
(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. GTによる鳥の捕食は本当に圧巻なので1度は見てみたほうがいいです。 ・マサルのサブチャン …
Did anyone else just fall into Japanese YouTube and got addicted to these videos? I’m on a binge rn.
I don’t know how this dude got in my feed but I’ve already watched like 10 vids in the last 24 hours lol 😂. I have never messed with fish in my life except at a restaurant.
Thank you so much for adding English subtitles. Be well and safe, Masaru-san!
Omg I’ve gone down the rabbit hole of Japanese fish preparation videos. I am not regretting my decision.
I always say this on ever video like this I watch. I’m truly grateful for people who can use damn near every single part of an organism that has been harvested, but there’s no way in hell I’m looking at a fish stomach and thinking, “that must be tasty”.
love when masaru-san gets a really big fish and he goes “YOISHO!” as he moves it around lol
I’m learning Japanese with these videos. Thank you for speaking so clearly Masaru.
Saludos desde M�xico buenos v�deos en mi region es el Golfo de M�xico y ay una similitud con los pescados que optienes
Que lindo video, no entiendo lo que hablan, Pero es muy sugestivo e interesante muchachos me gustaces sencillo y hacen que al final todo valga la pena, gracias muchachos desde Cartagena Colombia…
one might see the cut out stomach of a huge fish and think ..” Hmm I’m glad its not big enough to fit me” but this brilliant dude says “wow.. looks tasty”, I love it
you’re really entertaining good videos and great energy! keep the videos coming 🙂
I cant imagine how this guy gives his excess fish. Does he go about it like “hey i didnt get poisoned by this fish so im sharing this with you”? Lmao
I’m addicted to his videos. More please!
Amo tus videos❤️
I have been watching lots of Japanese youtube and finding people who have translations with some bad ass cooking. Thank everyone who makes it happen.
This was a couple months before he got really sick because of the poison 😣 it’s both sad and almost poetic to see how confident he was

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. 深夜、漁師さんからヤシガニが獲れたと連絡を受け、急いで駆けつけました。テレビでしか見たことのなかったバケモノを実際に食べることが …
For these crabs, if they are wild caught, it’s best to feed them coconuts and fruits for 1-2 weeks first to clean out their systems before you cook them. It will make the flesh and the “miso” much sweeter without any bad taste.Also, try boiling in coconut milk instead of just water. 🤤
I love how everybody in the comment section is just so chill. Masaru-san has brought some really cool people together. Thanks Masaru-san!
“It was like a sweet bun earlier, but now its like an avacado once its cooked” Masaru always gives us the perfect description
I’m so happy I accidentally found this channel. I love the “Hey overseas viewers”, could be due to the underwater fishing you do or because you have alot of westerners and latin americans viewing your videos, either way I feel welcomed. Thank you for the marine animal fun facts you give too, its awesome.
I love watching you guys, I don’t understand a word but seeing your passion and expressions is great!
hello, new subscriber here. i love your videos. i’ve been watching a lot of them and i’m addicted. i really like how you tell information about the fish while breaking them down, it’s nice to learn about it 🙂 much love from the US
Los subt�tulos me ayudan bastante. Este chico tiene mucha experiencia al parecer, me encant� el video, pero yo no comer�a algo tan amargo jaja. Este canal es interesante.
These videos are nothing short of a combination of epic meals and fun antics
Удивительный персонаж, видео которого действительно доставляют, хоть и на грани 🙂 “О, эта штука ест мёртвых людей. Выглядит вкусно !” Спасибо за позитивные эмоции !
I never thought it was possible to cook a Tachikoma !!
When I have insomnia or can’t fall asleep I immediately come and watch Masaru’s videos. By the time the video is done I’m already falling asleep 🥲
My grandparents had a farm, so I grew up there practically every day. I learned very early on that food doesn’t just magically show up at the grocery store… I learned to be kind to animals, give them a good life and be thankful for the food they give us in return.Of course, I was also practically vegetarian until I got pregnant. I could tell some stories about growing up the way I did. 😁
My favorite Masaru video title! A seafood warrior with no limits!
I love these videos. They’re so addictive. Also Masaru-san is so handsome 😍 😭 🤣 👀
Mi fantas�a es llegar a casa y que ese hombre me sorprenda con una cena llena de marisco.
What an amazing crab. As Masaru was eating the crab’s guts all I could think of is Masaru must have a cast iron guts … I would be throwing up for sure lol
awww masaru-san is so timid its so cute ☺️☺️
Por favor disponibilize legendas em PT para os fãs Brasileiros 🤩🙏

