EXPLORING CAIRO, EGYPT | Walking To The Nile River

(c) Gabriel Traveler Walking through the streets of Cairo, Egypt to the Nile River, the longest river in the world. NEED GEAR for your adventures?
Gabe, you are a good dude and totally deserve to take care of yourself. Do it man!
How interesting to see both the changes and similarities since my first visit, over 10 years ago. A wonderful soulful country. Thanks fellow walker. Look forward to more from you.
I went to Egypt on a family holiday when I was young,I can still remember watching the sun set over the Nile and palm trees. The roads here look quite free flowing,London is one big traffic jam.
Wow, Egypt is one of the most fascinating destinations to visit! If you got any videos on inside or close to Pyramids that would be awesome to see.
Egypt is endlessly fascinating and beautiful! ❤️
I took a ferry from Crete to Egypt with my parents around 1990. We stayed on the Ship in Alexandria. It’s amazing how close the Pyramids are to Cairo. You would think they are in the middle of the desert. I guess they were at one time.
Its amazing how modernized it’s become. I would love to go see the pyramids for myself.
Hi Gabriel!! Enjoy your mini vacation! You deserve some time to yourself. Egypt is amazing and very cheap compared to other countries. I enjoyed this video! Thank you and we’ll be waiting on you when you get rested up and come back. God Bless you!😊
i was in cairo just one month ago and it was absolutely amazing!!!!i m seeing forward to go back there soon❤️egypt is the most beautiful and friendly country in my opinion.thanks for sharing your trip
I am from Saudi and never visited egypt. It looks too warm and beautiful i am really looking forward to visit it. Thanks for the tour
I like how you make us live all the real tourist experience 😊
Great trip around Cairo, really gives a feel for the place, thank you so much Gabriel! Cant wait for the Great Pyramids 🙂
I’m going to Egypt next year as a part of my hanging out in Africa for at least 5 weeks. The weather in December seems perfect! I’ll spend more time in Aswan and Luxor. Maybe 2 days in Cairo. That mural was very cool! Nice to see the link honored.
My lovely land . I love every inch of Egypt, i love my glorious land . I know everything about Egypt. It’s my second country. Love from Iran 🇮🇷❤
Great memories – I was there November of last year. Cairo, Luxor, and Hurghada. I have an affinity for African in general that I just returned from Nairobi and Mombasa in Kenya. Also a wonderful place!
Hadn’t visited this channel for a long time, good to see you are still traveling the world and growing as a channel, I sure whish you the best
One of the best travel vlogs I’ve ever seen it’s like your giving life to the trip and places by actually experiencing them which is dope
I have an old National Geographic magazine with an article about a group of friends that sailed around the part of the Nile where the dam was to be built. Such a beautiful country.
Great video Gabe! I enjoy your confidence and story telling now a days.
Went on a Nile cruise in 2017 and thought to myself sometimes being in “denial” really is a river in Egypt!
How Expensive is RIGA, LATVIA? This City is Amazing!

(c) Gabriel Traveler In this video I explore Riga, the capital of Latvia and show how much things cost. NEED GEAR FOR YOUR TRAVELS?
I’m a simple Lithuanian – I see Latvia I press like
I’m from London and we traveled to Riga in June, I completely fell in love with the city. The bars were so nice and welcoming,and the lielvardes green beer I found in one bar was the best beer I’ve ever had . We also spent the day in segulda which was an old medieval city. I’ve travelled all across Europe and Latvia is definitely my favourite.the people are fantastic, great beer and great food, ticks every box.
I visited Latvia a couple of years back and stayed in Jurmala (just outside Riga) and it was an awesome vacation, lovely long beach there and loads of family activities including an excellent water park and a huge National Park called Kemeri which was well worth a visit! Being a Brit I was a bit apprehensive before I traveled as I had read some posts online that Latvians were not overly keen on the English (though I think the comments I read were mostly just referring to the pissheads) but I found everyone to be super friendly to both me and my family! Great video Gabriel.
