
(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! ビスマス結晶に興味を持った男は包丁の飾りにすることを思い付く。しかし出来上がった包丁は持つと痛く、見るとなんだかゾワゾワするデザインになってしまった。そして男は …
Happy New Year! 今年もよろしくお願い致します。 何故かこの包丁のデザインを見ると鳥肌が立ってしまって制作中は終始拷問のようでした
Bismuth is truly a glitch in reality. It’s like a metal that wasn’t coded properly.
He makes it look easy, but when I watched Nile Red’s version I could appreciate how difficult it was to get it this perfect.
The cursed dagger of Bismuth: +4 against pickles, the wearer lose 1hp every seconds of use.
me: wow so pretty i wonder how he’ll smooth out the handlekiwami: melts the knifeme: *insert pikachu meme*
knife: pokes kiwami’s handkiwami: “So you have chosen… Death.”
love that they’re all called “sharpest _____ knife in the world” as if there’s another, less sharp bismuth knife somewhere out there
13:12 “This is too much power for one person. It must be destroyed.”
Ah yes. What NileRed considers a warcrime. Melting the knife.
“Ah…. a perfect pretty knife….”Gets hurt trying to use it”HOW DARE IT!” Melts it
him: *turns his oven on and it makes a beatme: yo this is fire
I love these videos, they are sort of a how to.. sharpen stuff, and by no means are they basic – i love it. Could you sharpen an egg, by any chance?
Like skin Godzilla ‘WOW”
+200 ATTACK-12 DEFENSE4% Chance to inflict bleeding debuff on wielder
The finished blade was so cool! Looked like it could seriously be a Monster Hunter weapon, if it were scaled up a bit of course.
As always, the cucumber reveal was the high point of the show.
Knife: *does recoil damage*Kiwami: “I brought you into this world I can take you out of it”
I think I heard the voice of Elrond saying, “Cast it into the fire!!”
I like how he uses a stove instead of a crucible to heat bismuth up because of its low melting point
I like how he brushes up the shavings like “This shit ain’t cheap”. XD

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! 連休中、ずっと家に居たので包丁を作った。 カーボンの作り方は前回の動画で練習したから知っていた。 作っている事は酔っていて殆ど覚えていない。 目覚めたら近くに …
You know someone’s japanese if they have more wetstones than a sea shore.
I like how he puts instructions as if anyone else is gonna make one
Imma thumbs up the video just cause I know it took you probably 4 hours alone to cut it with the saw 🤣
“Even my almighty crocs cannot break this carbon fibre”
“The Muramasa….. a blade passed down from generations. Also known as The Demon Blade, its said it’s thirst for blood is in quenchable. It’s powerful dark energy has claimed the lives of its wielders’ as it searches for its true and rightful owner.”(Points to weapon above it.)”Oh. That’s Jell-o.”
I love these videos so much, Something different and just really nice to watch
If this guy doesn’t come from a family of sword makers I’d be surprised. He’s just taken the game to another level.
I as a material scientist just love his gadgets! A pocket scale! This is awesome!
I swear to god, if you gave this guy 3 days, some high quality whetstones, and a couple of ceramic cow pourer things and told him to put his full effort into making a sword, you’d come back to a banana katana that can cut through souls.
I use to see this kind of videos before going to sleep, they are so relaxing
He actually doesn’t speed up his work at all. He starts slow to show us what he’s doing before going full speed.
The pattern the carbon fiber made in the knife was amazing! It looked so cool!
This is, by far, the most straightforward of these knife videos I’ve ever seen
圧倒的不審者さん!あなたは✕ 硬ければ何でも包丁になる○柔らかくても何でも包丁にするが正解です!!
I just found this channel and I have been binging them.. so addicting. That strength test where you stood on the carbon fiber strip was surprising!
Imagine someone going to their kitchen”Hey, what are these?””Knives””Why do they look so weird?””Well…”
This is by far my favourite knife yet! So sharp 🙀😻

