
(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! ある日、複数のカラスの鳴き声で目覚めた男は砂浜の様子を見に行き そこでサメの顎の一部を見つけてしまう 硬く鋭い鮫の歯に魅了された男の正体 …
対象期間中にイオングループの店舗で洗剤ボトルをリサイクルに出すと 東京オリンピックの表彰台の材料に使用されるそうです 回収ボックスが設置されていない店舗も多いので予め各店舗にて確認することをお勧め致します ※私はイオングループの回し者ではございません
When I die, can you make my body into a knife?
This man really just be out here walking around, seeing anything, and thinking “I could make a knife out of this.”
Normal person when he sees a shark jaw: that’s cool *chooses either to keep it or leave it*Kiwami japan: ahh a new knife material
The way he went about removing the teeth is literally nightmare fuel
Optimist: glass is half fullPessimist: glass is half emptyKiwami: sharpest glass knife in the world
With the amount of Knife videos this guy has made and the effort he put into making this knife alone…You might say he has some bite to him.
If you actually found that on the beach, that was insanely well preserved! Great find
This looks so amazing. Its like a ritual knife from some island tribe.
Kiwami: *looks at the tooth through a microscope* tch, dull
This is the only YouTube channel with wonky titles that doesn’t click bait
Вот это чувак заморочился! Жаль что девайс совсем не функциональный, но выглядит круто!
A tip for sanding with loose paper I’ve learned: if you put a sturdy tape like duct tape on the backside of the sandpaper, it is much less likely to snap while you’re working.
Ok so it is one amazing piece, beautiful and badass.Your skills are amazing. On the other end, it makes a pretty crappy knife
muito top as suas cria��es parabens fino
Imagine robbing this guy’s house then turning on the lights and he’s just sitting there with his 50+ knife collection with this in hand
Hermoso hermano! te qued� bello.
You literally have all the tools and all the skills!
I love that he touches random things with no concern of were they’ve been cause I do the same thing lol

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 恋人に晩御飯に何を食べたいか聞くと、寿司と豆腐という リクエストがあったので一生懸命作ったのだが・・・ しかし、恋人は家には帰って来ずに焼き肉を食べていた。
これは一般的なヤンデレ物語です Top 10 anime “yandere” “yandere” = sickly + loveStruck
literally didn’t understand what was going on until the end. this guy literally went from cook, to chemist, to craftsmen, to murderer in a single video without skipping a beat, damn
“this is my tofu knife”“for cutting tofu?”“haha. no. :)”
The English title is far too tame compared with the original Japanese title.The original title translated into English: “A yandere made a tofu knife and is waiting for your return”
That Vegan Teacher after someone tries to tell her that being vegan isn’t a personality trait:
-“And what was the cause of death?”-“Tofu”-“Intoxication with tofu?”-“No, he was stabbed to death with tofu”-“… what?”
I like how he artesanelly centrifugates the tofu with an old school machine and then suddenly he writes with a high tech laser on the tofu knife
When you want to be a blacksmith but your parents forces you ro be a cook so you become a monster hunter blacksmith that makes weapons out of food.
This guy takes the “everything can be a weapon if you are creative enough” to a whole other level
Imagine telling the ancient Chinese who invented tofu… That 2000 some years later, someone would make a “video recording” of himself making a knife out of it, while pretending to be a “yandere” which is a common trope in something called “anime”, and uploading it to something called the “internet” where millions of people saw it. Ancient Chinese ppl: wtf?
Everytime I think I understand what’s happening in these videos I realize I’m a fool and I never will.
imagine this guy in prison using the cafeteria tofu to make a shiv
This is the highest level of yanderes.Being able to make a weapon out of food is truely terrifying.
“Sharpest tofu kitchen knife in the world”There’s probably only one tofu knife in the universe.
can we just take a second to think about how BRILLIANT this guy has to be in chemistry to know all this stuff???

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! あらすじ・・・ある日靴下を買いに家を出た男は、 靴下を買わずにダイソーに行って包丁を一本購入する。 翌週は靴下と服買おうと街に出るが、 またダイソーで包丁を一本買っ …
100均のステンレスの中で包丁はとても丈夫なステンレスが使用されています。したがって下記の物が犠牲になりました・・ ラチェットドライバー×1(黄色いドライバー) ドリルの刃×8 鉄工ヤスリ×1 ダイヤモンド砥石#1000 使用不可 私の身体(右手炎症、右肩甲骨の痛み、アキレス腱痛) 私の2週間のくつろぎタイム つまり、なにが言いたいかと言いますと。。 精神科に行くべきでしょうか?
This man is a chemist, mechanical engineer, blacksmith, weapon artisan, and porcelain cow enthusiast. What a lifestyle…
The fact that he HAND DRILLS with this handy dandy tools THROUGH HARD STEEL for 16 hours while he simply could have used a powertool is simply the power move of a potential Serial Killer.We Stay Stanning.
I guess once you’re immortal, you pick up so many skills you can’t find an excuse to use that you get bored.Youtube saved these people.
$1 kitchen knife: I’m cheap and dullKiwami Japan: *HOLD MY 30,000 GRIT WHETSTONE*
Dinner: Jack Daniels hot chocolate, latte art included for the hell of it. That’s way too advanced, my man.
Guy: “hey what are you makin”Kiwami: *scissors*Guy: “but…we have scissors right here”Kiwami: *no you fool*
Imagine bringing this to school and someone asked to borrow your sissors
“So, Mr. Kiwami, are you making scissors or a knife?””Yes”
Im surprised that he even owns ordinary scissors
We interrupt the making of really sharp scissors to bring you, hot chocolate. Dude has a fridge filled with just chocolate, I see you’re a man of culture as well.
the normal scissors trying to cut through a cucumber is like me trying to maintain a normal conversation.
I’ve watched a bunch of your videos and in getting the feeling you like knives.
Wow that’s sharp! I can use it to cut my wife’s cakes. LOL. I am kidding! I don’t have a wife. I don’t even have a girlfriend actually. Not even friend zone. Never had a girl to be honest. Tried, and many times. but I guess I am a loner. I accepted that. I am now just trying to watch videos on YouTube to fill the void in my life. It’s sad. Very sad. But anyways enough of that. Those are some sharp scissors.
[drools in seamstress] here we see the importance of sharp scissors. Although I will say it stung a little when he was using them on paper, but given that a) it was for demonstration purposes, and b) he is very well equipped to re-sharpen them if they dull, I’ll allow it <3

