
(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 人間不信になった男は、人を裏切らない菌に愛情を注ぐ。しかし想定外に菌が成長してしまう。それはゲル状の何ともおぞましい固まりであった。男は急いで包丁を作ることを …
今年の3月から菌に水やり、栄養の砂糖を与え続けてやっと一本の包丁になりましたThe gel made by this fungus is cellulose . And this fungus can be used to make a durable LCD panel. I love this fungus!!
“Honey our last knife broke””Aight lemme boil fungus for two months”
This guy has a brix meter and a tool specifically to cut boxes, but he uses straws to pipette. He never ceases to amaze me.
I love how he’s done this so much he doesnt need to trace a knife anymore to cut one out
this fella has the most obscure sense of humour ive ever seen. everything he does just seems like a comedic art performance piece
kiwami: “hm, I’m touching chocolate…. Definitely gonna need the gloves for this”Also kiwami: *touches dried up form of gelatinous fungus mix with bare hands*
If it weren’t for the silent chemistry, I would be slightly perturbed at supporting the channel of a methodical serial killer. But it’s interesting, so it’s none of my business who he kills or what he does with the lamps he makes out of their heads.
oh to be fungus growing in kiwami’s fungus farm, awaiting the day i become a knife
Crazy stuff, but the way he’s able to communicate without words is amazing. I had no idea what gum acacia was for and he was able to tell me without a single word. Impressive.
The stuff this guy has just lying around, plus the stuff he knows/knows how to do, makes me both mildly afraid of what he does with it, and entertained by it all
Mom: What are you watching?Me: …. Chemistry?
As a side note while scrolling through his old videos, I love how this guy caters to both his Japanese speaking audience and his English speaking. It must take a lot of effort.
*sharpest fungi kitchen knife in the world*2023: *sharpest human meat kitchen knife in the world*
‘For this recipe, you’re gonna need two cows of water.’
the amount of dishes this guy has to clean after each project is astronomical
Your style of filmography and complete random natured things that appear in it are absolutely amazing and I literally love it. Thank you for making the coolest most odd videos i’ve ever gotten hooked to watching. I don’t think i’ve ever skipped ahead in any of them, i have popped back to see if what i saw was what i really saw haha. Love your fridge magnet PNW!!!
Imagine walking into this guy’s house, would there be more knives in the house or more weird things laying around which you know will be turned into knives?
Are we just going to ignore the fact that he has a fridge full of chocolate bars??

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 男はクリスマスに湯豆腐を食べる。使用した昆布を包丁へ再利用しようとするが失敗してしまう。あらゆる海藻を調べ、ついに理想の海藻を見つけが、海藻だけでは強度不 …
this guy is like the peaceful version of howtobasic. he’s his polar opposite and yet their videos hold such similar energy
I want a series entirely based around which knife deserves the cow handle now
he’s so gentle with everything and then u see him randomly punching something just because
_”Those knives doesn’t deserve your power my beloved handle…”_
You should start collecting the dust from the whetstone a make a knife from the materials of many previous knives later on
*both knifes fail the test*Guy: Y’all weak I’m takin’ the cow with me cya.
“aw cute santa”Takes away from the screen”aw bye cute santa”*C R O N C H**”WHAT”*
Still want to see him on forged in fire. Having the judge say “ it will kill” about a milk knife would be legendary ( or is that legendairy)
Marvel: Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover in history.Kiwami: Hold my knives.
him showing the milk knife in the beginning was foreshadowing it’s death
This is such a weird channel with tons of cow pitchers and phones ringing in the background as sound effects and scraping sounds and cucumbers falling from the sky in little tiny cucumber sized parachutes. I stumbled across one man’s madness in video format and I fing love it.
I laughed so hard when the seaweed cracked after drying it. Completely lost it at the hand shaking
That flame at 0:21 has better beatboxing skills than I will ever have
Kiwami: *makes a knife out of almost everything*Everybody: *NOW THIS IS AN AVENGERS LEVEL THREAT*
I don’t know why I find these videos so relaxing.
A q&a from this guy would be the only q&a I would be interested in watching. I have soooo many unanswered questions.

