- カワウソコタローとハナ 遊び疲れた2人の癒し寝顔 Otter Kotaro&Hana Cute Sleeping Faces
- カワウソのとなりで優雅に苺タルトを食う父ちゃん Otter Juggling Next to Me Eating a Strawberry Tart
- 気になるカワウソのトイレ事情ってどんな感じ? What is The Otters’ Toilet Situation Like?
- カワウソコタローとハナ 流しカワウソがしたい父ちゃん Otter Kotaro&Hana Water Slide Playtime
- カワウソコタローとハナ 数日ぶりに帰宅した父ちゃんに大興奮! Otter Kotaro&Hana Dad Came Home For The First Time In A Few Days
カワウソコタローとハナ 遊び疲れた2人の癒し寝顔 Otter Kotaro&Hana Cute Sleeping Faces

(c) KOTSUMET 最近のコタローは寝る前にマッサージをしてあげると、そのまま気持ち良さそうに眠りに落ちます。 一方、赤ちゃんカワウソのハナは何より遊ぶことが大好きなので、限界まで …
До чего же.у них мордашки красивые…..Они такие забавные в быту.
They are TOO friggin cute!!!! I love their little hands!!
Дочего же мордашечки милые , умиление сплошное , а лапочки , как ручки , забавные …
Милашка , а пальчики какие интересные так хочется по тискать ее эту лапулю.
Мне такую зверюшку нельзя ,..зацелую до смерти 😘
Oh my! Some of the things they do is almost like human. Precious.
Kotaro scratching his belly! Hannita so precious 😘
Wow, Hana is completely comfortable sleeping lol. I always see otters tuck themselves away, or sleep with their owners. She’s just **blap** imma sleep right here. 😊
Если и есть рай на земле, то рядом с таким зверенышем.
Hahaha. These Otter’s don’t have to do nothing to make me laugh and smile. I’m not one to smile or laugh much but these Otters got me at there whiskers and small eyes. I love these little dudes!
Люди,любите животных
Love their fingers. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Хана и Котару, вы поселились в моем сердце😍🤗. Такие пусечки))
It’s a lot of work being that adorable all the time.
I like how he scratched his belly
Otters have the sweetest little hands. Too adorable.
Можно смотреть долго на огонь, и на то как как спят сладкие малыши Котаро и Ханочка!!❤️😘
Unable to handle the cuteness. I love otters more than ever after these videos💓💓
I feel much better now that I had a high dose of otter cuteness 😍😂
I swear Hana forgot to take her make up off last night! Smokey eyes and pink lips forever!
カワウソのとなりで優雅に苺タルトを食う父ちゃん Otter Juggling Next to Me Eating a Strawberry Tart

(c) KOTSUMET 食いしん坊ぽっちゃり娘ハナは意外にもスイーツが苦手です。 カワウソなのでそりゃそうなんですけど。 以前イチゴをあげた時は食べずにそこらじゅうでべちゃべちゃにして …
When Hana sneakily reached for the tart while juggling 🤣🤣🤣
Seriously, these otters are so intelligent. They’re like humans trapped in otter bodies.
Hana is so adorable trying to sneak into Daddy’s tart. She looked like she wanted some really bad. At least, she was able to keep occupied with her juggling. Hana has got to be the best otter juggler! Hugs from South Dakota, USA
Juggle the buttons to the left, to the right, to the left, grab dad’s strawberries, to the right…
Hana: “I have a cunning plan to get a piece of strawberry tart whilst playing with my buttons!”
Princess Hana’s interests: pretty things like strawberries and ribbons, yummy food, anything to juggle with, Dad’s hugs. It’s a good life 🐾🍓👑
1:04 laugh at how stealthily Hana sneak her paw on the edge of tart plate.. haha 😁🤣And at the end: Kotaro sniffing Mama’s foot??
Fastest paws in Japan! Hana almost got the strawberry.
I love when she pretends she’s juggling with the buttons but keeping an eye on the tart in case she can grab it. So smart Hana ❤️❤️❤️
lol Hana be like: I did nothing dad, just playing around not meant to steal your tart
Oh these diversionary maneuvers are just delightful! Hana pretends to play with her buttons while trying to grab dad’s cake and Kotaro sniffs the carpet to figure out what his next step is regarding the marbles 😉 The two just brighten up every day <3
Oh my God she juju she literally threw a diversion so she could grab the plate! I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so loud in public before my god that was hysterical!
И почему женшины обижаются если назвать их выдрами😏?
Какие быстрые лапки! 😆🦦 Очень игривая девочка😍 А Котаро здесь такой серьезный😁 Смешно было, когда Хана за столом вроде и играет и не хочет, но лапкой тянется за тортиком🤣
Честные глаза, абсолютно равнодушный вид, но лапка тянется к блюдцу с клубникой
気になるカワウソのトイレ事情ってどんな感じ? What is The Otters’ Toilet Situation Like?

