
(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. オンラインサロン『マサルの漁業再生日記』の入会はこちら! https://lounge.dmm.com/detail/3449/index/ ・マサルのサブチャン …
Parrotfish was always my favorite fish but in my country, they have been campaigning for people to stop eating them because they protect the reefs and are a major part of sand production. I didn’t even know the could get that big until recently. I would rather they institute a season for parrotfish because the fishermen still catch them all year round because it’s not illegal. It’s kinda hard to tell people who have been eating it for years to find a different fish……
Masaru: Please hold your breath with meMe: *Stop breathing*
Watching a man solely devour a whole aquarium is now my favorite pastime
Masaru deep dives so much his body has evolved to have gills, now.
Parrot fish is a fish that is useful in the conservation of the sea. Help keep corals intact. They also excrete in fine sand, with one excreting an average of 90 kg per year. which increases the amount of sand in the sea And if looking in depth, parrotfish are one of the aids in preventing and solving coastal erosion problems as well.
Masaru **this way the scales won’t fly everywhere **A few seconds later **the scales literally flying away like birds **
I really appreciate how conscious your efforts are to put all your catches out of their misery quickly, as to not allow suffrage. ❤️❤️
The color was so deep and true it turned the bone blue. That’s epic. I thought blue was the hardest color for nature to create naturally but it overkilled with this gorgeous fish
I’m always impressed how easily he cuts his catches. Like the fish talk to him where to cut them.
It doesn’t matter how many times ive watch his videos, i still think that Masaru is such an interesting guys… Can’t help myself from feeling entertained…🤣🤣🤣
I’ve finally caught up. Binge his videos and you can see how his equipment improves. Well deserved success, my man.
I remember being told as a kid in Okinawa that “parrots poop becomes sand” and for years it confused me because why would a parrot be so close to the ocean in the first place? And it wasn’t until I started watching this channel that I realized they probably said parrot fish and I greatly misheard 🤣
Keep making great content man, you got a wonderful ecology where your from, always nice to see sustainable hunting
literally the first video I’ve seen from this man and I already like him, definitely going to subscribe, and watch more
Alg�n d�a espero poder ir a Jap�n y hacer un tour solo probando pescados xD
I’ve never seen tartar sauce made like that. I only ever knew to make it with mayo and sour pickles and that’s that. Your videos are very fun and educative. <3
Maseru can hold his breath for so long… I ran out of breath before he even shot the fish
I let the ads play in hopes that Maseru makes some money. Fishing for a living is so tough and he deserves it

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. マサルのサブチャン https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgh_rZp0SXcbD9ilti7sH3A …
“The head has been cut off, it’s so cute..”Me: “huh?” 👁👄👁
You need to roast the sharks head in a wood oven, it has amazing cheek meat. Steam it first and then finish in a hot oven. It must be roasted until the skin is really brown, almost burned but not quite, then it will go sticky and sweet and beautifully smokey. It is wasted if it is boiled as you will not get the special qualities that the hot oven will bring out. Try it! 🙂
I came across this channel by accident as I work third shift and like to have background noise on. This has been some of the most informative and strangely delicious-looking stuff I’ve come across in a long time. Your cheerful demeanor makes it all wholesome in such a stranger manner, lmao.
23:23 Hermosa elección 😘 Xxlike.Uno de los mejores conciertos ❤️23:23 Senada: “Hermoso”23:23 Megan: “Hotter”23:23 Hopi: “Sweeter”23:23 Joonie: “Cooler”23:23 Yoongi: “Butter”23:23 Amor: “Momentos”23:23 Alfiora: “Preety”23:23 Alana: “Awesome”23:23 Son unos de los mejores conciertos, no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendente 🖤. ZyXhay nomas pa ra reirse un rato y no estar triste y estresado por la vida dura que se vive hoy… 🖤
i love that you’re so honest. “oishikunai” XD direct to the point but still objective. so enjoyable to watch. your viewer count is so deserving!
15:55 Asi con toy y sus mañas no se la XXLIKE.Uno15:55 Megan: “Hotter”15:55 Hopi: “Sweeter”15:55 Joonie: “Cooler”15:55 Yoongi: “Butter”, no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendenteSon unos de los mejores conciertosЖизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.
“Fits perfectly” …huge pectoral fins practically flying out of the pot. Masaru is the best <3
as far as i remember the spike/barb is for defense mechanism especially when they’re still small, i saw it on nat geo wild theres a big fish that try to eat this shark (baby) so the fish is pretty much swallow it whole but then spit it back (cuz the barb).fun fact: this shark hav spiral eggsorry for bad englishn feel free to correct me or add more explanations
For the English subtitles: normally we would say venomous for anything that can sting or bite you and poisonous for things that hurt you when you eat them. Also, instead of robust for things that are not smooth, we would say course or rough.
It was probably a sign that it was going to be difficult when he got it for free
Masaru � muito bom , prefiro fazer com tempero caseiro na folha de bananeira
I like how he appreciates the fish before eating it
“It’s going to be delicious”…“It’s not delicious”
“It was soft. I was lying” LOL This is why i love this channel. The way he present it just like you taking with your friend
I love how you respect every piece of food
I dont even like seafood, but I love this channel for some reason. It’s so relaxing 😌
as a vegan i have no idea why i’m stuck watching these. but i do know it’s easier to watch knowing the cultures within asia usually respect and appreciate every part of every living thing. 🙏🏼

