- DIY☺︎【100円ショップ】100円ショップの材料でminiature garden
- DIY☺︎【ジブリdollhouse】100均の材料でアリエッティ風のお部屋を作る【Ghibli Miniature】Arrietty’s house
- DIY☺︎miniature kitchen わが家のお台所(築58年のアパート)1/16サイズのミニチュアを作ってみた!
- DIY☺︎【100均】Miniature 和室 dollhouse & 日立のなつかし昭和家電 – Japanese style –
- DIY☺︎【UVレジン】ミニチュア ドールハウスの池:【UV resin】miniature Dollhouse of pond
DIY☺︎【100円ショップ】100円ショップの材料でminiature garden

(c) Hanabira工房 DAISOに新しい塗料が次々と出てくるので楽しいです☺︎ ※【訂正】クラフトチャームはセリアではなくDAISOです。 チャンネル登録よろしく …
This channel never fails to calm me down. It’s incredible, and beautiful
this is beyond cute! Also I really like saturated greens, they look alive.
Love this little garden ❤️🌻🌞
Me encanta todas las creaciones y todo lo que creas es genial. Pero me encantaría que los materiales los dijeras también es español. Me gusta mucho tu estilo y desde luego me encantaría hacer lo mismo que tu. Eres un artista 👏👏👏
hola soy de chile, y hoy vi 2 de tus video, son muy hermosos… gracias por hacer lo que haces… eres muy habil
Wonderful! I wish my Daiso in Malaysia sells all the supplies in your video but i doubt so! Anyhow I’m gonna go find out soon.
Serene and beautiful 🙂 Thank you for sharing this video 🙂
生活感のあるキッチンを作ってみてほしいですお願いします<(_ _)>毎回雰囲気のあるミニチュア楽しみにしています(´ヮ`*)
What camera do you use to take the videos? The closeups are very good!
It’s so beautiful 😍🖤🖤
Beautiful 😀
This is so cute !
I’m in love with your work 😉
does anyone know what exactly that clear resin for the water plant bucket is?
Very cool. Love it. Thank you.
Beautiful 🥰🥰🥰
DIY☺︎【ジブリdollhouse】100均の材料でアリエッティ風のお部屋を作る【Ghibli Miniature】Arrietty’s house

(c) Hanabira工房 hanabira工房です☺︎ 今回は以前からリクエストにもありました【借りぐらしのアリエッティのお部屋】dollhouseを作って見ました。 木を用 …
These videos are the best to watch right before bed ❤️❤️ you’re so talented, and your videos are so soothing. It brings me inspiration and serenity right before bed 🍃 😴
Que lindo😍 sério a cada dia me apaixono mais pelo seu canal😍
The amount of time and effort you put into all of your projects is truly amazing.
I have had a stressful day. Your videos are so relaxing, thank you. ❤
I love Arrietty! Great job,looks awesome!👍🏼💕
Hi I loved watching your works on Youtube… would like to ask where you get your materials from? Hope to see more of your fantastic works 🙂
This is amazing – so inspiring😃🙏💡
Beautifully done 😍
I love this. You should do more of studio ghibli
You are so talented. Love it!! 😁
Beautiful you are so very talented! I adore your work. 🤩
ive never seen this movie but it looks so cool ive seen the trailer ive always been in love with tiny things
DIY☺︎miniature kitchen わが家のお台所(築58年のアパート)1/16サイズのミニチュアを作ってみた!

