
(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. マサルのサブチャン https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgh_rZp0SXcbD9ilti7sH3A …
I love your Survival challenges and hope you can do more in the Future. Thank you and stay safe Masaru! 😀
I don’t know why.. but I love watching these challenge videos! I watched the previous one, 10 days survival challenge and I really enjoyed it. And this is another one.. Yayyyy!! He is such a good story teller
I’ve literally just finished the 10 days challenge and saw that this only came out a week ago! Ahh this is the best! Thanks Masaru~
I think this is your best editing so far! I love this video, the concept of the 3 day survival and see that you learned many lessons from your last survival challenge. Great great video!But please next time just bring a lighter to start a fire XD
I love your survival series!!! Good luck!!!
imagine a 3 night challenge ending in the first several hours xD, bad luck masaru, but what fun would it be if we didnt get the 3 days of excitement
It’s like dual survival, but solo and more natural.

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. Hey overseas viewers! Hello and thanks for watching my YouTube videos! This channel is all about the goodness of sea and …
I love this guy because he seems to both know a lot about what he’s eating and also nothing at all at the same time
this guy is so chill about venom, poison, and numbing. how is he still alive
I feel like this is how ancient humans figured out how food works.
The fact he says “AMAZING!” right before sayin that what he had just eaten tastes like absolute shit gets me every time. LOL
So, for anyone who hasn’t bothered looking it up, there’s the toxins called saponin, which is water-soluble, and the other called sapogenin, which is fat-soluble. Meaning, the reason why the fried one didn’t taste toxic is because the fat removed the toxins in the starfish.Another point, every stage of this starfish possesses the toxins, so yeah, eating it raw was probably the worst choice possible, hahaha…
“Its amazing.””I almost vomitted.”Which one is it?😂
I like how optimistic he is about it even though it’s literally just like eating poison lmao.
He is always doing his best to show his enthusiasm even when he realize his food is trying to kill him.
love how he describes the poison as a mere aftertaste loll
so he eats a species he knows nothing about, except that its poisonous, his mouth gets numb, still eats it. eats the eggs which HE describes as the most horrible taste ever yet he gives no reaction. its like eating a hotdog for me
masaru-san ” it look gross and it also poisonous”also masaru-san ” itadakimasu”
Maybe this guy is the reincarnation of the first Japanese who figured put how to prepare fugu. Not being afraid of poison. Through trial and error he perfected it and now sushi fugu chefs pass on his knowledge.
I love how casually he shrugged off ingesting the poison 😂
“This thing is super poisonous to touch and I have a bad liver, but I feel so bad wasting this so imma eat it.”I aspire to be this bold
I really enjoy watching your culinary adventures! To get rid of saponin, would cooking it in oil cause all the surfactant to be bound to the oil? Maybe that is why the deep fried starfish was alright.
If I recall, I think these things are also invasive in certain areas so don’t feel too bad about catching and eating them.
Hello from Brasil!Congratulations on letting your curious spirit live on! Your videos are great!
“This saponin tastes different from the sea cucumber saponin” This man is out here taste tasting poison.

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. 【巨大ザメ編】 ・第一話 解体ショー (この動画) https://youtu.be/5N5schC5Nvg ・第二話 標本作り https://youtu.be/T6QXFEdCS2M ・第三 …
I am literally vegan, but I can’t get enough of these videos. He respects these catches and prepares them with such skill. Nature is fascinating. Thanks for the content!!
Don’t mind me, just the American that’s been watching this guy chop up animals for like 5 hrs straight now. Awesome videos my friend!
I’m neither a fisherman or japanese, but I love watching Masaru breaking down fishies
Imagine being a 440 kg shark and top of the food chain only for someone to say that you taste like chicken
He reminds me of my former boss at a sushi restaurant I served tables at years ago. His enthusiasm and positive outlook really makes me happy to view his video footages. When life hands you a huge tiger shark, grab your knife and break it down…no hesitations.
I like the fact that he did all of the breaking down the fish himself without rest. Respect and love ❤️
Hello from Australia! In the span of 4 to 5 days we’ve had Tiger Sharks swimming around our local beaches here in Mandurah (Western Australia, near Perth) I love Sharks and I love the respect you show to these beautiful animals. Though dangerous, you still show respect and that’s why I love you’re videos!!
