
(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 包丁のデザインのテーマ は『少年から大人へ』 ・包丁の表面のデザイン(サムネ側) エゴによって作られ、捨てられたペットボトル。 多少は社会の理不尽さを知りつつも、まだ …
This is an even better version of how to basic
If everyone was like this man, not only would we stop pollution, be we’d also have a whole arsenal of knives to fight off the aliens
I love how you interrupted yourself and shared those helpful life hacks 😄
Petition to start making knives from used plastic
His skill terrifies me but his patience scares me more. Worse is a killer willing to wait for the apex moment 0~0
This is the guy who should represent us when the Aliens arrive. Any test they have, I’m 100% confident he’ll find a way to pass it.
You know he’s too powerful when he drinks the whole Coke bottle in one go
Que trabalho bonito ! Muito bem feito de uma efic�cia perfeita.Me apaixonei.Pela fa�a e pela intelig�ncia.Parab�ns para que teve a id�ia .Paci�ncia e muita habilidade.Incr�vel !
This dude took saving turtles to the next level like damn son😂😂😂😂😭😭😭
Sabedoria e reaproveitamento .Pelo jeito fio ficou uma beleza . 👏👏👏👏👏👏
I like how the dude gave out some helpful DIY stuffs in mean time
While I’m wondering the whole time how does he keep his gas stove so spot free?
Wow, maravilloso excelente, una idea estupenda para reciclar las botellas
Гениально! А ещё можно из плазмы сделать мишень для Дартса!
I’m mildly infuriated by the fact that he knows how to do so many random things. My time on earth has been absolutey wasted.
Fascinating proof of concept. I’ve watched a lot of these videos and enjoy them greatly. Thank you for your ingenuity and sharing it.
Massa! Vou tentar fazer todas!
Me, who watches how to basic: *sees hand start shaking*Me: oh no…

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! ある日、包丁では切れない硬い食品の断面を見たいと思った不審な男が、キッチンで手軽に硬い食品を切断する包丁を作ろうと考える。男は包丁にノコギリ刃を付ければ …
Break into a random dudes house, start searching the place. Only find knives and cows as well as some expensive lab and kitchen equipment. You start sweating bullets. Your phone vibrates, check in case its your getaway. Its a notification for Kiwami Japan. You love that guy so you open the notification then your eyes go wide.[Sharpest Thief Knife in The World]The lights flicker on. The video had already begun.
Up next: piercing the fabric of reality with a neat rock i found
This dudes friends: Hay can I have some Water?Him: Yes do you want the small or large Cow?
“It can’t be cut with a knife””I want to cut it with a knife””I cut it with a knife”
Imagine having almost 3 Million subscribers and not said a single word ever
This guy can literally make a knife out of tissue paper and cut adamantium.
“Can’t””But i want to””So i did”Kiwami in a nutshell
“this thing cannot be cut with a kitchen knife”Kiwami japan: “so anyways, i started cutting-“
“i wield the strongest sword in history, forged over thousands of years by the gods, created in the heart of the sun. what do you use?””dried bonito”
upgrading a level 1 item using late game items
“one dollar kitchen knife”proceeds to use more whetstones than i can count to sharpen the knife to sharpness 255 and then file it into a diy saw
This man does sharpness V enchantments to anything without the enchanting table, nice skill
I love that he sharpens this knife to one of the deadliest edges I’ve seen on a kitchen knife and then proceeds to only use the special saw part he made from the base of the knife? Was I the only one curious is he was even actually gonna use the straight part of the knife to cut the hard stuff?
Kiwami: Next I will make “Sharpest Human in the world”Kiwama: Oh wait, I’ve already a few of those videos…
as a knife maker, when he ground off the bevel i almost fainted
Bruh I 100% reccomend watching his videos while high. It is the weirdest thing ever cause half the shit he does I thought I was imagining it. Also the absence of almost all sound just makes it captivating to watch. I think I did a marathon of his videos while I was high off my mind. This dude is crazy(amazing).
Kiwami: Gets arrested for possession of millions of knives
You should make a knife with the hardest candy in Japan

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 掃除機の音を聞いた犬は崖っぷちで喋った為に落下してしまう。 頭を強く打った犬は聴力が向上し、音を立体的に聞き分ける能力を手に入れた。 怪我をした犬の為に …
Great job! That thing is crazy Sharp
Youtubers: Nobody can make original content these days. Kiwami Japan: Observe
Oh how cute hes doing ASMR to the dog*Notices sound alteration on earphone*WAIT WHAT*
Cop: “What was the murder weapon?”Witness: “idk, he just poked the guy”
therapist: the dog isn’t real. it can’t hurt you.the dog: _falls_
there’s a lot going on here but i think the question we should _really_ be asking is if the dog is ok
The perfect accessory for your Gordon Ramsay action figure.
fans: did you make itkiwami: yesfans: what did it cost kiwami: my dog
Now this is a knife i can sneek through airport security
This is strangely reminiscent of Jun’s cats watching him cook.
Others: he’s ASMR’ing the dogMe: he’s adding insult to injury by making the dog fear for his life
I can’t imagine how many times he must have been scared of dropping and losing this thing while making it
I can sense memes being made about this man in the future
*This guy has done the impossible.**He combined ASMR with HowToBasic.*
my mum walked in while i watched this video, all she sad was. awww the poor dog.She didn’t know it was the microphone.
Next: Making a knife from fragments of the Holy Grail
As a first time viewer, I was genuinely concerned for the wellbeing of the plush dog. Imagine my relief when I found the dog is merely accompanying the creator.
Imagine this guy on Chopped.”If you don’t mind, I brought my own knives.”

