
(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. こちらからご支援よろしくお願いします! https://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/393522 ・マサルのサブチャン …
Masaru is such a big mood 😂😭 “IT STINKS””Disgusting, anways-“
I do not understand why this video has dislikes, they came to see a fish being cooked and that’s what they saw
This guy is awesome. I didn’t even need the subtitles to follow because he does his hand gestures so well. I love his enthusiasm, especially when he grew a third arm specially for one of the scenes.
Love your videos man keep up the good content. I myself live in Hawaii and I dive for fish and tako (octopus) almost everyday. Nothing better then catching good food from the ocean to feed your family 🤙🏼
I love how he just stuck the fin to the wall like it was something he usually does with every fish
masaru excited to cook and eat the heart.one second later, ‘it’s not delicious’ hahaha
Hi from the US. Love how even if things don’t look perfect u always finish what youre doing.
I really like how you explain everything you are doing! You are very clear and easy to understand, and that makes your videos very interesting because we can really learn !! 👍👍👍☺️ thank you for your good work!
I like how interesting his way of commentary is. Keeps me watching more and more while being educated about fish!すごい過ぎるマサルさんの動画!毎日楽しみです!応援してます!
I love listening to you talk, even though I have to use subtitles to understand. I like how you speak your language. I imagine people who speak Japanese have different accents just like English speaking people do? Anyways. Very enjoyable thank you for your hard work!
I keep on telling myself this is the last video but I’m hooked !!!! Discovered him about 2 hours ago . . . I’m very well entertained!
Masaru: “This heart looks delicious so I’ll boil it and eat it… *eats the heart* 😄…It’s not delicious at all😒. Let’s move on.”Your straight face said it all! Lol
La felicidad me la trae Masaru en forma de pez 💯❤️🐟
He is so honest 😂😂😂The knife is blunt just an excuse
In Brazil, this fish is wonderful in a recipe we call “baiana moqueca”, which contains coconut milk, pepper, palm oil, tomato, cilantro and more…
I very much enjoyed the video and you were really entertaining. Also thank you for putting the subtitles. You got yourself a like from me 👍

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. はまゆうさんのチャンネル https://youtube.com/channel/UCIhqq_TjKA6IyCzgHTTxsAw ・オンラインサロン『マサルの漁業再生日記』の …
Hamayu is like a middle aged dad who takes too much stuff camping and Masaru is like his cheeky son who finds his dad’s dirty jokes embarrassing lol
You two are so much fun to watch. I enjoyed and laughed so hard. Will be looking forward with you and Hayagu’s 3 days Survival together if it happens. You guys really made my day. Thank you.
More of this series please! Loving the chemistry of you two!
Please keep adding English subtitles to ALL your videos. I love watching them all, it puts me in a happy mood. And I learn so much about different fish! I binge watch your videos, your personality style is very good ❤
I’m not used to seeing the survival adventures with so much material/tools…it makes it look luxurious 😂Definitely a 5-star hotel like they said.
This is honestly fun to watch, Two buddies just hanging out.
I love you both! This collab was unexpected but I’m so glad it happened
I had no idea “solonine” existed! I thought cutting ‘eyes’ from potatoes was more for texture and aesthetics! I learned quite a bit today!Watching your camping videos makes me less anxious to try camping out. The work is hard but it looks satisfying to experience. Some friends have invited me to go when it’s less dangerously hot, watching this inspires me to try it at least once, thank you.
Another survival video ! Thank you for this wonderful content Masaru-san !
This is making me want to go camping ❤️❤️❤️ you guys are so funny and adorable!!!
Looking forward to the next collab! you guys are such good partners 💗
I love both of you guys can’t believe you guys are collaborating! It’s been a minute since I’ve watched both of you but this is just great ! Both of you guys are in the same video !
Now that was fun to watch. 😊 It must be awesome to go camping with friends
the translator does such a good job! they’re the most natural sounding subtitles ive seen. thank you!
