《ENG-Sub》トミマキネンがグンサイに現れた!! 峠最強伝説SPL【Best MOTORing】2004

(c) Best MOTORing official ベストモータリング公式チャンネル トミマキネンがグンサイに現れた!! 峠最強伝説SPL【Best MOTORing】2004 WRC4連覇のトミ・マキネンがグンサイに降臨!! マシンはこ の年 …
Holy fuck the fact that they were going to do a touge battle with Makkiken and the S2000 is fucking insane. The snow seriously fucked us on that part.
That Subbie to this day still looks beastly
Holy crap that man can drive!
I like how orido is the only one who hasn’t aged
well, they saw a God level in Racing 😀
Orido san always looks happy 😂
Miss the old WRC.
keiichi is a savage 1:01
That 2003 wrx STI wrc rally car is beautiful
Holy shit tsuchiya’s aim with that snowball.
〈ENG-Sub〉新旧ハチロクバトル!! AE86 CLUB【Best MOTORing】2013

(c) Best MOTORing official ベストモータリング公式チャンネル 〈ENG-Sub〉新旧ハチロクバトル!! AE86 CLUB【Best MOTORing】2013 DRIVER 土屋圭市 / Keiichi Tsuchiya 織戸学 / MAX Orido 谷口 …
Awesome race. Kudos to Subaru for making a stout motor after Orido over revved it at 21:48 on the downshift – see 9000 on the tach, and it kept going! Love the channel
Mr. Keichi Tsuchiya you never stop to amaze me, you’re still the best driver for me, fans here from the Philippines
10:50 Beautiful AE86. The paint scheme reminds me of the 80’s black and gold Lotus F1 Cars. Awesome.
Best Motoring is what every car show should be.
What an awesome race to watch 😍❤️
I do not really care about any of these cars, but the race was so exciting that I cannot help but double thumbs up this video!
The improved suspension and arrow dynamics along with the 2.0 motors had a better advantage
2:26 best part, despite of old engine but still running strong.
That is some rough and tough racing… love it.
Great driver skills!
3:07 Drift King Seat!!!3:15 individual throttle bodies look like horns lol…3:34 The Drift King’s AE86 GTV with Power Steering!!! Nice!!!
i love the sound of straight cut gears
The poor Bee Racer. He’s so far behind he’s just like “Fuck it, I’mma just screw around and have a bit of fun drifting.”
I know I’m 3 years late, but a flat 6 engine swap was a great idea for that 86.
their reviews are hilarious 😂 i love this video
8:16 めっちゃ、やる気にさせる音してる!
As legendary as DK is, dude’s a big time perv 😂
Dori getting a little too friendly with that hand.
I had a Subaru SVX with the H6 engine, great car.

(c) Best MOTORing official ベストモータリング公式チャンネル 〈ENG-Sub〉AE86で育ったオトコ選手権【Hot-Version】2017 ENTRY CAR TUBU GARAGE Superb condition AE86(JPY 3980000-) …
I love these guys. They all stuff themselves in that small 86 and have a blast driving it around. It’s also so cool seeing them look over 86 that hasn’t been touched, must have been nostalgic seeing all the OEM parts still there.Thanks for the subtitles guys!
I respect Morita’s decision to keep the headlights up for that race lol
Best car show on the planet. That white 1.8 million yen 86 was my favorite. Its cool to see these guys still doing this, I’ve grown up watching BM since I was a kid, thank you for translating these segments into english.
This was such a fun and exciting AE86 battle at Tsukuba!Thank you so much for this episode, love hachi-rokus! Appreciate the english subs so that we as international viewers can understand! 😊PS.For people who are interested, I have a similar vid on my channel which is also AE86 Tsukuba 5 Laps battle but in a video game. You can leave a comment on my vid if you came from here 🙂
To all Japanese people, every time we watch these videos with subtitle we always feel like its like brand new video and we are very happy for this, i am Indonesian fan and cant speak Japanese, just so you know thanks to whoever make the subtitle!
what a race!!! Just few laps but it gave me a such a exiting race experience!
That defend from DK on the last turn was actually hair raising, esp the incar footage i would be dumbstruck if someone passed me like that, solid racing by everyone there too
This is the most fun episode of the old 86 watching DK’s response makes me look forward to his new 86 build up! Can’t wait to see it breaks gunsai record battling the FD n s2k
Morita-san of Noriyaro’s videos is in here, nice to see him in a Best Motoring video finally! Thank you for this great car show, Japan 🙂
If you’re not impressed at Dori-Dori’s 3rd place finish with his own race/DAILY car, then I don’t know what will.
I love Doridori’s 3.5 gear shifts, it just looks so weird
i watched the wholee thing, laughed so good, love this show so fun and awesome.
86 is entering to drive and watch. Incredible vehicle, great drivers, so fun, thank you.
Released on my birthday. Thanks, Tsuchiya-san!Question for my long time Hot Version fans: were fox body mustangs ever brought on for touge? Later iterations seemed to have healthy power to weight.
カマタさんって86いじりだけじゃなくて走りもできるんすね…回避行動もちゃんとできてて…なんか感動しましたm(_ _)m
That straight cut gears whine and FCR sounds so good
Thank you so much for the English sub. Very enjoyable episode
《ENG-SUB》フィット3 ハイブリッドとRSはどっちが速いの!?【Best MOTORing】2014

