(c) からめる E!S!M! (チームパワーというアカウントの方で上げている同じ動画はイベント用に投稿した動画なので無断転載ではないです) Twitter→
The fact this man puts so much effort into these small almost meaningless animations just to entertain people is beyond commendable.Edit: when I said meaningless I meant the plot for each of them has nearly no explanation and is just wacky and fun
This video has a deep message about the struggle for survival and conflict being the driving force behind evolution and progress and will guide us towards a state that will transcent space and time.
1:26 恐竜姿勢いいなぁ
Everyone is talking about that running T-Rex, but I can’t hold my laugh when the cat start to piss because scared so much😂
*And thus, a legend was born.*
there are no words in any language to describe how amazing this was.
This is exactly why i’m trying to learn animating.Im’ma try making awesome stuff like this
I can’t sleep at night ever since I saw that dinosaur running
cat always land to ground by their feet first. With two cats back to back we have infinity energy gear
I knew I recognized this song from somewhere! It’s the final level of chapter 4 in Phigros!
I feel like this was opening credits.*NOW WHERE’S THE EPISODE*

(c) からめる たまにいるね.
The fact that he tried to get him into the hole instead of running away with the penguin makes him a gentleman
I love how the axolotls are the absolute chillest guys until something minorly inconveniences them
What we all wish we could do to a claw machine
These Axolotls are my brain. This is how my brain functions. People see me staring blankly into space, this is the type of thought process that goes on in my head. Just random chaos based on whatever’s going on.
The axolotl just shivering while it stares into the claw machine
The axolotl rubbing their face is the funniest shit I have ever seenIt gets me every time
This is a perfectly reasonable reaction I dunno what anyone else is talking about.
0:08 _人人 人人_ > ウェツ<  ̄Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
I cannot predict a single thing in this video and I laughed way too much
Hello, I am your friendly Karameru English Translator.The title says: The Axoltol that suddenly hates everything 5The description says: You see them sometimesComment posted 5 hours after upload. Account run by ItsDaDoc
I love how that second axolotl showed up just to freak out
“Fine, I’ll do it myself.”
UFOキャッチャーのぬいぐるみを見つめる ウパさん 可愛い😂強行手段が荒すぎる(笑)🤣獲得穴に 逆さまになって入ってるの😂🤣(笑)最後のウパさんは 破壊ウパさんの仲間かな? ゲーセン店員?ウパ尻 カワ😂💞
0:20 この顔もちゃもちゃするのほんとすこ

(c) からめる 誰に何を言われようが絶対続けてやる.
からめる 「デーモンコアくん 何?」Google検索結果ねこ 「知らん」
Hello! I’m Demon Core Kun!But first of all, who is demon core kun?> A bit of a energetic guy. He holds a screwdriver in his mouth because If his mouth closes and he takes out the screwdriver a blue, lethal explosion will occur and he’ll destroy everyone.Bunny: Hey try saying gakyubunko (class library)! I want to see if you close your mouth at the end of the word!Dog: huh, gakyubunko.Bunny: hey demon core kun! Try saying gakyubunko!Demon Core Kun: Gakyubunko.[blue explosion]Bunny: Alright now for the screws. [Oh, I don’t have a screwdriver for this.]Demon Core Kun: I have one.[explosion]Demon Core Kun: noisesFor context a demon core is “a spherical 6.2-kilogram (14 lb) subcritical mass of plutonium …The core was intended for use in a third nuclear weapon, but remained in use for testing after Japan’s surrender.” This is a rough translation because I’m not fluent
今回の犠牲者犬 1回ウサギ 2回
0:44 デーモンコアくん「学級文庫☆(イケボ)」友達「ギヤァァァァ/////////////////////////!!!!!!!!!」
Always handle highly reactive radioactive materials with a screwdriver
I’m not fluent in Japanese yet, but boy do I already love this screeching Demon Core-Kun

(c) からめる 未来、私たちは機械とどう接していけばいいのか そんな未来への考え方を、この動画に込めました。
I love how you can’t predict what happens in these
I was going to ask if that was how they make more of themselves, but then the problem took care of itself
For those wondering, the title simply translates to:RoboCat
Daily english translator here to help.Title: Robo catDescription: How should we interact with machines in the future?I put this way of thinking about the future in this video.
I want my English homework to be interpreting this masterpiece of subverting expectations.
Is nobody gonna talk about when the cat pushed the button it was using its middle finger, secretly flipping us off?
This is so random i began to doubt my existence
I’m glad this channel appears in my recommended. For once YouTube gave me something I can enjoy
Sorry I can’t speak your language.You guys made me laugh while having the worst day of may life. May god make you happy all the time.
0:03 第一形態0:11 第二形態0:28 最終形態確かにロボ要素はある……
0:16 貴重な頭カキカキ、腕がのび〜るシーン
This literally one of the best things ive ever watched
I don’t know how I found this channel and it’s beautiful creations, I don’t know Japanese or anything but gosh i absolutely adore the chaos in each video. Thank you.
The second explosion always gets me
A very lonely sciencist developed a robot…Sorry, I love “Kokoro”, OK?
That Star Trek alarm sound, though.
Stage 1: you made a robotStage 2: you pressed a button and literally yourself comes outStage 3: you turn into bbqStage 4: the robot(?) cat turns to foodBruh
This chaotic feeling……I feel something similar to Mr. Uketu(雨穴)

(c) からめる (線)路上ライブ.
Each person they hit is a new member to their band
I knew they were gonna get crushed by a train but I didn’t expect the band to come back
This entire channel’s content in one sentence: “you thought”
Ladies and gentelmenA soft band was crushed by a heavy metal -ba- wagon.
The train alarm gave me evangelion flashbacks lol
this whole channel is one massive bruh moment
And that’s how he became a member of the band
Band: passes by on railTrain: *SPID*rails are now safe to crossBand: *SPID*
これ地味に曲が今のマタタビムービーラボの -OP- EDになってるの細かい…
Day 176:still try to find the god damn song they’re even play,honestly some people’s rewatching this just to listen the song
lindo T_T
*Not gonna lie*I was not expecting thatThe twists are just surprisingly unique and funny
“They had us in the first half not gonna lie”