Imagine how fast you could swim with a tail fin like that. Truly a magnificent creature
love how educational all of Masaru’s videos are but as a shark lover I cant help but feel a bit sad seeing these sharks get killed as a part of an extermination request by the government. at least its not being wasted
捕まえた時に連絡くれるのもだけど、横でずっと撮ってくれたりマサルを主役としてあくまで横からサポートしてくれる島の方の温かさを感じる 嬉しい環境だね
Any sea creature: * exists *Masaru: *but what if I ate it*
*Dear Chef- I am honestly not surprised that this shark is not very good to eat. In many cases these sharks are only sometimes eaten, and when they do eat it, it’s mainly for the fins and even then this species of shark is generally avoided for consumption. Shark fin soup and maybe shark steaks are only sometimes harvested for their meat. In North America the Tiger Shark has a reputation for being the “Garbage Truck” of the ocean. This is primarily because Tiger Sharks have a well known habit of eating just about anything they come across.*Tiger Sharks being known as the “Garbage Truck” of the ocean has earned that reputation because they will literally consume just about anything. When we catch Tiger Sharks in the West we always inspect the stomachs contents because of the crazy garbage that can often be found in Tiger Shark stomachs. We find anything from car license plates (true story), turtle shells, human bones (also true story), pieces of metal and wood from boat wreckages, all sorts of various un digestive plastic pieces, rope, foam life preserver pieces, metal nails and screws, and the list of crazy inedible items continues on and on. Eventually the shark may pass some of these items naturally like with turtle shells that digest apart after some years, while other items will never digest and will only ever be removed from the Sharks stomachs when the choose to empty its stomachs contents out from its mouth…the same way that it came in! Believe it or not this species of fish has millions of years of evolution that has prepared this shark to be able to evacuate all of the garbage that it ends up collecting via reversing the stomach out through its mouth until everything inedible is gone the way it came in!Tiger Sharks being known as the garbage collectors also tend to pick up a lot of toxic items. There is some interesting information here though: how do tiger sharks live so long if they are always eating toxic and inedible things? We don’t know exactly how sharks do this, but they appear to have some kind of immunity or possibly biological filtered assistance where their body rejects poisons and other toxins, possibly heavy metals even and puts them back into the ocean where they came from. Instead of cancerous tumours and similar forming in their bodies sharks somehow seem to be mostly immune to cancers and possibly some levels of radiation. Science still has a lot to learn when it comes to sharks, especially the Tiger shark.
I love this channel. So educational. Im half Japanese and in tokyo so its cool to see where my food comes from and learn about anatomy.
Masaru-san, I love your videos! I have watched a lot of your videos recently. I would like to say only one thing. Tiger sharks are a near threatened species according to the IUCN. The population of all shark species is in decline. Unscientific portrayals in media have made us think that sharks are monsters. They are predators, but they aren’t monsters. It is very unlikely for people to be attacked by sharks. Masaru-san, you are very knowledgeable about marine life, certainly more than me. I’m sure you know that marine ecosystems are very delicate. We humans need to be more careful about how we treat our planet. Sharks are amazing animals and we should do everything we can to protect them. We should always be careful about where we get animal products from and what impact we have on the planet. Sharks are amazing! I hope you will help to protect them, Masaru-san. I would love to see more of your videos! But please be very careful about which species you catch and use in your videos. Osoreirimasu Masaru-san ♥️
Man I would really love to try all these kinds of exotic meat would love being his neighbor

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. Hey overseas viewers! Hello and thanks for watching my YouTube videos! This channel is all about the goodness of sea and …
Really really appreciate him putting English subtitles and feeding in my new addiction of watching him cook fish HAHAH <3
I love how all the dishes were plated so beautifully but the scales just chilling in the pot
the sea is so beautiful.. its so mesmerizing… its like a different world… im scared of underwater but i love the sea.. so watching you makes me happy.. thank you and always stay safe 😊
よく素潜りでこんな隙間入ろうと思うな〜見ててこっちまで息苦しくなってくるし怖いし なのに凄いわ
Such a good looking man. I love his videos. Informational. Just fun to watch
I have only just started watching your show and I like it very much. I am a spearfisherman too!
