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- AH-64D Apache Longbow Helicopters Weapons Load & Gunnery
- ブローニングM2・M249・M240機関銃 ドイツ軍射撃訓練 – M2 (.50 Caliber), M249, M240 Machine gun German Forces Live Fire
- M240 & M249 Machine Gun Live Fire Train by U.S. Air National Guard
- カールグスタフM3 84mm無反動砲 HE441砲弾(時限信管) – M3 Carl Gustav Recoilless rifle, HE 441 round
- M32 グレネードランチャー (リボルバー式) ダネルMGL
AH-64D Apache Longbow Helicopters Weapons Load & Gunnery

(c) USA Military Channel U.S. Army Soldiers and Pilots conducts weapons loading and gunnery with AH-64D Apache Longbow attack helicopters.
Simplesmente, espetacular. Que maravilha de m�quina.
We never had the long bow in vietnam, my unit 4th div. air calvery had the KING CORBA was faster than the UH-1 but had much more fire power 40mm gernade, 1200RPM 7.62 51 and 2.75″ flechett rockets , 2 of these over head when on attack VC storage bunkers/ Base camps . 10 armor 1st plt. pleiku 1969.
Our military in the USA are unstoppable!! The Apache saves thousands of lives by protecting our troops!! They are designed to save lives primarily, taking lives is only a necessary byproduct of saving them. I’m Proud to be an American!!
Love and respect to US Army
Mi Helic�ptero Favorito, Es Verdaderamente Una Bestia De Combate, y Su Estilo Es Simplemente Hermoso … 10 …
Well done guys! Great job 🙏
Excelente aparato hecho para las fuerzas armadas
Thats one of my most favorite helicopters, But Id like to see one with 1 more feature. I dont know if anyone heard of the Russian Attack helicopter called te Tiger. well is has a feature where if theyre about to be taken out the pilot can push a little red button on the left side of the cockpit that will enject the2 cockpits from the the rest of the helicopter and then 2 parachute come out of the front and the back to help it slowly come down.
Espetacular 👏👏👏👏👏😃
Maravilha de um elicoptero.isso.sim.e.uma.maquina.de.primeiro.mundo.parabens.aos.estodos. unidos da Am�rica ass adonias Braga Bel�m do Par� Brasil
I’ve seen a few of them flying over Suffolk in the East of England. I know they have two USAF bases there. Very nice and attractive helicopters. They could have also been RAF ones, I know that Agusta Westland (now Leonardo) also build this helicopter in their plant in Yeovil, England under licence from Boeing for the British Army Air Corps with Rolls Royce Turbomeca RTM322 turboshaft engines.
great job usa army , love from india
It’s powerful, it has great fighting power
I’ve seen one like this 23 yrs back I was fascinated. I think its a powerful tool.
00:26 The machine gun aim the target where the gunner gaze at it in same time.👍👍
That’s gotta be a million bucks worth of firepower.
God bless you u.s.a army
Helicopter pilots are godlike.
Woah… I Didn’t Expect Such Large Missiles Like Those On A Apache!
ブローニングM2・M249・M240機関銃 ドイツ軍射撃訓練 – M2 (.50 Caliber), M249, M240 Machine gun German Forces Live Fire

(c) USA Military Channel アメリカ陸軍の兵器(ブローニングM2重機関銃・M249軽機関銃・M240機関銃)の習熟訓練を行うドイツ軍兵士。 United States Army …
1:26 伝説の 「It’s a Machine gun」
This machine-gun is 100 years old and still going strong!
Thanks you for your service and thank you for making our nation strong and you are my hero’s
We almost always fired this weapon from a 2 1/2 ton truck with a ring mount, loved it, it rocked the whole truck, made Swiss cheese of targets and rolled the trucks over that we shot at. ( this is a small gun)
I’m just surprised a 50 caliber mg can fire that fast I’m assuming it over heats quickly
I love the weapons and the sound of the shots makes a beautiful feel affect. Thank you for this effort
WoW es un gran orgullo tirar miles de cartuchos con ese tipo de ametralladora
I’m gonna join us marines one day interesting to learn about these guns
1:13 It’s a machine gun but you run a risk of having a hot gun if you fire off rounds and not letting the barrel cool down. Germans are advanced in their engineering than Americans and that’s just my honest opinion therefore, buddy was right in firing small bursts.
United States and Germany together? very nice. 👍🏼
God bless USA 🇺🇸
The main idea of these machine guns is from the Germans. During the Second World War, the G7 MG machine gun had a great advantage on the battlefield, especially for the shotgun…
1:23 呼び起こされる記憶
S� guerreiro
M240 & M249 Machine Gun Live Fire Train by U.S. Air National Guard

