なんちゃって卵プリン(ほんとは茶碗蒸し)Egg-Pudding-like “Chawanmushi”

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ パナソニックのPRに協力しています。http://panasonic.jp/range/youtuber/ (注意!) ①※卵の殻は必ず割ってから、ご使用ください。②※殻付きの卵は、調理集「温泉卵」「 …
You can also watch Moso-videos on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでも妄想グルメの動画を見ることができます!https://amzn.to/2OxFrfg
I’ve watched it since kindergarten, now looking back, I feel a lot of emotions
i love how this is everyone’s childhood 😂
That is the fanciest microwave I’ve ever seen!
This made me love cooking despite having different hobbies,the sounds though
Your oven is insanely amazing. I’m just so jealous that the appliances I have access to aren’t as cool as that.�
That is a very cool microwave! I wish mine could steam things like that.
your videos are all extremely satisfying to watch!
Gracias por subir tus vídeos amig@, gracias ati gane un concurso de cosina y tengo 14 apenas saludos desde México 👌✌️
This is so satisfying! 😀 <3
Thanks for the video. . . I really enjoyed watching it and I really loved your machine I’d like to have one.
That looks really good!
I love recipes that you have, but can you also provide the instructions in English as well please. There is a lot of your recipes I am gonna try or at least try to make. lol. I’d love to have a microwave like that it’s AWESOME
That steam even is something I would love to have. So high tech
That so cute!And it looks great!
I love the way you cook 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
I watched this when I was in grade 8. I’m graduating highschool in 2 weeks
Watermelon Cake Recipe スイカケーキ 青汁 グラサージュケーキ Summer Recipes

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ スイカ #ケーキ #青汁 #グラサージュ #Watermelon #Cake #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying #音フェチ 夏になるとスイカのお菓子が作りたくなります。 ヘルシーで想像 …
You can also watch this video on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでもこのビデオを見ることができます!https://amzn.to/2LXU3TG
so nice!!!!! i want it to try! looks so great!!
It’s insanely calming without people doing voice overs or any background music
I can’t believe it’s been 7 years! 😭 Feels like yday when I first watched this…
이분꺼 영상 진짜 어렸을때부터 봤는데ㅠㅠ지금 다시 보니까 진짜 재밌네요ㅠ추억 ㅠㅠ
All of mosogourmet’s vid was coloring my childhood.
Suddenly remembered this video and it was amazing as always
Watching other cooking videos: *AUGGH MY EYES IT HURTING MY EYES*Watching Moso’s cooking videos: Why can’t I cook like this fine piece of food art
me encanto que allás puesto la receta en español!! gracias podría hacer mas en español por favor!! 🙏
I remember I had an addiction to watching these videos almost three years ago
I tried this but it took 3 hours for my frosting to set. Also the water from the melon made the melon and the frosting started to like get this water substance on the top. Other then that it was amazing!
I love the bloopers at the end!😂
This is oddly satisfying
the endings are always so cute x3
Delicious Fruit Tea Fruit Ice Pops フルーツアイスバーで めちゃうまフルーツティー

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ 夏にピッタリ!凍らせたフルーツを使ったメチャウマのフルーツティーの作り方です。無糖炭酸を200g入れて、ティーソーダにしてもおいしいですよ。タピオカドリンクの次は …
You can also watch Moso-videos on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでも妄想グルメの動画を見ることができます!https://amzn.to/2OxFrfg
Who was also upset when she did not cut the stawberry green part
Parabéns amei ficou muito bonito e deve ser uma delícia 👏👏👏🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
A little more, it’s 3 million! I always respect you!😭🙏🏻
I legit got mad they didn’t cut the leaves/stem off the strawberries lol
The pineapples looks so good🤤🤤
It’s a really cute nice idea but I don’t really understand why to leave the stems on the strawberries
this gives me nostalgia idk why
It’s so beautiful. 😃💜❤
This is just awesome!
What a great healthy idea I have toddlers who would really enjoy making these !
No me puedo creer que no me lo puedo imaginar y me lo he pasado 🥰
beijinhos no ❤️ de todos vcs amados
AMAIZING ♥️♥️♥️👌
Mto bom o video mtos likes 👏👏👏👏
the way ive been watching mosogourmet’s videos since forever ago and i had no idea why i love it so much i even fell asleep to it. now i found out its asmr….. thats why it makes me feel so relaxed 😭
Not this being 1 year ago but people got it in their recommendations today or yesterday … YouTube is still tripping
So relaxing 🙂
I love this! I will try this it looks so yummy! 😋 Also where do you get the fruit ice pop moulds?
Giant Donut Mirror cake 中からトロっと 大きなドーナツみたいなグラサージュ ミラーケーキ

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Gooey on the inside, we made a large doughnut-like glacage dessert. When you cut it, condensed milk cream flows out from the inside. Have fun eating it!
You can also watch this video on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでもこのビデオを見ることができます!https://amzn.to/2OtzqQL
10:27 これから起きることを嘲笑ってるかのような切り口ww久々観たけど妄想さんやっぱ面白いw
This is really satisfying to watch love your channel
even though I never thought the cake looks very appetising, this is one of my favourite mosogourmet videos that I can come back to and watch again.
영상이 안정감이 있어서 좋네요. 잘보고 갑니다 앞으로 많은 영상 업로드 해주세요
Your videos are so satisfying and relaxing ❤️
been a subscriber for over 2 years now. favorite part is that you never talk. you never ask the viewer to hit the like or subscribe button or share. just straight to the recipes that’s why your the best
It’s looks so good!
私のお気に入りの部分は、美味しいねり粉のように見えるまで彼女がすべてを組み合わせるときです 💕💕
it looks so good 😍😍
You are making a giant Mirror glazed donut. That’s so cute 😊 <3
Fantásticas la recetas chinas gracias felicitacoones👏❤
adorei o vídeo 😍😍😍
Endless Jello Gelatin Pinwheels もっとくるくる くるくるくるくるジェロー

(c) MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Jello #OddlySatisfying #Pinwheels #RollUps #Recipe #ASMR #音フェチ #くるくる #rinnegan Rolling up ice cream ( Ice Cream Rolls ) may be in fashion, but for …
You can also watch Moso-videos on Amazon Prime Video !Amazonプライムビデオでも妄想グルメの動画を見ることができます!https://amzn.to/2OxFrfg
I thought that was a weird ass onion
So satisfying to hear all these sounds.
This video brings me some nostalgia, it looks like the very first time a saw a Moso-san video, except the rolls were made with blue-berry jelly.
I really need to get more gelatin in my diet. Maybe this recipe will help. It’s usually so bland, but everything tastes better with marshmallows/extra sugar!!! LOL Thanks for sharing!
I thought they were onions
When I saw it for the first time I thought they were onions 😂😍👏
하자 있는 저 입 치 진화 버전 ✨ 💫
Yomy yomy 😋 delicia las gelatinas y las cebollas más!!🤘🏻🖤
Simply amazing. Very clever.
Wow, it’s beautiful!!!
These types of videos give me strength😂
Huum adorei sou do brasil e adoro assistir seus videos ❤😍