(c) Indigo Traveller INSTAGRAM – VLOG #156. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section …
Follow my Instagram if you don’t already: (if you want to) ❤💗🇧🇩✌All remaining PayPal and Patreon shououts will be featured in the next video! Thank you all! 😘
hey there brother, i am a youtuber from bangladesh, and i felt really happy and glad that u visited our country and made such an amazing vlog, hope u had a nice time in our country. Btw are you still in bangladesh?
i’m bangladeshi american and I’m happy that foreigners would like to visit our country. this is pretty cool. bangladesh also is getting a lot more advanced compared to the past, and that pleases me
It feels so good to see this vlog now that I’m living in the UK. Mostly because i specifically used to live in that area. I miss Bangladesh so much now 😔
This is the sweetest thing I’ve come across. I’m a Bangladeshi and I honestly feel so proud to see such adorable and loving comments coming from foreigners about my country. I really hope you’ve loved being this in this country and I’m genuinely thankful to you for promoting tourism in such an awesome way. Love your videos. Really appreciate it man. Thanks for coming to Bangladesh and giving such a wonderful review. Lots of love♥️ – Zafreen
Bangladesh is brother’s, from iran…..😍🤗😍🤗🇮🇷🇧🇩
Thank you for travelling our country. This was the most honest and practical vlog about our country that i’ve seen this far. We might be poorer than the western world, but we are very friendly and kind to the people who travel here. If you visit Bangladesh again, or need any help around here, just let me know. Peace.
Just a heads up… if you’re encouraging your viewers to travel to you visiting destinations, try and encourage your viewers to book locally. Not through international booking sites that extract all the funds to OS countries. 👍🏻
My home country, I miss it 💔 Loved your vlog!
Wow! I was in the motherland probably around the same time you were – and in Uttara no less! This just showed up in my recommended videos, glad I gave it a look. I’m happy you had a friendly experience in Bangy! If you ever go back, might I suggest having a trip out to the “rural” village areas. Totally different vibes to the city. Much love from a Bangla NZ lass living in Aus. ❤️
Dude , I loved the video. It’s great to see that you enjoy staying in our country and the hospitality that it offers. Much love from Bangladesh ❤
I am a Bangladeshi, living in Australia, you have discovered a lot in Bangladesh in one month which I never able to did in whole life… thanks for your videos.. I wait for your videos everyday…you now seem like our very own native person .the way you mix up with locals and culture….great respect to you ..😄
I’m just starting to watch your series about Bangladesh. It’s so similar to India, isn’t it? Another amazing video, and I always learn SO much from you. You have become my favorite go-to for videos on travel and other interesting things on YT. Thank you so much, Nick!! I look forward to when I have more free time, so I can watch another. Your videos always show up in my ‘recommended’ list, because I watch you so much. Love from the USA!!
Two countries separated by a line on the world map and they tell us that they are different, we are not the same. What a tragedy. Love you Bangladesh, respect from India.
Wow! Really interesting blog, unexpected. The people are super nice, friendly, calm and it looks quite organized. I expected more chaos in such a densely populated nation.
I’ve just started following your videos and I must say that they are the most entertaining and informative travel vlogs that I have ever found to date… I’m a 55 year old worldwide traveller from Ireland and have been to about 110 countries since I was about 19 years old… and like yourself, travelling and experiencing different cultures is my life… Please keep up the good work and I’m looking forward to your next videos…Many Thanks!!!
I’ve definitely added Bangladesh to the bucket list. Great video, Cheers Nick!
I been Bangladesh several of times. Went to Bashundara, Gulshan 2, Uttara, Citaggong and the latest is Dhamundi. Every time i met new friends there and they asking me how’s Bangladesh to me, i always answered them Bangladesh totally unique! Hahahah.. i dont know how to describe but ya, this country very interesting to visit if you looking something that not so modern. Im from Malaysian and compare Kuala Lumpur with dhaka make me felt that im so lucky. The people are amazing. Maybe because i have a bit fair skin and cute face ( i guessing) the ladies treated me like im very important person and the guys treated me like im a beautiful lady! Hahahaha.. im feeling lucky because of work, im able to visit Bangladesh almost every year and it’s fully sponsored.. hahaha. Imported items very expensive there especially juice, personal care items, cookie, coffee in can. But local items very cheap.
