Wild Damascus steel. Making a blade

(c) shurap The process of forging the blade, making wild Damascus steel. Used steel A 485 and W 110. Hardness after quenching – 62 units. by Rockwell. Frequently …
Marvellous old tradition with a skill to match by the craftsman.
Now you just need to level up Enchanting and Alchemy and you’ll be OP
I like how you go from one scene to the next screen seamlessly without making us watching the metal heat in the forge….. That’s why I like your videos and been a subscriber since the beginning!
I love watching the scaling flake off of the hot metal.
I had no idea how much went into making a blade like that… that’s awesome
Parabéns pelo seu trabalho amigo , muito lindo parabéns👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
You do really nice work!! All your knifes are so beautiful!
Typing this with one hand looking at all the equipment I wish I could afford for my garage. I run a 4000 ton press for a living and dream of making knives with all the super hard steel we use for tooling there. Awesome video man
Beautiful work by a true master
Всегда с удовольствием смотрю работу Мастера.
Nice pattern in the blades I like it when I can see the layers.
Extremely beautiful high quality work.
Could you please do a herringbone damascus blade? I’ve seen blades with this pattern before but there’s literally nobody with a video of the process.
Very impressive, it’s an art, thanks for sharing
Beautiful work. Where can we see the finished knife? I’d love to see what handles you make for your gorgeous steel! Keep up the great work my friend
….how I wish I could learn to do what you do!! Remarkable work!! What do you do with the knives you grind?
Hermoso trabajo… felicitaciones!!!
Wish i could afford one of your knives would be an awesome piece to have.
This man never fails to absolutely blow my mind and amaze me.
Absolutely stunning!
Blue Damascus Steel from chain armor (butcher gloves)

(c) shurap The blade glows blue when the Orcs are nearby. Made from mithril chain mail (given by the Dwarves) Tea: mojito green tea …
10+ Attack dmg4+ Agility50% chance inflict sPicY on hit
This dude spicing his metal meanwhile some people still won’t use salt when cooking
Ahh adding peppers so it becomes a fire element knife
But overall “IT WILL KEEEL”
dude didnt even get platinum or gold how does he have damascus
Holy shit this guy just created an enchanted weapon
My least favorite part about him doing this was probably the lmgs. I feel your pain. Nice work though!
You know adding a squeeze of lime will make the chilli pop
I wish I had the skills and equipment to do this. That is amazing.
That’s a spectacular knife! You’re truly a Craftsman!
Ahh yes I love watching molten metal being seasoned at 3AM so soothing 🙂
That is such a stunning colour. Amazing pattern. 👏🏼
The pepper and chili where added so that when he strikes an enemy, the wound will sting.
I love the skill, knowledge and passion that goes into your creations. Truelly fascinating to watch. Your herbal teas are very cool.
🇧🇷 ficou simplesmente incrível! Nunca vi nada igual
these videos are amazing and fascinating. i could watch them for hours, in fact i’ve. it would be awesome if you could add a quick phrase or a couple words indicating what part of the process you’re in or what’s the purpose of this or that (e.g., what’s the deal with the hot peppers?). thank you so much for sharing your talent and your creative gift.
When you put peppers on the metal, it preheats it so it takes less time to get hot
That’s insanely beautiful. Great job, thank you so much
Adding that burn damage I see.
Me: I gotta go to sleep.YouTube: But wait! There’s more!
Valyrian steel from five pieces. The higher mysteries of technology.

(c) shurap Making a blade from mosaic Damascus steel from parts of old projects, some elements are taken from the video: https://youtu.be/wdRv-_6LacY …
Very beautiful!
I’m convinced that dust he sprinkles on the metal is the dead ashes of lesser forgers.
*Valyrian Blade*+120 Atk Dmg+250 Hp+35 Magic DefensePassive: Every 20 secs, the next Basic Atk inflicts extra physical damage of 280+2% enemy’s max health.
Sensacional! Adoraria ter uma dessas. Sou colecionador
Отдельное спасибо за то,что рекламу в конце поставил))
Even the tea is beautiful! The pattern looks amazing, it evokes images of dragon wings and scales as well as movement itself.
Amazing dagger. That first press when forge welding new layers is so satisfying to watch.
Such an underrated YT channel. Very peaceful to watch this man and his art work. Blessings
Beautiful blade as always! I would like to see the finished product with a handle.
Makes you wonder how we humans were able to make anything without the cool ass tools we have now days. Badass piece of art, as if you found it in an epic loot chest.
I do like watching a master doing what they do best and creating something amazing.
Dmitry you make some beautiful blades my man. I have just watched three of your vids from start to finish and I am really impressed with your work. Keep up the work and your sooooo cool videos. A fan, Stan, Thank you
Outstanding work (like always)! How long do you usually let the blade temper? And must it be exactly 200 C or do you have a little tolerance?
Meu Deus do C�u que trabalho lindo. Que l�mina linda!.
Originally I thought the design was somewhat carved in… to see it revealed as natural patterns in the blade was truely wonderful!!
Your skills with the way you grind all your blades by hand are unparalleled!
Thank you, Dmitry, for demonstrating your craft. ⭐️
Id love to see you finish them with handles too. Amazing work. Inspiring!
Man I really really like that. Would look great with a silver or/and white handle. Awesome job. What would be the cost of one like that?
The initial forge welds are so beautiful and perfect… great work
Damascus steel from steel pot scrubber + recipe.

