
(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. オンラインサロン『マサルの漁業再生日記』の入会はこちら! https://lounge.dmm.com/detail/3449/index/ ・マサルのサブチャン …
So glad you got a dogtooth tuna! You have extreme passion and respect for nature. Much love and respect from the US! I saw where you talked about making it on YouTube and I think you hit it man. Keep up the amazing work you do and show others experiences we may never get. I subbed you from the first recommended video and can’t wait to see what else is in store!
Watching the spear gun stuff was really cool! I’d love to see more of the tool prep process or other everyday things you have to do to prep for fishing 🙂
These videos are so relaxing and help create a calming environment. Whenever I have anxiety, I just put on one of Masaru videos and my troubles just fade away for a bit. :’)
Just found this channel and it’s amazing I love how knowledgeable and respectful he is about the fish he catches! Now all I want to do is eat some fish
Your channel is amazing. I love to fish too, although I fish from the banks with a fishing pole, and appreciate that you show the proper bleeding and care of the fish meat. Your joy and appreciation for the fish is very enjoyable to watch. Thank you for the subtitles also. Congratulations on catching your dogtooth! Hopefully, we will see the results of your aging.
Congrats on getting the Dogtooth! Really great video. As a fisherman, so glad you finally got your fish. As a cook so glad to finally see you let your oil get hot enough! HAHAHAHA! Keep up the great work.
Congrats on the catch! Wishing you many more successful hunts!
I’ve always wanted to live this lifestyle man. Eating amazing fish that I catch on a daily. The Fish look GOOD!! The food looks GREAT!
A quien haya hecho los subtitulos en espa�ol se lo agradezco mucho!!
i’m so proud of you. your motivation and skill are admirable! 😁😁
His reaction to eating tuna is my same reaction too. Eyes closed, just enjoying the taste, and repeating delicious over and over again.
I love the spear gun restoration. Well done. I love the fish inspection and filleting.
What a trooper, love this guy and would love to see him go out survival with someone who went through SERE training.Remember this,Meat=proteinCocked Parasite=extra protein
I love Masaru everything he does he put his heart into it … Just Amazing and he is a good Teacher too !!!

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. マサルのサブチャン https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgh_rZp0SXcbD9ilti7sH3A …
動画で言うのを忘れていましたが、こちらのサメは行政からの駆除要請で獲られたもので、元々廃棄される予定だったので、今回はありがたく頂戴していただくことにしました。I did not tell you explicitly in the video, but this shark was slaughtered according to the request from the government and it was meant to be slaughtered and disposed of anyway when it was caught unintentionally, that is why I decided to eat it with appreciation.
It’s like attending biology and cooking class at the same time
Even though I was sad there were babies, I am thankful their lives were not wasted. Even when he didn’t like them, he still ate them to respect them. Wonderful content, thank you!
Imagine the kid who looks up BABY SHARK and finds this instead
Watching this guy cut open sea creatures has become some kind of bizarre mystery loot crate unboxing for me.
In the U.S. a common way to deal with the high ammonia content in shark is to marinate it 4 to 6 hours in buttermilk. The buttermilk has an enzyme that neutralizes the ammonia.
I never knew about the function of the shark’s liver until I saw this channel! He would be a good zoologist! He puts a lot of respect on every sea creature he meets! Arigatou gozaimasu!
Just amazing! I love how you respect the animal during your videos ❤️
He can teach zoology and I would learn properly.
i felt bad for the mother and the babies lmao but it still enjoyed watching him eat them 😭
I don’t know how your channel got recommended in my YouTube but as a sea food lover(which I can hardly make😁) I’m finding this quite interesting.
alota respect for you not wasting any food even if it doesn’t taste good
Tip: When frying foods you should mix your seasoning with the starch so you get an even mixture of both.
In Korea, there is a dish made of fermented stingray, and it tastes like ammonia too. But if you eat it with kimchi and boiled pork, it tastes very good!
Eu n�o gostava das comidas japonesa mas agora t� gostando
I appreciate him still eating the baby sharks even though they don’t taste good

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. マサルのサブチャン https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgh_rZp0SXcbD9ilti7sH3A …
Thank you for always having compassion for the animals you eat. It’s just another reason I truly love your content. Please keep the videos coming! You do great!
