Giant Watermelon Jello でっかいスイカゼリーだけどいちごバナナ味(なんのこっちゃ)

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Giant #Watermelon #Jello #ASMR #OddlySatisfying #Recipe #音フェチ We made jello that looks like a watermelon, but is strawberry-banana flavored!
You can also watch this video on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでもこのビデオを見ることができます!
Loved seeing the fail at the end. Glad to see even people who know what their doing can still make a mistake or the food just doesn’t want to come out right for them. Gives me hope that my fails will someday be successes.
is it just me or there’s also someone else watching this when you’re younger besides the giant oreo cake and the fruity roll-ups vids?TvT
They have creative recipes and their quiet. I love this channel
I love how she made one fruit with threeBanana strawberry (jello) and those dried blueberries
I watched this since I was little now I am watching this again 🙂
Your videos are sooo good edited, and the sounds of when you do the things are reaaally satisfying! Keep it up, love watching your videos!
Muhteşem yüreğine sağlık çok güzel olmuş
Now I want jello. I bet it smells so good.💕💛💚💙💜~ *We are The Crafty Family* ~
You are so amazing …. where did u learn this stuff fromLooks so exellent
nostalgia 😍
I love this!
looks really delicious. thank you!!
Wow! you guys cook and make some many amazing things!
Fantastico yo lo intentare tambien💞🍉
My favorite channel! 😍❤
Its almost April me and my family needs some ingredients to make our colorful eggs
Rilakkuma Bear Mirror Cake リラックマひんやりケーキ ダイカットお弁当箱で

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Rilakkuma #Cake #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying #Kawaii ダイカットのお弁当箱で作る 暑い夏にピッタリ、 ひんやり冷たいリラックマのケーキレシピです。
You can also watch Moso-videos on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでも妄想グルメの動画を見ることができます!
I used to watch this when I was a kid this I remember being so satisfiedd watching this
I just had that feeling where I was doing something random and then remembered the times when I was young a few years ago and would watch this and enjoyed it so I searched it up again
Omg today i found this channel again and memories just came flushing back like hell
I used to watch this when i was a kid like it was a part of my childhood
오랜만에 잠이안와서 찾아봤는데 이걸 다시 보는것만으로도 너무 반가워요!! 초등학교 5학년때부터 봤는데 제가 벌써 19살이군요
2019年になっても見に来てしまう🥺 懐かしい、、
I watched this when I was a little child , ah miss that moment. ( ˘ ³˘)♥
와…진짜 초딩 때 맨날 보던 건데 개씹마약이다 이거ㅋㅋ
Cuando era muy peque�a ve�a este video pr�cticamente todos los d�as , y ahora acabo de recordar que este video exist�a y vuelvo a verlo para recordar viejos tiempos .
Meu Deus que coisa mais fofa 😍❤
Watermelon & melon balls cake スイカとメロンのケーキ

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Watermelon #Melon #Cake #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying #音フェチ 夏になるとスイカのデザートが作りたくなります。というわけで、今年はメロンの力を借り、スイカ …
~Catch My Heart! Very Melon! Catch My Heart! Very Melon!It melts in your mouth! Very Melon! One, Two, One, Two Very Melon!BWRAAAAAA! BWRAAAAA! Very Melon!It’s very round and big!It’s very green with stripes!My heart is captivated!If you eat it once, it captivates!BWRAAAAAA! BWRAAAAA! Very Melon!I will eat some more!Catch My Heart! Very Melon! Catch My Heart! Very Melon!It melts in your mouth! Very Melon!One, Two, One, Two Very Melon!BWRAAAAAA! BWRAAAAA! Very Melon!It’s very sweet and juicy!It’s melting in your mouth juicy!My Heart is in paradise!If you eat it once, its paradise!BWRAAAAAA! BWRAAAAA! Very Melon! I like it very much! I love it!Catch My Heart! Very Melon! I will eat some more!~ (\(^_^)/)
만드는 영상 항상 재밌게 보고 있습니다
메론과 수박이라니… 과연… 이런 여름에 어울릴지…
Esta muy rico yo lo use y me encantan tus v�deos son fant�sticos y muy creativos sigue haciendo m�s un saludo desde colombia
So cute and looks delicious <3 音フェチにはたまりませんw
the schooper was amazing
Looks so good 👍
This is amazing!
This is great!!!!
Omg I used to watch this as a kid!
me encanto y lo hice! me salió exquisito 👌
Im from colombia ! And i Love japanese culture .. Their cooking .. The supreme refinement under the simple things.. Like your videos .. I Mean You guys do Amazing Things without show It .. I Really Love it !! I Also Want To do these recipes can you Put the description in english too ?
なんちゃってチョコレート Moso Chocolate Bar Cookies チョコレートバークッキー

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ TrickRecipes #Chocolate #Bar #Cookie #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying #音フェチ チョコレートバーみたいなクッキー作りました。それっぽく包んでプレゼント。
You can also watch this video on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでもこのビデオを見ることができます!
Childhood came back this was so satisfying
7年たった今でも好きだなあ( ¨̮ )
when I was 6 years old I always watched it because it was satisfying
I loved how she made the cute little wrappers for them!!!They look really good!!! 😍
I made these and they tasted like chocolate fudge cake to me :3
This is the most cutest thing I’ve ever seen
Gracias lo intentar� hacer y muy lindo te quedaron!!
Your patience amazes me every time!�
Such a perfectionist.
Where did you find the mold and papers? Such a cool idea and would be an amazing personalized gift!
Oh my God! The best dessert video I’ve ever seen!! 😆😎😍
祝 世界遺産登録 富士山ゼリー Mt. Fuji Jelly Recipe

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Mt. Fuji has been registered into the UNESCO world heritage ! So we’ll show you how to make a majestic Mt. Fuji jelly. The symbol of Japan, now on your plate.
You can also watch Moso-videos on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでも妄想グルメの動画を見ることができます!
That looks so cool!
omg i remember i used to watch this over and over again when i was younger
I remember watching this as a kid 🥰
//Nods in approval throughout the whole videoI love Mosogourmet and their lack of voice-overs and music.�
Aw~! That frog blanket at the end is so cute!💕
I watch you like every day. For me this feels more satisfing then slime asmr’s.
There’s something really satisfying about your videos 😍😂
When you pour the milk, it’s actually really satisfying😊
Love this!
Thank you so much for putting the recipe in English in the description. It will help a lot when I try to make it.
in future videos that make you should continue giving instructions on reset. I really liked this video. =)
So cool! 😮 Love it!! <3
That’s just beautiful.. ^^