(c) KOTSUMET カワウソはトイレを覚えますが、量が多くトイレシーツの消費量が半端ないです。2人がするタイミングは大体同じで、いつもコタローがした後ハナが踏まないようコタうんこの上 …
The dedication, the commitment, the attention, and the love that Kotsumet and his wife pour into Kotaro and Hana is incredible. It’s even rare to see people do this much for their own human children.
“They always yawn while pooping when waking up” Wow, I have more in common with otters than I thought!
The little guys are adorable no matter what they do🤗😂
Пезезное видио. Многие смелее отнесутся к этой ситуации и захотят завести такого пушистика….
Какие они красивые!!! Спасибо что вы снимаете эту замечательную парочку!!!
Какие умнички, знают где туалет и как туда надо ходить. По мордашкам видно какие они умные.
Daily routine for Kotaro and Hana to Tschaikovsky’s music 😂🎶😂🎶😂🎶😂🎶😂🎶
I love Kotaro’s back legs dance when he pee/poop. It’s so polite of KotaNa to wait for their turn to use the toilet. 😍 Here we can see positive side of Hana: to always pee/poop in the toilet. 👍
How can they be so cute while pooping 😆❤
The potty topic can no longer be avoided. A habit we must all do. H and J are well house broken. Backed with Tchaikovsky music that is in classic style!
Dad, Mom, thank you for protecting the health of Kotaro and Hana💕
That thumbnail is adorable lol. His focus makes it look like he’s annoyed. “C’mon Dad, I gotta poop!”
Don’t worry Kotaro, i can’t either if someone is watching me 😉 The two always bring a good mood, no matter what they do <3
Hanna is looking slimmer already you do such a great job of looking after these two super star’s they are so lucky to have you as parents.
Позевнуть,и в лоточек 👀 обалдеть,теперь я знаю почти все.😉❤
Музыкальное сопровождение удивительно подходящее к такому возвышенному процессу 😂👍
Love that little toilet wiggle.
Them fighting over the toilet is like my brothers and I when we were young. “Get out of the bathroom! I gotta poop!”
Правильно , папа, моцион совершать нужно только под классическую музыку ❤️❤️❤️👍😋😘😍
カワウソコタローとハナ 流しカワウソがしたい父ちゃん Otter Kotaro&Hana Water Slide Playtime

(c) KOTSUMET すべらない男コタローとすべってほしい父ちゃんとおやつに釣られてすべり落ちるハナ。 この滑り台は水に濡れるとすべりにくくなるので、流しカワウソには向いてないようで、 …
Pops Kotsumet….that’s a Great swimming pool set-up for your Aqua 🐿 Sausages….👍😉👌💖 Have a HAPPY July 🇨🇦 1st everyone 💖
Hana is so much braver than her brother but we love them both, they are so cute and dad your great looking after them
so cute!!😻😻
Gotta love these guys…I used to maintain a municipal pool. Since there is no filter on yours, might not want to drop food in there, unless you plan on changing the water much more frequently. 😎
Thanks for giving them entertainment. Looks like they are loving if.
Kotaro & Hana are so precious. Seeing them happy makes my heart smile 💖
Kotaro and Hana look happier after having a large pool❤️❤️❤️
Kotaro & Hana 😍,, lindos, brincalhão, inteligente!!😍🤗🌺🌸🌾🌴💚💚💚São adorável😊,, Fofos D+!😍🤗💕
No matter how dark my day gets, I can count on Kotaro and Hana to brighten it up. 🙂
These videos are the first thing I watch in the morning! They are the best! Hello, from Maryland, USA!
So adorable they are!,. Ty for sharing!😊 put a smile on my face this afternoon
Love these videos. They are so adorable.
They love the bigger pool. Who wouldn’t. They are adorable 😇❤😇❤❤❤❤❤😎😎❤❤❤❤
Всем привет из Якутска! Сегодня главный герой Котаро, радует, что нерешительности в отношении бассейна уже практически нет. Хороший сюжет- освежающий, особенно в нашу жару. Всем позитива!
And the winners of the pool lottery are, Hana and Kotaro! 🎉🎈How much fun is this?
Simply Irresistible! God gave us so many animals to love. We’d be lost without our pets. Thanks for sharing
KOTSUMET, you totally have the most amazing animals ever
カワウソコタローとハナ 数日ぶりに帰宅した父ちゃんに大興奮! Otter Kotaro&Hana Dad Came Home For The First Time In A Few Days

(c) KOTSUMET 少しのあいだ遠出していた父ちゃんが家に帰ってきた時の様子です。 お昼寝前にもかかわらず帰ってきた瞬間に大喜びで父ちゃんを迎える2人。特にコタローはぴょんぴょん …
I was watching this and realized I was smiling. I love watching Kotaro’s and Hana’s hijinks! Hana’s a little hellion, though.
The love Kotaro and Hana have for daddy is the most beautiful thing in the world! 😊😍💕💖💓💞❤
Kotaro and Hana seemed to be missing their Dad so much. Welcome home 🤗💕
The opening-chasing is so cute, so much energy.
I’d say that is a very chaotic but affectionate welcome home.
Hooligan girl was more interested in trying to play with Kotaro at first but then she just wanted to be cuddled by her pa.
Kotaro is so happy!Hes so adorable always
Hana and Kotaro missed their Dad. Lovely 😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍🤩🤩🤩
Kotaro: daddy is homeHana: body slam to Kotaro Kotaro : hana stop daddy is home Hana: oh daddy is home (body slam Kotaro anyways)Lol
“We missed chewing on Dad!!!”
Kotaro miss his Daddy. Hana just wants to attack Kotaro 🤣
Jajajja que lindos, están hiperactivos❤❤😍😍🥰🥰😘😘🐹🐹
Папа, мы тебе прохода не дадим, потому что любим тебя 😘🤩😍😋🐾🐾❣️👍
Lots of playing to catch up on!!!
*Awww Kotaro’s excited to see his papa. While Hana’s like did you at least bring me a new toy?* 😋😉❤
Lol at Kotaro sliding in circle.