INSIDE VENEZUELA (Surreal experience)

(c) Indigo Traveller So I decided to take a trip to Venezuela… -All my Venezuela Videos: …
Want to see all my Venezuela videos? 🇻🇪 *Watch here:* to see my photos of Venezuela? 🇻🇪 *Click here:*
I am from Venezuela, and believe it or not I remember we used to send food and medicines to Africa from my school… now it just breaks my heart to see so much suffering, and I realize that now I am in the other side of the story… I just hope this will never happen to you, whatever your country is
I’m from Zimbabwe and I am amazed at the similarity between the two countries. What I find surprising is that they somehow keep going, despite all the odds against them. I used to queue for between 4 and 8 hours for fuel, and, unless you are very rich, anything but staple food is too expensive to buy. It’s so sad that both countries were thriving. I can’t understand why anyone would want to live under a socialist regime.
Must be such a beautiful country. Wish one day Venezuelans earn their well deserved peace and happiness for good. Greeting and hugs from Hungary!
Lenny seems like a retired Military man. Nice guy and knowledgeable, and his confident swagger says much. I would want him as my guide too.
Lenny is one cool dude. You can tell he is confident about the service he is providing. Thanks for keeping him safe and being cool while you do it.
I grew up in Venezuela, left there when I was 12 and it was a great country with great people, sad to see it in the shape it is today.
Venezuela should be one of the richest countries in the world considering their natural resources.
I just came back from a 2-week trip to Venezuela to meet the family of my fianc�e (I am Belgian, she is Venezuelan). Before going there I researched a bit on the safety of the country (as I heard many stories from my fianc�e about robberies, murders, kidnappings, etc…). However, in 2019, she went back for Christmas and saw a completely different Venezuela. People were walking out in the street with the newest iPhones, out in their hand, there was food available in the stores, etc… The thing that made me skeptical about this ‘change’, is that it almost isn’t reported in any form of media. Your channel provided me with an UNBIASED form of information on the country, which was more or less aligned with the story my fianc�e told me and it helped me a lot to calm my nerves before my trip. Thanks for that and I love your other videos as well, specifically for that!Now, I would like to confirm that Venezuela is doing much better than a few years ago. Yes, there still are problems and I would not recommend visiting the country without a local guide or friend that can take you around (mostly because of gasoline problems and to identify where you should an shouldn’t go). But, my short but intense experience when visiting this country was amazing and I would recommend it to anyone who has access to a local that is willing to show them around. It is an amazing country with super friendly people, delicious food and amazing nature! In these 2 weeks, I have never felt unsafe as a tourist. I was able to walk the streets, go out, enjoy local foods, even attend a softball games in a barrio without any problems. I love the country and I’m definitely going back there (I want to visit La Gran Sabana)! Hopefully the political situation becomes more stable in the future, so the country can unlock it’s immense potential. Mucha suerte!
Incredibly tragic. Such a horrific fall from grace. My heart goes out to them!
Estoy viendo el video y no dejo de pensar “guarda la c�mara, te van a robar”
I am from Haiti, left since I was nine, and never visited again. My grandma is from Venezuela. She was 106 when she passed. Great People! I hope things change for the better one day. I am here in America and still complaining about the food I eat and that much for a hot dog. God Help!! I love you my fellow Venezuelans♥
Thanks for this perspective. I live in Peru, and Venezuelans are everywhere. It’s hard to get a straight story about what the hell is happening over there.
I’m so proud and humbled that I was born an American and my heart goes out to the people of this beautiful country may god bless you!
Props for going there and reporting on how people live.
This is heartbreaking..I feel so bad for these people. To live in fear or not know if you can afford food, is not the way to live. I hope this country is able to get back to what it used to be😔
On my flight back from Ecuador I met a businessman that was kidnapped here for 5 days. He’s been traveling back and fourth for 30 years in central/south America. He said because he’s so comfortable he didn’t factor in the current climate. Anyways he was walking back to his hotel and 5 people jumped him and threw him in a van like a movie. He was a 6 foot about 220 guy too. They kept saying they were going to kidnap his family whiched confused him because his family was no where near them. With the different arguments and things pieced together this guy thought that it was a possible mistake and identity situation. So what they did was drove around and used his debit/credit card for 5 days. That was normal looking on the guys behalf bc he travels so much. Anyways on the 5th day due to his Wife calling the card company, cops, and.everybody else the card was cancelled and they kicked the shit out of him and dumped him 45 minutes outside of Carcass. The funny thing was that he told me he was relatively relaxed because they kept this oversized bandanna over his eyes so he figured he’d live.