(c) Best MOTORing official ベストモータリング公式チャンネル フィット3 ハイブリッドとRSはどっちが速いの!?【Best MOTORing】2014 ハイパワーのハイブリッドシステムと最新の7速DCTを搭載した …
Honda super maszyna fajne autko.
これ見ると、フィットRSこそシビックの正統後継車かもなぁ。庶民派コンパクトカーのスポーティ仕様。 今のシビックはFF最速挑戦車だし。
Poor Hattori in the BRZ. It’s funny watching it lose to some econoboxes in the bends.
“Wow, BRZ has good speed” … first time anyone has said that… ever.
Oh god, I’m sure Mercedes would love the old guy in the N-One as Teammate for Lewis Hamilton. XD
I own 2008 Honda Fit engine is in excellent condition it has 166,000 miles and doesn’t seem old.
フィットHVもなかなか速いですよd( ̄  ̄)スイフトは速さもですけど主にワインディング、コーナリングを楽しむには最高のクルマかもですね!
�nico comentario en espa�ol saludos desde ciudad Ju�rez Chihuahua M�xico el Honda Fit en un carraso yo tengo uno me gustan sus videos
フィットのRS 自分が思ってたより加速がよくてびっくり
〈ENG-Sub〉FK8シビックR vs. 400万円スポーツ 筑波サーキットバトル【Best MOTORing】2018

(c) Best MOTORing official ベストモータリング公式チャンネル 〈ENG-Sub〉FK8シビックR vs. 400万円スポーツ 筑波サーキットバトル【Best MOTORing】2018 ENTRY CAR HONDA CIVIC TYPE R …
Thank God this has English Subtitles.. Thank you Best MOTORing Official You guys have come through for us non Japanese speaking viewers, whom have loved your videos since the beginning of time.
I’ve been watching DoriDori drive since the creation of this channel and his pedal work still leaves me in awe to this day, it’s just so smooth and efficient.
Some great driving! I LOVE my FK8 CTR! With that said, DK did an amazing job of saving the Type R after the brake failure. I also have to give credit where credit is due because that Mark X was pretty impressive. What a surprise. That SYMS WRX STi is sweet! What a great episode!
i love seeing tsuchiya pushed to his limits and having a great time while doing it it really makes me wana be a driver… seems like all car companys should work with him if they want to make a drivers car
The fact that the mark X lasted in 1st place for 3 laps is insane!!!
Man that Cusco-Syms differential made that SYMS STI turn crazy fast. That’s absolutely crazy compared to stock one.
Gotta appreciate how well DK saved the CTR through that corner!
I love these guys man. Orido and Tsuchiya are such great drivers and a good combo too.
That Subaru sti VA so clean. I want to see more races with it!
Well, I am glad I was suggested this video by the algorithm. I grew up playing Gran Turismo and, well, this is it. I know a ton of car channels but this one is the only one where they really race the cars against each others instead of just lap times. Congratulations on such a good channel for us cars fanatics, and greetings from Mexico!
Japanese really take pride in their work. Race drivers like these guys also. They explain everything in such detail and with absolute precision and passion.
Damn it’s been a while since we have seen Seiji Ara. I wonder hows he holding up? Would definitely love to see more of him
That reaction before the civic crash is magnificent freakin close
That Mark X surprised me. It’s looks like it would be the most fun car there, if only it had a manual transmission or even a DCT.
The diff on the SYMS STI really looks like it works when it pulls outta those corners
That SYMs STi is bloody fast, but that Mark X was amazing as well!
I absolutely love your channel guys, one of the very best car channels!
First thanks for ENG subs. Also, that Mark X, which shares platform with the Lexus IS is surprisingly capable here. Ditto the WRX STI, which for all the criticism of the EJ engine has plenty of power and balance to pull of a win.
Extremely impressed with the Mark X. Wow.