I was born in Bangladesh and when I was 5 I went to New Zealand with my family. I stayed there till I was 9 and then I came back to Bangladesh. New Zealand is an amazing country . I used to stay in Christchurch and there is a supermarket named Countdown over there and I loved going there because when I was young I loved FOOD
I’m loving it, man! You literally portrayed our daily lives in a 13 min video. Great job! 💜😊 ❤

(c) Indigo Traveller MY INSTAGRAM: -MY PATREON: -FREE $40 AIR-BNB …
❤️ *Did you miss my last video?* ❤️
Love your Drone shots, Nick! Awesome work. ❤️ 🇧🇩
Cox’s Bazar. Great Place.
Landscape and seafront looks breathtaking, the food look delicious ( I love spicy curries!)Definitely going to put Bangladesh on my list!Thanks for posting
I am amazed and overwhelmed seeing my country’s beauty in a different way 😍😍😍We are so blessed 😇 Thank You for making such a beautiful capture of the beach 🙏🙏❤
This is so cool – most British Bangladeshis dont even know that places like this exist because their parents are totally unaware of the beauty of Bangladesh themselves so they grow up thinking its a poor country with nothing to offer even to tourists.I definitely want to check this place out in the near future
I love the way you’re promoting countries that wouldn’t necessarily get many Western tourists. There’s a different side to every country despite what the mass media try and portray. Great work Indigo traveller!!
I visited there last December and we had great time. Most friendly people and easy to communicate in English. Viva Cox’s Bazar!
Bangladesh has so much potential in the tourist industry. The government needs to invest in improving the services and the infrastructure to enable tourists to enjoy Bangladesh. Thank you for showing the world a glimpse of the beauty that Bangladesh holds!
There are many more beautiful places in Cox”s Bazar…..and even in many other cities. So Bangladesh is definitely a great place to visit
Bangladesh is so beautiful country greeting from Morocco
Nick is showing Bangladeshi People how to represent the beauty of the country… Unfortunately our Youtubers and media never showed us like that…
The natural scenery on Bangladesh is really very very charming.Cox’s bazaar Sea beach is the largest sea beach of the world.Actually I don’t know why I love Bangladesh so much,sending love and respect from Italy.🇮🇹🇧🇩
Glad to see you representing Bangladesh in a brilliant way! Love from Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Wow ive travelled quite a but never did I think Bangladesh would be so beautiful. Well indigo. Another great true and raw report/post👍😊
It’s just amazing . I stayed in Cox’s bazar for a couple of years. Thus, I truly know how beautiful that place could be . Thank you so much for showering your love to my country . I wish I could made my own home like yours in Cox’s bazar .. 😞
Very impressive! I wish the rest of the world were as resourceful as Bangladesh 🇧🇩. I want to go there- Beautiful !
On my list to travel to Yes! Bangladesh ❤❤❤
I never realised Bangladesh could be so peaceful. I’m a sylheti but live in England. We only hear bad things. My parents are from there and they dont really have anything nice to say. I always thought it could be seen as a peaceful resort type of place like many neighbouring south east asian countries. I might go to sylhet one day, but I’m not sure.
You Went Back And Brought A House That’s Amazing! Glad You Love Bangladesh 🇧🇩
NORTH KOREA TRAIN JOURNEY 🇰🇵 (Second Class Ticket)

(c) Indigo Traveller 2 Months FREE on SkillShare Premium for first 500 people: -MY INSTAGRAM: …
Want to see how I got into North Korea and how much it cost me? Watch here:
This whole series is so well put together and edited. I’ve binge watched the whole thing!
I don’t get why he gets so much hate for these NK videos. Obviously he knows what is really going on. We all do, though I don’t think it’s quite as bad in the cities as people are led to believe. I think he’s just trying to present a positive and respectful picture of a country of real people who are caught up in a bad situation. He’s displaying the essential human beauty that no dictator can completely erase away. He’s treating them like normal people even if their situation is anything but.
Love your editing style, and great content thanks for sharing! How much did your trip cost?
We’ve got almost the same trains in Russia.
I would imagine everything you did here had a certain level of awesome to it.You took a shower… in north korea.You tied your shoes… in north korea.You ate lunch… in north korea.You scratched your head… in north korea.
I got a little bit emotional as you were leaving NK looking at those tourists on that bridge! So glad you made it out with ease (with all your SD cards)! I want to thank you SOOOO much for doing this its been such a pleasure watching all your vid’s from your North Korean adventure!!! Take care 🙂 xoxo
Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. I just discovered your channel and I’ve been binge watching trying to catch up. It’s absolutely fascinating to see these places through the eyes of a normal person and not the media.
