
(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 結着剤(食品添加物)という肉の接着剤を使ってバラバラの肉を繋ぎ合わせて牛脂を注入し、安価な肉が美味しい一枚のステーキになる動画です。※使用した粉は全て食品 …
Oh my gosh! He has a face and he can speak!
He should make a steak knife out of steak, and cut steak with it
Not gonna lie.Kiwami low-key do be looking kinda cute tho.
he looks like a nice guy somehow, not at all psychotic
イケメン 手が好き 年収が高い(エリート) 若い 爪を集めてる… やっぱ吉良吉影じゃねぇか!!!
I’ve only seen 10% of the face and oh my God he’s a handsome lad
I never have any idea what’s going on in his videos but I’m always so mesmirised
butcher: cuts up meat for customerkiwami: glues the meat back together againbutcher: am I a joke to you?
He earns ten times as much as I do annually for his day job.
Meat glue would be perfect for healing wounds from very sharp Japanese knives
Given been watching this guy since like he started making knifes, never have I ever heard him speak. I’m shocked

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! ある日、男はエポキシ樹脂の接着剤が固まった塊を発見する。 非常に硬くなったその塊をみて、男は接着剤が「包丁にしてほしい!」と自分に語りかけているかと錯覚する。
You should get sponsored by whoever makes those little water cows.
I just can’t get over the guy doing a one handed push up WEARING CROCS then it cuts to him sharpening a knife he made, The chaotic energy
While I’m absolutely admiring his talent (crafty little bugger that he is) I also like his subtle sense of humour.
Did anyone else realize that he put a sponge when he vacuum-sealed the carbon fiber sheets (3:42), so that when he squished out air bubbles from the sheets after vacuuming, the sponge would absorb that air and keep the vacuum intact!This man is a genius!
This guy disappears in his apartment for days, and when he comes out his right arm is bulging with muscle. Most people probably assume the worst, but we know.
no one is going to talk about the random push ups? *ok*
Wears weighted bracelets and randomly does push-ups. Are you an undercover anime main character going through his training montage?
He does the most unnecessary shit and it’s the reason I love him so much
Kiwami: * see Chuck Norris *Kiwami: He’s pretty strong……Kiwami: Does he want to be a kitchen knife?
so what I’m learning from these videos is that if it’s relatively hard and you have enough determination, you can turn anything into a knife
kiwami japan is lowkey a cutie. But he made a fingernail engagement ring so I guess he must be taken already. :/
Dang so he really made a video with him doing push ups, just so he could flex on how strong he isI’m into it
“Do you want to become a kitchen knife?” I’m pretty sure he asks this question to all his shopping list items.
I don’t even understand anymore whether I’m here for the knives or the cows xD
“Do you want to be a kitchen knife?”. …I want to live in a universe where this man is god, and his chaotic-neutral ways are law.
none of this is sped up they’re actually just that fast
I didn’t even know shoe dryers existed lmao

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! ある日、ワールドカップを観戦しながらパンツを畳む男。 男はふとした瞬間にパンツを持ちながらつぶやく。 「なんで!すぐシュートを打たない?」 しかし、すぐに我に返るパンツ …
“He wont get out this time, he only has the clothes on his back”
>cast iron pan is rusted>heat it up and add vegetable oil>rub with paper towel>”it burned”>sparkling water>shake up and spray at pan (on fire) as makeshift fire extinguisher>drink waterCHAOTIC NEUTRAL
“clothing can’t hurt you, it’s meant to protect you”Kiwami: *NOW THAT IS AN EXCELLENT IDEA*
He can make knives out of almost anything knows how to make a fire extinguisher with sparkling water. This guy is using 100% of his brain power
I really want, or perhaps need, an in depth analysis of this man’s philosophies. Like, his level of education, his profession, his mental state, his childhood, his influences, who is he and why does he do this? How did he learn these things, is he self taught, does he use these tools for other crafts and creative processes? I desperately want someone to answer these questions so I don’t go mad looking for answers. Regardless, this video is a humbling experience, as always.
Airport guard:What’s in your bag?Me: just underwearAirport guard: then what’s this?Me: underwear.Airport guard: sir this is a weaponMe: no it’s what I wearAirport guard: knives!?Me: underwear
damn he really put out a fire with sparkling water huh
Mom: Why are you watching this?Me: My goals are beyond your understanding
Me: eating chicken in my underwearHim: cutting chicken with his underwearI’m not sure who wins in this scenario.
It’s sad knowing that this guy has underwear knives sharper than all my knives in my kitchen
Traditionally, pattern welding is done with differing grades of steel, not underwear.
Plot twist: he IS a knife and is making an army of other knifes to overthrow humans
This guys resume:Skills: Owns many wei- I mean incredible dolls, Can put fire out with sparkling water, Can make a knife out of virtually anything.
I’ve watched most of these videos, and still, every time he brings out the knife for a template, I feel the same sinking feeling of knowing what he’s about to do.
I love the spike of memes in his channel, I watched his videos when he just started sharpening 1$ knifes, and the fall from metal to underwear is just memeful. I love this guy and his content is too perfect for this website, this guy memed everything from this video forward. Literally.
These videos made me realize how dull the knives in my kitchen are. I knew that the paper thing only works when the knive is really sharp, but it didn’t even work a little bit!
Calmest reaction to a kitchen fire ever
Wow! How creative. I really like how the layers are seen in the blade.

