そろそろ英語だけの配信をしたい!I want to stream in English as soon as possible!

(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は私がNGリストに入れるので、みんなは注意しないで …
I love how she say the sentences in English then translates it into Japanese, just to teach us!
Yo, she’s really working hard. Amazing
I’m still surprised at how quickly she’s improving.
even though i already said this during the chat really thankful for the mods in keeping the chat clean for her.since in the past the chat is really bad. thanks once again o7.
Guy in duolingo: *says literally anything*Chat: *iS tHiS NtR????!!!??!*
2:18:49 I will proceed to feel good about everyone liking the way she pronounced skittles at the end, for it was me who showed her the right pronunciation in japanese UwU
When she did the Ollie RIP, I also died. Kawaii level over 999999
1:51:55 I’m gonna leave this for laterThanks for the stream it was pretty fun! I love you so much
2:45:56 Ah, I’ll never forget my first Vtuber rejection lol
duolingo is really something today LMAO didn’t even realize time flows so fast
I’m excited, at the rate she’s learning she should be able to stream in English in no time
I’m so proud of you. You’re making such good progress!
No I missed the stream. Gonna watch the archives. Thanks 10shi!!
This doulingo conversation gives me brain damages. But anyway Tenshi is getting better and better everyday, this is so much progress Good job!
ngl tho, the pot twists in doulingo stories is actually unexpected lmao
Absolute banger stream, extremely enjoyable
Honestly so proud of her and how much she has improved over a few short streams. Going to support her all the way!
Great work! You’re improving a lot!
She’s improving really fast!
[咀嚼音注意] 激辛を食べてみたかった…Can you live by eating spicy ramen????
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと [咀嚼音注意] 激辛を食べてみたかった...Can you live by eating spicy ramen???? [咀嚼音注意] 激辛を食べてみたかった...Can you live by eating spicy ramen???? (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCdYR5Oyz8Q4g0ZmB4PkTD7g/hhudT0Chfcs.jpg)
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は私がNGリストに入れるので、みんなは注意しないで …
Lol she was so nervous, but she did it. Strong tenshi
30:34 tenshi belly growl thank me later;)
20:56 +100 HP desk-kun
I like how there’s people in chat giving her tips and being concerned, then there’s the others saying gg men.And then there’s the guy with PTSD from haachama’s stream.
1:44:23 WE WON BOYS
*Fun factWhen you eat, it is very spicy.Next day at toilet, it is even more spicy.
Tenshi: *dying*Someone in chat: tenshi in heatMe: wha-
I feel bad for Tenshi and her toilet.
Some of the chat need to be bonkDarling and chu chu chu is a win for us
Thank you for the stream, Amatsuka! It felt suspenseful as we watched you eat those spicy noodles, worry and anticipation in the air throughout! We were amazed to see you finish your piquant meal! You did great and we are very proud of you! You didn’t have to go all out, but you persevered through the hardships and succeeded in the end! With this triumph, we congratulate you for completing this challenge with your valiant efforts! GG Men! Take your time to recuperate! We will be looking forward to our next visit!
Oh no.. sorry I couldn’t watch it live, but you really did it tenshi
Strong tenshi finished it till the endGGMEN
17 year i live, and for a momment i thinking i wanna be a bottle of milk.
“Please say this, please say that”Chat is cringe as always
53:51 blessed laugh
well done !Achievement unlocked : *STRONK TENSHI*
33:44 bless you
The more you talk when eating the noodles the more worse it becomes really spicy and it will keep getting more and more spicy 😂🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
1:04:33 🥰
英語が上手になった気がします! I feel my English is getting better! [duolingo]
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと 英語が上手になった気がします! I feel my English is getting better! [duolingo] 英語が上手になった気がします! I feel my English is getting better! [duolingo] (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCdYR5Oyz8Q4g0ZmB4PkTD7g/13R7hnr6bhE.jpg)
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと ˏˋ Twiteer ˎˊ˗ https://twitter.com/amatsukauto ☁メンバーシップはこちらから☁ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdYR5Oyz8Q4g0ZmB4PkTD7g/join …
I recommend adding the rule to not mention other streamers. Overseas Streamer culture is very different to Japanese streamer culture so it will come in handy.
Imagine how hard it must be for her to be pure JP and have like 60% of her fanbase as EN speakers. She’s so dedicated in learning english 💙
Let’s admit it guys, we were smiling the whole time… ☁️Tenshi made so much progress on her English, she’s becoming pretty good in such a short time and that’s insane!💙
I just discovered her channel today and I’m lowkey shocked she’s both independent and debuted recently (please correct me if I’m wrong). It was a really chill but fun stream, def earned my sub
She was literally at 100k yesterday….Let’s go for 1M!
This is my first time watching Amatsuka stream. Her English is adorable. She is probably one of the most sweetest wholesome vtubers I’ve watched. I look forward to future streams! Thank you!
1:12:27 I smiled literally when this came in! Never expected our dear tenshi knows this song!😂💙💙💙
my english is also improving when watching tenshi
This was really one of the most calm and cutest stream I’ve ever been toThanks for the great stream Amatsuka chan!!!!!
