
(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! カツオ節は世界一硬い食べ物としてギネスブックに載っているそうです。
“Japanese death row prisoner escapes and injures 9 guards after requesting whole dried bonito for his final meal.”
Katsuoboushi is proof that literally anything can be a seasoning. “What did you season that soup with? It’s delicious.” “Oh, just some flakes of dried smoked fish.”
“I make knives.””What do you make them from?””Yes.”
I’ve heard of gutting someone like a fish but, I’ve never heard of gutting someone WITH a fish.
Stab someone and then just eat the murder weapon
I wonder what it would rank on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. Also, apparently it’s a dried fish. D: >_<
“Anything’s food if you chew hard enough”- Jorg W. Washingmachine
I just searched this and I realize it’s a dried fish meat. This is really interesting
The amount of patience this man has is equally astonishing as the knifes he is crafting.
That freezing banana in the coldest town in Siberia: finally, a worthy opponent!
Tuna before die : I want to reborn as swordfishKiwami : granted
Fun fact: This incredibly hard preserved fish is what the genshin impact weapon “luxurious sea lord” is based on.
Finally! One I can make at home and don’t have to be an alchemist for lol

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 不気味な熊は気性が荒く攻撃的であるがASMRで落ち着く習性を持つ・・ 熊の攻撃を防ぎながらジャガイモから包丁を作る男と熊とジャガイモのドキュメンタリー動画です …
i feel like this music actually turned the video darker
this entire channel is a fever dream
nature: you can’t cut a potato with another potatokiwami: *y e s*
The tiny teddy is absolutely an SCP who’s containment procedures require brushies
alright, we’ve seen him cut a cucumber with a potato.*but can he cut a cucumber with a cucumber?*
-Background music-Different title-Possessed teddy bear-Overall uneasy feelingCan’t believe the most cursed video on this channel is the one with potatoes xD
I feel like the demon bear that craves ASMR is really just a metaphor for all of us.
“So, how did you die?”“I got stabbed with a potato”
When you’re so invested in the story of the bear you forget this was a potato making knife video…
I had more trouble keeping up with the plot in this one than I usually do
Watching this video made me feel like I was tripping or something. Pretty surreal with the bear and origami demons. If one of his ceramic cows ever gets broken, I fear for us all.
I feel like this guy’s making these knives in preparation for the day he sets out to destroy the world…
The last thing that bear saw before being locked in the darkness was a youtube ad
Everyone’s complaining about the music but honestly that made the encroaching horror of the bear all that more jarring and suspenseful
this man’s dedication to the art of knifemaking is terrifying
Having to cook for your impatient yokai-bear at home: relateable.
Can we all just realize that kiwami took time out of his knife-making to create us an amazing bear side-story

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 男はラップが固まると思った・・だから包丁を作ろうと思った。 サランラップ、クレラップ、日立ラップ、ダイヤラップ、ダイアラップの各ラップで少量ずつサンプルを作りましたが、 …
タイトルに嘘偽りはありませんよね? (笑)
Human history.Stone age>Bronze age>Iron age>Plastic wrap age.
The motto of this channel is with enough creativity and hard work everything can made into knife.
He’s like king Midas. Except for that everything he touches turns to a knife instead of gold.
That could get through a metal detector
I guess that my teacher was right when she told me anything can be a weapon
I like your channel. The most important part of each video in this series is the creative response to the methods, procedures, and materials presented. The reason for the repetition of the same form (the knife) is to highlight the actual creative genius. Like Einstein wearing the same clothes every day so that he does not have to decide what to wear, the kitchen knife is both archetypal and practical at the same time; stable. What moves is the mind, adapting to the changing conditions, in a specific moment in time, under specific economic, sociological, political, and artistic conditions.
yeah. I will not be surprised if the next knife will be made of sand…and sharpen.
Pretty sure that this guy can make a pickle sharp enough to cut wood
This guy’s gonna be a suspect in a lot of really weird crimes.
Make a knife out of cucumber. Then you can cut cucumber with a cucumber kinfe
Plastic wrap is now banned on airplanes
yet again another knife losses to the god that is the pasta
For every video he makes is another element or substance banned on planes
The most fine grit of sandpaper I can find, is 2,500 and 3,000. Honestly, i didn’t even know it went higher than that. 6,000? 12,000? 30,000??? You’re a GENIUS dude. Love your channel. Keep up the good work.
if this guy ever goes to prison, nobody inside will be safe
My favourite channel of all time. A true creative mastermind…and one with a sense of humour. Hugs for the dog and cows. And a big thanks to you.
I wanna see this guy’s collection of knives.
He literally has a tool for everything