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 陶芸にはげむ男はこの日、3時のおやつにケンタッキーを食べると決心していた。ウキウキしながら買いに行く男。 そして、食べ終わった骨を捨てようと思った その瞬間、鳥の …
I don’t get how his hands can show more emotion than most people.
His pinned comment says something along the lines of;”Even if your loved one passes away, with this method, there’s still the possibility of making a pendant or something similar. Well, how about it? Would you like one?”
“Hey, while you’re out can you pick up a box of KFC?””Sure.””Oh, and a new kitchen knife.””Got it, 3 boxes of KFC.”
4:32Bone dust : **shoots out**Kiwami : **pauses** could you not?
Mr. Kiwami, you are one of my favorite creators. Though sometimes I wonder if all this knife making has gotten you into trouble with the police.
Crushes up bonesMe: wow he made bonemealMinecraft Brain: GrOw wheAt faSt heHe
So if you ever feel you’re useless, remember this guy can turn you into a knife.
God took some of Adam’s ribs, mix them with clay to make Eve.Kiwami took some KFC chicken bones, mix them with clay to make a knife.
I love how he silently rages when something doesn’t go as planned.
This man just picks the chicken up and within seconds, it’s eaten. This is no man.
I like how the first thing he thinking of when he is done eating a box of kfc is MAKE A KNIFE FROM THEIR BONES
Friend: “yo can you pass me a kitchen knife”Kiwami Japan: “Sure what type”Friend: “i just need one sharp enough to cut these chicken breasts”Kiwami Japan: “ *oh sharp you say* ”Flashback to all the *sharpest knife videos* Japan has made
Theory: he is actually a serial killer and this is how he gets rid of the remains
*_Stabs someone with their own leg_*Get Nae nae’d
The only thing sharper than your creations is your imagination.
Well, I just learned how at-home cremation works.
When you touch the stuff all creepy I immediately like the video, it’s the funniest thing.

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! ある日ドッキリに憧れた男は、ドッキリに使えそうな食べられる人工卵作りに励む。 黄身の色を上手く再現できなかったが、ナタデココの食物繊維を 使いリアルな卵の黄身を …
簡潔にまとめると、ドッキリする相手がいない男が、AI画像認識(Googl lens)を騙して一人で喜ぶ偽卵製造ドッキリ動画です。 男「テッテレー 偽の卵でした\(^^)/」 AI「(゚Д゚)ハァ?」 こんなイメージです
You forget half way through he’s making a damn knife
Airport security: “we have an advance metal detector so no one could carry weapons on board”This guy: *makes a knife out of food*Airports:*surprise pikachu face*
Other youtube channels: “Let’s make a fake egg!”Kiwami japan: “Let’s make a fake egg, AND THEN TURN IT INTO A KNIFE”
i really wonder what he does with these knives- does he just have a huge chest full of the knives he’s collected over the months of making these things?
“So kiwami, got a new knife for us?””Sure do!””Oh boy! what’s this one made out of?””To explain that, I need to make several kinds of fake egg…”
3:06 Good to know they make condoms in my size.
2019: “Sharpest fake egg kitchen knife in the world”2050: “sharpest air knife in the universe”
Me calling my therapist: “Yes hi, I’d like to book an emergency appointment for tomorrow… Well, I’ve developed a compulsive attraction to the hands of a guy on youtube who uses them to make murder weapons. He also uses cow shaped water jugs, creepy dolls, and a lot of suggestive imagery. Yes I can do early morning…”
I love the way he somehow manages to give a pained thumbs up
The way he always sensually strokes his equipment is both cute and mildly concerning
_”Fake eggs”_*Disappointed screeches of HowToBasic can be heard ten miles away
19:48 きゅうりが出てくるのえっちぃし、指入れるのもこれは狙ってる///
I revisit this video from time to time and the pure, chaotic, confused energy that his hand shaking emits always gets me. (21:14)
I love how everyone just comes together and watches him make knivesedit…I just got to 19:50 …i-
it’s like watching a scientist slowly go mad with power
I got bored and used a direct translator on the Japanese title“Camoflauged eggs are perfect for miniature knives”…I can’t tell if this is accurate or notEdit: it says his name is “the overwhelming suspicious person” holy-
I love how he gives us precise amounts and measurements like anyone will actually make this at home
20:03 he must’ve been like “oh yea, I’m saving this for later”
19:55 there’s no word in english dictionary that can express how uncomfortable that made me