
(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 男は溶けにくく割れにくい氷があれば包丁になると思った そして、男はタフな氷作りに取り組む 不純物を取り除いた水と綿を使い、時間をかけてゆっくり 凍らせることによって …
When you’re planning the most extra murder in the world
Regular ice: who are you Poly ice: I’m you but stronger
Weapon: Ice KnifeElement: IceType: MeleeDamage: 45 dpsEffects: 1% chance to freeze opponent upon use+30% damage against cucumbersWhen used for a betrayal, 100% chance to freeze opponent (flavio szutner’s idea)Notes: Can only be used while Warm Glove is equippedObtain by: Trading with kiwami (transaction: Cow jug L x1, Cow jug M x1, Cow jug S x2, Cow jug XS x5, Chocolate x3 = Ice Knife x1)
*accidently cut my fingerz* Mom:” quick put ice on it!!”*cuts even deeper*
Can anyone explain to me why he put a magnet in the water when he was filtering it?…and also why he needed to wrap it up in bubble wrap and seal it in a box before he froze the knife?I do not, of course, need to ask why he made the little porcelain cow do a little dance while the knife was in the freezer again. It’s very obvious why he did that.
6:53 効率を考えすぎて圧倒的不審者になるシーン
Anything: *exists*Kiwami Japan: *imma make that into a knife.*
Imagine being lost in the wilderness with this guy.*You* : okay, I found food and water, what did you find?*Him: I made a knife out of some grass blades and a poisoness mushroom I came across.*
Me: *opens freezer* What the? Who would make an ice knife at 3 in the morning?Him: *opens door* OH BOY, 3 AM!
The lack of pouring cow in the beginning while filling the ice tray makes me uneasy. But yeah, cool knife 👌 pun intended.
I laughed so hard when he stick himself into the fridge. ROFL
With this, I can be an ice cold killer.
“ay,that’s cool!” -the last words of the victim

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! ある日を境に、複数の人から同じ内容のメールが届く。 内容は昔のイヌイットは人糞でナイフを作っていたという話があるそうな・・・・ それを最近、人類学者が凍らせた人糞を …
海水を車で運んだり、ろ過したりしていたら、冬休みが終わりました(泣)This is magnesium cement In this video, soil was used, but bricks can be made by mixing dry human dung. You could turn that brick into a waterproof knife
This is why they don’t allow water through security at the airport
See this is why i cant trust smart people, you leave them alone for *10 minutes* and they start turning liquids into knifes
i like how he titles all these videos as “the sharpest seawater knife” as if there are literally any other seawater knives in existence
Literally anything: existsThis guy: your free trial of not being a knife has ended
the closest we’ve ever gotten to a beach episode
God: “Hey, I created water”This Guy: “Did someone say knife?”
If this guy were an assassin, i’m pretty sure that even CIA couldn’t handle his knive arsenal.Same for hunger games.
My favorite thing about all these videos is that it’s only seawater on a technicality.Yes, the original compound is seawater, but he basically distilled the magnesium out of the seawater and turned it into a knife. An extremely inefficient knife that probably took gallons and gallons of seawater to make through that process. It’s fucking amazing.
“Turning any substance into knives” sounds like a part 8 stand ability.
His house is better equipped than my university lab
I notice he didn’t trace a knife for the shape. He’s done this so many times that he just knows what to make.
I just spent 17 minutes of my life watching a man make water sharp.
Another 20 minutes of my life spent watching a Japanese dude perform chemistry that I don’t understand to stabilize and sharpen ingredients that have no business being turned into cutting implements. I’d say it was well spent…I think.
“Why I salt my knife, not my steak”
I’m pretty concerned that this man has the power to turn anything into a knife
The fact that I was barely phased from him birthing a cucumber from his had says something about the amount of these I watch
Even NileRed fears this man’s chemistry power
Anyone curious as to what actual knife is made out of, it is a type of cement known as magnesium oxychloride cement.It has been theorised to be the primary reason that roman concrete was so much better than modern portland cement.The one fatal flaw though is that it turns out to be extremely corrosive to iron, so rebar reinforced concrete would be impossible.
0:49 *slaps roof of ocean* This baby can fit SO MANY knives in it!

