Kichikichi Omurice motokichi(おすすめch紹介)

Kichikichi Omurice motokichi(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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オムライスの裏技 IH版

オムライスの裏技  IH版  (c) Kichikichi Omurice motokichi

(c) Kichikichi Omurice motokichi IHでも ちょっとしたコツをつかめば あのふわとろのオムライスが出来ます! 参考になれば、幸いです! 楽しんで 料理をして下さいますこと、宜しくお願い致します。

この人絶対いい人だよ 性格の良さが顔にたでてる気がする。




This is amazing, thank you very much!!!





wow great work that looks amazing







以前、火を使ったものを拝見したあとにチャレンジしてみたんですが、やっぱり火とIHじゃ全然違うんですね…。 フライパン温め過ぎずに卵を混ぜるのも大事だなとこの動画で分かりました◎




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自宅で出来る 豚カツの裏技  fried pork cutlet

自宅で出来る 豚カツの裏技  fried pork cutlet  (c) Kichikichi Omurice motokichi

(c) Kichikichi Omurice motokichi これで、貴方も プロの腕前に! For the skill that is professional as for you in this!



よかったですね! 益々、いろいろなお料理のレパートリーが増えればいいですね!

ありがとうございます。 一人でも多くの方が料理を楽しく作ってもらえれば・・・  sns360さんのコメントに 元気をもらいました!! 感謝!!!


ほのぼのハッピーを感じます!! いつまでもお幸せに!!





i wonder if he uses gatsby for his hair ^^

looks delicious

とても美味そう! 次 豚かつ作る時試してみます!

Dear Chef Motokchi, You are fantastic! I love your videos! Please make more!Your USA Fan,JPHunter




Boy oh boy video and sound quality have come a long way 😂



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だし巻(卵焼き)2011  (c) Kichikichi Omurice motokichi

(c) Kichikichi Omurice motokichi しどろもどろの説明でしたが、ご理解いただけましたでしょうか? 出汁巻きを巻き終えた後、”まきす”で締めるとさらに良いでしょう! いつものように、料理は楽しく!


I have learnt a lot about cooking omelettes from this Master! Mainly the secret of a good omelette is Chop Sticks! I can turn out two omelettes the same now, before one might be omelette like and the other would be way over done or more like scrambled eggs. Now to work on the fold. Good thing I like omelettes!Thank you so much, stay safe!!




Nice video, I like your passion in cooking. I don’t know Japanese, so I want to ask what it is that you mix with the eggs?

@motokchi 最初作った時は上手く巻けませんでしたが何度か作ってるうちに上手く作れるようになりました♪ありがとうございます(^^)



hahahaha gracias por poner los ingredientes en ingl�s! :3 Saludos desde M�xico.


ほんとうにおいしそう!! 動画もすごく参考になるし~ 僕も練習してみます!!!

Love your channel. Hope to visit your restaurant someday.

中途半端に余った卵の使い方に感動しちゃいました いっつもどうしようと困ってて大体卵賭けご飯にんっちゃってたので助かりました! 丁寧な説明ありがとうございます



嬉しいコメントをありがとうございます! 益々、頑張って下さい!

ほんと為になりました。ここまで上手には出来なかったけど、中々いい感じに作る事ができました。 ありがとうございました。



#キチキチチャレンジ!ベーコンエッグ🥓🥚 #kichikichichallenge Baconeggs🍳

#キチキチチャレンジ!ベーコンエッグ🥓🥚 #kichikichichallenge  Baconeggs🍳  (c) Kichikichi Omurice motokichi

(c) Kichikichi Omurice motokichi キチキチチャレンジ 第一弾! ベーコンエッグ〜〜〜!!をマスターが作ったらどうなるのか? ガスとIH両方のバージョンで作ってますのでいつもより長めのビデオとなって …

I like this. and i dont understand a single word.this mans energy radiates positivity.

この人はほんとにすき 料理への深い愛を感じる

Motokichi: “speaks in Japanese”Me: ” Doesn’t even uderstand a singel word”Motokichi: You must know how to say “Hi” in Japanese.Me: Aloha?


