厚焼き ホットケーキ Thick Pancake ぶあつい パンケーキ

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Thicc #Pancake #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying #音フェチ どこか懐かしい気持ちになる、ぶあついホットケーキ 作ってみました。牛乳パックを使って作る このホット …
You can also watch Moso-videos on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでも妄想グルメの動画を見ることができます!https://amzn.to/2OtzqQL
i love how Japanese channels like this prepare such delicate, perfect, and adorable little desserts and creations with so much accuracy and patience 🙂
my favourite parts of these videos1) the sounds2) the actual cooking haha
I don’t know why I’m getting so obsessed with these type of videos now
The sounds are so satisfying
I love watching your videos! They always make me feel better 😀 This is my favorite one by far :)�
美味しそうで作る過程も見てて楽しくなる( ´ ▽ ` )ノ何度も再生してしまうwww今度、作ろうかと思うのだけどIHでもいけるかな(⌒-⌒; )
2:15 I use that alarm sound to wake up for school so that seriously fucked me up for a second
How did you pour that syrup in a perfect heart?!
Ahh I wanna try this! Though I’ve actually just learned how to make pancakes from scratch so I’ve been experimenting a lot. I think my family is sick of pancakes. I should try french toast for now.
I’ve been looking for this. I remember when I first watched this I was 15. It took me so long to find this again since it got buried under all the new Japanese soufflé pancake videos. But for me this is the OG. 🖤💚💜💚🖤
I love this channel so much, this is so clever! yet so accessible. I’m going to try it 😀
It’s looks so good…. When I make pancakes, I burn them on the outside and the inside is still runny…My homemade batch is also too chewy and has a weird play-doh texture to it…. I wish I can cook like you ^_^
I love her cute and creative cooking video’s,I mean they look delicious and by the looks of it I am always get hungry watching these videos.Also it’s very relaxing,kinda like a asmr video.
0:44 i love the sound of parchment paper being cut
Even the syrup she pours formed a heart shape for a split second…. How to be so perfect.
Anything and everything you make is totally perfect!!
I love it so much ❤️
Giant Oreo Sound Box ( Oreo Music Box ) 大流行のオレオがレコードになるターンテーブルでジャイアントオレオの音を録音

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ 海外では数年前に発売されていたOreo Music BoxがAmazon.co.jp限定で買えるようになりました。 アンケートでも妄想グルメといえばオレオ。 だからでしょうか、Twitter …
You can also watch Moso-videos on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでも妄想グルメの動画を見ることができます!https://amzn.to/2OxFrfg
Que monada 😍
So great!well done!!👍👍👍
хорошее видео!
Cute! ❤
I wanna buy this!
Now I’m craving oreos after watching this video love them
欲しかったよ、この面白そうなの…高そうだけど買ったら1回使って使わなくなるから買わないけど…オレオは私の腹の中に収まる。:,(‘ω’ ))ムシャムシャ
Mizu Shingen Mochi Recipe 水信玄餅 ぷるるん This Cake Looks Like a Raindrop

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ This looks like a large drop of water but it’s actually a cake! It’s called Mizu Shingen Mochi and it’s so delicate it needs to be consumed in less than 30 minutes, …
You can also watch Moso-videos on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでも妄想グルメの動画を見ることができます!レビューもよろしくお願いします!https://amzn.to/2SxUDLx
Why does this feel like a HowToBasic video? I was waiting fro him to squeeze dat mochi cake with his hands!
Yours are literally the best mochis I’ve seen so far, so awesome!
Yet again, Japan takes something simple and makes it something amazing!
Ahhh, so this is how it’s done! I thought it had something to do with rice since it’s called “mochi”. Kinda saddening since I thought there would be some neat trick to it, but it doesn’t make it any less cute or wanted! ♥ And now I know I can make these at home, too! It would be cool to make a water and a blood drop next to each other 😀
I feel like he enjoyed playing with it more than he did eating it xD
This is amazing. I have to try this! Thank you for something that I never saw coming!
I really want to go to Japan for a long time now so I could see the beautiful sakuras and see there culture! (Even though I’m Vietnamese :’D)
I love how ahead of the trend you are! these raindrop cakes are only getting more popular on you tube now 🙂
Theres just something incurably satisfying about your videos! I love your editing, please, don’t ever change it. Its amazing (Subscriber +1)
Ah! I’ve been wanting to try this for awhile! It looks so pretty. I wonder what it tastes like. (U o U//)
That looks delicious! :)<♡ I would loveee to try Shingen mochi someday!
I love these videos they always make me fall asleep.. And i usually have trouble sleeping.. So thank you Mosogourmet ^_^! I thank you for the videos that you post and for existing ^_^ � 🙂 🙂
This looks so beautiful ;-; I must try it now xD
This is amazing! Can’t wait to make it!! >3<
Here is my speculation as to how you can get a “perfect” sphere for this. Try looking in a 100 yen shop for an eye dropper (thoroughly wash and sanitize it first), and take the liquid and dribble a bit into the hole in the to the top until it appears even.
I love how this became a recent trend this year XD It’s still cool even after all this time of me watching “Raindrop Cake” videos over and over….
Awesome! I have to try that sometime. How long do the mochis have to stay in the fridge? Or do I just check on them often?
Watermelon Macaron 🍉 スイカマカロン

