
(c) からめる そろそろ分かってくれ.
The inner fantasies of every kind of cashier.
I used to work in retail. This video is my inner desire every working day.
when a customer walks in 5min before closing time
Congratulations, you earned a subscriber that can’t even read Japanese
That last scene was just what everyone imagined laser guns did as children
0:09 の『ミャァァオ』がツボ
When the cashier gets fed up with Karens:
It’s like somebody looked into my soul and animated what they saw
This is exactly what working retail makes you feel like.
This is what I’m imagining in my head while dealing with rude customers lol
That’s when you know the cashier is at their limit at their dead end job.
That’s some quality customer service right there 👌
That sound befor he got shot gunned to heaven was so cute
Step1: Buy a Japanese bookStep2: Learn japaneseStep3: become fluent in JapaneseStep4: Get a prize to Become the most fluent foreigner in japanese Step5: come back to the kameru channel because now finally you can understand what’s written in the title

(c) からめる 選択肢はあなたに託された。 ※選択肢が常に表示されるとは限らず、また、設定とは異なる表示になる場合があります。 次の環境では、選択肢は表示されません。 モバイル …
So here is my try at a translation. Enjoy!0:04 Captain, isn’t it a little dark? 0:07 Would you get the lights? 0:12 Wowza! 0:13 Treasure Hunter 0:15 Seems like these guys are a couple of Treasure Hunters on the search for the treasures of the world. 0:19 This guy is the captain and this guy is the assistant, maybe. 0:23 Well, it opened up in here. 0:26 Hey Captain, it looks like there is some kinda switch on the wall. 0:29 This is really suspicious but since its a dead end, we might try it. 0:33 Well now, from here on their fate is in your hands. 0:38 Choose whether or not to use it in the next 5 seconds! 0:39 1,2,3,4,5 0:44 Uh oh, looks like times up. Life isn’t so easy ya know. 0:48*DEATHSOUNDZ* 0:49 One more time.
That feeling when you cant *understand* anything but you love it.
何で無駄にイケボなんだよ てか茶色の可愛いなオイ
さきにいっておく_人人人人人人人人人人_>急上昇1位おめでとう< ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
It feels weird that they have human voices
Fun fact: the title means “treasure hunter” (torejaa hantaa)
0:37 If that’s where the hidden treasures are hidden in Windows… then I must be rich!
both the leader and assistant have very cute sound.
Ahhh I remember now why I love Japan so much during my last visit:3
I am your beloved English translator!!Title: treasure hunter-Captain, isn’t it kind of dark here?-Yeah, let’s turn on the light*sparkly sounds*<both> -yay!<narrator> -treasure hunter-these are two things who travel all over the globe in search for gold, treasure hunters, apparently -this one is the captain and I think this is like the assistant (?) probably<captain>-wow there’s like an open space<sub>-wow captain there’s like a switch on the wall<cap>-it looks really really suspicious but it’s a dead end so I guess I’ll press it..<narrator>-now, the choice is up to you to decide! Now choose within five seconds whether or not to press this button!-5!-4!-3!-2!-1!-oops! Looks like your time is up, life isn’t simple!*rocks fall*-wah!!-again!-what?

(c) からめる 8割実体験です.
them walking away on the two plungers is what really killed me lmao
Imo it makes it funnier cause they’re smiling no matter what xd
Ok hold up, he didn’t wipe?
0:20 X2 speed, trust me.
I’m still in love with the fact that Japan has its own sub-genre of shitposting
This feels like a hybrid cross between berd and Simon’s Cat. I like that.
I’ve been in love with this channel ever since ‘BASKET’ showed up in my recommendation haha
I like how they use the plungers as stilts at the end.
Friend: so what’s your favorite anime?Me: It’s complicated…
I swear to god this guy’s animations kill me. XD
The more I watch these the more I find.
We’ve all been there, don’t try to deny it.
How did I find this channel?No clue, but I love it.
I’m so glad I was chosen by this channel.

(c) からめる ぷぇ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
These japanese cats literally invade my recommendations and I love it
It’s funny the cat is perfectly okay when his body just turned into a cylinder coffee.
this took mugging to a whole new level
For English speakers the title is ‘👍’
I don’t really know if anyone cares, but description says “Pueeeeee~”Which is just a noise.
Man i watched one of these and now my reccomended is strictly japanese memes
I like how they have the same face all the time no matter what happens.
This is howbthey make tank cat from the battle cats
Why this is so cute? 🌌🌺💎❤
Finnaly a Japanese v�deo with a title that I understand
Congratulations, you made tank cat from the battle cats
This was recommended to me by YouTube and YouTube did disappoint. I loved it. Good video. Deserves a like.
“FIGHT ME YOU- WAIT WAIT!”*got cupped*“Woah, I can wiggle.”
I’m not into japanese culture but this was great
This somehow reminds me of Ice-cream Kitty from TMNT(Micky’s pet)

(c) からめる 軽トラックは公式ルールだとセーフです.
I like how the cats always look like they are smiling even though they are mad
These should’ve been those Nickelodeon shorts, I swear
My man came back a second time with the truck.
If fighting games have it to where you hear a squeak everytime you hit someone, I’d play fighting games more.
Now we know the cats’ moveset:-Hammer-Two hammers-Punch-Face kick -Truck
And then he got isekai’d
After getting hit by that truck twice, he went to another world.
Lord and beholdA new Internet sensation was born
Another episode of:Well, that escalated quickly
This is basically what it’s like to have siblings
When God won’t send you to another world the first time so you just have to so it a second time
Well, that escalated quickly.
人人人人人人人人人人人急上昇一位12時間キープ笑VVVVVV VVVVVV VVVV
I want a plush of those cats. UwU
I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time.I love it.
When you start off fun and ends up in rage, sums up me and my friends.