Wow I cannot believe how antiquated is NK yet beautiful. You are pretty brave to visit there but I’m glad you did and was able to record your trip 👍🏻
Oh dear I’ve finished binge watching your North Korea videos, which I’ve thoroughly enjoyed. Best Nk vlogs out of the ones ive seen (all of them). Thank you for your Hard work filming, editing, choosing music, well balance talking, information, observation and lovely scenery – very well produced. Looking forward to next series. hmm maybe I should binge watch old videos. Yep it’s nearly midnight in a work night, should totally do that…
This was one of the best series of North Korean travel videos that I’ve seen thus far. Your channel is full of quality content and it gets better everyday. Keep up with the great vids Nick and Peace✌️ , from a Bengali American.
Brilliant! So much covered! & finally, the Nth Korean people in the fields looking at the train as it went by was so well done. Photography – with heart. Kudos. Loved it.
Indigo traveller, Man I’ve been studying/reading about North Korea for at least 6 years. I’ve seen countless documentaries, but none showed such a personal level as yours. In fact I’ve never seen someone be able to so openly video so many different things in DPRK. I’m glad you made it out safely, and also glad you provided the world a non-biased view of such a mysterious place. Cheers from the US
What an amazing vlog series. I really enjoyed every minute of it. I’ve always been fascinated (not in a good way) by the things I heard or saw about North Korea and to see this footage is just…wow. Took my fascination to whole other level. Can’t wait to see the Q & A. Are you staying in Budapest for a couple of days?
I loved your North Korea series, you did a super good job with everything from explaining your thoughts while you were there to the video editing to the amazing camera shots, everything was top notch quality. Thanks for posting your experience in North Korea! Just subbed!
I binged through your North Korea traveling videos and wow so cool! You really gave a different perspective on the people that live there. Although you were restricted, it was really an eye opener for me. I really love seeing the farmland and natural beauty. The city was interesting and monuments pretty awesome to see. Great video, thank you for sharing!
My parents are stationed in South Korea and you’d be surprised how much of the rural areas look just like they did on this video
don’t use Instagram so just gonna ask here… :-)has there been a moment where you’ve been afraid of never being able to leave the country again (maybe for political or safety reasons cause you filmed a lot)?and if yes, what was it?
I loved every minute of this series, thank you for sharing with us. I’m excited to see what is to come on your future travels 🙂
Spent my day watching this trip. AMAZING job done, very thorough. Loved slow-mo shots of people. This story is truly a revelation of inner life in NK, and what could not be openly told, it could be read between the lines and seen on the video. And yeah, I agree with other viewers, there seems to be the only fat and smiling citizen of NK.
CRAZY 23 HOUR Train Trip in IRAN 🇮🇷(1000 Mile Journey)

(c) Indigo Traveller Instagram: -Hotel Booking in Iran: -Music …
Hope you enjoy this one guys, it was a lot of fun to experience, *I highly recommend you try it out!* 🇮🇷💗Stay up to date/see my photos of Iran and many other epic places on my Instagram:
Outstanding video of a fascinating country – thanks for sharing.
Your broll shots are incredible
This video is so real. I’m an Iranian and this truly is Tehran! I have seen other videos of Iran which seem to have shown only positive views. but this video is just so real. Thanks for your efforts making this video.
Imagine how far Iran would excel without the sanctions. They seem to be doing fine even with years of sanctions.
Watching from Canada. I have always been fascinated about Persian food, art and culture. I am enjoying these videos. Thank you.
Iran is just majestic and beautiful. Indians love Iran and will be travelling to there soon.😍😍.
Wow . It feels almost like I’m travelling along with you . Iran is a beautiful country . Train tickets are really cheap .
thank you for sharing these videos of Iran, I never knew that this country and it’s people were so beautiful!
Good people of Iran a friendly hello from Ireland 🇮🇪
Amazing tourism potential for Iran..Incredible
تہران is incredible ❤️Love from پاکستان 🇵🇰
Iran has great beauty and I can eat falafel all the time. If I ever get a chance in this short life to visit there, I will certainly travel by train! Thank you for another spectacular vlog <3
Youtube just recommended me this video, such a beautiful country, looks much safer than my own country, I wish I could be there, love from Mexico to our Iranian brothers. 🇲🇽🇮🇷
Thank you for showing my country. I lived in New Zealand (Auckland) for 3.5 years. Beautiful country and lovely people.
Iranian people are amazing and incredibly welcoming. Everyone I’ve ever talked to who visited Iran had nothing but great things to say about the people.. Wish people from Israel could visit that beautiful country!
I traveled from Mashhad to Tehran by train ,it had been a very comfortable travel. Hugs from Italy 🙂
Iran 🇮🇷 is truly an epic country to visit. Such an underrated travel destination! Thanks for the awesome video. 👏🏼 Cool transition shots.