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. マサルのサブチャン https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgh_rZp0SXcbD9ilti7sH3A …
This guy went about 10 steps further than I ever would have, LOL! Once I saw the initial amounts of parasites, I’d be out. I wouldn’t even touch them! Absolute mad lad.
His day must consist of 3 hours fishing, 1 hour cooking, and 20 hours in the bathroom!
You know it’s bad when even this guy won’t eat it raw!
I absolutely love how dedicated Masaru is and how he always puts his stomach on the line! This guy is a legend in his own right!! I’ve been following him before there were even English subtitles lol. Thank you for this gem 💎
“Anisakis worms taste bloody when raw.” HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT, MASARU
What’s messed up is he said parasites aren’t a problem if you cook them, but he was planning to eat it raw regardless. Sure, he gave up when he saw the ones in the meat, but he wanted to eat it raw even with the surface parasites.
Very much enjoyed this video. I love deep-sea fish and this was very interesting. Coming from a fisheries biology and parasitology background, DO NOT TRUST COOKING WHEN IT COMES TO PARASITES. BE CAREFUL! Anasakiasis and other potential infections such as flukes are serious, they may kill you or at least make you very sick, and you may eat that 1% of 1% of the larvae or eggs that did not die during cooking or pickling. Wash and clean it thoroughly before cooking, removing all the parasites and bad parts you see. If there are visible parasites follow guidelines, such as long freezing or ensure it is overcooked.
I’m scoleciphobic and worms give me anxiety. The fact you ate that is so savage I have to acknowledge it and give you props. You even touched them oof
“i don’t mind the parasites but i’m not happy with the textures” this man has priorities
“I lost my appetite. I think I’ll pan-fry it!”
There’s so many things to say about this video, the fish was so cool looking. There’s a whole lot of meat but not very much at the same time…The parasites are disgusting, and you, ate it. Amazing.
Initially I was hoping that he would throw the entire fish away. But I appreciate that Masaru was willing to complete the task as not many people are privileged to have parasite-free protein. Nothing goes to waste
I REALLY thought he would stop after the 2nd or 3rd major parasite reveal, but then that music track kicks in and off to work he goes hahahaha
I admire this man so much, how he can wat that is so impressive, even though I know it’s okay to eat cooked I’d still be too scared to eat it 🤺
I thought he was just interested in seeing what parasites were on the body of the fish, boy was i wrong. The whole time my brain kept saying “boy ain’t no way, boy ain’t no way”
masaru thank you for sharing your work and life with us, please take good care of your health and body 💛
You’re the coolest kid I’ve ever seen. I’m very enamored and envious of your life! And personality! You’re dope thank you for the videos!

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. こんな捌きづらい魚は初めてでした ◇かんたワイルド君がカジキの角でモリを作る動画 https://youtu.be/8pZVzbTzRdM ・マサルの …
Bien, muy bien un video sencillo pero muy interesante, al final ese pescado les quedo bien rico muchachos los felicito, un saludo desde Cartagena Colombia…
Масару, обожаю твои видео, но жаль, что не у всех из них есть русские субтитры! В России у тебя много фанатов! Успехов тебе!)🐟🦈🐙🐚🦀🦐
Как бы мне хотелось оказаться рядом!
Piękna ryba . Szkoda,ze nic nie rozumiem
Gostei do v�deo….parab�ns…””peixe Lua””.
Homens lindos
The fish looks so adorable and delicious
Idk how i found this channel but im glad i did 😌 just press that CC button and boom instant translation. Super cool to see different species of sea life!
Well….for a video with no diving this was still quite a journey! Phew….
I’ve always been convinced that there’s a clade with Tuna and Opah in them. Just the same for scallops/tridacnidae & Mola-mola/puffer-fish.
大変でしたね💦アカマンボウからのパンクとかなかなか経験できない😂お疲れ様ですm(*_ _)m💦
When your car trapped in sand, just dig between the tires and put something solid like a block of trees, rocks, etc. It should work.

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. マサルのサブチャン https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgh_rZp0SXcbD9ilti7sH3A …
this man is so brave. i would literally have a mental breakdown in the middle of the ocean if the current was that strong
I am glad you had a safe experience with the sharks. It is good to be scared by the ocean every once in a while. It reminds you to treat her with a healthy respect. Thank you for sharing your fishing life with us, I appreciate it.
Thank you for all the content you make!!! And I’m sorry to hear about your friend, I’m sure they would’ve happily volunteered to be a taste tester on every episode. Stay safe 🖤
That’s absolutely terrifying but I’m glad you managed to get out of it unharmed ❤️
That has to be terrifying! In open water with no boat overhead, swells coming in on top of you, and two huge hammerheads circling…..just, no.
I’m pretty sure hammerhead sharks aren’t aggressive, as long as you’re not threatening them you’ll be fine, but I’m 100% sure it feels terrifying nonetheless
You know that feeling you get when you’re in a pool at night? The feeling of a shark in the water? Well imagine that times 1 million because it’s real in this video
At first the shark be like “Oooh, a snack!”and after taking a long whiff it was like “I smell my brethren… I don’t see my brother… I think I’m good here, bye.”