
(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! ある日、高速で回るハンドスピナーを回す男は、ジャイロを感じた。このジャイロを利用してキュウリを切りたい男は老人宅から頂いた錆びた斧とジャイロを組み合わせること …
This feels like polite, Japanese howtobasic, except he actually gets the job done.
The spinner actually makes the axe lighter to wield using gyroscopic precession, so he can hit the axe a lot harder than he normally could.
Everyone is over here talking about the fact that this is confusing and shit…. But why aren’t we talking about the fact he broke the rock knifeRIP Rock Knife
Alternate title: Restoring rusty axe while demonstrating physics
Friend: your axe is rusty, you should take the rust offDude: noFriend: why?Dude: my axe is made of rust
And here I come, like some absolute casual, thinking that he’s just gonna restore the axe’s sharpness and then that’s it. But no, he builds some friggin’ sci-fi weapon out of the thing.
Video title: Sharpest rust axe in the worldActual video: *builds a bike*
This is the most professional overkill making of an axe I’ve ever scene.This belongs in a museum
This is what happens when the SCP foundation forgets to give him food
I’ve been binge-watching Warhammer 40K stuff and this actually fits in with that overall aesthetic, considering he’s basically made a gyro-enhanced axe.
At no point in this video did I comprehend what would happen next. Absolute mad lad. Also he got some pretty ass hands too lmao
Was trying to figure out what was going on the whole time but love that he totally over-engineered it into a gyroscopic axe pretty rad! This guy cracks me up in every video there’s always a poor cucumber that meets its demise LOL
My man here building a battle axe while teaching physics
damn, that ending was a real deep-cut
You do some of the coolest things I’ve seen on YouTube. I only wish I had the tools to do some of these myself 🙁
Omg!! The scrubbing and cleaning process was super satisfying!! Please keep that process in your videos I loved it!!!
Guy start cleaning the axeMe : “nice, restoring old axe”Guy start putting it on metal handleMe : “Alright then I’ve seen everything”

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! シリーズ スポーツ工作ドキュメンタリー ある日、不審な男がテレビで卓球の試合を目にする。 卓球ど素人の、この男は道具の力だけに頼って超回転サーブを打てるのでは …
Him freaking out over playing ping pong with himself is amazing
I am amazed how the ball can still leave the racket given the stickiness of it
He’s low-key actually good at table tennis
500 万回再生おめでとう🎉Congratulations on playing 5 million times!
It’s not a knife, but still enjoyed watching 🙂
I do remember someone saying that ping pong was contagious
서브만 넣어도 이겨버려ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
if you ever get into a argument with this guy, expect to be beaten square with a knife-shaped table tennis raquet.
thats the wierdest knife
4:16 When he thinks he’s won but the ball decides to prank him 😂
This is actually amazing haha, really clever

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 新しい友の巻貝と砂浜を散歩する男は真珠貝の貝殻を拾いミニチュアの包丁にした。 硬度計で測定すると真珠貝より、友の方が硬かった・・ はたして友の運命は。
if he ever goes to prison he’ll just sell shanks made out of concentrated air
What made me laugh is when he literally grinded a barnacle out of existence.
Next episode: Making a katana out of pure water cause why the hell not.
one day, when kiwami gets married, he’s gonna start making knives out of wedding rings and baby teeth.
Person: “what do you do for a living?”Him: “knife”
Barnacle: *exists*Kiwami: I will literally grind you out of existence.
“Oh don’t mind me, I’m just walking my pet seashell.”
Imagine his girlfriend living with him and see so many knives in his apartment and constantly hearing the knife sharpening sound.
there’s barnacles on my oysters :(but I scrubbed them out of existence
Anything: **exist**Kiwami: thats so nice, ill turn it into a knife
Anything that could be used for a knife: *exist*Kiwami: *its free real estate*
Kiwami: i made the sharpest conch shell knifeViewers: what did it cost you?Kiwami: … everything.
“Look at my tiny dog, i’m gonna put it in my tiny purse.”“Tiny phone”“Tiny everything” hehe he hehehehe
I really wish I could buy something that he makes 😞
“the world is your oyster”? well, now that oyster-world is a knife
me: kiwami please no thats my wifekiwami: knife?