I remember when I was a child growing up in Trinidad and Tobago and my parents always travelling to Caracas because it was the best place to go to for restaurants and the best styles of clothing.
Caracas looks so beautiful, it�s a damn shame that things are not going well over there, i live in brazil, in the state of Paran�, all the way down south, very far away from venezuela and around my city there are people that have fled from venezuela, i can only imagine how far they’ve come.
I live in Venezuela. I can’t believe no one stole your camera.
MOST DANGEROUS Part of Johannesburg, South Africa

(c) Indigo Traveller MY INSTAGRAM: -MY PATREON: -FREE $40 …
Hope you are ready for this vlog series, guys! A whole new level for me in many ways, here starts my adventures DEEP into Africa, get ready! Check out my instagram for my photo dairy of Africa, where I will be posting heaps of photos from this huge, incredibly engaging land! Photos here:
You walked through Hillbrow and made it out still holding your gadgets? You deserve a medal! I only go there if I don’t have a choice.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I freaking love my country. People will tell you a lot but there’s nothing like experiencing the highs and lows for yourself. I’ve stayed in shacks, villages, suburbs, townships, estates, even a big mansion for a while. I’ve been mugged, threatened, lost scared. I’ve been awestruck, seen love, been given food by strangers, walked on beaches, walked on world class city blocks. I have seen all the bad and I am still convinced that the good is worth it. My country has been through a lot but I wouldn’t change a thing.❤
Lol I can tell he was uncomfortable and scared walking around hillbrow. I mean I’m from South africa and even I’m scared to go there.Props to Jimmy for showing you both the good and bad sides of Johannesburg.
I was born and raised in Johannesburg until I was 10. My mom didn’t think I’d have a future there, so she brought me to Germany back in 95. It was her best decision. My mom visits SA almost yearly because my gran is there (and other family members who didn’t follow her to Germany).
Can’t wait for the deep dive into Africa, Nick! I love that you want to see it all — the good, the bad, and the ugly. You strike a terrific balance between sharing your personal experience and letting us, your viewers, form our own opinions about what we’re seeing and researching based on your vlogs it’s that generosity of spirit that makes you such a fabulous channel to watch. A+
as a south african, i can tell you that there are many beautiful, wonderful parts of the country. but places such as the above shown are definitely too frightening for many a lifelong resident to go near.
Dear Nick, just found you through this video. I absolutely love your authentic travel videos! Also your mission of showing the human side of what we read in the headlines. We tried to do a similar thing in Cape Town with a documentary:
I was just in Johannesburg about a year ago. I’m from Illinois and had never been out of the US before I went to S. Africa last year. Beautiful country!
I was born in Germiston and let me tell you, when we visited recently we had to have armed security with us at all times, we were absolutely freaked out.
I live in Johannesburg. It really is a cool city, it definitely has some appeal. BUT some days I do feel like I live on the edge of chaos.
I’m from Thailand. I lived in Soweto for 6 months in 1996 as an exchange student. I stayed in Protea North which actually was a pretty good area in Soweto, I would say. I had very good experience there. Anyway, after 6th month I got to move out for safety reason. I might be a very first Asian staying in Soweto (at least half a year)..hahaha..
This was really a different take to the typical travel vlogging I’ve seen. Super informative, emotive, raw and refreshing. Well done.
My grandmother used to own a corner shop there in Brixton before moving to Cape town. As a kid, I never really noticed how run down and dangerous the streets were, and wouldn’t even mind walking the streets to go shopping etc. I feel maybe now though, I’d be a bit more anxious, knowing the dangers
I’ve never watched a video as good as this one about my hometown ❤ you were also well informed about the locations and how they started. Big ups!
4:03 I walk by this place almost every day going to work at Norwood. Its fascinating how people appreciate what seems normal to someone who grew up in that area
Your vlogs were truly amazing. Love your insights and the way you share your journey with us.
This video made me miss home 😭!!! My beautiful South Africa 🇿🇦 ❤️ and also thanks for showing people that it’s possible to walk around Jhb CBD without any harm 👌🏿.
Most fair quick review about my country i have ever seen. Beyond optimistic, it gives me hope to know that its people like you that make the world a beautiful place.Siyabonga Buti Nick
I can’t believe they still haven’t sorted out those bloody hostels. 26 years and counting. The ANC really is useless.
Walking Streets of Honduras Capital City (extremely dangerous)

(c) Indigo Traveller A day in Tegucigalpa, Capital City of Honduras. The first 1000 people to use the link will get a free trial of Skillshare Premium …
Thank you, Honduras. As you can see by this video, this country goes much further than its world famous image of darkness. Obviously these things are happening but what comes to the surface for me is the people’s strength and hospitality. Stay strong, Honduras 🇭🇳
The Texas guy is a legend. I hope he can find some job soon.