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 男はグルテンフリーのパンを作ろうとしたが、その材料が米粉から作られるのに納得がいかなかった。 そこで男は小麦粉からグルテンを取り出し、グルテンフリーの小麦粉を …
グルテンフリーの強力粉は作りましたが包丁を作ってしまい、肝心のパンを作る分は残っていませんでした 泣。。
People watching him for the first time: Why didn’t he just buy bread?People who have seen tons of his videos: Surprised he didn’t grow the ingredients himself
person: hey can you pass me the bread knife?kiwami: ok hereperson: what
How much water is that?Kiwami: three cows
What I learned today: Gluten free flour is stronger than carbon fiber.
Sometimes I can’t tell if he’s a chemist, an engineer or a chef.
Me: * sniffs * mmmm smells good. Whatchu baking?Kiwami: A knife
*Kiwami:* “Sharpest _____ knife in the world”*Me:*”You mean there’s *another one?”*
Kiwami: Makes his own centrifuge out of woodChemists all over the world: So… ur telling me I could’ve saved my entire bank account?
I mean I was already impressed when he made bread from scratch.
i feel like im watching an evil scientist doing his hobby on his freetime.
I was so focused on him making the actual bread that I forgot that the bread was going to become a knife at some point
I can’t often fall asleep smoothly due to my adhd. But spmething about your videos puts me at ease and gets my brain to settle down. You’ve helped me get through many well rested nights, Nice Japanese Knife Man. Thank you!
Cooking, chemistry, building, humor, learning, carving, crafting, and randomness. This channel has everything
I’m genuinely terrified of everything this man makes and the quality of them.
Bread knife: 50 damage, reduces enemy’s hunger by 40
I want to see an entire video that shows off just how many cows he has and what their names are
broke: slicing bread with a knifew0ke: slicing bread with bread

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! この動画は、ある男がパスタを包丁にする為に2週間パスタを食べながら開発に取り組んだヒューマンドラマである。 ※この動画はパスタを固めることによって強度を調べる …
Made in Japanのパスタは切れるのです!今度こそ世界で一番切れるパスタですよね?
I am italian and i confirm this is the type of knife our army use
This brings a whole new meaning to Creepypasta
No one:Absolutely nobody:Kiwami: the small cow is $1, the big cow is $30
You could literally kill someone with pasta and then eat the murder weapon
“Babe, what’s for dinner tonight?””knife.””what?””knife.”
Me: this is the most normal video of his that I’ve seenKiwami: *eats knife*
*stabs box violently for five seconds**calmly displays knife to the camera**suddenly stabs the side of the box without warning*
This would be a hilarious weapon to kill people with.Pasta la vista baby
Kiwami: *makes knives out of food*Person: *gets stabbed*Kiwami: *eats the murder weapon**B I G B R A I N T I M E*
“what are you watching?””cooking video” “what’s he cooking?” “knives”
I am concernedWhere is the cucumber
I love how you can tell how old a video is based on how long it takes to get to the sharpening stage. This one must be fairly early
This was back in the day when he explained himself, now it’s all guns in the microwaves and making knives out of whatever substance he found on the street.
If someone stabbed me with a pasta knife my final words would be, “I… too like kiwami Japan.”
Now italian chefs can prepare pasta with pasta.
My FBI agent is gonna be confused when he sees my watch history
11:32 whoever collects your recycling must be really confused each week
Warden : “What do you want for your last meal?”Me : “pasta, please”
IT’S OFFICIAL.Ladies and gentlemen.We are dealing with a genius!What does audience have to say?”The second � saw him using three chopsticks, to simulate a fork, � was sold!”

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! ある日、炊飯器から逃げ出し生き延びたお米は、 包丁男に踏まれてしまう 男の足の裏には激痛が走る お米は拾い上げられ男に見つめられる ・ ・ ・ そのお米は包丁にされる …
踏んでしまって足の裏が痛くなる物・・ それは包丁になる可能性を秘めています
The UK government must be sweating right now.
When he does random stuff but that will actually help later in the video:”Oh yeah, it’s all coming togheter”
Security: „WHAT IS THIS IN YOUR BAG?“Me: „Uhm…. Rice“
This dude uses a manual hand drill in a ton of his videos and then he whips out an electric drill just to spin something around
I think I fell in love when he started putting excessive googly eyes on the ceramic cow.
To be fair this is probably the *only* rice kitchen knife in the world
I like how the cow becomes enlightened during the making of the rice-flour
Whenever he stabs a water bottle I think yeah, this guy has definitely killed someone
He used a drill for 12 hours. Imagine being this dude’s neighbor.
Kiwami: *Wakes up* I must add another to my knife collection…
My guy can make knives out of anything. If I’m ever in prison, I want you for a cell mate lol
Kiwami: makes a knife out of just riceThe entire internet: *_i n t e r e s t i n g ._*
Most people in prison:”I’m going to make a knife out of a spoon”This guy: “give me some rice”
The cow with the eyes reminded me of when I accidentally summoned a demon trying to pronounce the furniture names at Ikea
問 「お米は研ぎすぎると包丁になるのでしょうか?」模範解答 「なりません。」不審者「しました。」
I don’t know what’s going on with the process but I am fascinated with his dedication, attention to detail and skills
Me and My Friend in the Kitchen:Me: Oh crap, I spilled water on my knifeFriend: Dude chill, you can wipe it off…Me: *lemme just go dehydrate my knife* Friend: -Wait what
the 7 eyed cow confused me but nonetheless it was pretty great and I’m glad it made a cameo in the video
I love how he listed the prices of the things he used, like someone is actually going to try this at home. lol