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! ある日、彼女がキャラクターの容器に入った飴を大切にしていることを知る。男は彼女がアメと容器が好きなのと勘違いして見当違いのプレゼントを作ってしまう。しかし、彼女 …
This is the secret that sugar is white Ion exchange resin is used in water purifiers引きこもりすぎてサトウキビから作りました
I like to imagine whenever he runs out of stuff he’s just like “oh crap I’m out of flour time to go to my local farm, harvest the wheat by hand and then granulate and process it myself”
I strongly believe that this guy is a former chemistry teacher who was put in jail because of murdering one of his students, but was able to escape by crafting a jackhammer out of prison soap.
Cashier: “oh are those stockings a gift for your wife?”Him: “no… Knife”
I like how this man makes Knives out of everything but still uses ikea brand ones to chop the sugar cane
Imagine going on a date with a guy and you go to his house and he says he has food in the fridge and all you see is sugarcane and a barbie doll in the bottom drawer
“Where’s the murder weapon?”“I ate it”“What”“What”
The cinematic experience was amazing. The mannequin, the dolls all of it was truly extraordinary. How the mannequin didn’t eat the candies you you spent all your time on it was just so sad but then how you continued to make the knife to kill her with it and the shaky hands and all of it it was just so so I don’t even have words to describe what I felt during this video. I loved all 18 minutes and 19 seconds.
so, he is an alchemist, a blacksmith, a murderer and a candy maker… nice xDHey! Thanks for the likes! Just came back to watch this again. These videos are so intriging hehe 👀
imagine trying to break into this person’s housethey show up and open a trench coat full of knives and are like”which aesthetic do you want to die in?”
My favorite thing about this is that this guy can make anything a liquid
This is a better horror anime than half the shows on the market. Jesus Christ
“And it is from *these* materials that I will craft my _blade_ ”. — Him around the fifteen minute mark in every video
this guy is totally just a chemistry major that got bored and started making knives.
Around 9 minutes I finally asked “what is it we’re supposed to be doing” and then around 13 minutes I finally asked “ is this still candy? Potato?”
These videos sometimes feel more like an abstract performance piece than a tutorial on making knives out of the most bizarre materials.Edit: He’s made so many knives now that he can just eyeball its shape. Damn. But at least I understand why he was into her; she can produce cucumbers from the back of her skull.
So we just going to ignore the fact that this mans pulled a cucumber out of a girls head 👁👄👁

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 森で遭難して満身創痍の男は疲労の為、目が付いた石の幻覚をみる。この石を拾い上げ友の様に扱っていたが、森で生き抜くために友を包丁にすることを決心する。森の中 …
okThis video has no music <3
This guy must rock in RPGs. No one can grind better than him.
this man has demonstrated more patience in the making of a single stone knife than i have in all my combined years of living
Stone Ages:”Thank you for teaching me your craft master! But… where did the tiny cow come from?””Silence! It is a gift from the gods!”
Kiwami: I used the rock to sharpen the rock
I love it when he’s about to knap the stone to remove material rather than grinding, but it pans to the one he broke.
I like that he brought Cow into the wilderness. Even in those trying times, he has his friend Cow. R.I.P. Googly Rock. You will be missed.
Imagine this guy was your neighbor.You: Hey, I broke my knife. Can I borrow one?He: I can do you one better.
7 year old me when my mom takes me at a nature park:
I’d like to think this is a show about a demon cucumber that cursed a man, and now it’s destined to follow him wherever he goes and every time he encounters it he has to craft a weapon to defeat it, only for it to resurrect itself the next week and repeat the cycle
imagine archaeologists just finding a strangely well-sharpened knife
the comedic timing for finding the new rock after the other one broke is literally perfect im dying
Get 2 stone and a twigStart smashing them on a tableAnd they’ll merge into a sword
He be all like: making a knife out of rocks with no power tools, homemade sandpaper.And then he be like: lemme get my cow to get water on the rock
It’s like when they add a new map to a video game, he just puts himself in the forest and still finds whetstones
This takes me back to when I would try to sharpen rocks as a kid. I’d forgotten how calming the sound of rubbing two rock together could be.