I love that he has compassion for the things he eats and doesnt want them to suffer.
Good vid. Nerdy side note: the ice water didn’t kill the lobster it was hypothermic and comatose. That why it was still moving. This is evident after the real kill, cutting the tail out, many of the neurons in the reflex arc were still communicating with the muscle cells. The critter wasn’t truly dead (on the cellular level) until it was boiled.
Love your videos. I’m from Seville, Spain, and when we do Ajillo with Shrimp or prawn, we only use oil (aceite de oliva virgen extra), garlic, dried chillies and parsley (optional) I’ve never seen someone before using broccoli and mushrooms but it looks delicious!!! I wish I could try all your dishes 🥲
I get totally mesmerised watching this. 😺 It looks so tasty and the lobster shell was perfect as a beautiful bowl to serve it on.
This is the crustacean that makes it feel the clearest just how closely related they are to spider and scorpions. I don’t have a problem with other kinds of lobsters or crabs, but I feel like I would be too freaked out to get close to this kind irl.
Its good that he respects what he eats. Its very entertaining and interesting at the same time!
Always a pleasure watching your videos makes me want to try my hands at carving up fishes
I like the way masaru-san speaks, it’s helped with my Japanese studies cuz he speaks so clearly
as a Malaysian, using spring onion (also known as scallion) in cooking is something we do normally.. it add so much aroma in the cooking
Love the videos. I urge you to try Maine style lobster cooking and maybe an Italian version of the dish as well.
These lobsters are more common than the other kind in Thailand. It’s pretty well known that the small ones taste better than the big one – meat is softer with more flavor.
Masaru: Knows how to break down an alligator.Also Masaru: Struggles to break down a head of brocolli lol. 11:34

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. マサルのサブチャン https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgh_rZp0SXcbD9ilti7sH3A …
Somehow it feels like this man never cooked once in his life and on the other hands feels like he knows what hes doing XD
The way he explains to us the anatomy of each creature, its particularities and everything is just wonderful. He is so passionate its a pleasure to watch these videos
Dude, I envy your current skill set. The way you catch fish. Your ability to dive. Your survival skills. You know everything about what you catch. Also 100 points for being a good cook. I’m sure calligraphy is something you could try again. You have the dexterity for sure. It takes a lot of practice.
Fun fact: the term “sepia” in relation to color (reddish-brown) comes from the Sepia genus of cuttlefish. Its ink was used by Greeks and Romans, and it had a sort of revival in the 1700s when German painter Jakob Crescenz Seydelmann developed a new method of extracting ink from the sac. Because of that, sepia ink became increasingly popular for use in painting. And later on, the term “sepia” came to be applied to the reddish-brown toning process used in old photographs.
I absolutely love this guys enthusiasm. I stumbled on 1 of his uploads and have been hooked ever since. I find it so interesting how each species is broken down. And the fact that he wastes as little as possible. Love this guy. Keep doing what your doing. Awesome 🙏❤
I love the experimental nature of your content. To experience things thru an entirely different point of view. Knowledgeable and experienced from an aspect outside of the culinary realm. You try things no chef ever would and it’s a lot of fun. It’s good to get outside of comfort zones.
I’m glad masaru’s swimmers ear has gotten better! 🥺it makes me sad to know he’s been in pain all this time while still delivering amazing content to us. hopefully he never has to deal with that again
I just started watching this channel tonight and I gotta say I’m a fan. it’s nice to have an authentic Japanese youtuber cook some authentic meals. I’m a huge fan of seafood and cuttlefish is definitely on a bucket list of mine for sure
I lived in Ushihama many years ago and loved the cuttlefish my Japanese wife would purchase at a local market. They were red after cooking, much smaller, and totally delicious. Thank you Masaru for helping me relive such pleasant memories. ❤️
This man is so passionate about what he does diving spear fishing breaking down and cooking exotic fish and sea life its so entertaining to watch him do it! Props to you! I wish I could live this life as an experience for a couple months.
I just LOVE this guy! So fun and entertaining. I would never eat any of it because I have food allergies and I could never bring myself to eat raw fish but I love watching these videos. He is so fun to watch.