💛I’am from Riga ,Latvia!!! I’am very happy about people like you, who travel to the little country like Latvia 💛
I visited Riga, Latvia in September 2018 and honestly I want to visit the place again. Rich architecture, rich history, rich culture, amazing language, beautiful city and beautiful country 😍😍
For some reason Riga has always seemed quite interesting to me for a European city, and you’ve just confirmed it! Thanks Gabe 👍
New in Riga I asked a Latvian for directions to a hotel , and she actually came along and showed me all the way. This was back in 2002. Very nice people there.And if you visit Riga in summer you definitely should take a relaxing day trip to Jurmala. Great video. Thank`s
I’m a middle class man living in Bangalore, India and stuck in family life. I can’t travel the world, but, I look at the world from the eyes of the travelers like this guy.
Baltics are very nice, just visit summer time. November is dead, even locals don’t go out.Come back on June 23rd, you will love it!
How beautiful, I feel sentimental about this city and I don’t know why. The light hitting the buildings making them glow is luxurious. I’d spend a good amount of time enjoying the smells from those pastry shoppes too. This city is enchanting, like your videos. Thx Gabriel✌️☀️
I’m from Latvia and I love when tourists from the US, Canada etc. come to visit…! I would totally show and tell you everything about Riga.
I’m from Riga. Didn’t want to go outside today so I watched this video.
Ahh Latvia the only country I truly feel at home 😁 my father was born and raised in Latvia so is my step brother and because of that I have family in Latvia and I visit them every year and it is always the highlight of the year❤ Sadly I only speak Russian and German but I’m currently learning Latvian , it’s freaking hard tho😂Best wishes 😊😊
I’m engaged to a Latvian woman, and visit Latvia 2-3 times a year with our son. You have no idea the smile I have on my face when I see the comments and watch footage of people falling in love with Rīga like I did on my first trip!!Paldies, Gabriel!
Really love the Baltic countries. But Latvia is the most charming country 🇱🇻❤️🇱🇻❤️🇱🇻
Video captures Riga in a beautiful way, but only scratches the surface, that’s why Gabriel you should come back sometime 🙂 It was really great to meet you.
Latvian viewer here 👍 nice that you enjoy some good time in our country 🇱🇻🤙
Prices are more expensive in Riga because there are a lot of tourists and rich people. If you go to a city outside of Riga you can eat breakfast for 3-5 euros.
I’m glad you made it to the Baltics! Do you find constantly traveling to be cheaper than living in the USA?
Latvia looks absolutely incredible! – *checks flights from New Zealand*
First Day In Moldova | Europe’s Least Touristy Country

(c) Gabriel Traveler Flying to Moldova and exploring the capital and largest city of Chisinau. NEED GEAR for your adventures? Visit Gabriel’s Amazon …
I showed more of Chisinau and Moldova in another video, in which I visited one of the largest wine cellars in the world (where Vladimir Putin celebrated his 50th birthday): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zf-EUwOl0UU
When you are from Moldova and you know all the places that he shows 🙂
Thanks for another interesting video. I love to see places in a rough and ready state, much more interesting than areas heavily visited by tourism.I would describe the architecture as amazing Soviet brutalist rather than horrible. Enjoy it while you can before it is bulldozed to make way for another Goa or French Riviera.Keep up the excellent work. I enjoy your videos and will be hitting the road myself in September.
Welcome to Moldova! Thank you for visiting our hidden East Europea Gem 😉
Make Moldova great again!
Majorca, Andorra, Malta, Monaco, Florence and now Moldova… Good Lord Gabe , you are a one man travel typhoon :DYou see in one tour more than many will see in a lifetime, and I got to be at my desk tomorrow at 8 doing weekly billing reports… Well I’m glad to see SOME people at least living it up.
What a lovely, peaceful country. They are hardly on NEWS. And those prices just awosame. We need more Moldova in this planet.
I enjoyed my time in Moldova, just take it for what it is, people were great and hospitable. If you want a real experience take the train in or our from Chisinau to Bucharest in Romania, its overnight in an old Soviet era train, still have coal furnaces in each carriage in winter, but comfortable and good value.
Gabriel you are living the life. Keep it up man
Congratulations for your national holiday on 31st August Moldova from your friends in Germany <3 Moldova is a beaufitul country with nice landscape, charming people and such a nice culture. I�m really proud to call you our friends. Best wishes for the future from your friends in Germany <3
Wow! Definitely NOT what I expected. Shows how I was somewhat deceived by watching the videos from the YouTuber, bald and beautiful. This looks like a place that you will enjoy and remember well. It looked sketchy when you filmed walking underground, but guess not! I really like what I saw so far! One of your best selections, it seems so far. Love the room you’re in, too! Can’t wait until you upload more. Please film a lot! Don’t forget to hit Tiraspol if at all possible!! I’m very intrigued! BE SAFE and THANK YOU ☮️💟 from Philadelphia!