Me duele el corazón ver a mí país asi 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
The Texas Tech guy was such a good person. Some people in the world don’t know how good they have it. I pray for the country of Honduras 🇭🇳
Carlos, the man who lived in Houston, w/the Texas Tech shirt… breaks my heart. He said the complete opposite of what the media promotes. I certainly wasn’t expecting him to feel loved by Us.
The Texas man was such a sweet soul. What a positive outlook on a bad time. Good things are coming his way.
Carlos seems like one of those random people you come across when traveling, you’d never forget them. Hope he’s doing ok.
I’m Mexican still makes me sad to see my fellow latin american countries in so much suffering
Carlos is awesome. I hope many blessings come his way. The world needs more people like him. Next time you meet a foreigner in the U.S. think about this man.
God bless Carlos. So positive, hopeful, smiling, and faithful. When I compare that to how ungrateful and delusional some Americans are, it pains me.
Carlos seems like such a good dude. Also, can confirm as a native Houstonian that is the kind of people we are. All love
The saddest thing about Central and South American countries is how they have the ingredients and foundations to being safe and prosperous countries but there’s just too much corruption.
The people of Honduras are wonderful and welcoming people. I have many friends from the time I spent there. There is much more beauty in this country than this video allows us to see. The last guy was great in speaking about how the government and military corruption is ruining this country.
In 2006, I landed in Tegucigalpa airport… that was dangerous enough. Then my mission team met up with me at the baggage claim. They said they already had my bags loaded in the bus. I was instructed not to look in anyone’s eyes or speak to anyone. Keep my bilfold in my front pocket, and walk rapidly with my group to the bus. It took us 25 minutes to get to the heavily guarded mission house. Our bus driver had to be the best driver alive. Ive been driving busses for 26 years, and he amazed me. He taught me how to drive up a muddy mountain… across a rickety wooden bridge… and finaly to Guinope to visit the orphanage. The only place that I felt unsafe was near the airport. Once you get to the smaller towns, the people are really kind.
Carlos knew he was having a hard time, but he kept motivating himself and the people around him. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
I’m from Honduras and walked the same streets this man has and never felt like I was in danger. Although I grew up in the states I go to Honduras every year. My country is beautiful and friendly and I hope people don’t watch this and just think it’s nothing but danger everywhere! 🇭🇳
As a Honduran I am surprised at how well many Hondurans speak English, people that you would never imagine they have the minimum of education. So much potential in such good, hardworking and honest people. Drug trafficking and corruption are a cancer in my poor country. I was born and lived there for 14 years. Then I lived 4 in Guatemala. Now I live in Europe, I miss my home a lot, but I can’t imagine coming back to my country. It’s really painful not being able to go home.
“I hope to see you again, in heaven”. That hit deep
I didn’t notice before how beautiful Honduras’ flag is. Its colors and design would make you think of a peaceful place. It’s a shame that conflicts between other countries still have an effect in this nation.
Hi, I’m a Taiwanese and have just been to Honduras in the recent two months. It was a wonderful and beautiful trip for me. I’ve never come across anyone with guns except military and guards. People there are friendly and polite, not too many are going on and they are just living like any other people in the world. Just don’t be at the wrong place at the wrong time. But that applies to anywhere, even in Taiwan.
THIS IS IRAN? 🇮🇷 First Impressions of the Mysterious Country

(c) Indigo Traveller Instagram: -Patreon: -Hotel Booking in Iran: …
Hope you are ready for this EPIC Iran trip, it’s going to be incredible. It’s SOOO good to be back, *I missed you legends!* 🇮🇷✈
love how he pronounce iran as “eeran” and not “eye ran” ! finally someone got it right haha
My best friend is from Iran 🇮🇷 ❤ I consider her my Sister. When I met her she made it clear she was Persian not Arabic 😄👍 makes me want to learn Farsi, rich culture, lovely people 🥰 Love from Mexico🤗🇲🇽
What a beautiful country. Love from America! Peace to all my Iranian friends.
Calling an Iranian people Arab is like calling a Japanese or Korean people Chinese, they’re neighbor countries but they’re not the same , same with middle east countries
I love Iran as a country.. great people, great culture, great architecture, great food and great iranian movies… greetings and love ❤️ from Malaysia 🇲🇾
Beautiful country much love to Iran and their people from Croatia 🇭🇷🇮🇷
Love Iran and Persian history from Greece 🇬🇷 🇮🇷
Thank you for showing us this beautiful country and wonderful people of Iran. I would love to visit this amazing land. عشق به ایران از آمریکا 💗🇺🇸🌍🇮🇷❤️
Peace to all the Iranians here from a simple American!