Petition to get Masaru some bottle openers

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. 唐揚げ持って行ったら凄く喜んでもらえました ・後半はこちら https://youtu.be/F1ytuxNCudA Hey overseas viewers! Hello and thanks …
Masaru: “can you guess what this is?”Me thinking i’m a good student after watching all his videos and learning sea creatures anatomy: “yes! Might be the stomach!”Masaru: “i bet its delicious!”Me: “ah yes of course”
The way the flesh just looks like it was ground is amazing. I fell down a rabbit hole last week when YouTube recommended a fish full of faeces and I haven’t looked back. Masaru is very entertaining and I think I know how to break down a fish 😂
I have this core memory of when I was 6 or so, and my dad went out fishing and caught a stingray. When he brought it home, my mum did all the gutting and filleting and I will honestly never forget my mum literally screaming at the organs! She kept saying they looked so human like and the sheer size of the stingray was just freaking her out. So this was a nice video to watch and know exactly what my mum was going through 🤣🤣🤣
Here in Singapore we barbeque stingray with a chili paste called sambal, and it’s definitely one of my favorite dishes.
I heard that stingray is suppose to be cooked with a lot of herbs so that’s prob why it was pretty flavourless
Excelente programa, vivo tambi�n en una zona costera ( Longitud: O64�37’0.01″ Latitud: N10�13’0.01″ ) en donde el pescado es nuestro plato principal, disfuto mucho de como cortan y preparan pescados en Japon que aqu� no tenemos o muy poco consumimos por ignorar que son muy buenos para comer tambi�n!! Sigue triunfando!!
I’d be spooked to do this myself, and personally wouldn’t want to eat a stingray but it’s so interesting to see fish like this get dissected as you tell us how they feel with sounds and close ups. Really satiates the curiosity.
In 1984, whilst wading out to surf. I stepped on a stingray. He folded his wings upwards and at the same time the tail wrapped around my ankle. THEN he stabbed me with the barb!! He actually held onto me!!! I jumped up and he let go. Blood went everywhere. I went to the life guard stand and the said to go to the ER. They put in 9 stitches. 2 weeks later, my gf popped me with a wet towel. Right on the bandage! A black liquid started leaking out. I went to a different ER. Under the bandage the flesh was green and black! Gangrene! The flesh around the wound had died. After the the dead meat was picked away, the Dr. found the barb! About a half inch long. The previous Dr. had sewn my leg closed with that thing still in there! I ended up needing plastic surgery and a skin graft. The skin graft fell off and I just had a crater of raw meat. It took a lot of debreeding to get it to heal. Now in 2021 it’s just a big pink spot, About thumb sized/shaped. Wow!
Masaru, I found your videos while watching Kimagure Cook, you and kaneko inspire me so much with cooking, and everything you two do looks effortless, you have a true dedication to your craft.Love from chicago!
Masaru channel is so underated,I love watching how he catching his fishAnd most of all i love watching because there is English subtitles in every video even the new one.I hope he will get more subscribers soon.
I am so addicted to your videos! Great content and love all the knive work, cutting up a fish, how you caught them, how you cook them, weird parts and your mouth feeling numb from poison. I love it!!
I love this guy, is there nothing he won’t eat. Some of the stuff he says is delicious is mind boggling. More power to you brother.
Masaru: *ew disgusting the organs it smells looks weird*Also Masaru: *BON APPETITE*
Where I’m from we have a popular stingray dish called sambal stingray it’s so good my mouth was watering while watching you prepare this. Hope you have a chance to come down to Singapore to try it one day Masaru!!
Stingray dish is popular in Indonesia, in Semarang region. The stingray is smoked, then cooked with coconut milk, spices & chili, it is known as mangut ikan pe (stingray mangut). This is a delicacy that has a distinctive taste of smoked fish 😊
That is a massive catch. Incredibly jeleous. Would love to see you prep fish from other parts of the world as well.
Hi! Have you ever heard of (translation from french) “Stingray wings with capres” ? Actually ray is first cooked in water, then served with a bitter/acid/salted sauce made of butter, lemon juice and capers. It’s a traditional recipe in meridional europe. BTW, salted plums seems really good, now I want to try it your way ! (I discovered your channel yesterday and I can’t stop watching you ! Thanks for beeing there ! 😉 Regards
Stingray is very popular in Malaysia and I recommend ‘ikan pari asam pedas lada hitam’, basically it’s like spicy chilli gravy with some okra in it and eat it with white rice 😍 disclaimer this dish is quite spicy 😀
watching Masaru’s channel is like a fishing show, cooking class and biology lesson, 3 in 1 programme