エンヴィーベイビー covered by amatsukauto ໒꒱· ゚

(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと Hey,it’s a amazing! original : Kanaria 様 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgS6HvEohsw&t=62s Vocal : uto @amatsukauto Mix : たけまる 様 @Takemaru_game …
IT’S HERE!!!!!!! ☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️
Finally another song to bless our souls
Tenshi is here to bless us again!!
Her voice is still so cute even if the lyrics is the opposite of it.
Envy Baby: noTenshi Baby: *YES*Oh boi this is soooo good ♡
Tenshi using her English practice to pronounce english words in songs properly 🙂
Tenshi: **uploads**Tenshimps: *”A blessing from the lord!”*
You were born too late to explore the worldYou were born too soon to explore spaceBut you were born in time where our Tenshi live <3
Whoever disliked the video must have been mistaken, for he vibed so hard he pressed the wrong button
She just update in membership post, She’s fine, she just need some time for herself, Lets support her by watch again 🔄 all her songs, almost reach 1 million & share her adorable clips from her fans clippers to others 💖
Let’s go boys! It’s Another blessing tenshi gave us.
Well this is unexpected But it’s a given it’s gonna be cute
I cant get enough of Uto’s voice. 10Q for the cover, poggars.
Not a single dissatisfaction from our Tenshi. It’s pure gold
Another top tier cover!!, envy tenshi!💙💙💙
I love her voice, and the “baby” is the best thing i ever heard
Another one to add to the looping playlistBeautiful Cover as always
Dude She’s so generous with us now… Stop spoiling us Tenshi with your Awesome Cover.Jk keep doing it. Here’s Milk ( ‘w’) /🥛
love it
私が良く使う日本語教えます!!!I will teach you Japanese ✨

(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと ˏˋ Twiteer ˎˊ˗ https://twitter.com/amatsukauto ☁メンバーシップはこちらから☁ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdYR5Oyz8Q4g0ZmB4PkTD7g/join …
Usually JP VTubers just learn english. This is the first time I’ve seen one teach the chat japanese as well. Her efforts to communicate with us are amazing and for that I am grateful
The amount of effort she puts into trying to communicate, genuinely tugs my heartstrings…
Truly love the way she praises us for typing the right words, it just feels so genuine. She tried so hard to reach out to us, and we did our best to understand her today. You know damn well it’s worth it to support her when you see her smile each time we did good. Also, if you can, consider becoming member ! She planned on making a member stream for christmas ! Thanks for joining tenshimp !
I learn a lot in this stream than my online class ,うとめっちゃかわいい
This was a blessed stream. She’s not fluent but she’s got the spirit.Also, I noticed that people are having a hard time understanding Particles which is honestly hard to understand at first.
Never thought that she will read my question 😂 at 2:16:23 We are hoping to see you sing “Roxanne in next Karaoke stream!The Japanese study is very good! I have written so many notes! Thank you for the lecture Tenshi Sensei~
I love every bit of her stream. How is this angel so cute?
Virgin VTubers(most): “Oh no, I have many foreign viewers, lemme just learn english real quick to understand them, might wanna stream it too.”Our chad tenshi: “lol i have many foreign viewers, imma teach them japanese real quick so they can understand me”Must protecc
Thank you very much! Even though it’s kinda hard for me to study alone, you gave me a boost to study even more! You gave me confidence
She’s speaking slowly and in a very articulate way. Definitely helps with understanding what she’s saying!
By far the most soothing voice I’ve ever heard among every Vtubers I watch
One thing i learn from this stream is amatsuka-chan is meccha kawaii
Missed stream, but thank you! I will be using your stream to learn faster (as the way i learn is through seeing and its being explained)! Do you have plans to do more of this?
I’ve completely fallen for herShe’s not just cute, we can feel she’s genuinely trying to communicate with us and that’s so fucking sweet I can’t help but simp for her
The amount of growth this channel is experiencing is incredible!
1:35:02 Just leaving this here for myself. Pretty happy she read my line.
天使めっちゃかわいい虹🌈虹🌈Really enjoyed n learnt from this class 10q tenshi!! 💙💙
Thank you for the stream. See your effort to teach us ,I will try my best to study japanese too.So we can have more fun in the stream.
Thank you so much for this stream! I was wondering what does 草 means because japanese people keeps using this. You explained it in a such easy way! 本当にありがとうございました!!✨✨
Either our tenshi has given up on learning English, or by the end of next year, we’ll all be bilingual, Tenshi and viewers included
#1 壺おじには負けない。I won’t lose to the jar… [Getting over it]
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと #1 壺おじには負けない。I won't lose to the jar... [Getting over it] #1 壺おじには負けない。I won't lose to the jar... [Getting over it] (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCdYR5Oyz8Q4g0ZmB4PkTD7g/a2Yykk00EMU.jpg)
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は私がNGリストに入れるので、みんなは注意しないで …
Ganbatte + Tenshi = GanbattenshiSpartan + Tenshi = SpartenshiSpartan + Angel = SpartangelWe will cheer you on tomorrow as well! You can do it!
Even though she didn’t clear it she really impressed me with her endurance and spirit.
Ama tenshi proving she’s a warrior with this 7hr 45mins stream. Rage moments, losing her sanity, cute noises, never giving up, singing to keep her sanity, transforming into a blue pumpkin, and lots of pain. We’ll get em next time, arigato translators, mods, and ama-chan!Sleep police, please begone!
We were so close to a sleep stream. But the Tenshi goes
Shoutout to everyone that stayed from the start to finish (yes including the first part) you’re all legends.
1:23:35 pikachu1:25:38 ara ara1:34:37 singing stream1:39:08 singing stream1:40:20 singing stream5:15:39 sleeping stream
Expectation: rage quit streamReality: *Blue Pumpkin never give up while chats become her mom*
7 hours! She’s a freaking champion!
5hour just to be at start again, this game is PAIN
That’s a pretty long stream for blue pumpkin.
it’s just a game. and game meant to be enjoyed. the most important things is that you enjoy the game. winning is not the goal. tho i’m unable to watched the whole stream i enjoy this stream. お疲れさまでした。
Her determination is more than enough to prove that she’s an angel and thats fine by me and most others♥
最終的に壺おじには負けるw ま、しょうがないね、このゲームは難しいすぎるrest well tenshi, goodnight
She’s really a tenshi,even after a long 7 hours of stream,she continues to read the comments and giving likesGg men,oyasumi tenshi✨
There’s only two types people in this Stream: 1) First those who refuses to go to sleep before achieving their objectives. 2) And the second those who refuses to go to sleep bcuz their favorite tenshi are still streaming.
she didn’t give up for 7 hours. i admire that. i gave up after like 15 minutes
Seeing her fall all the way down after being stuck at the same place for 2 hours was so sad, hopefully she can clear this game one day!
Damn, I have Vietnam flashbacks from a normal art student’s streams, I can’t watch it again.
She’s fallen so many times..You may as well call her a Dadadada Tenshi.