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 男は掃除機のスペックをPCで見る。その掃除機にはセルロースナノファイバーという素材が使われていた。 男はこの素材を再現するために紙に含まれるセルロース繊維を二 …
“Do you think he’ll find another way to stab the other prisoners?”“Dont worry, all he has is a notebook.”
“Paper cuts can’t kill you””Its only a flesh wound”
How does he manage to keep his place so tidy with all that chemistry going on? I make a sandwich, and my kitchen looks like the aftermath of a battle.
Surprised he didn’t chopped down a tree to make the paper himself.
I love how these videos will be like **chip interlude** **nature walk** **foil torture** and make it semi-relevant
We just gonna act like he didn’t assault that paper with a vibrator
Can we admire the fact they found a eco friendly way to mix the paper for a week
I love how he lives in this minimalist place yet just whips out an obscure device for the job. Oh and uses a waterfall (surprised he didn’t make one like he often does. His work is poetry in motion.
one day archeologist will find his knifes, see what they were made of, and wonder “what the fck”
This put a whole new meaning to “Death Note”
16:47 開ける前から中にちゃんと緑のナニカが入ってるの笑った芸が細かい
Imagine making a full set of midieval plate armor, but entirely out of 100% paper.
When this came on my recommended I just thought it was really impressive origami but then I watched the video
I love how this guy never explains what he’s doing and we just have to watch on to understand
I watched the entire thing, intently, from beginning to end, and I’m not even sure what happened.
i like the methods he uses to spin the bottle to put it in the stream. very creative and he doesnt rely on brute force or power tools just clever thinking. I wish I lived in a place with a stream and nice nature close by like kiwami japan, with someone I love. it would be a peaceful existence i think . i hope u guys have a nice day whoever reads this
This is soo intelligent do you realize you just made something from paper that is stronger than wood? that will be so helpful, i mean instead of logging more trees they could recycle the papers and make a harder material

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 男は通販で買い物をするが、すぐに溜まる発砲スチロールの再利用を考える。そして発泡スチロールの溶剤を作る為、ファラリスの雄牛の方法でオレンジの皮に含まれる成分( …
“Okay so we’re gonna make a knife out of styrofoam”_what_”First, get your orange”*_what_*
Wait, this isn’t possible? This guy: “Reality can be whatever I want”
As a guy who loves his blades and weapons this is both mesmerizing, because he makes beatiful knives, but agonising because those beatiful knives are made out of the stupidest shit.
Me: “Please don’t make a distillation apparatus out of that cow”Kiwami: Makes distilation apparatus out of cow
this guy: “let’s make a styrofoam knife!”me: “weird but okay”this guy: “let me go get the condoms!”me: *“…what?”*
when i die i want to be cremated under the condition that this man turns me into a knife
why everything this guy owns is spotless … his chopping board, his sink, his table, his floor, his lighter, his oven and even his freaking dustbin I am convinced he he owns the finest cleaning equipment made out of grass
Me: What he’s cutting an orange!?’Cucumber inside of orange’Me: …of course
I hope Kiwami knows how much we appreciate their content. Doing all of this work to make something with little practical value for the sake of entertainment and education is real dedication. They’ve renewed my passion for knife-making/restoration. Thank you.
At the last part, his hands were shaking cuz his precious cow fell in the water. He cares very much about his cows.
Literally anyone: *Yo pass me the knife*This dude: *Yeah bruh what material*
He proceeds to blow up the condom like it’s a ballo—
5:01 で風船が割れるところ無音でスローモーションにしてくれるとこほんと親切
I’ve never been more scared of a human in my life like you could give him a mango and 2 days later he has a fricking knife
The more you watch these videos, the more you start to wonder why or how this guy knows how to do what he does. What school teaches you how to turn milk into a solid object? You have my sub, and full support 🤞
Without saying any word he’s a master of comedy
When the hands start shaking that’s when you RUN
This is a man who can take anything, do science to it, and turn it into a material that’s harder than tempered steel.
Anyone got a link where I can find those cute asf cows, I’m literally in love with them