
(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. Twitter→https://mobile.twitter.com/masarumoritsuki ◇Instagram→https://www.instagram.com/masarumoritsuki/ Hey overseas …
Eats it raw.Says it tastes like poison.”My mouth is getting numb and my throat is scratchy. I want to have it as sashimi!”This man has no fear.
Imagine just being a sea cucumber minding your business and some dude makes a viral video out of how satisfying it looks to rip you apart
The way he rips it looks like he’s tearing a burnt mozzarella stick LMAO
Love your videos a good deal sir. You are very interesting to watch, as well as the biopsies of your marine life too. Outstanding content.
I love this guy. You can definitely tell he loves his craft ❤ and exactly where in the world 🌎 is he that he is finding sea creatures that look like that. Like the big blue parrot fish video, he was gnarly.
I’d like to imagine the locals telling him “the sea cucumbers are poisonous, don’t eat them” he’ll just be like “that won’t stop me”
Absolutely amazing how it just melted like that Never seen a video like this on YouTube I’m sure a lot of people who are into fish would find this very interesting and never seen anything like that lmfao I’m flabbergasted at how they change like that
Heaven : So how do you die ? Sea cucumber : Its complicated
Really enjoy your videos! Stay safe and keep them coming 🤗
So much food knowledge. Respect.
For anyone wondering, saponin is a natural soap, hence why he says it’s poison and bitter.
Imagine some giant picking up your friend, squeezing him and ripping him in half then just leaving half his body next to you on a rock with all his intestines hanging out, while he floats off with the other half of your friend where you see him in the distance mushing it to a fine paste, then kidnapping multiple other locals and flying away
this man just decided to go to the ocean and start ripping shit
They got so small. After watching other sea cuke vids of his I never would’ve expected that.
Once they were boiled they looked like pickles ! Hehe. The texture seems super interesting to me ! I would love to try it.
I come here cause this guy satisfies my curiosity immensely from the gutting of marine creatures and exploring their innards to eating them in different ways. Blo’dy legend!
Has anyone ever said how handsome you are? The curly hair, the tanned skin, the chiseled jawline… Holy moly 😳
Sea cuumber is really good for skin, we made oil from it and use on cuts.

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. 解体編 https://youtu.be/OIMdIH3phqY ・食事編 https://youtu.be/pt_1QgoyyTs ・マサルのサブチャン …
I absolutely love cuttlefish. They are so amazing. I had no idea how much ink was involved in these fish. Thank goodness for the subtitles.
Thank you for sharing your spear fishing & adding english subtitles. I’m guessing you probably have gotten or will end up getting a bunch of comments like “that’s cruel” & “poor animal” etc… Please don’t let it deter you.So many people in modern society are disconnected from the circle of life which we are all part of by having their meat or seafood already prepped for them. I respect if someone decided not to partake of seafood or meat but we must always remember we are not outside observers but are active participants within this world. As long as we practice sustainable harvesting & whenever possible limit an animal’s suffering to an absolute minimum I believe we can continue our natural relationship with our world for a long time. Great video
Wow, I knew that cuttlefish have a lot of ink….but I never knew they have THIS MUCH ink ! Feel sorry for the desperate cuttlefish fighting so hard for its life. On the other hand, this is really fascinating footage!
Great video! I’m amazed at the amount of ink the cuttlefish had. 4.8 kg before being speared, 1.8 kg after being speared!!!
Thanks for the English subtitles, made your video much more pleasing. That’s the first time I’ve ever seen a giant cuddle fish.
That’s great! I did not know they can hold that much ink in their bodies. Looks like a very effective defense tactic that could certainly scare large predators away. Thankyou for sharing this video.
Poor cuttlefish 🙁 makes me so sad how they constantly change colour in desperation when they’re in pain
Squids and octopuses are some of the coolest creatures.
What an incredible amount of ink! I can’t believe they can spit out that much at once
16メートルも潜れるのかよ・・・ 凄すぎ!!
They are so intelligent that I could never kill one unless it was life or death.
Hi Masaru, great video. What type of spear is that?

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. 【ワニ解体シリーズ】 第1話 https://youtu.be/tzLHzGbP9lk 第2話 https://youtu.be/YDMB-bNme_U 第3話 https://youtu.be/YZ5wdiHj7yc …
4:57 生殖器8:56 脾臓9:18 心臓9:38 肝臓10:21精巣10:37 腸11:45 胃14:08 腎臓15:27 肺
mans got balls of steel for gutting a whole ass alligator in a small kitchen. with that ,you’ve just earned a new subscriber lol
16:20 Thanks for keeping it real. You are very right, many people even though they eat meat, they cannot watch this because they think it is shocking but they don’t realize all animals they eat must be prepared like this. This is reality and at least everyone should be fully aware of the process, so they can respect and appreciate the food they consume.
idk why i’m watching a japanese guy breaking down a aligator at midnight, but im enjoying every second of it.
love how there’s cutesy piano music while he decapitates an aligator. ^v^
Kinda crazy that I can sit here in northern Europe, where we don’t even have ‘gators, watching a guy litterarly on the other side of the world fileting one of these beasts, while talking his own language. Cred bro. Subbed. <3
I can’t with him he has so many tools and is still persistent 😭 man I love this guy he’s funny without knowing and interesting to watch
“These are the testes, I won’t eat them today” Me: thank God
why am I smiling so calmly and cozy while someone beheads an alligator?Either way, I love Masaru’s videos. always so interesting and informative. I’m learning so much from watching them .
I love this dude. It’s like getting a biology lesson. Question though, most people hangem up outside and gut it like a deer, right? Doing it on a table looks difficult af
“Holds testicle of the gator.”Also the guy: “I won’t eat this today.”😔Me: Today? 🤔
I love how he thinks his viewers are going to cut open an alligator too and reminds us to be careful not to cut the big intestines
This man could probably be just as well a doctor as a chef
You know, as an almost 43 yr old, chronic insomniac and rabbit-hole youtube viewer, I thought I’d pretty much seen it all. I was sorely mistaken. I have to say, the stomach contents got me. I was holding strong until those feathers came spilling out.
Now I will definitely subscribe. He talks so calmly even though he has been cutting this for 5 hours.
Shouldn’t this man just be a surgeon? He’s too good at what he does! We loveee uuu! 💕
As a native Floridian whose closest family lives in Tokyo, I get some weird recommendations. But this one is so uniquely central to the bizarre intersection of my life, that I must concur: This man is officially a Florida Man now. 御目出度う!
That was really fascinating! Who would have thought an alligator had so much fat inside it?! Where did you get it? It must have taken you months to eat all that meat!
I really enjoy watching these while I eatI’m not disturbed in the slightest by it now because of past experiencesIt’s fun to watch how he breaks down the animalsThe heart looks similar to like what I imagine to be a human heart actually

