成最後!これがコタローの1日! Kotaro the Otter It’s a Wonderful Day

(c) KOTSUMET 今日は平成最後の大晦日! 2018年に1歳になったカワウソ少年コタローは、毎日元気な1日を過ごしてます! ブログ:https://ameblo.jp/kotsumet Twitter …
Я 40 летний мужик смотрю с умилением каждый ролик:)
He is the cutest little guy. I love his little hands.
I never knew how much I needed an otter until this day.
Gente do céu 😻Encantadíssima com esse vídeo. Ainda não tinha visto um negócio desse. Amei essa lontrinha. Fofa demais. 😍🥰
Никогда не думал что выдра такая прелесть. Молодец он сумел показать всем нам всю очарованию этого зверька. Я просто тащусь как он купается……
Какое чудо чудесное,прелесть распрекрасная…
Kotaro is beatyfull, im also sure his owner make a nice Job, Otter as pet to have is Not ok,but Kotara,Hanna,Ay,trink they have a funny and good live by his owner !
This is the definition of “living your best life!” He is adorable!
Kotaro is really one in a million otter. Otterly bright, winsome, cute, personable, beyond adorable. I just love him so much
Как можно из них шубы делать писец я в шоке люди твари кто это делает гореть им в аду
WHY HE IS SOOO CUTEE!!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
Какие милые ДЕТИ. И РЕБЕНКА НА ШУБУ УБИТЬ?Люди , будьте людьми.
Какой забавный зверек, своей мордочкой он очень похож на морского котика, есть усы и он так же очень любит воду. И мне очень нравится, что во всех роликах лицо человека не показано, все видеоролики посвящены исключительно зверьку.
It almost hurts how cute this little chap is.♥️
Hey we think Kotaro might get lonely so we got him Hana.Kotaro:
He looks the happiest when he’s swimming & playing in the water. Is it legal to own an otter?
Looks like u have to find lots of different ways to entertain them. He’s so adorable.
Love the little guy
I want to hug him and kiss his cute little nose!!!
Кого только не берут в дом люди … и сов , и черепашек , и белочек , и выдр ! И все они прекрасно чувствуют себя у любящих хозяев .
【10万人記念】もっとすごいカワウソコタローの名作を一気に見せます! 100K SUB SPECIAL! Kotaro the Otter Best Memories

(c) KOTSUMET 登録者10万人突破記念としまして、今までの動画の中から名シーンを集めたコタロースペシャルの後編です! 新居に引っ越し、赤ちゃんから少年へと成長しパワーアップした …
Its like having a pet dog, a cat and a mouse. All in 1 animal.
He got so dramatic when he guessed the wrong hand twice 😂
This is the cure to depression.
I like that owner never shows his face. Great respect to the star of the show. Very humble human.
Kotaro’s face melts hearts. He is adorable.
Him sucking on his hand and crying when he was wrong was just the cutest thing!!
Awww, he looked so adorable sucking his fingers while he was resting. He’s also very smart and curious. I wish I could own one.
1:59 that slide is so satisfying.
Well, this is the cutest darn thing I’ve ever seen!
Awe him getting frustrated was so cute I didn’t realize how smart otters were
Hopping along on 3 legs as he carries the ball in his 4th paw. So cute!
Господи! Ну какой же он сладкий! Какой умненький, какой забавный!
Just TOOOOOOOOOOO cute….omg.
I can’t believe how fn cute this little one is. I would have never guessed that are so smart.
i have to reset my brain because of total cuteness overload
they are the cutest animals ive ever seen. and i laughed so hard at some of the things he was doing!
Aww, kotaro is an intelligent otter❤️
Take care of those two they are God’s gift to you !
Once in a while even youtube recommendations get it right!
Thank you Kotsumet for sharing your super intelligent, adorable furry Prince with us. Kotaro has thousands of fans from all over the globe!
カワウソコタローとハナ 贅沢な朝ごはんいただきます! Otter Kotaro&Hana Lovely Breakfast

(c) KOTSUMET いつもコタ助さんより早く目覚めるハナ江お嬢さんは朝一番にお手洗いを済ませます。御行儀のよろしいこと。 今日は朝から贅沢に魚貝を頂きましょう。 ハナ江さん、そんなに …
hana, don’t eat kotaro’s salmon!!!!
I so love how they use their little hands 😊
When otters have a better life than you! ☹️
I wish I looked as cute as Kotaro waking up in the morning!🌞🦦🌻 Miss Hana needs to learn some table manners … 🐷🐽🐷😳
Like humans sleep in bed, go toilet, eat on the table. Lol intelligent otters.
Otters are my new favorite animal <3
Hana, keep your horses! Hana: I will eat everything!Conclusion: OMG, Hana is pregnant!
Otter high five at the end. The best way to end a meal.
A guaranteed smile every morning! Much needed in this new normal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😫! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 And…..Good morning Kotsumet!!!
Kotaro and Hana, what a wonderful breakfast Papa has prepared for you. Another great video, 💙 Kotaro and Hana.
Как я люблю смотреть на этих двух крошек!!! Какие они милые!!!
Hana is so greedy. She can’t even focus on her own plate. 🤣 Poor Koko.
It seems meal time requires some supervision to keep Hana from eating it all!
Hana: always start from Kotaro’s plate lol
So much personality! Now I can tell them apart by the way they pick up their food. Thank you for sharing them!
Early morning Kotaro is the most adorable little thing… 🦦❤🍣
Вот жадюга) А папа их очень любит! Вот настоящий хозяин!
Hana is so quick in finishing her food and going for more from the other plate.
Lol, I assume Kotaro was thinking in the first 20 seconds: “What?…Oh…hey morning sun, can you go back down & come back in about 15 to 20 minutes please?”
В чужой тарелке всегда вкуснее 😄