
(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. オンラインサロン『マサルの漁業再生日記』の入会はこちら! https://lounge.dmm.com/detail/3449/index/ ・マサルのサブチャン …
Masaru’s channel is seriously addictive. I found it a few days ago, instantly subscribed and I’m binging my way through. His cheery enthusiasm is so engaging. When he gets down to work and the tinkly Ragtime piano music kicks in, the addiction is complete!
I love that you explain fish anatomy while preparing it! I’m a biologist and I don’t know how I ended up here actually but now I’m a fan. Your videos are so interesting.
normally I’d be against someone hunting sharks but the fact that its already dead and you are utilizing all of it and not just the fins is really nice!! I appreciate that and love your videos!
Masaru-san seems like a nice person. Not just amazing, he’s a kind guy too for always thinking about his neighbors 😊
This guy is a national treasure . We must protect him at all costs .
Estou fascinado pelos v�deos do Masuru, a maneira como ele explica a anatomia de cada animal usado, e seu modo de preparo � algo �nico, sou f� do canal e recomendo a todos meus amigos!!!!
la cantidad de informaci�n que conoce de los animales me impresiona, muy buen video
I love how educational he is and he has such a sweet personality! I’m really glad I stumbled upon his channel 💖
Normal food ambitions: I’d like to try A-5 Wagyu and o-toro sashimi someday.Masaru’s food ambitions: I wanna eat a shark dong!
I don’t understand how I keep ending up on this very attractive Japanese man’s channel watching him break down and cook these weird sea creatures but here I am again
Que video bem feitoo . Parabens pelo pelo seu trabalho . E obrigado por legendar k
�timo profissional tamb�m trabalho com peixes parab�ns
He gives a lot of educational information of fishes and ways to prepare them. And the best part is: Subtitles😎
Masaru is actually one of those channels I can’t stop watching
220 pound shark which is over six and a half feet from tail to tip… how did you get it in your kitchen?!Anyhow, thank you for your videos! I’ve always been interested in marine biology so I like to view these as anatomy lessons and knowing where our food comes from!
Da muy buenas explicaciones y sabe bastante del tema, es un muy buen canal
This really has become my new favorite channel, thank you for the amazing videos!
WHOA!! A shark, and it’s big! How do you clean the mess though? It must be really hard if the fish is big like that.
I love that Masaru gets to put his Marine Science education to work on the channel. He’s seriously an expert on marine biology!

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. マサルのサブチャン https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgh_rZp0SXcbD9ilti7sH3A …
It’s so hard to make a living as a skindiving fisherman. You exert yourself hours in the morning and night – then you sell at an auction and there is even the chance of not selling anything. I think you have wonderful resilience and very positive attitude despite the irregular and unpredictable way of life. I hope to see a video of you earning lots of money one day – to see you happy, would make me happy.
I just want to say thank you for all of your videos. Not only are they interesting, but it looks like you put a lot of effort in filming and editing them. I found your channel by accident but that’s ok 👍 I think you are a great and interesting person so don’t let others tell you otherwise. Look forward to more content!It’s rare to see Japanese Youtubers include English captions. So thanks for that 🙏
You’re so honest and speak your mind directly. It’s so refreshing to watch your channel. Honestly, I think we need more people like you! I’d like to ask you a question if can be interpreted into Japanese. How do you like the remoteness of the island life? And how do you prevent yourself from becoming lonely? Perhaps a fisherman must always be self-reliant in many different ways. I thoroughly enjoy your channel! Best wishes, David.
Somehow his simple videos of living as a fisherman and cutting fish up are so therapeutic and interesting. Can’t stop watching lol
Thank you so much for adding subtitles to your videos! 🙂 As for the haunted house, have you tried burning white sage? Here in Sweden, we usually burn white sage and walk around the house (make sure to open all your windows) to let the smoke spread and purify the rooms. While doing that, focus on positive energy and you can also talk to the ghosts and let them know you will now be living in the house and that they should move on to the other side. Basically kindly ask them to leave. It does work! At least on Swedish ghosts 🙂
Actually for stones, i’ve found it’s better to flatten the stones once every 2 or 3 times for rougher stones, it makes it last longer and the slight bumpiness doesnt hurt anything that much, it just means you have a tiny bit more work in the higher grit stuff.
You are my favorite person on the internet. Your honesty is appreciated, I wish you nothing but further success on YouTube and in your fishing. Thank you! We need more positivity such as yours in the world in these times.
Man just plucked a snake swimming right at him like someone picking apples from a tree. Respect!
Masaru’s life is the best example of “it’s not much, but it’s honest work” I’ve ever seen
I love how optimistic you are! Really great content!
i would love to watch a whole video of you just diving. it would be so awesome
Waiting for the captions is always worth it. Helps me learn Japanese too!
Now that is extremely humble the man takes you on a fishing trip while you sit on your couch he catches the fish shows you how to prepare the fish how to cook the fish how to prepare the fish again Ben has a humble meal and in the midst of all of that apologizes to the fans for a tiny little glitch and an adventure they wouldn’t otherwise have that’s rockin
You be careful young man when you do your diving. I love ❤️ all your videos well done 👍 greetings from 🇬🇧 xx
How is it that you can go out at night for a solo dive in the ocean ? I get the chills just to think a sea monster may be there lurking around waiting for me when I jump into my little stream at any day of the day.
Your videos help me get excited in the morning on my way to work! Thanks a lot! I won’t be skipping the ads to support you 🙂
You may not get rich off your fishing, but you sure get paid by youtube videos. Keep it up Masaru san!
I really love your channel, it’s interesting and your positive attitude is everything 🙂 <3 love from Indonesia!
What are some of the biggest treats you face night diving in this area as opposed to day time? Are the threats related to visibility?