Iran is such a beautiful country. I visited it alot.. I can say it is the most safest and beautiful country i’ve ever seen
Iran is doing pretty well for years of economic sanctions, imagine the country if sanctions were lifted. The Iranian people have a strong spirit.
Love Iran from Palestine 🇮🇷❤🇵🇸I wish you all stay safe ❤
Hope to visit this country one day !!! Love from Vietnam 🇻🇳 🇮🇷
Every country has its beauty, don’t be fooled by what you see on TV. Greetings from Mexico 🇲🇽
I’m Iranian^^ thanks for your support and love for my country :)🇮🇷💜
Love Iran from Pakistan 🇵🇰💗🇮🇷in 2015 I was in Iran it was amazing, beautiful country, construction is amazing
I love you iran🇮🇷🇮🇷💪From somalia 🇸🇴💪👋
I’m not Iranian but I really want to go from uk 🇬🇧 so beautiful 😍
Had the chance to visit Tehran 3 years ago, what a bustling city! Love from Vietnam 🇻🇳 ❤️ 🇮🇷

(c) Indigo Traveller Instagram: -Music used in my videos (Free 30 trial): …
Hope you enjoy this video, guys, it was a very special day, a huge thanks again to Nasrin for here help!If you want to see photos from my Iran trip, you can see them here: for watching and let me know your thoughts in the comments section!
I was in Iran in 2006 Teheran and I loved it. Beautiful people, gastronomy, culture and history. This nation is undeservingly demonised. Dont believe everything you see on the news. It was a fantastic experience. Thank you for the iranian people. Love and respect from Hungary
Iran seems Just an amazing country 🇮🇷 greetings from Bulgaria 🇧🇬
I’m surprised to see Iran is beautiful, clean and in generally good country. All i ever saw on tv or news was some descriptions of evil and nasty place, where they publicly killing ppl. I definitely would visit this country if I ever have chance
Much love to all the beautiful people of Iran!Colombia🇨🇴 welcomes you!
Iranians are wonderful people. So kind and free with their emotions. I work as a firefighter and recently had a call to a house occupied by Iranians. In passing i mentioned that my dad had died a couple of days before the mum burst into tears and even before we returned to the fire station the son had driven there and dropped a gift off for me. How amazing are they ?
Iran is AMAZING!! Some of the most amazing people alive ❤️
¡¡ Fuerza, brothers of Iran !!🇮🇷 From Panama 🇵🇦 in Latin America.
I hope you really enjoyed of traveling to Iran. As you said we are not against American or other people over the world. We really do greeting our guests and respect everyone. Most probably you realized no one teasing you in Iran. We literally like passengers from the bottom of our hearts. 😊🇮🇷
I didn’t expect Iran to be this Beautiful, love from Nepal 🇳🇵
It’s very unfortunate that we are going through this hostile turmoil with their country. I wish the people of Iran well. Maybe one day there will be peace between our nations.
I can’t wait for the USA to have good relations with Iran! Americans would love to travel there, just as Iranians would travel here.
Nasrin is Beautiful and the people seem very friendly. Definitely eye opening to me.
Iran is beautiful country greetings from Seattle, Washington
Couldn’t stop laughing when I saw my uncle in this video 😂😂😂 He’s the man in 2:20 in the metro on the left 🙈🙈 great great video and a good inspiration for others 👍🏼
“People are not their governments. People are people. And we have a lot more in common than we think.”
As an Iranian I must thank you for this sincere representation of Iran because it’s really sad to see such wrong cliches are around Iran. Actually many of those are true about the government but not the people which are facing that government too. That “down with America” poster which you showed is really the government’s ideology and you may see a lot of those stuff around the city , but the people’s ideology let me say is nothing like that. You can see in this video too that how hospitable people are and they are just willing to contact with other people and share love and peace. I hope for a day that we can share this love freely with the rest of the world
Wow! I’d love to visit one day. I’ve always found, generally speaking, Persian people to be the most warm and generous people. They are on par with Canadians, Australians, Greeks, Indians, and Rwandans as being super friendly people on the whole.
Iran looks amazing! Perfection. I love the markets with all the products piled up reminds me of aladins cave of food! Always found the east so magical. The people seem amazing aswell 💙💜🧡
Been binge watching Iran vlogs, such rich culture, good food and awesome hospitality from people, I pray for Iranian citizens freedom from their evil regime. God bless from Philippines hope to visit soon when all is good 🇵🇭