I’m so envious to your adventures so cool keep it all up stay in Good health I love all your videos 😊❤️❤️

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. マサルのサブチャン https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgh_rZp0SXcbD9ilti7sH3A …
プレコの卵、しっかりと火を通して甘辛く煮込んだら万能なご飯のお供になりそう! そんな可能性を秘めていました。
this fish is incredibly common in Aquariums in the US. they really help clean the scum off of everything and keep the tanks a bit cleaner.
Aqui no Brasil, em muitas regi�es, o povo n�o gosta e tem receio de comer…. Aqui na regi�o Norte, principalmente Par� e Amazonas, n�s temos umz culin�ria imensa com esse peixe. Chamado de ACAR�, BOD�, CASCUDO, ETC….
Aqui no Brasil este peixe � conhecido por v�rios nomes; bod�, acari e cascudo.
In the UK 🇬🇧 we keep them as pets… haha, I had one that grew to just over a foot long, called him Jagger. I miss the little bugger
Hola saludos de Per� en mi pa�s se llaman carachama se preparan como en sopa , cebolla tomate, ajos, cortado en trozos en una olla con agua se cocinan junto a la carachama. Durante 35 minutos se sirve acompa�ar con pl�tano verde sancochado o cocido , la piel del pescado se retira quedando un gran filete de carne delicioso , from Per�
Aqui na Amaz�nia tem esse BOD� igualzinho do Jap�o. Levaram junto com o cupuacu rsrsrs
In Eastern Canada we have a fish we call the river sucker, it’s a carp type fish extremely bony meat is tasty and sweet though I still think it’s a mix between a goldfish and a catfish, my father always used to Chase around my mother and everyone with it saying look it wants to give you a kiss
Estos peces son de la selva amaz�nica y tienen varios nombres. En Per� se les llama CARACHAMAS y son consumidos solamente en sopas o caldos.
O nome desse peixe aqui � acari, � muito bom assado na chapa!!
wow! very fresh fish. easy to catch no fishnet also can catch by hand. Thanks for sharing
You bring always unique sea fish which I have never seen good job bro👍
En la selva del Per� se conocen como Carachama, y la preparan en caldo.
No brasil esse peixe � muito t�pico na sopa, com v�rios temperos, assado e frito n�o ficam muito bom pois a carne gruda na casca, prov�vel que os peixes que comeram no v�deo estavam estragados, pois esse peixe estraga em 1h sem tirar as tripas…
O peixe tem que estar vivo pra preparar ele , come com molho de lim�o e pimenta � uma del�cia.
We had those as pets in our fish tank. One fish at that size cost almost $100.00.

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. マサルのサブチャン https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgh_rZp0SXcbD9ilti7sH3A …
“Ok, this is too poisonous to eat.”Proceeds to cut it up with no gloves and eat it anyway
Rare sea creatures: “I’m the most majestic,dangerous and poisonous sea creatures in the world”This guy: “kawaii desune”
I respect that even when he found out these arent’t as easy to eat, he still tried to find ways to cook them nicely because he felt bad for killing them in the first place. I wouldn’t have blamed him if he couldn’t eat them cause they’re poisonous, but I like that he tries his best not to waste food :’)
“It’s poisonous” “I can’t chew it at all” “it’s very hard to cut”It’s all clear sign that is not edible but this guy just keep eating it, idk if I should be impressed or smh lol
This man sees the most inedible/poisonous things in the world and goes “I’m gonna make this work for me”. What an icon
For the people that doesnt understand the meaning of “I feel in killing it” is because it feels more personal and you feel like you are killing the animal, is not the same when you kill a lobster or something because in most cases it die with a swift chop to the brain.
seeing theese older videos really goes to show how fast you and your channel has grown 🙂 it’s amazing to see how comfortable you have gotten working with sea cucumbers, since this video
I must admit, I was sitting here eating a burger with a disgusted look on my face. Then I realised what you’re preparing is fresh and organic and IM the one eating the gross food. Love your channel 😊
Man says it as it is and doesn’t overhype it. Mad respect
If I had the option between starving and eating a sea turd, I’d choose the first option.
Him: “I’m losing my appetite looking at this.” *Yet still dissecting the cucumber.*Me: “I lost my appetite the moment I saw him grab it in the sea.” 🤢🤮 Then again, I’m just a picky eater.