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Watermelon #Macaron #Recipe 日本語版はこちら→ http://ameblo.jp/mosogourmet/entry-12163000674.html We made watermelon macarons. We tried adding …
You can also watch this video on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでもこのビデオを見ることができます!https://amzn.to/2LXU3TG
Wow, I just love this recipe! I already love macarons so of course I’m going to love these.
I love how the person is so dedicated and patient to draw the watermelon stripes one by one….
I think it’s so refreshing that your videos do not contain music. I like it a lot.
Ah, Japanese cooking vids. The original ASMR.
That is the cutest thing ever ! Such brilliant ideaaaa ~ Thank you ❤️✨✨✨
Those are all hand-drawn? Amazing, Moso!! They’re beautiful!
Wow as a usual macarons baker, so surprise to see this macaron making vid and its so special and unique from usual recipe! Esp no icing sugar needed! Awesome! Would like to try that out!
Absolutely adorable macaroons 😍I love them so much ❤️
She is soo patient! Love your channel!❤️❤️❤️
This is perfect! I have been looking for recipe like this for my daughter’s birthday and the theme is watermelon. Thank you!
It looks so real, your drawing IS so good
Show! Vou fazer na festa tropical da minha m�e.
Great video, there was only 2 things missing. It’s imperative to let the macrons set before baking but not before tapping the pan firmly onto the counter a few times. These steps are the only way to get good feet. Otherwise, this was awesome!
ThIs is an interesting way of making Macarons. I normally see the steps done quite differently. And it normally ends up a lot more smooth and fluffy but flat.
Спасибо, мне понравилось видео, нужно приготовить)))
かなり柔らかいメレンゲでしたけど、それでも失敗しないなんて凄い(´Д` )
I would love to try and make this. Thanks for sharing. Best recipes as always. 💕
Trick Recipes : Faux Cereal Bowl Cake 丸ごと食べられる なんちゃってシリアルボウルケーキ 牛乳に見えますが

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ TrickRecipes # Cereal #Bowl #Cake #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying ##Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying #なんちゃって Using the colorful “Fruit Loops” cereal, …
You can also watch this video on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでもこのビデオを見ることができます!https://amzn.to/2OxFrfg
not sure I’d want to eat that much gelatin, but it looks so cool!!
Moso is truly a artist👏🏾
I know it’s not officially an ASMR video. but what a symphony to my ears these videos are. absolutely love them!
i watch these recipes because i love the sounds and not to actually make the recipe 😂😂
I will totally make this! With my own twist!
What a fun and tricky cake! I love it. 🙂 I wonder if my husband would fall for the trick… 😉
It looks soooooo good!!!
This had to be the best trick recipe I’ve seen this year.Great job! 🙂
I feel like this needs way more froot loops in it otherwise it’s just a mouthful of cream cheese
ゼラチンを袋から出す時の一回出た荒さが好き( ˙-˙ )
I hope Kellogg’s sponsored you for this beautiful artwork 😍
Interesting. Looks cool I guess.💕💛💚💙💜~ *We are The Crafty Family* ~
love you for being so experimental like this. Keep up the good work!