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! パンデミックによってエタノールを持ち歩く男は公園でチョコレートを落としてしまう。 そこで男はチョコレートに抗菌機能を加えることを思いつく! カカオ豆をすりつぶし、 …
This year’s Valentine chocolate is finally complete ※これはバレンタインチョコです
It’s good to see you back
he did all that work to show us that silver kills bacteria. what a bloody legend
I like how this channel went from sharpening knives to advanced chemistry
the amount of science that kiwami includes in his knife making scares me, and I’m a science major
this video is way more interesting than anything ive ever learned in school and i dont even know whats going on
Man combines chemistry, biology, physics, insanity, epicness and humour all into one video which he films in his kitchen.
Kiwami: “What is my purpose?!”God: “You make knives out of everything”Kiwami: “…oh…oh god…THATS AWESOME!!”
Bro, imagine this but as a slice-of-life edutainment anime. The insane chemistry professor who keeps teaching students how to make food into knives.
My OCD enjoys how he has the perfect specialty tool for every action, no matter how nominal.
It amazes me every video that this absolute genius makes knives out of anything.
This person is like Rule 34 of knives, it’s like: if it exists, there is a knife of that
I love how these are all framed as tutorials, even though no one in their right mind would follow along.
Емчкго не понял, но очень интересно
These videos are freaking amazing. They’re like a long-form story. You have the build-up in this one to what the knife is meant to conquer.
I can never tell what he’s going to use each thing for at the beginning of the video, it’s always entertaining to watch it unfold
This channels motto is “my goals are beyond your understanding”
I love the subtle ways his channel has changed and improved. It’s funny, creative and interesting. There’s not just a cool scientific angle, the knife and video are like a sort of art project.

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! これは現在でも、楽器や絵の具などに使われております。 膠(にかわ)という天然の瞬間接着材です。材料は牛の生皮(ローハイド)です。
サイコパスではありませんw 皆様大好きなゼリーの原料、ゼラチンはこのように作られております
Makes VERY sharp knifes ALL THE TIME – Turns to scissors to cut soft bones.
I love how how he has nothing to hang on at 7:05 and just uses a fricking samurai sword
1:06 and this was the moment kiwami decided he was gonna start sharpening knives for a living
The testing part of this video invented like 12 new sports
My dude here really trying everything he can to break it apart lmao
I bet he felt like the flex seal guy lifting the weights with the tape
yeah even with normal wood glue you’ll split the wood before the adhesion breaks. pretty impressive stuff.
The devil works hard but this glue works harder
I’m learning more chemistry in this channel than I ever learned at school.
watching you soften and unravel rawhide bones is cursed footage
Never realized how small his place actually is
Are those scissors his everday scissors or like…Bone cutting scissors?
I wish this was a new series, along with Sharpest * Knife in the World.Make Wood Glue with PaperMake Wood Glue with CokeMake Wood Glue with CoffeeMake Wood Glue with Shampoo
I kinda love the fact that most of this is him trying in vain to break the rawhide glue.
They make a traditional glue in japan from fish bladders and a glue from deer hide both are amazing but tend to stink very bad they are still used for making Japanese bows and the gear for kendo
The part where he’s suspended by the glued wood literally gave me vertigo omg