Microwave Chocolate Fudge with Banana Choco 電子レンジで簡単 バナナ・チョコレート・ファッジ でも本物のバナナは入ってません

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ バナナ #チョコレート #ファッジ #レシピ #音フェチ #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying Though out of season, we made some chocolate fudge. When neither …
You can also watch Moso-videos on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでも妄想グルメの動画を見ることができます!レビューもよろしくお願いします!https://amzn.to/2OxFrfg
I love all of your videos and they’re so relaxing! Can you make something Tsum Tsum themed?😊
I did not know you could make fudge in the microwave! I’ve been misinformed by Good Eats (in that show, the guy makes fudge using sugar and a candy thermometer, something I never had experience with).I’m gonna give this a try! My family has a traditional gathering with all the cousins, and I love bringing these kinds of snacks to these events! :3
I tried this and this, and it turned out just like her’s and, fudge was so good! 🙂
This brought a tear to my eye and now my childhood is resting well
4:25 こんな綺麗に均等に切れることがすごい
I love the way that you showed us how u can bend the banana box 😁 <3
this was my favorite mosogourmet video as a child :’) aaahh the nostalgia
Amei esse v�deo:)
Looks so adorable!
It’s…. SO BEAUTIFUL!!! 😆😍😫
I rewatch this because i miss my childhood 🙁
Qué delicia!!❤️
직접만들다니 대단해요ㅎㅎ
The fudge is so perfect *i want* (also condensed milk in a bottle freaked me out it comes in cans in the u.s)
Y’know, I just thought of something.If you need to use an entire squeeze tube of sweetened condensed milk, just get some scissors and cut the seal off the top. You’ll have an easier time emptying the contents that way.
Watermelon ice cream cake recipe 🍉 LOTTE 爽 すいかアイスケーキ

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Watermelon #IceCreamCake #Recipe We set out to make a chilled desert that looked like a watermelon, using watermelon flavored ice cream. Our yearly …
You can also watch Moso-videos on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでも妄想グルメの動画を見ることができます!レビューもよろしくお願いします!https://amzn.to/2SxUDLx
This looks amazing! 今度是非作ってみよう!
Am I the only one who likes to watch cooking videos but never do them? Lol
The sounds are my favorite part out of all the Mosogourmet videos. My second favorite is the cooking itself ❤️😂
The sounds are super satisfying and that’s why I love you Moso. And don’t recommend me some AMSR videos.
I love it! Thanks for putting in the mishaps! It makes me feel better about cooking xD
May I ask how much experimenting goes into these videos? Also, this looks amazing ❤️
It’s so adorable how she cooks~
I really appreciate your videosThis is a different type of cooking show that would expectThis is what makes your videos uniquePlease continue to make videos~
I love your videos they are so creative, ad the sounds are super satisfying!:-)
Your videos’ sound quality is amazing! I also love how you show the bloopers at the end. We all make mistakes
ALMOST 1millon subs YAAAAY, I remember when you only had like 10,000. You grew up so fast ;-; I’m so proud of you. Tell all the staff that helps that I really love your videos, they are unique and that’s why I love them.
The watermelon looks so real!!! My gosh this must’ve been delicious…Loooove anything watermelon flavoured! Great job~~ ^^
que lindo e delicado! adorei e filmagem com barulhos naturais! beijos!
The ice cream sound is so relaxing. I watched this scene 10 times.
You have 1 million subs! Congrats! (P.s. I love your recipes! 😀
Not only is this super cute, it’s super creative! I love watermelon and I know I’d love this! Great recipe!
Love the behind the scenes! Not easy making a how to video!
Look so delicious! This is the best ice-cream cake to eat on this hot summer days! XD Best dessert for SUMMER TIMES! <3
Oreo Mousse Ice Cream Sandwich オレオ・ムース・アイスクリームサンド