(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと world wide!
Alternative Title: Tenshi giving us stage 5 diabetes in 15 seconds.
Ladies and gentlemen we have reached Heaven
A week without seeing tenshiMy brain cells:
Depression: please no..*FINISH HIM*Tenshi: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*FATALITY*
pov: youre the last pringles and everybody wants it
If this isn’t what heaven looks like, then I’m not dying.
My last 5 brain cells planning to escape my brain because of the quiz tomorrow:
Heaven looks like when angels greeting me after I died.
This is not what heaven looks like…THIS *IS* HEAVEN
When she said “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”I felt that.
“This is getting out of hand, there is FIVE OF THEM”
Imagine YouTube-kun making this as an ad.
The tenshi continues to produce some of the cutest videos known to man.If Kanata and Towa collab with her, I might actually die
Heaven only has one angelAnd it carries a steel barreled sword of cuteness
I now believe she is trying to kill us with her cuteness.
so this is what heaven looks like 🥰
When people say tenshi can’t kill everyone with cutenessIt simply means you aren’t using enough tenshi.
If this is a dream, i don’t want to wake up
Here we see inside of Uto’s mind
Tenshi killed us with cuteness by saying hello in five language.
New outfit reveal!!!! 新衣装お披露目!!💙 #Nyamatsuka #うと新衣装

(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと New Costume Illustration @nab0i New Costume Live2D modeling @TakeshitaFungi New My room Illustration @jjjbbbjjjjbj Thank you for watching the stream!
“Tenshi it is physically impossible for you to have boing boing”*Boing boing tenshi:*
Nabi mama really loves to give her child some weaponry. As expected from a yandere mom.
“Wait, so Tenshi is actually boing-boing?!””Always Has Been.”
With the new outfit, the addition of boing boing, and the rifle, Tenshi is now a full-fledged American Tenshi
Gotta hand it to Nabi-mama. This is has to be her best boing reveal. It took us Tenshimps 6 months to finally stop discussing whether Tenshi has boing boingAlso thank you Fungi-papa for proving us wrongAlso thank you jjjbbbjjjjbj for the new room there are so many cool stuffs that I also have hanging on the wallsAnd finally thank you Tenshi for killing us, not with 5.56 cal bullets, but with sweetness
“Headdoshotto, you deddo” is my favourite quote from this year. 23:10
Step aside, Alita. *THIS* is *THE* battle angel.
This was a mega blessed stream
calm down lads, tenshi is clearly not boing boing, but rather the MUCH better Medium!And as wise men say, MEDIUM ID PREMIUM!!!
16:00 “this weapon is very cutto”Terrifying, but I LOVE it
5:34 is so cute ❤️12:1913:1613:2214:15 Boing Boing z cup xd22:4323:3226:10 papa fungi, mama nabi thank you27:34 nabi mama is here
Our tenshi is cute with her new outfit , the addition of cat ears and uh, boing boing , and a rifle is just perfect! She does look like PS5 thoughThank you for the stream , tenshi!
Tenshi was nervous. But, for her first outfit reveal she did a amazing job.The outfit is very kawaii and now we know not to mess with Boing Boing Shotgun Tenshi.Thank you, Nabi-mama & Papa.October will be a hype month with many announcements.
And now our tenshi is proven “Boing Boing”.No pettan
“So how did he died””He died of Tenshi’s cuteness”
Warning: Watch at your own risk. is extremely cute in the new outfits
22:48 cutest moment probably
Tenshi’s new nyamatsuka finally showed, extra her “boing-boing” who revealed….Even it gave me cuteness like her default one…
Watch the ending and you will hear the most blessed “Boing boing” of your life 1:53:00
1:49:33Tenshi: arigathanksOrange dragon: What?