おつうと! I’m just grateful we’re blessed with such an angel during these times.
Reminder to chat, please read the rules in the description and keep all SCs and live chat comments respectful !! ☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️
2:57:28 it’s really good to be mentioned by our Angel. 💙Thank you for the whistle noises! 2:57:34 – 2:58:04
You’re improving day by day! Keep up the good work! Also, congratulations for reaching 150k subs!!!
Congrats on 150k! Maybe you’ll get 200k before Christmas? 👀Thank you for another great English stream. Looking forward to the Outlast DLC playthrough! 💙
Some of you may have noticed 待機 whenever you are in pre-streams. As you may have guessed, it actually means “waiting”, and it is pronounced as “taiki”. As much as we are excited for the streams, too much English comments *may* sometimes dissuade JP bros from speaking out. In this case, copy and pasting 待機 may make it more comfortable for everyone. You may want to try it out, or maybe try google translating and reaching out to them. 😊
Thank you again Ama-san, looking forward to Outlast DLC stream later!
Actually this helps me with my Japanese learning in the cutest way possible
1:27:40 Jingle Bells song. Can’t wait for the Christmas songs she going to sing tomorrow! 😁
[Minecraft] BEE REVENGE
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと [Minecraft] BEE REVENGE [Minecraft] BEE REVENGE (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCdYR5Oyz8Q4g0ZmB4PkTD7g/JTpLwIfS3SE.jpg)
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと thumbnail @RestyMMD Thank you ⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒ Thank you for watching the stream! Thank you for your support. nyan I am studying …
From 12 minutes to 4 hours is actually an impressive Improvement ngl
our tenshi is dying in minecraft on most unexpected way…1. bees2. cat stepping in trap can’t wait for the third one
4:25:224 hours Tenshi Hardcore. Caused of death: Sand Temple’s trap set up by her cat
That ending though… *Top 10 anime betrayals* by Nyato…
4:24:21 We be Like ” dont bring cat” “Break the button”NOOOOOO
Next on Minecraft Hardcore series: We’ll beat the pyramid
She’s laughing but you know she’s dying inside at the endPain-Peko!
“hey master this floor look funny”-cat
1:33:52 Tenshi’s scream🤣🤣
1:23:12 *Bee:* You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to bee.
Actually survived more than 12 minutes, good job tenshi!
TOP 10 ANIME BETRAYAL(ft. Nyamatsuka & Nyauto)
The classic trapped chest. RIP, it was a good run.
Thanks for the stream tenshi! 💙Tenshi got killed by the very thing she loved
This was such a good stream enjoyed it from start to finishNyato was still too young to know the dangers of the Temple its not his fault :,(
At least we try our best to warn her, great job guys, love you Tenshi💙💙
Well that’s an unexpected way to die. Anyways, Tenshi did survived for 4 hours tho. That’s more unexpected.
ProTenshi really done some research to survive this time 😎👍💖
Next hardcore Minecraft: Revenge on Sand Temple
Lesson learned: if tou enter a pyramid leave your pets outside Poor tenshi hours of gameplay ruined bi her own cat
[Apex Legends] I can do it alone. Rank IKZ!
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと [Apex Legends] I can do it alone. Rank IKZ! [Apex Legends] I can do it alone. Rank IKZ! (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCdYR5Oyz8Q4g0ZmB4PkTD7g/Oe2_FFHSXzI.jpg)
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと thumbnail illust by @xdeyuix ※コラボじゃないよ。 ※It’s not a collaboration. Thank you for watching the stream! Thank you for your support. I am studying English …
22:02 was so good.
Great stream as always, including a back-to-back champion! Sasuga FPS tenshi
4:06:00 this match and the interactions with the octane and gibby are just too damn funny
Cracked tenshi. Grats on many champions
5 hour for 5 champions thats so insane for improvement 😦😦😦😦
tenshi’s winningcongrats on reaching platinummaster IKZ
OtsuUto~Thanks for APEX stream Those aims tho, Sasuga TenshiThat also how good she’s is when aiming to our hearts
2:58:15 she downed that last team for a total of 5 times lol
for the stream Tenshi pro gamer having a lot champion The no scope krabber into champion is extremely hype
This was quite a long stream, But it was Also Very Enjoyable! Loved how Tenshi talked about Disney movies that was cool!
The Gib vs squad was insane Tenshi clutched it really hard octane and wraith probably proud of Tenshi. lol
Omedetou Tenshi you reach Platinum, We could done with all of us for cheering you.Pro tip in Apex:*Follow your teammate*When your teammate dies get the link and run.*be stealthy and stay frosty
4:42:40 best part
Good stream, champion! Thank you for all the fun. I’ll try the chikuwa plus cucumber recipe that you’ve recommended.Have a nice dinner and a well-earned rest, Tenshi. Enjoy your night!
Thank you for the stream Tenshi! You’re really a Pro player!
Cougrate for reaching platinum rank and 5 champion today, and as always thank for the stream
Went from Gold to Plat in one stream. Tenshi op
Thanks for the stream, congratulations on getting platinum! 🎉🎉🎉