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! アルミホイルを叩いてガスコンロで熱して・・また叩く。。を繰り返しアルミホイルで包丁が作れるのか!実験を兼ねた教育ドキュメンタリーです ※安全に細心の注意を払って …
This guys style is so bizarre yet so satisfying. Not a single power tool used, consistently meticulous work regardless of how trivial the task may seem, the randomly high quality equipment he tends to use, and most importantly, those *COWS*
Everyone: mirror polished foil ball Kiwami: mirror polished foil knife
I love how other videos do some weird crazy chemistry stuff I can never keep track of, and then this one is just “hammer that foil roll into a thin brick”
i feel like he’s not even speeding the video up, he just uses the power of satisfaction to put himself into hyper drive
This is the closest thing to a traditional knife he’s ever made…
so many reasons why this should not have worked and so many reasons why it did, it is metallic poetry.
This video hasn’t been sped up at all, that’s Kawami’s super speed in action. The ladies love him, until they catch on fire.
Why would 10k dislike this video? Informative, entertaining, & inspiring.
the porcelain cows specific details are totally neccesary, never stop doing it!
the cows are ridiculous, I love them so much
Everybody gangsta till the knife comes out of the recycling bin
I feel like when ever this guy wants chopped cucumber, he builds a knife just to cut it.Is that how they do it in japan?
No one:Kiwami: “I used the knife to make the knife”
Отлично, теперь у него есть нож, который надо точить после каждого помидора
Adorei a perfeição do trabalho e a dedicação para ficar perfeito, muito trabalhoso mas louvável, parabéns 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Coming here from future videos, it’s amazing how straightforward his knife making used to be.
I appreciate these videos so much. The work, the attention to detail, the editing…everything!!!
Nossa que faca pra dar trabalho cansei só de assistir imagine pra fazer, parabéns amigo merece muitos likes pelo esforço 👍👍👍

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! ある日、男は大好きな動物ゼリーを食べる。 フクロウを食べようと蓋を開けたが、鹿が食べたくなり、 フクロウを冷蔵庫に戻す。 三日後に戻したフクロウのゼリーを食べようと …
I wonder why I am here, but I’m not complaining
This is cool, no wonder Kris was searching for it
Looking at the jello knife fills you with determination.
*You liked this video.*This information definitely won’t be used by an egomaniacal woman from cyberspace to create a customized jail cell for you.*Probably.
The fact that this was reference in Deltarune chapter 2 makes me think that tobyfox himself has probably watched this video.
I wouldn’t want to share a prison cell with this guy.
I love how he shows a clip of him eating chocolate like it’s part of the proccess
I love that this video is technically canon in the deltarune universe
Deltarune brought me here. I experienced such a wide range of emotions watching this. Curiosity. Amazement. Fear. Loss. Grief. Curiosity again. Yearning (I don’t like jello), and an odd sense of satisfaction. Bravo :,)
*Mom gives son jello*_A couple days later_“What have you got there, sweetie?”“A knife!”“nOOOO!!!”
I saw the text dialogue in delta rune and immediately rushed over. kris has good taste, I binged watch these videos for over and hour once.
I actually lost my shit when this was mentioned in Deltarune
This is Kris’ favorite video!
Kris is gonna make this knife to open a new dark fountain
The best part is that he makes it _back_ into normal jello. That’s a really good way of destroying the evidence
I may be a loser in real life, but in Undertal E, I’m Sans.
Serious Question: When you walk into his house, what’s the first thing you see? The knives or the cows?
I knew Ive seen this tittle before… thanks Kris Deltarune

(c) 圧倒的不審者の極み! リグナムバイダという世界トップクラスの硬さと重さ(比重1.15~1.31)を誇る木材を使って包丁を作りました。この動画は非常に硬い木材を使うことによって金属の代わりに …
What’s really weird is that this is the most normal knife making video on the channel
Can’t believe he actually did a knife out of something “knifeable”. No crazy chemical reactions, just a piece of hard wood and some sand paper.
Help, I’ve been watching this man’s make knives out of things for hours now
any material: [exists]Kiwami Japan: you’re gonna become a knife Harry
When he stabbed the water bottle, it just made me think– damn, someone could get that past a metal detector and cause some damage
When you enchanted your wooden sword with Sharpness V in Minecraft
Ahh yes cut wood with wood, you know what they say”Sometimes you just gotta fight fire with fire”
The part where you explained the difference in this wood to other wood was genuinely interesting
I’ve made knives before but never of this quality amazing work man! : )
This is essentially what you’re doing when you craft a wooden sword in Minecraft.
It’s amazing how accurate he is with the saw
None of this is time lapsed, he’s just gotten that good at knife making
Lignum smells so. damn. amazing when you sand it.I’ve heard (this could be conjecture) that it was used in world war 1 and 2 submarine engines as bearings in places that couldn’t be reached once inside the boat, because lignum basically can’t burn, and is self-lubricating;
I am just amazed by how true his cuts with that hand saw were !
Wooden Knife:+ 15 DMG- Has a chance to give enemy splinters- Splinter DMG: 7- Durability: 80