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. マサルのサブチャン https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgh_rZp0SXcbD9ilti7sH3A …
Bro ALL his videos have English subs…gotta praise his dedication. and his videos are so fun I binge watching all of them now.
Really enjoyed watching all your video, find it very intresting how you catch, breakdown and try different seafood. Learned alot new things and hope the English subtitles will continue for all future videos😁
I love how you try everything, and even if it doesn’t taste good you still finish it! It shows how much you appreciate
Wow fried fish scales 😳 never knew you could eat them. Always something fascinating in your videos and your enthusiasm is just wonderful.
Well, I’m back- I love this fellow’s common sense, plus how much he enjoys really investigating the anatomy and telling us about it. Potential strange new additions in the stomach etc… it’s fascinating, I have to say. Thankyou Sir!🙏🏼🕊🌏🌱💐🎏peace and success to you!
Anybody else not speak any Japanese and still LOVE these videos? Because I love watching these for some reason 😅
It’s ridiculous how addictive his videos are
I have been binge watching your videos and they are very good and thanks for the English translation Awesome 😎
We need to hire and take this guy along with us on our next space flight to the xenomorph planet.
Nice catch, looks like this fish had to fight and escaped nearly dying. Good thing you eventually caught it, seems like the puffer fish wasn’t digesting properly… it was time.

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. Hey overseas viewers! Hello and thanks for watching my YouTube videos! This channel is all about the goodness of sea and …
Let’s be honest. None of us searched for this. It found us.
“I like my fish fresh”“How fresh”“The ocean was beautiful today”*”How fresh?”*
So basically I will watch anything to avoid going to sleep at a reasonable hour.
Now this is what you call content. We saw a fish get killed humanely, broken down (even the smelly disgusting parts too which was actually kinda cool thank you for your sacrifice), turned into 3 different entrees, and he still has some leftovers for his friends… what a legend, you earned urself a subscriber my friend🤝I just wanted to leave my thoughts on the video, what in the Kentucky fried fuck is happening in the comments😀😅
*After having fish poop on cutting board*Him: “Alright let’s clean this up.”Me: “I wonder what kind of cleaning spray or bleach he’ll use.”Him: *Pulls out squeegee*Me: “oh”
This makes me so hungry
Why are we, non Japanese speaking, never even see the fish in life, never going to cook this fish ever, *Gathered here today* ?
He has some really cool knives. I wouldn’t mind being a fish and getting cut up by those.
i thought this is a cooking video but it was a marine anatomy class lol
Lol I read “ faeces” as “faces” and kept waiting for faces to appear on/in the fish.
I was so confused when he said “it looks delicious let’s fry it up later”Then I realised he was talking about the scales and not the knife 😂
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS VIDEO! I worked at a fish processing plant for 11 years and we were a filleting department for what we call bottom fish. Any sole or perch and rock fish to cod and Salmon (seasonal). I love learning about species and the area they come from. This was really awesome!
This guy is making me want to try preparing my own fish. I took my first catch to a dockside butcher, and I was overall pretty unimpressed with my catch once I’d cooked it, but this guy made such delicious looking fish and he seemed to get a lot out of it. Time to grab the poles and the diving gear!
I am so thankful to all of the people behind the scenes who do all of this to make it ready to buy as fillets at the grocery store!
this is very interesting, seeing the entire process and how knowledgeable he is even down to how the species spend their lives in the water. subscribed!
I love the passion you have for your craft! I normally get squeamish watching videos like these, but your positivity and knowledge really pulled me in. It looks so delicious! Thank you for your hard work!!
Used to watch my dad clean fresh fish all the time… Never seen a fish with such defined intestines, they’re like the kind you’d find in a mammal.
I was a bit grossed out at the start but as soon as you started preparing the sashimi I got hungry hahaIt looks super good! I hope that I’ll be able to cook like that someday
Why must I always let my curiosity get the best of me 😭

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. 魚突きは本当に危険で毎年何人も亡くなっています ・マサルのサブチャン …
Wow! I think you might be my favourite YouTuber now! I have SO MUCH respect for your courage and manliness! When I make videos, nothing threatens MY LIFE. Hahaha. If I had a shark appear in front of me while in the ocean, I don’t think I would ever go back into the water…not even in the bathtub!
I couldn’t breathe… Until the shark went away….But I learned a lot about marine animals from your channel!! There’s no subtitles but I know that the first snake is a Chinese Sea Snake and the poison is 80 times that of Habu poison. I remember from your other videos!!
Majestic creature, best when they keep at a distance 🙂
最近このチャンネル見つけて、海潜るつもりも一切ないのに見ちゃう。結構説明聞くのおもしろい。笑 BGMもいいですね。頑張ってください。