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. 切実に魚を捌くのが上手くなりたい!コメ欄でアドバイスというかダメ出しをドシドシください! ◇捕獲編はこちら!
It’s cute to see his old videos before he had all the equipment and set up he has now
I see why you’re so proud and thankful for your current kitchen set-up; it’s so cool to see how you’ve persisted and grown.Thank you, Masaru for sharing with us things that we would never have opportunity to see in our own lifetimes.
Soy de Chile, país que también se caracteriza por tener una amplia variedad de comida Del Mar. Debo decirte que a veces me parece una falta de respeto cuando, antes de preparar y cocinar el pez o animal que tengas; hay veces en que cocinas al animal vivo, o lo cortas en pedazos mientras sigue vivo. Es impresionante para mi ver eso. Aún así, respeto la manera en la que lo haces porque probablemente son simplemente diferencias culturales y eso está bien. Al mismo tiempo disfruto de tus videos porque aprendo un poco sobre la diversidad marina y al mismo tiempo lo parecidas que son las formas de preparar y comer el pescado entre Japón y Chile. Saludos desde Chile 🇨🇱.
What a difference watching the older videos from the new ones. The way you cut fish I mean everything. You’re almost a master at it now. 😃
sinto falta das legendas em portugu�s!!
You can tell he’s still in college at this point with the microwave in the background. 🤣
No s� porque se me antojo com�rmelo crudo tambi�n xD 😀
Lolll he’s so adorable 😂😂😂

(c) 【素潜り漁師】マサル Masaru. オンラインサロン『マサルの漁業再生日記』の入会はこちら! https://lounge.dmm.com/detail/3449/index/ ・マサルのサブチャン …
I haven’t even seen the first half the video yet and I’m so impressed by how much the production value went up from the usual format.I love both the on-site footage and the footage as Masaru prepared dishes.
There’s a lot to be amazed about here, but one thing that always astounds me is Masaru holding his breath for so long so deep beneath the surface, instead of using an oxygen tank. I’m also glad that he didn’t give up on the eel! I really appreciate that he tries to be respectful, humane, and always expresses gratitude for his catches
It’s amazing to see you at 1mil not only are you skilled at spearfishing but can also make great dishes is astounding
Impresionante, me volvi adicto a tus videos. Enhorabuena por tu gran pesca. Saludos desde Mexico.
You’re such a wholesome person! Keep it that way! Really enjoy your content for a long time and will keep doing so.
Congratulations for 1M subs!! So well deserved. Your videos keep me craving fresh seafood. Seriously. All the damn time.
Que bom que agora tem legenda, Brasil agradece
I absolutely love this channel from all aspects. I would be incredibly honored to meet you in real life if i ever got time to travel. Much love from America.
Masaru stepping up his game with a million subs, this video was epic, the shots were great and the content is good ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Eel is my favorite Seafood, right behind octopus. I love how educational you are along with the break downs! I have learned a ton not only about safe butchering and fishing techniques, but about the fish with breeding habits, color changes and size aspects (like smaller grouper are tastier) and I wish I could give you a million likes! Instead you have a million subs, which is awesome!! 💕 love from America!
Congratulations on 1 million! What a brilliant video to start off December, and what an amazing catch! 🐟
Saludos desde M�xico. Siempre aprendo cosas nuevas viendo tus videos
Congrats on 1 million! Your videos are a treat to watch!
100万おめでと!!登録者数万人くらいの頃から応援してました!前から他の捌く系実況者とは違うなにか才能を感じていました笑 これからも突き進んで行ってください!!ウツボコワイ…。
I love your channel coming at you all the way from Houston Texas. I am amazed at the way you dissect the fish you’ve caught. Stay safe and keep what your doing.
Congratulations on the 1 million subscribers. Really fun video. I’m glad you finally got the eel.
Oi , Sou do Brasil , Me Chamo Lucas , Eu adoro assitir seus Videos , sempre que posso venho assistir seus videos novos e mais antigos também…. Manda um “Oi” para Mim Masaru 😁🇧🇷🇧🇷
havent been catching up with your chanel for a while and omg ur production and editing game gone insane! always support! x