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ We made a chilled mousse full of Oreos that you eat sandwiched between more Oreos! The mousse uses all the cream that you scrape off the Oreos, so there’s …
You can also watch Moso-videos on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでも妄想グルメの動画を見ることができます!https://amzn.to/2OtzqQL
I used to watch this a lot of times, I love it.
This is like Asmr and cooking at the same time I LOVE IT
I feel like MosoGourmet lives in a magical world none of us can see, except thru her videos.
Wow! This dessert looks amazing. I have to make this ☺ I really enjoy watching your videos. Greetings from Mexico’s City ✌💕
By far my most favorite cooking channel. I love that you incorporate ASMR in your videos.
You know what its actually delicious i want to try that recipe when im older!
I always like the original oreo than double stuff, triple double, peanut butter, thin and etc.
My therapist: Tall Oreos aren’t real they can’t hurt youTall Oreos:
Looks so delicious 😀
妄想グルメさんの作るお菓子、サムネ見たら(お!これなら作れそう!)って思うけど、最後まで見終わったら凄すぎて……( oㅂo )←こんなんなってるw
これらオリジナルのレシピをありがとう <3
🍉 Watermelon mousse cake すいかムースケーキ

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Watermelon #Mousse #Cake #Recipe (Click on CC button!レシピを見るには「もっと見る」をクリック!) スイカの季節。見た目もかわいいスイカをムースケーキにしてみ …
You can also watch Moso-videos on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでも妄想グルメの動画を見ることができます!レビューもよろしくお願いします!https://amzn.to/34WnTOw
The amount of patience needed by my stomach to watch this is just too damn high.
I lovee you blog, is very fantastic, you recets, i loved, me encantan! You culture is very awesome , and very easy , Su manera de preparar las cosas sin necesidad de hablar es mas entendible en cada tutorial que hacen! Me gusta mucho !! jajaSaludos desde México❤💙💜
I love it! Where do you come up with these wonderful ideas?
I’d like to know the name of the silicone parchment paper you used for drawing on the black stripes. Can’t seem to find it anywhere
Wonderfully creative as always 🙂
Elegant work. Thank You for Sharing 🙂
the washing up must be quite tough.Thank you for these awesome videos!
That looks so amazing. I have to try making that sometime. xD THAT IS WAY TOO COOL.
This video is just oddly statesfiying
Wow, this cake looks just perfect *-*
Looks like a lot of work but well worth it! Thank you for the video!
That looks so good3
its funny how this chain of answers are exactly my reason of why i come to youtube :’) you guys made me happy
That looks delicious! Do you speak English? If so, maybe you can edit what you’re putting in as your doing it with subtitles so I can make this right? If not, it’s okay. Still love your videos!
Totally lots of work :O Awesome!!
Now that looks amazing!
It looks so good… Amazing.
이거 볼 때마다 맛있어보여서 배고파요ㅋㅋ그런데 이거 재료가 구하기 어려운거라서..생크림을 수박으로 표현하는 아이디어 진짜 신기하네요^^
Melting Ice Cream Cupcakes なんちゃって 溶けてる アイスクリーム カップケーキ

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ TrickRecipes #IceCream #Cupcake #Melting #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying #なんちゃって We made the perfect cupcakes for a hot summer! A sturdy …
You can also watch this video on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでもこのビデオを見ることができます!https://amzn.to/2OxFrfg
I’m not here to actually follow the recipie and bake. I’m just here because seeing and hearing all the ingredients mix feels satisfying.😂
I never thought about using my hand as an egg strainer. As long as I’m clean and sanitized that’s great.
うぽつです!なんちゃってシリーズとっても好きです^ ^中のカップケーキも美味しそうです(*≧艸≦)
“24. Place it nonchalantly on the table. If your family notifies you the ice cream is melting, SUCCESS!!!”You are so cute, Moso.
This is so cute! Some filling in the center of the cupcake would also be good! (*´∀`)
Holy shit! This looks really good!
I can’t understand why I find this so relaxing and goooood. I love you Mosogourmet.
너무 이뻐요~💕
妄想グルメさんが持ってる器具全部揃えるの難しそう…( ˊᵕˋ 😉