
(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! ある日、犬が動かなくなる 自然の摂理に逆らうことを嫌う男は、電池交換を受け入れず犬を埋葬することにする。そして、写真を飾ったが落としてしまう。 新品の写真立てには …
The most underrated part of this guys videos is that in evey video he finds a unique way of taking out the cucumber
For a channel that makes knifes, there is a lot of story behind it
Me: watches him scrape the clear plasticHim: takes out gunMe: what in the hell???
I feel like this man knows how and when I’m going to die…
Me: damn I want to watch someone make a clear knifeMe:opens videoDog: dies
Friend: so what do you do for a living?Him: *pulls gun out of microwave* well you see it’s complicated
Me: Wow this is an aesthetically pleasing channelAlso me: **watches him pull a gun out of his “microwave”**
13:19 blew me away. I thought the “eggs” were for weight. The physics makes me amazed and content
10:21 no don’t cut the dog Oh of course there’s a cucumber underneath the blanket in the coffin in which rests a deceased electronic stuffed puppy
His dog dies, and he has a gun in his microwave. Don’t tell me this man isn’t John Wick.
0:20 Saddest moment in the history of anime.
Robber to partnee: “come on, I heard this place has got some cool stuff inside”Guy: *in pure silence, slowly takes out guy from microwave, along with a scary amount of extremely sharp knife made out of pretty much everything”
A person who loves clear things like me is craving for a knife like that.
him; takes out gun from microwaveme: *KITCHEN GUN, BANG BANG BANG*
Man’s is wearing crocs, has a gun in the microwave, and has a cow that squirts water out of its noseThis man a god
I love how he got a story line for almost every video
Government: You can’t just make a knife out of anything.kiwami: Hold my cucumber
Enraged that he couldn’t scratch the glass, it left him with only one option left. He opened the microwave and grabbed the gun he was reheating from the night before.
i was quite literally speechless when this man pulled a gun out of his microwave-

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! アニメに憧れたとある面識の無い男女。女はコーナーダッシュで出会いを求め、男はプレゼント攻撃で出会いを求める。しかし、女が口に加えたのは食パンでは無くキュウリ …
Top 10 saddest anime moments レンジの使いすぎで電気代が2万超えました(泣)
I feel like a cat watching his owner do taxes. This man’s thought processes are just beyond my comprehension.
all his videos have me like “so how does this contribute to making a knife??” until i forget that he’s making a knife, and then suddenly he’s got a finished knife.
That knife is a work of art. This video is a work of art. I’m deeply confused, but everything about this is just art.
“cooking sand in a microwave oven”I feel like there’s more to it than that
People: “Why does it take so long for a video?”Kiwami: Manually sorting grains of sand
Aside from making knives out of everything, did he just teach us how to dust for fingerprints with foil and a chicken?
This man dividing grains of sand is an analogy for patience I never would have thought of because it is SO INTENSE. This blows my mind more than extreme sports montages.
I like how the things this man does seem pointless at first until it all comes together in the end
que final impressionante cara parab�ns pelo trabalho mt top
i love how absolutely confused i am throughout the entire process, such a hiliarous way to make a knife!
No one’s talking about how this guy over here literally just picked out tiny individual grains of silica from all of that sand, he has to be the most patient person in the universe
i like these videos because they’re cool dyi builds, but at the same time they’re like little mysteries where im constantly on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what the hell is going on
I just love the neatness in everything he does.
Well, I wasn’t expecting the last segment you made. Well done! You always have an unexpected section up in the sleeve.
That’s a fantastic art illustrated by a genius. Beautiful 😭
Person: *goes to kiwami’s house.*Person: what’s that?Kiwami: oh, that’s just a working particle accelerator I made from tofu.
This had more plot twists than any movie I’ve seen!
At the 14-minute mark where he was also a blacksmith I thought, “okay now he’s gone too far”