Gabriel in Moldova sounds good. Keep up the good work. Travellers support each other and you’ve my full support for your content
That 2nd underpass was so sketchy! That could have been the end of the video! 😆No! Not that 24 cafe! The beer spot! Especially for new places, I like hotels that can help me to understand some of the cultural context. Looking forward to your wandering around. 👍🏾
You’re doing a fantastic job Gabe! Keep it up 👌
This is truly great and inspiring. I want to go and find the cheapest hole in the world. I really mean it. It’s a mission to find somewhere that you can have a class apartment, good food and beer that charges next to nothing. Brilliant. Bring on the entertainment later! Looking forward to pt2! Wish you well fella and keep safe.
Not exactly Hooters! 18:08
Spent two weeks there, great food and wine crumbling infrastructure and crazy crossing streets at times. The people are very friendly and helpful so I truly enjoyed my visit. On a personal note rented a apartment on Blv Moscow, was very interesting compact but very comfortable.
Gabriel, thank you so much for bringing us here. This is an unbelievable look at this country. Amazing.
Love your channel Gabriel. So down to earth and real content. Keep up the excellent videos
I visited Moldova two years ago, the city of Chisinau is in extreme need of a tidy up and refurb. It actually made me feel so uncomfortable…
Exploring LVIV, UKRAINE | This City Is Amazing!

(c) Gabriel Traveler Exploring the beautiful city of Lviv in western Ukraine near the border of Poland. NEED GEAR for your adventures? Visit Gabriel’s …
I was born in this city and used to live there for 13 years. Now I live in Canada and still miss these wonderful streets and delicious coffee from Lviv:)
I visited Lviv with my Ukrainian friends last Christmas. It was magical city. Enjoy❤️🇺🇦❤️
It’s amazing to see the streets you walk every day in someone’s vlog, especially if the person is enjoying it. Thank you for visiting Lviv, you made me feel very proud of my city. We are always happy to see you here again 🙂
Lviv is a beautiful city. Looks like you’re stepping back into time. Thanks Gabriel! Take care!🍁😊🍁
I lived there 3 months this year and loved it. It is great city and food is so awesome.
I really feel that Lviv is Europe’s hidden gem!
wow what a really really nice place.Coming from Australia, the first thing I notice is how well the people dress up just to go for a stroll
Great Vlog. I was in LVIV in Sept 2019 for two weeks, I could not have had a better time . The people were so friendly and easy to speak to. The open markets were great, food and prices were great. I loved your tour of the city it brought back a lot of very happy memories. Thank you.
Beautiful architecture people enjoying their day in the city very European high end culture society Safe passage liking sharing always Rock-an-Roll in Europe Cheers 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇮🇹
I was in Lviv only once but for sure not the last time. Great place with great people. Greetings from Poland to Україна 🇵🇱🇺🇦
I lived in Lviv for almost four years, but I’m originally from New Jersey. I was actually out walking this day, I probably just missed you by a few minutes! The city is truly magnificent, and there’s always something to do. I consider Lviv more my home than where I was born lol.)
I love ukrainia! God bless Ukraine 🇺🇦!!
I spent 3 weeks in Lviv last year and fell in love with this beautiful and charming little city. This brings back so many memory.
I’ve been living in Lviv all my live and I can assure you that pronunciation you had used is close to perfect. Lviv — is primerly Ukrainian specking city. Also, only Ukrainian language is official in Ukraine, thus all geographical names are in Ukrainian only and can be transliterated to other languages.
I know exactly what you mean about Lviv…I just got back a couple weeks ago from 7 weeks there and by far it’s the friendliest and most fun city in Europe!
LVIV……. What a musical world 😍 👌❤❤❤
I love Gabriel’s casual walking tours. Unforced, unplanned (generally) and easy going conversation.
Love you Ukraine! 🇦🇿♥️🇺🇦
Amazing. I like to go there.I ve been there several times. Beautiful peoplee, especially women, delicious food and nice nature around if you went towards Carpatian mountains, there are by the road restaurants KOLYBA called in ukrainian. These restaurants made of wooden bars with low roofs they are really special places very calm and relaxing.like from fairtales smells nature wood inside. They are surrounced by Carpatian mountains and forests.Western Ukraine always attracts me it is amazing.