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. 慣れてない人がやると岩に叩きつけられたりパニックになったりするので真似しない方がいいと思います。 ・マサルのサブチャン …
Mad respect to fisherman. I change my mind about fisherman as I stumble upon this account.
こういうのめっちゃ期待してたっす 感謝 ありがとう 素晴らしい映像
Mad respect to fisherman. I change my mind about fisherman as I stumble upon this account.

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. 延縄漁の動画 https://youtu.be/op15jse0H58 Hey overseas viewers! Hello and thanks for watching my YouTube videos!
The shark smells because sharks have a high urea content in their muscle tissue (one of the reasons it’s so gooey and slimy, and the sashimi has to be treated to remove the urea to make it taste good) and it’s hard to cut through because sharks have dendrite scales on the surface of their skin that decreases the friction when they are moving forward, but feels rough when you move up (toward the head) the body. The oils in the liver is how the shark controls bouyancy which is why it’s not fatty
I can imagine the shark in heaven crying about this man calling him stinky.
Big respect of how brave he is touching the inside of the shark without gloves
I love this guy. He always makes the most out of the animal, is entertaining, and very smart. I love that he made this kitchen himself. My son (7) and I watch these almost every night and learn about all kinds of stuff from him. He is just the cutest as well and his voice is very relaxing.
This guy: this shark stinkShark: ok buddy you’ve already hurt me physically so stop hurting me emotionally
he respectfully eats every part of the animal
I like that you’re honest about not liking everything. Also, for proving that sharks are in fact smooth.
Normal people after seeing something that’s been eaten by something else: “That’s disgusting!”This guy: “I can eat this thing that’s already been eaten!”
Brasil passando e dizendo que adoro os seus vídeos, um dia vou conhecer o Japão 🙌🏻
“Don’t do this at home it smells” yeah I don’t plan on getting a shark and cutting it up in my home
I love how he was like “Super delicious!!” He was genuinely surprised! Lol
“dead parasite comes out of a fish”This guy: its dead, it means extra protein
All of your videos are so relaxing to watch. I NEVER thought that I would be so interested in watching someone cleaning fish! XD
I love how he always complains about how it stinks yet still continues to butcher it
Reminds me of my AP bio class. We dissected a pregnant shark there. I’ve eaten a small shark variant before and they are fairly easy to eat. It’s a bit dense and meaty with a bit of a chew. My mom either braised them with ginger and soy sauce (or was it fish sauce?) or cook them in sour soup which helps to get rid of the fishiness.To eat them raw, we would make a mixed salad with vegetables and herb and “cook” the shark with lime juice (which also help to reduce sliminess).I really wonder if the same cooking techniques will apply for a bigger shark like that.And I never had fried shark before. Maybe I should try it at some point.
I love learning about this process! Very interesting, thank you for making videos!
Your videos are amazing! Thanks to whoever is creating the subtitles!
Even as someone who is extremely against eating shark, I still find this rather interesting.
Awesome! Somebody who has passion for his food and understands where it comes from.
Listen man, I know he’s just gutting the shark and all but the sentence “Let me go in from the anus” is just hilarious

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. 中身小さすぎて草 ・オンラインサロン『マサルの漁業再生日記』の入会はこちら! https://lounge.dmm.com/detail/3449/index/ ・マサルの …
I love this guy’s energy it’s uplifting and engaging. You can tell he loves what he’s doing and his cheery personality gives the videos a wonderful added touch
I love that not only do we get to see him prepare and cook food, but we also get biology lessons. Fantastic content!
My knowledge of giant clams comes from the aquarium hobby, and the ones commonly kept are mostly in the tridacna genus. This one looks pretty identical to those anyways. My guess is a squamosa or maxima, based on the size and how tightly it was able to close.By the way, tridacna with brightly colored or interestingly patterned mantles can sell for quite a lot in the hobby. Especially if they’re that big. Certainly something to look into lol.
We take for granted that Masaru can fish but I never really noticed how skilled he actually is until now, where he catches a fish while one is still on the spear!! Didnt even have time to think “no way”😳
As a lover of seafood your content is both educative and appetising as well. Sadly I do not live by the sea so I do not know what most of these fish taste like. Looking forward to visit Japan one day and try it all <3
As a foodie, it’s always great to watch Masaru experiment in unexpected and non traditional ways
I love your videos! I really appreciate that you aren’t just fishing, but that you have so much scientific knowledge about the animals you present. I learn so much watching your videos. Love from southern Louisiana in the US!
I absolutely adore watching your videos! Especially with your marine biology experience and your willingness to try anything. I wish you good health! ❤️
This guy is so fun to watch. Thanks for the awesome content!! 🙌❤️
Omg this is amazing never heard that living corals is eatable . you’re awesome guy ❤️❤️❤️
I am really enjoying your channel! I usually do not subscribe to channels that do not speak english but the subtitles on your videos are prefect! Thank you for showing us all this amazing food and how to prepare it from the raw ingredients!
i love watching this man’s videos because every time he uploads I’m thinking “how is he going to endanger his life today???”
Finally glad more overseas people are watching your vids, been here since you have eng subs and all the comments are in jp. Keep up the good work Masaru!
i love how he’s like “what is this? looks gross, let’s eat it”
Я в диком восторге! А какова подача!!! Парнишка просто виртуоз и живописец. Браво!
Those clams are pretty valuable to the aquarium hobby.One that size would be worth upwards of $80, I think.
I can’t get enough of your videos. You’re entertaining and so knowledgeable. Keep them coming!! Cheers from Maine, USA ❤️
Its called TAKLOBO here in the Philippines its shell is almost a price pearl, it is prohibited to farm those clams. It goes bigger when it mature in hundred of years at it helps a lot in marine environment.