That freaking Happy Omurice song is fun to listen.If I can go to Kyoto in the future, I would definitely eat there in Kichi Kichi.

Thank you for cheering up a dreary Sunday. Love and respect from NYC.

14:40「oh YEAH~♪(ご機嫌)」からの冷静に「海外の方は生や嫌なんでコレは多分ダメやと思います( ‘ -‘ )」は笑った笑

I love your video’s! They always lift me up and especially in these times.Thank you so much!!

This guy’s emitted strong positive vibe so much…


Motokchi, Simplesmente fantástico 🙏🙏

Everybody at home, this virus will pass hopefully very soon. Hang in there! Hope people in Japan are safe and Italy will recover quickly. I will book a holiday to travel to your countries when all this is over 😆


I wish so badly that this was subbed in English so I could fully understand what he was saying (I know a smattering of Japanese but not tons). HOWEVER, no matter what he makes he’s an artist so I watch and learn.


Too bad I can’t understand anything but at least I know how to cook bacon and eggs. Love the hair also ✨

Even though I cannot understand what he is saying, I can follow the cooking 🙂 love the energy!


such a high spirit though i don understand a word but so enjoying the video love from kuwait

Your demi Glace sauce looks amazing!! How do you do it? 😊😊😋

#キチキチチャレンジ  フレンチトースト #kichikichichallenge French toast

#キチキチチャレンジ  フレンチトースト #kichikichichallenge French toast  (c) Kichikichi Omurice motokichi

(c) Kichikichi Omurice motokichi キチキチチャレンジ 第二弾 フレンチトースト〜!!!お待たせいたしました 今回も簡単にできる!朝食もしくはおやつにどうぞ ✨ 前回よりさらに長めになっております。

I can’t speak Japanese which sucks as I find it such a beautiful sounding language. Regardless of the fact, this man truly transcends language with his exuberance and personality 👌🏻❤️🇨🇦

I used to love when we had old bread in the house, that’s when my mom would make french toast. Rarely happened though as I ate about 3 loaves of bread a week, then the rest of the family had to eat something too.Anyway, I still haven’t learned Japanese from only watching Anime.

Love you, Old Man Kichi! Stay safe out there! When this ends, I will visit japan and eat Omurice on your place!

I’m a Filipino and I’ve never been in his restaurant but I’m inspired on how he keep his smile even when he is tired at work. Motokichi deserves a Michelin star.

I always love motokchi’s videos, such a wonderful energy. when he flipped the first two toast its was cool that you could see the rings from the flame burner and the induction element. That main burner is amazing too LOL Keep up the great work and inspiration to feed myself more than just microwaved foods during this time.

I don’t know what he’s saying. I only know I enjoy watching him cook. Such a big, fun personality. Style and flair. Also, I love French toast.

Please stay safe motokchi, hope you will always stay young & healthy, I’ll find chances to come to japan with my partner to taste your great cookings

I can barely understand Japanese and there was no option for subtitles but I very much enjoyed another one of your videos – I make Omurice all the time at home.Please make more videos of uniquely Japanese foods this style of cuisine is fun to eat and cook!

Proof that personality can transcend and language barrier. I am starting to pick some up tho. Thank you for posting happiness


One of the most entertaining and fun chefs out there, fantastic! 🙂

Awww every time I watch uncle Kichi i was really happy when i cook.

This man is the embodiment of excitement and i embrace it

Love Motokichi delicious food & always fun & inspiring to watch. Yes, he deserves a Michelin star!


I made french toast following his recipee this morning and it was awesome 🙂 Can totally recommend. But I would reduce the sugar a little bit next time. 16g was a bit to sweet for my taste with two eggs.

Bonjour or Bonsoir Chef ! Ça va, merci. Et vous ? 😁 I am french. I love what you do, always with smile and good mood. I don’t understand what you say, but your passion as your smile remain a pleasure to see, and your recipes a pleasure visual. Arigato gozaimasu. Sorry for the translation, I don’t speak english very well.