Very lively city, musicians, singers, lots of ppl walking. Nice video Gabe!👍
How is Bus Travel in Europe? 14 Hour FlixBus Trip Across Europe

(c) Gabriel Traveler A crazy 14-hour bus trip across Europe taking FlixBus from Berlin, Germany to Zurich, Switzerland. NOTE: This video is not a paid …
I skip to a random part in the video and hear ”stupid fish”… oh well then. Anyways, do you have any plans to go to Basel, Switzerland? If so, I might be able to show you around (even though I wouldn’t be a very good tour guide)
Very cool with the ferry and how it all works out! Good job Gabe!
of all the travellers I watch on YT you’re my favourite as its no frills, real traveller on a budget. This is how I like to travel!
Very helpful especially the bathroom bit! I just bought a roundtrip ticket from LAX to Zurich for just under $600 to use for a few weeks in June up until July 3. I want to get from Vienna to Berlin and it seems like taking a late night bus to Berlin waking up early in the morning, might be a good way to go at $32. It’s 8hr and 45 minutes so hopefully the bus will be empty so I can sleep!
Hi, I really enjoy watching your videos, very inspiring. My best friend and I are planning on traveling on a budget for a few months. I would love to see some videos about the practical aspects of travel like what you keep in your backpack, at what point you get rid of something, how you manage to eat on the go etc… It would be great insight into the everyday things about being a traveller
I did a 14 hour bus journey while backpacking around Asia, and let me tell you it was not as pleasant as this journey looked! Haha
Beautiful scenery seen during the bus ride. Great video!
Gabriel, thank you for uploading very informative video. I will be traveling to Europe in March with my 10 year old daughter, and I probably need to utilize the FlixBus in one or two of my itinerary. I just have a few questions. 1) Was the seat comfortable? Recline? 2) Did the bus stop by a gas station for refueling? 3) When you cross the borders, how was it done? Did you have to embark and go through the customs? Thanks…
Thank you for this!! I am actually taking a flexbus from Amsterdam to Belgium in June and this really has helped me
Can’t wait to see the views around Switzerland. Happy Travels!
You should have explored Bodensee (Lake Constance)area more. It is one of the beautiful places in germany rather more cheaper than Z�rich area. Currently I am living near in this area and i got excited when you took ferry ride on Bodensee and was expecting more. Nice vlog.
In 2003, i did a trip from Amsterdam > Split-Croatia with a bus, with so many road constructions and accidents in Germany & Austria, it took 31h to get there :-/ I hated my life so hard, that was the last time i did a (long) bus trip ever.
Gabe, I’m studying abroad in Paris in spring of 2018, and am planning to backpack for 2 months after through the summer. My question is at what point would you consider the bus ride not worth the time? I understand that a plane ticket would be maybe twice or three times as expensive(at least on budget airlines I’ve looked into), but you save a ton of time and also don’t have to buy a couple meals within the span of the bus ride. Just wanted to hear your thoughts so I could implement them into my itinerary. Thanks!
so in 1-10 scale, how do u rate the comfort of a night travel on flixbus?
I bet you could visit every country in Europe by the end of summer using cheap bus rides (except islands like Malta of course)
The sights from the bus are amazing, and travelling Europe by bus is the by far the cheapest way to do it. However, it takes insane long time to reach most of the destinations.
Gabriel you are my go to travel watcher when I’m planning a trip. You helped me a lot when I went to Peru. This time I’m doing Europe for 1 month (pretty nervous and excited cause its my longest trip so far.) London-Barcelona-Paris-Belgium-Amsterdam-Berlin (then back to London for return flight) Transportation is my biggest concern, Are there lots of bus or train options to get from place to place besides Eurail? That I dont have to book too far in advance?
Imagine travelling that many hours, only to end up in a hostel… damn i can’t do that to myself even on a budget trip
I’ve been using Flixbus on my current trip in Europe. I took a bus from Amsterdam to Prague, it was a 13 hour trip, but it worked. I again took Flixbus from Prague to Budapest, was a little over 7 hours.
Hahahah you literally just drove past my house while entering the Swiss motorway right after the swiss-german border crossing