(c) shurap Recipe: Wheat flour 2%. Black pepper is for sharpness (spicy). One kitchen sponge in stainless steel. Powdered iron. Salicylic acid. The process of …
Customer: What kind of steel you made your knives from?Shurap: Yes.
Next video idea: Damascus steel made out of my enemy’s tears.
Just imagine a little nutmeg and cinnamon in the mix. That would make one sweet knife.
Dmitry, you never cease to amaze me, you take knife making to another level, thanks a million.
все гадают: какова там роль черного перца? а автор читает камменты и угорает! написано же в описании: для остроты! автор- остряк!Красавчег, ЛОЙС!
Сервировка в конце, порадовала! 🙂
It looks like this Craftsman can make Damascus steel knife out of any scrap steel. More – those will be not just good looking, but actually perfectly functioning knives.Simply amazing skills… Thank you for sharing.
I hope this comment reaches you. I see your videos everywhere! You are very skillful and seem to know the ins-&-outs of blacksmithing! I truly enjoy your videos, and ASPIRE to be as skilled as you are! Thank you for your time and energy spent making these videos!
Так каждый может. Вот попробуй мочалку из дамасска сделать.
Gordon Ramsay: “Finally, some DECENT bloody food!”⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This dude displays this knife as if it were a gourmet dish 😂😂 awesomeness
Beautiful knife, but I was looking forward to some new and magical tea. Your craftsmanship is second to none sir, thank you for posting these great videos.
Без перца не такой острый был бы)
Being an old meat cutter I love knifes and this guy make beautiful looking knifes and I got to believe they hold up well also
I like the episodes where you install the handles as well. Either way love what turns out. Nice work Man
How did I miss this one? Love the use of flour to add carbon to the powdered iron and make it into steel but I have to say my favorite part was the completed dish at the end.
Ah yes. Presentation is also a vital ingredient to the finished product.
That is a beautiful knife, thank you for sharing your work.
Beautiful blade and I’m sure that was way harder than you made it look!
Amazing creativity, workmanship and art. Thank you for sharing 🙂
Blade “Mad Max”, Damascus steel from a motorcycle chain.

(c) shurap I make a blade using blacksmith welding from a motorcycle chain (Damascus steel from a chain). In the style of the movie Mad Max. Tea: Bound Tea “Pearl of …
Probably the cleanest Damascus pattern I’ve ever seen…
I got couple old chains in garage , and fire insurance.Hold my beer.
Kind sir, this is an excellent piece of art.
Who else thought he dropped a 5g bud in that tea at first? 😂
Dude said, “I shall cut you.” But first, TEA!
Liked how he wiped the glowing steel sparks with his bare hand
That is so beautiful my breathing stopped for a few seconds. <3Im gonna save up for tools like this so I can make my own.
Поражаюсь Вашим работам! Вы настоящий мастер,спасибо за видео.
That is astoundingly beautiful. The type of thing you’d see a biker pharaoh or a black metal Viking leader carryMuch respect from 🇿🇦
That’s really cool I’d love to try something like that for just one day.This Video is very well done, keep it up. 😉
next: Damascus steel sword from a whole motorcycle.
Absolutely stunning! The coolest piece of Damascus I’ve ever seen.
That is an awesome looking blade ! I love watching your forging videos !
This has to be one of your most unique creations! Awesome result!
Absolutely amazing pattern on that blade!
The most unique patterns and materials on YouTube. Always a pleasure to watch.
What a beautiful masterpiece!!
My favorite one yet. Congratulations on such beautiful work.
That’s a gorgeous pattern. I really liked how you forge welded the tip, instead of shaping it on your power hammer.
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