I found your channel just yesterday. Instantly in love with this channel, already binge watching a lot of them. Thanks for the great contents!
I love this guy’s energy so much. Si much respect and admiration for your work and attitude.
That was one of the most low-key, awesome things I’ve seen yet; taking the ink from the cuttlefish and without leaving the kitchen, sit down and use the ink to do some calligraphy?? Excellent!!
I can never finish one of this guys videos without getting a craving for some seafood, Keep up the good work!
I gotta say, I’ve learned more about these creatures here than I ever did in school. What a great and interesting channel!
A big fan here i really like masaru channel also as a culinary student i really appreciate how he prepared the fish and other wacky creature of the sea in such a professional way hahaha
Im very glad you’re feeling better now!!! Thank you for sharing with us. I love your videos
Congrats on your recovery! Your videos are so entertaining!!
I only just found your channel a couple days ago and I’ve been binge watching all your videos. Keep up the good work!

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. 床汚すぎ。掃除しろ! Hey overseas viewers! Hello and thanks for watching my YouTube videos! This channel is all about the …
your description is immaculate, your general knowledge is surprising for someone this young, its as if you are a marine biologist , your knife skills are that of a chef. your cooking also, your enthusiasm and determination is something i have never seen on another person before, intelligent and humble at the same time, your own parents must be very proud of you , thank you for sharing and educating all of us.
This man takes fish apart and describes their organs as if they’re PC parts
I love this channel! For those learning Japanese, a good drinking game is taking a drink every time you hear “desu ne” (ですね) (I got like 25 before the first two minutes). Masaru-san speaks easy to understand standard Japanese (and polite), so I appreciate it.
I love watching your videos! Thank you so much for sharing your adventures! I come from a fishing and diving family, and love to eat triggerfish! Here in Hawaii. My favorite is a fish called Kala. The way we eat it is we throw it directly on a hibachi. We don’t take the guts out or anything. When it’s cooked, the skin peels off easily, the meat taste smoky and delicious, and the guts stay in tact. We dip it into garlic butter as we eat. So delicious!
Greetings from St. Thomas, USVI in the gorgeous Caribbean! I was so excited to see how you would handle the triggerfish, aka “Ole Wife” in the Virgin Islands. Here, it is also known as “potfish” because you usually throw it in the pot to stew, can be boiled with butter sauce and my personal favorite Creole- seasoned to perfection, fried whole and served with a red, tomato based onion and pepper sauce. The collar is my absolute favorite part and I’ve discovered the purpose of Ole Wife is to keep sea urchin in check on reefs! So, if you ever have a chance to travel to this part of the world, hopefully you can enjoy this fish Virgin Islands style.
Thought it would be a regular fish prep video but turns out to be a fish autopsy 😀 Love your detailed explanations.
I like seeing and learning about the anatomy of all the marine life this guy eats, as well as seeing how certain fish meat have textures of other meats. The cooked up cheek meat of this fish looks a lot like turkey.
Thank you for adding English subtitles for most of your videos! I got to fully understand them and enjoyed them a lot! (my Japanese skill is not good enough to 100% understand the videos..)
Those scales are a smart design. Since they’re fused together, they form a very hard, very sturdy layer of armor. But, since they’re fused into ‘strips,’ it allows the fish not to lose mobility like it would if it had a full exoskeleton or the like.
I have no idea how I got here. But I think I now know everything about fish.
The crab part was funny and so wholesome!
I absolutely love you videos. Thank youDo you think they don’t have market value because of how tough they are to prepare or just hard fish to find?
The scales can be removed you just gotta start from the head and work your way to the tail. You gotta do it in the direction the scales grow not the opposite direction you normally go when doing it to a regular fish. Seems weird but it works really easy actually.
You are one brave soul. As a diver myself, we avoid trigger fish. They are crazy violent.
Dude I don’t know why, but I love watching these videos… the dude is just so entertaining, and fun to watch.
I love how I don’t even like fish but I just keep on watching these videos 😂
I really enjoy watching your videos even tho I dont understand Japanese 😅It’s very entertaining and interesting… keep it up 👌Greeting from Philippines ;^)