(c) USA Military Channel U.S. Airman with Georgia Air National Guard live fires M240 medium machine gun and M249 light machine gun during training …
Beautiful weapon well done America
The M240 is a beautiful military weapon, I want it to remain operational for many more decades, and never need to be replaced from the new military weapon.
The M249 SAW is a beautiful military weapon, I want it to remain operational for many more decades, and never need to be replaced from the new military weapon.
Thank you American soldier 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🗽
Powerful U.S. military👍💪💪💪
I respect us people and their policy Such a great people are belongs to us Mostly they have helping nature Great country And we are proud to be with us
Ước gì được bắn thử!
I love that Machine gun.
WOW we never thought of Magnets Way back in 1991 when i was doing the exact same thing sorting links from brass except it was a M-60 machine gun….Same ammo system…
Grande arma excelente gostei
Nice shooting👍👌👍👌
Buen videos de Armas GRACIAS por compartir amigo
awesome weaponry
I remember firing live rounds at target practice. I also thought the damage it would cause hitting an individual. A necessary evil in the art of war. Kill or be killed.
I love my India
ちゃんとリンク回収するの見ると なんか安心するしかし弾準備するの本当に面倒で
FN mag best weapon ; ) Respect from Belgium
カールグスタフM3 84mm無反動砲 HE441砲弾(時限信管) – M3 Carl Gustav Recoilless rifle, HE 441 round

(c) USA Military Channel カールグスタフM3(84mm無反動砲) 世界中で採用されている無反動砲で、陸上自衛隊では84mm無反動砲(B)として、アメリカ軍ではM3 …
As a Swede, I take great pride in this weapon system. So much fun in one weapon!
I love the weapons and the sound of the shots makes a beautiful feel affect. Thank you for this effort
WOW! I want one of those. That is such an awesome rifle.
I used a boozka in vietnam a few times .took 2 soldiers to fire . The M-72 LAW replaced it a very good recoiless round when not around the M48 tanks . Fire base black hawk 4th div.
Admiro muito for�a especial
Grande Exército Americano 👏👏👏 parabéns 👏👏👏 notas dez
Still amazes me. This weapon has been around since the 60s. The Australian army used it in Vietnam. The British in the Falklands. It shouldn’t have taken the USA brass to let their people have something good.
Like many ex British soldiers from back in the 80’s, I fired an earlier version of this weapon, Christ it was one of the most uncomfortable weapons you would have to use, everyone hated the bloody thing.
Aqui no Brasil os soldados brasileiros Nunca vão saber o que é uma bazuca.😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
“The only real enemy, is peace itself.” – The USMC
That wasn’t the sound of the weapon firing. It was the sound of their bodies slapping together
This was the weapon the 22 Royal Marines used against the corvette Guerrico at South Georgia.
2:05 dang! They have some ninja moves!
That thing is more fun as a loader than it is actually shooting it.
M32 グレネードランチャー (リボルバー式) ダネルMGL

(c) USA Military Channel M32 MGL (Multiple Grenade Launcher)・別名「ダネルMGL」「ミルコウMGL」など . チャンネル登録は …
in games these do a lot more damage and explosionseems so nerfed here
it actually goes way more far than compare to video games
Perfect for home defence!
Reloading sound is so satisfying to watch🔥
I am more surprised how far you can fire it. Meanwhile in CoD you can fire it only 5 meters.
Boa tarde! Pra mim � uma honra viu prestigiar seu trabalho, vamos sempre juntos somar e fortalecer nossos objetivos, Conto com voc�, eu j� estou por aqui,,,
Inaccurate, the grenade bounces off everything according to COD: BO2
I never knew such a deserted biome existed in japan
Amazing gun
Qual alcance desse canhão 😆😆😆
C�mo este muchacho fue a escuela p�blica ya ten�a experiencia con armas peque�as. Por eso decidieron probar con algo m�s grande. Resultado: 4/5 (por cierto no fall� el �ltimo tiro)Like si entendiste la referencia
“What makes me a good demoman? If i were a bad demoman i wouldn’t be sitting here discussing it with ya!”