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 男は通販番組を見てしまう それは、まさしく世界最強のテープだった 男はこのテープを上手く包丁にすることができるのか! #JapaneseknifeMan ※この動画は世界最強と …
This guy is the most dangerous youtuber in the world. He can turn anything into a sharp knife. If you’re not careful you might get turned into a knife too.
Can we just take a moment to appreciate that he practically made a Phil Swift commercial for the video so we could understand the context.
You know, i love how you can tell all of his emotions and thoughts through the motions of his hands. Quite interesting…
If kiwami did commercials for flex tape, he’d be like “I saw this boat in half, WITH FLEXT TAPE!”Then he’d use flex tape to fix the boat he sawed in half with flex tape THEN turn that into a knife
I’ve honestly become more impressed by how he is able to sharpen any material
It’s the sharpest tape kitchen knife because it’s the only tape kitchen knife.
Cut to me screaming at my phone for him not to hurt the cowThe cow: haha mortal, you thought that knife could hurt me, no no no, I hurt the knife
I love how he has the weirdest ways of finding cucumbers.
“This is cut very well! What kind of knife do you use?””Oh me? I use Tape”
Each one of these is like an episode. Excellent cinematography and sometimes a little side narrative as well. My favorite moment is when you have the material and then you bring the knife out to trace. It reminds me of a great quote, “This is where the fun begins.”
Some dude: “I will tape this and this together to assemble a weapon.” Kiwami: “Tape” Some dude: “What?” Kiwami: “Tape”
Wow this man just flexed on us without saying a single word
Someone: Are you a Creator or Collector?This guy: Yes…
these hands should get at least an oscar best acting, haha
The amount of time it must take for this man to work is something I will never be able to comprehend
This is the most of him that we have ever seen lol
Makes world sharpest knife 1million people : ‘’ interesting “

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! ある日,無機物を愛する男はマネキンと結婚しようとする。 しかし男はメンヘラストーカーのような歪んだ愛情に 目覚めてしまう。。 果たして男の運命は・・ この動画は爪の主 …
Will you marry me?こんなに愛情を注いたんだから、プロポーズは100%成功するよね!(メンヘラ思考)
i’ve never been so disgusted yet amazed at the same time
Now he can literally say “this ring is a part of me”.
“I made it myself!””Oh wow! From what?””Myself.”””
Looks like something a yandere person would make.Like “I made this out of my body part. Never ever take if off, so that I’ll always be with you whenever you go and whatever you do :)”
This brings a whole new meaning to the phrase “handmade”
What a Yoshikage Kira thingThis dude is the embodiment of The Duwang Enjoyer
I’d want the gem to be made of blood and ash. That’d be the coolest engagement ring of all time.
Thanks for the free capuchino tutorial😃I like how you put just as much effort to demonstrate your tools as doing the main task.
You’re not doing great on that whole “I’m not a serial killer” thing
The ending almost killed me from laughing and crying at the same time
When a thief steals his ring:*Killer Queen has already touched the ring*

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 鉛筆削りの刃を砥石で全力で研いで見ました。行程1、水で冷却すると金属が反るのであらかじめ逆に曲げておく 2、約1000℃に熱する→水で冷却 3、約200℃の油で低温 …
サムネはインスタ風のつもりで作りました。前回の動画の質問を抜粋して回答させて頂きます1、仕事内容を詳しく A、普段はボールペンとパソコンしか触りません・・あと電話2、暇ですね A、冬は身も心も暇です3、アシタノワダイに取り上げられていましたよ A、動画公開前に連絡を頂いており、とても誠実で親切な方でした。お勧め致します https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-kF1uMFhIfvw6seHqDGwkg/featured4、牛の水差しはどこで買ったのですか? A、今回の動画で宣伝させて頂きました5、100円の包丁は切れ味は維持できるの? A、金属が柔らかいので切れ味はすぐに落ちます。また柔らかく刃を薄くすると刃が崩れてくるので切れ味も硬い鋼の包丁ほど良くすることは不可能です6、100円の包丁はアルミでしょ? A、ステンレス製です。
This guy’s house must be incredibly dangerous. Every surface with an edge, from the door frame to a countertop, must be able to slice your arm off by brushing against it.
If this guy ever got into a prison he would be the shank god.
I didn’t read the title correctly. I thought he was going to sharpening the pencil with whetstone
Me first watch: dang this guy is really goodMe after watching other videos: why is this the most normal thing he has posted
This is the core embodiment of maxing out your starter weapon.
With all the metal shavings he’s produced from sharpening these knives, he could make a whole new knife.
Bro, can I use your sharpener for a sec?*accidentally slices an atom with the blade
EMT: Sir, it looks as if you’ve simultaneously cut and burned yourself.Me: Well… you see, my pencil sharpener was dull.
Someone: “Oh what are you cooking?”Him: *looks up with the pencil sharpener blade still over the stove* blades?
Plot twist: his son lost the sharpener next day at school
Doing weird, inefficient things for the challenge or just for fun is one of the great joys of life. All the commenters typing ‘just buy a new sharpener idiot’ are kinda depressing.
Those whetstones are upwards of 400 USD a piece. That’s intense.
This video gave me flashbacks to when I was sharpening something similarly small on a whetstone, and completely sanded away the skin on my fingertips. It was wet and felt so smooth to the touch, I didn’t even notice until blood started slowly spreading out over the stone!
I’m honestly surprised that you didn’t try to cut a cucumber with it.
“hey son what are you doing””Making a tempered steel pencil sharpener”
In school, my classmates would always come to me when they wanted their pencils sharpened. That was my thing, I sharpened pencils…