When you said eating it raw is so poisonous, your ass will hurt. I burst into laughter. 😩😂 To be honest, it does look gross to clean, but that fleshy bit, I’m curious how it tastes. Oh! Nice! I was curious if you could make it edible. If you offered me a piece, I would try it as long as the poison is gone. Happy eating!I love seafood. Subscribing. And thanks for English subtitles. ❤
Sea animal: *poisonous, hard, deadly, has ‘dont eat’ written all over it*Him: haha funny let’s eat it
No le entendí. Pero tan sólo de que fue al mar 🌊 a traer esa comida 🥘 que primero parecía piedras 🪨 y después un bicho. Me gustó y el proceso de cocinar 🧑🍳 Muchas felicidades 🎊
I’m really appreciating that all your videos have english subtitle. Thank you!
He’s really determined to make a meal out of it 😅
This man has to be super human. It’s amazing how strong his stomach is.
Man: finds deadly sea slugMan: knows it could kill him”Eats it anyway”

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. 【10日間ガチサバイバル】 ・1日目 https://youtu.be/8x_3D4VK3oI ・2日目 https://youtu.be/__yeALobcM0 ・3日目 …
I like how Masaru tried to survive with little to no assistance and just in case, he had items on standby. This is a good experience for the normal person to witness as Masaru tries to survive with as little as possible. So far a lot of it relies on pure knowledge. This is informative, really interesting, and honestly the closest representation to a realistic survival situation.
“When I started YouTube, people told me I would never make it. Like tens of dozens of times. But I’ll do it.” Wow. You’ve made it in this fan’s eyes. I never thought I would be interested in watching videos about someone cutting up huge sea animals and learning about the parts and how they taste. I really like that your videos being informative and also sharing your knowledge and skills with us honestly. I enjoy watching how you catch things in the water and it makes me what to try skin diving sometime! I admire your determination and I’ll make it too!
Masaru is an good example of not giving up, he will try over and over till he gets it, good work man!
I admired his determination when he was trying to start the fire, his mindset and attitude was so inspiring, it felt like we were there feeling his emotions too!!
Hehe Masaru is my new comfort youtuber I love his vids They’re so interesting and the background music is so calming and it just works! A man killing and chopping different types of fishes and sometimes thered be gross worm thingies inside while the music reminds me of watching a love story anime at sunset with my friends Its specific but true Keep up the good work King! You deserve all that you have and youve worked so hard and its actually inspiring! I admire your hard work and determination and the way you do it all with a cute smile 💖💕💗💞
His determination when it came to starting the fire was so inspiring
I’m new to your channel and so far the content is uplifting and educational. Quite enjoy your channel so far and look forward to seeing more. Keep positive and never give up when things seem difficult. And keep your channel going for as long as you are happy making these videos.
The trick is simple: You need to maintain friction and prevent as much heatloss as possible:1.) Make a long string out of any type of wood.2.) Wrap it around a stick vertically. Preferably in the middle. Make sure you have both left and right enough string so that you can comfortably grab it.3.) grab stones and isolate the space so that entropy doesn’t cause too much heat loss.4.) find anything that’s dry. Leaves, wood, it doesn’t matter. Break it apart and stack it together, in the middle of your isolated rock pile.5.) put the stick on the stack of dry material and just pull left string, then right string then left and so on. with extreme efficiency, you can make fire in 15-30 minutes. Energy is your biggest enemy.
Please do another survival challenge. I loved that you’re showing mental strength 💪 and you’re super cute while doing it.!
The way he try to start a fire is so hard I can’t help but cheering for him everytime he try to do itThis man is tough
一日目で既に泣きそうwはー…次回が待ち遠しい:((; ‘ᾥ’ ;)):本当に力を貰える動画だよね。自分もなんかやってみようって思える!マサルさんありがとう
Wait… so this guy literally made and uploaded a video saying he quit YouTube so people wouldn’t be worried if he died while doing this? What the actual heck? I didn’t think I’d ever find a true no-safety-nets survival challenge on YouTube but my goodness this really is just that huh? Really glad he made it, this channel is amazing and he seems like a cool guy… if a little crazy