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 本心なんてどうでもいい! せめて言葉だけでもいいから両思いに。。 好きと言えないなら『○ね』と思うヤンデレのちょっと苦いチョコ物語。 この動画はチョコの成分を超音波 …
Q, Is this a serial killer channel? A, Materials Science channel 「その場限りでも好きと言って欲しかったので脅してしまった・・ 傷つけるつもりはなかった・・」とのべており・・・
I love how he has all those different tools and devices and a lot of chemistry related knowledge and then he’s just like:🗿 𝚏 𝚒 𝚜 𝚑 𝚜 𝚑 𝚘 𝚎
Mom : Why dont you go play with the neighbors kid? He’s such a smart boy.Neighbors kid :
This man has every kitchen gadget in the world and here am using a fork as a spatula and a bathroom scale to weigh butter
I love how nobody notices the vibrator he uses to smoothen the chocolate on the silicone molder XDThat was impressive actually XD
Just checked in on this channel for the first time in like 2 years, had no idea it has developed into a japanese surrealist version of howtobasic
Forgot this video was about making a chocolate knife and not just chocolate from scratch until near the end of the video lol.
6:40 WHO TF MADE THAT ROLLING PIN. This is why i love japan. Their technology is epic
Wow, great effort into making these videos. How did you get all that equipment and how much did it cost? Can we get a real human sacrifce next or do you host streams on the dark web? Thanks.
Imagine having this guy on your side in a war where you’re out of weapons. Sat in a desert storm and he’s cooking up knives out of thin air.
This might be the most hilarious video I’ve ever seen.
Damn! So much work goes into making this! :O and also what a bizarre style wow interesting, but I hope you are okay <3
Incr�vel como o mundo evolui, at� chocolate pode ser letal
15:51 アルカスイス互換のクイックリリースクランプ使ってるんですね!驚き
Don’t mess with this guy in prison, he’ll make a shank out of his own hair.
13:27 Wait I have seen that machine somewhere But I didn’t knew that it can be helpful in this way too
You know, for the first like 13-14 minutes I thought I knew what was going on. Yeah, I’m not convinced this guy didn’t go insane while making this video.
15 years ago: Him: mom can I get Legos ?Mom: Sure. The next dayBreaking News: A mom found dead in her room, there was said to be a Lego knife next to the victims body.

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 男はカルーアミルクの中毒になる。飲む回数に比例して徐々にリキュールの量が多くなり、数年後にはカルーアをストレートで飲むようになる。昔のようにミルクをいれて楽しみ …
Imagine being killed by a knife made of milk
The ultimate way to defend against lactose intolerant people
(random person): “Holy crap, you’re REALLY skilled in chemistry! What type of stuff do you do with all that knowledge?”*” m i l k k n i f e “*
So glad the cow jug survived 😭 when he started caressing her all sinister like that I thought it was over for her
“What are you cooking?””Milk””What? And why are you using alcohol?””My goals are beyond your understanding”
What airport security thinks that you’ll do with a milk jug
that was an interesting tool you used to remove those bubbles from the chamber
“What kind of ASMR do you like”Me: *knife making*
Weapon: Milky Blade15 melee damageDescription: A strange white dagger with a “milky” scent. Although mediocre in terms of pure melee damage, it’s the ultimate weapon against enemies with lactose intolerance, subjecting them to extreme amounts of poison damage.
there’s definitely a lot of things going on
I like how he adds sharpest like there is this huge category of milk knives. I can’t believe the effort he put into making the handle. A true artisan. The plot twist is he comes from a family of traditional knife makers and this is how he rebels.
I’ve watched 30+ Kiwami videos. The moment I saw milk being poured out of the bastard ceramic cow was the only moment I fully understood from beginning to end. I love this man
I love how he shows us how and why he does things but we have no idea how or why he does things.
I feel like the longer I watch this video the more I’m being pulled into another dimension
This is what happens when you give a chaotic neutral a chemistry degree
Imagine putting this guy in prison just to get stabbed by his diy milk knife
my friends: what did you do today?my mind: 21:02me: oh nothing.
Damn im getting a whole science lesson with this cuz I didn’t know that milk was denser than vodka 👀
16:02 え!!??す…すげぇぇぇぇぇぇぇ!!!!!!