(c) Hanabira工房 こんにちは!Hanabira工房です☺︎ 今回は『わが家のお台所』のミニチュアを作ってみました!(1/16サイズ) 築58年のアパートはまあまあ …
It’s wonderful! It always amazes me how precise your measuring and cutting is. Your miniatures are all fantastic and some day I would like to see all of them in a small museum designed just for them. Then everyone can see them in person and be even more amazed. I love just watching you construct them. You put such heart and patience into it. Thank you for sharing your art.
Absolutely love this ❤ What a cute kitchen!
От просмотра получаешь эстетическое удовольствие)Какая же титаническая ювелирная работа производится, великолепно 😍
I have trouble sleeping, and watching your video always relaxes me to sleep… thank you.
it so pretty! I seriously lack the patience to do anything like this- so it’s amazing to see someone work on something which could take a really long time.amazing video like always <3
my goal is to watch all your videos by the end of the week im just so fascinated with how aesthetic, and precise your work is and the attention to detail is just everything!!!!!
El nivel de detalle es impresionante, la calidad de su trabajo! De vdd me deja sorprendida! Hermoso resultado!
I’ve been seeing your teaser photos on Twitter, but was surprised to see the final outcome… the cabinet style is identical to the cabinets in my apartment!
You have got no business being this just absolutely stunning, thank you so much for showing us these amazing videos.
Amei ! Lindo trabalho…parab�ns!
In English we’d call the “shrink plastic” polystyrene, or styrene for short, for anyone looking for this material.
Just started watching all of your videos — your work is stunning. Absolutely beautiful! I want to shrink myself and live in the worlds you build.
Your precision is incredible. Thank you for sharing your creations!
finally. I have been hoping for you to share a process video of your work for months now. Even without any words, your methods are a good teacher. I am always fascinated by your art, and use many of the techniques you show in my own work. Thank you for sharing. Very nicely done.
I love your videos! You have the best miniature style in my opinion ❤️
You know, seeing you do this makes me feel almost like I can do this too!
Как всегда безупречно 🥰🤗…спасибо 😊.
DIY☺︎【100均】Miniature 和室 dollhouse & 日立のなつかし昭和家電 – Japanese style –

(c) Hanabira工房 ミニチュアの〝日立の昭和家電〟が可愛かったので和室のドールハウスを作って飾ってみました! 畳をい草ではなくランチョンマットで作っ …
Your house is beautiful! Your movements are so careful, and it is refreshing not to see a bunch of hot glue everywhere! 😀
I have been watching American craft videos, and there is too much talking. Your videos are quiet, easy to understand what you are doing, just by watching! I watched how you made the shoji, and like the way you made it all seem easy to do. I like the cloth tape a lot! It is so pretty, and looked great on your miniature tatami mats. I wish we could get cloth tape like this in Canada!! Your Japanese doll house is beautiful, but too many machines in it! You need more than one room for all the stuff! ^.^; (Ha ha!) I love Japanese crafts like yours!!! ~Janet in Canada
Meu sonho ter essas miniaturas 😍
I love watching you work. The attention to detail is incredible. Thank you.
¡Que hermoso y detallado!. 😍😱
Omg, this is so cute and perfect❤
Привет, у вас прекрасные работы!!!. У меня к вам вопрос. Скажите пожалуйста,где можно купить бытовую технику ,что в вашем видно?) Спасибо
I really wish we got rement boxes here in the UK. You can only get them on eBay and theyre really expensive! That’s why I watch channels like you and Square to Spare so I can make things…or at least try to! Lol!
Sehr schön gemacht. ❤️
This is cute but your handmade stuff is way better. I love all your videos. You’ve inspired me to try making stuff. I hope someday I’ll have 10% of the skills you have.
I love everything this kit has . Where can I buy one ? I live in America . I want one for my dollhouse ,please .
when you would rather have a dollhouse then have a real house.
Love it! Where or how can I purchase the set? Thank you. You must be as gentle to your partner as you are in assembling each piece…☺
この 昭和感 がなんとも言えないですね〜
Does anyone know where I, a lowly US crafter, could get those amazing Mid Century Modern miniatures????
whoa that is probably my favourite of the re-ments!
DIY☺︎【UVレジン】ミニチュア ドールハウスの池:【UV resin】miniature Dollhouse of pond

(c) Hanabira工房 チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします☺︎ また、リクエストなどがありましたらどしどしコメント欄に書いていってください☺︎答えられる範囲内 …
I so love your idea of using a paper punch to cut out tiny leaves from real leaves so awesome ! The pond is so beautiful and the fine details is what takes thing to be more life like . Thank you for inspiring me
Achei muito bonito o que voc� fez e a m�sica de fundo � muito muito linda parab�ns continue assim..(sou do Brasil).
I really enjoy all of your videos. You’re so talented. Thank you for all the hard work and making them so fun to watch.
Это так красиво ! Вы молодец ! 🙂
Stunning. I love your work and you amazed me everytime I see it.
The little action of sweeping the leaves are so cute! 木の葉を掃く小さな行動はとてもかわいいです!(Google Translate)
Me encanta tu video. Y me gustaría saber si habría algún material similar a la resina para simular el agua. Y estaría genial que pudieras poner subtitulos en español. Me encanta tu trabajo 👏👏👏😉😉😉
Your work just melts my heart <3
Loved this tutorial 👍🏻 Pls could u give a link as to where I can buy the leaf punch from thank you 😊
Me enamor� :c <3
Amazing, as usual. 💗
途中でほっぽりだしてしまいそうです 素晴らしい集中力ですね…