1000 miles in 23 hours is an average speed of just over 43 mph. That’s faster than Canadian long-distance trains.
Nice video man. I travelled around Iran for 3 weeks and I loved it so much! Can hardly beat the genuine hospitality of the people. One of my best holidays for sure and will be going back soon.
Inside Honduras’ Most Dangerous Neighborhood (harsh reality)

(c) Indigo Traveller A heavy day. My Instagram for photos of the trip: -My Patreon (A way to support these …
My heart goes out to Honduras and the many people that are facing this harsh reality everyday. Thank you to Omare for keeping me safe and translating and a huge thank you to the Honduran people for being so hospitable and warm towards me. Thank you for watching. 🇭🇳
The people can’t say negative things on camera , they can become history if the gang finds out otherwise.
It’s good that you’re going to these places and showing the world what’s really happening. No news articles talk about the struggles or terrible condition those people are in.
I cried during the whole video because I have experienced this extremely dangerous life first hand, as I come from one of these deadliest towns in Hondura. I totally understand what it is to became blind, deaf and dumb as a safety mechanism. My heart aches for Honduras and my family that still over there 💔😭 And as you mentioned before, the sweet, positive attitude from honduran…they keep a welcoming smile despite the circumstances they endure on a daily basis. I am glad you guys made it out safe and sound 🙏 Thanks for showing the world the true face of suffering from my honduran brothers and sisters ❤
That’s not vlogging anymore, that’s a journalism Great job
Your videos are a part of my daughters home schooling, for her to learn about other countries, and to appreciate our life here in western Europe. We always donate to the charities that you promote, when we have a chance. Thanks for all your work, Nick. Stay safe!
So cool to see this channel grow over time. You’re success is a reflection of the places that you’ve all taken us and the stories you have shared. Through that, we’ve all been so enriched, thank you!
So much destruction after the hurricanes. My heart goes out to those people. And those people who have to put up with the gangs….I just don’t know what to say. Thank you for another informative and educational video, Nick. Hugs from Norway!
Me encant� que el int�rprete sea Hondure�o porque puede transmitir el sentir de un pueblo que a pesar del sufrimiento a�n puede sonrreir.
My heart breaks watching these people just trying to survive while their leaders steal and the gangs extort.
This is truly heart breaking. I had no idea what Hondurans were going through. Thank you for sharing and Happy Easter Nick!
Have watched all your videos and this series has really effected me. What these poor people are facing every day is absolutely devastating. I’m from South Africa and have seen true poverty, this is on another level. Where do they even start trying fix this that will actually make a substantial difference. 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦
All the people of Honduras I’m so sorry for this difficulties times… i hope everyone quickly recovery about every side of their life Like finance issues, shelter and full security with peaceful…From Mogadishu Somalia 🇸🇴👈
It’s sad that as an American this is really the first time I’ve heard about any details regarding the hurricanes.
I admire what you do, I’m Honduran but I would never dare to go to Chamelecon even if I’d knew someone that lives there. It is sad what we’re going through, corruption is leading us to a dead end.
You should travel to My parent’s village Santa Rosa de Aguan and to Trujillo to show the differences in how minorities in the country live and the cultural differences in the country. They are full of Garifuna people who would love to tell you their stories and share their experiences with the world. Our tribe lives very peacefully compared to the rest of the country and are very proud of that.
Being from Honduras, I can confirm that this is what it is like every single day. I moved to the US at an early age, but I have gone back and seen that things have only gotten worse. Some people have it worse than what is shown in the video; and it’s such a sad reality. The worse ones, I feel, are the ones that make it to the United States looking for a better way of life, with the intentions of helping their family back home and they never do. Leaving their children, spouses, and parents to fend for themselves. There are some that do try to live humbly by being farmers, but even then, they live with the constant fear of being extorted by local gangs, corrupt police officers, and even their neighbors. Aside from these daily struggles, the country is run by a terrible president and group of politicians. They’re your typical good for nothing politicians, but worse. As you watch this or after you watch this, remember that your worse day can be someone else’s better day.
I’m from honduras and I live in a “relatively” safe neighborhood and I STILL feel unsafe. Right now I’m just waiting to finish university so I can move out of the country.
Very interesting, thank you for continuing to shine a light on countries that are too often overlooked by the mainstream media.
Praying for all the Hondurans!! This is heartbreaking to see how they are having to live since the hurricanes!! May God bless each of you!! 🙏🏻♥️🙏🏻♥️