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! この動画は油絵の具に使われている乾性油の特徴を生かして バイオプラスチックを作り、その耐久性を調べる科学ドキュメンタリー動画です あらすじ ある日、好きになったら …
Water and oil are not good friends. BUT You can make up with magic wand※訳 マッサージ機には様々な使用方法があります
Half the reason I watch these videos is to see the knife being made; the other half is because I want to see where he’ll pull the cucumber from this time
Science: water and oil don’t mixKiwami: haha that’s funny, hold my knife
“powdery residue from the inside of a humidifier tray” is the loosest definition of water I’ve ever heard and I love it
I’ve never seen a person make their own flaxseed oil before. That’s awesome.
Everybody gangsta until this dude pulls out sharp water
It’s funny how this guy can actually put “in the world” on every video because he’s literally the only guy to do it lol.
Cucumbers: *exist*Kiwami: I’m fluent of 6 million different ways of slicing you.
Who else wants to see Kiwami turn a whetstone into a knife? 😁
This dude spends more time on these videos than some people do on their kids.True dedication.
Kiwami: limescaleMe: essence of water
I love how Kiwami finds the hardest and most interesting ways to do things.
Me: *sweats*Him: thats an ingredient for making a knife.
Jesus:*turns water into wineThis guy:-hold my knife
2019: Kiwami makes a water and oil knife, with a vibrator.2040: Kiwami makes a vibrator knife, with water and oil.
this taught me more about physics than the entirety of my education.
チョコっと切れる包丁チョコレートを作りたい! (バレンタイン)

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! チョコレートを削って研いで、せめて食材が切れるようにしたい! 『陰キャラの呪いの手作りバレンタイン』の第二弾です 第一弾はこちら→https://youtu.be/uVfR2HVySzc.
このメンヘラチョコを異性から貰った場合、あなたならどうしますか?1、カビが生えるまで飾っておく2、容赦なく捨てる3、警察に通報する4、その他 (ご自由にお書きください)
_Chocolate blade__Some stay whole and others feel the pain__Chocolate blade__Feel the cocoa cutting through your vein__Chocolate blade__Sharpest piece of candy ever made__Chocolate blade__Even Willy Wonka is afraid_
Why isn’t anyone talking about how the candy split the cutting board in half?
This channel maybe not the biggest, but its comment section is always be the biggest jokers playground.
Her: I told you anything but a knife!!Him: but it’s a *chocolate* knife.Her: ….Him: *happy valentine’s day*
You know a lot of people make jokes about this guys house not being safe imagine like eating rice with this guy in each rice just is actually a secret tiny little knife
Note how it says “food can be cut” instead of “sharpest knife” 😂
Could you stop being so perfect and talentedDammit
such a sweet idea for valentine’s daynobody would dare to reject you
When I watch this guy work, I can never decide if he feels more like a genius or a serial killer.
Not sure what I’m more impressed by: The knife, or his wrapping skills
it proteccit attaccbut most importantlyit make a good snacc
I have to say, those are beautiful hands.
A tutorial on how you wrap gifts please.I feel like anything you do amazes me so much. Thanks for the little DIYs in some of your videos
Those candies are made by someone who makes bullets out of everything.
who has your heart, knife man? 💝
not even thanos can destroy that rock solid candy ball
Every time i watch a video of his it feels like i am watching something illegal
圧倒的不審なギロチンチョコレート (バレンタイン)

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 今年も呪いのバレンタインのシーズンがやってまいりました。今回は可動式のバレンタインチョコレート(箱付き)を一生懸命作りましたよ! ふふっ ※音声はガンマイクを使用し …
Happy Valentine’s Day♡今年も愛情を込めて作りましたどうぞ召し上がれ♡
Other people : **makes heart shaped chocolate for valentines day**Kiwami : nah fam.Kiwami : **makes a chocolate guillotine**
How was he killed?By a sharp and edible object, sir.Then it can only be one man..
Every single one of his videos is so unique, not only the materials he’s been using, I mean, this a Valentine special and he even put his tools into a heart shaped box and a chocolate tray and got a pink foil box…. Why can’t I subscribe twice?
He’s like a gentle, silent, yet somehow more violent how to basic.
this guy is basically just the lawful good version of howtobasic
She said “take my heart” not take my head, jesus
As a french guy I approuve this guillotine 👍🇨🇵
I will no longer accept gifts unless they are chocolate torture devices
19:27 The cucumber is starting to fight back.
Normal people:**make heart shaped chocolate**This dude:**hey lets make a fUcKiNg GuIlLiOtInE**
what better to way to tell someone you “love them to death” than to make them a chocolate guillotine? Yandere approved valentines day gift
Someone: How many things can you do?Kiwami: Yes
I can say this is the first time ive seen someone sharpen bread. What a time to be alive
Finally I can be circumcised my way.
I like that he has all these fancy futuristic machines . Then hand drills, saws and sands lol
I love how he specifies valentine in the video title. Just incase you didn’t know this chocolate torcher device wasn’t to show you love someone
He alway titles his videos like literrally anyone else makes the stuff he does
There’s no better way to say “❤ I want to eat the rich with you. ❤”
Me waiting forThe final product ❌Where’s the cucumber this time ✅