How My 8m² Balcony Vegetable Garden Transformed in 6 Weeks 👨🌾

(c) Her 86m2 Because I’m so excited with how my balcony garden becoming so lush and green I have to share with you a quick update 😀 It’s amazing how a week of full sun …
Because I’m so excited with how my balcony garden being lush and green I have to share with you a quick update :DIt’s amazing how a week of full sun and fresh summer rain did wonders for my balcony vegetable garden! 🥰I will do a similar video like this but longer at the end of this growing season! How’s your garden going at the moment?
The balcony with the garden looks nice. The balcony with the garden and the cats looks fantastic!
This channel is the home of ultimate peace and harmony.
Looking at how the place greened up was so satisfying and therapeutic. For now, only my tomato plants are established and flowering, looking forward to the growth of my zucchinis and cucumbers too 🙂
I won’t lie but I was feeling like I’m watching a beautiful Movie directed by a great artist…❤🤗Love u everyone ❤🤗
It’s so inspirational to see someone who has so little space but makes the most wonderful garden out of it…I need to work on my garden after watching this 😊
What a beautiful space you’ve made, you’ve maximised evey inch! We are growing our own organic veges here in Italy but we are so inspired by your balcony garden. Thank you for sharing 😍
Love your bird’s eye view of your Balcony Veggie Garden, you are the proof that no matter how small the space, anything is possible when it comes to planting a garden! And you even have a beautiful pink rose bush! 🙂
It’s truly inspirational what you’ve achieved, and makes me, at least, feel that anything is possible. Enjoy! 🌹🌼🌸❀✿🌷🍅🥒🥬
When my day or week gets overwhelming with work or just life. I visit your little corner of the world and am reminded to just…breathe and slow down. Thank you for sharing your space with us!
I am always inspired whenever I see this balcony to do the same….💕I hope someday I can have my own, like this…God Bless!
ស្រស់ស្អាត ជាមួយសួនបន្លែ
I wanna say thanks to you, after watching your video i decided to start gardening, like you said to nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.I hope this activity can decrease my stress, healing my body and soul too. Send love from ID ❤
It’s a wonderful movie ,which shows your hardworking for each plants from seeds to a whole vegetable ,and your pure love towards your small family (and also the plants in your balcony)💕💕💕💕💕🇮🇳🇮🇳
Witnessing how the seeds sprout, the flowers bloom, the leaves unfold really show how small things can bring joy to our hearts. 🌱🌿🥀🍀
So beautiful as always! Your videos are so soothing. This one was just what I needed on a bad day!
Superbe ! Wonderful : the balcony et its evolution are impressive. Great job, well done !
Beautiful lush crops. My balcony is smaller but putting a vegetable garden out there has been a blessing. Thank you for sharing your family’s journey, hugs to your beautiful little angel 🤗.
this view of your garden makes me wanna cry… crying happily…It is very beautiful yet calming!
Amazing! Always love to see a garden transformation.
#39 Sowing Seed for a Successful Harvest: Everything You Need to Know

(c) Her 86m2 A seed is a miracle waiting to happen. I’m fascinated every time a seed bursts into life and the tiniest green shoot appears. There’s a deep metaphor in the idea …
Just in time for growing season! How’s your garden going? <3You can also head to my blogpost (link below) for more in-depth information :)
During the first round of Lockdown I started a small garden outside of my college accommodation, It was really fun and helped my friends and I get over that sad period. Plants are magic silent companions 🌱🌱. I love to see you take care of them 😍❤️ I didn’t think caring for seedlings could appear so aesthetically pleasing✨✨🌱✨✨ Have anice day whoever is reading this❤️
The smell of the soil. 🏞️ The joy of seeing your seeds pop out of the ground. 🌱 The harmonic and beautiful look of the plants as they grow. 🌿 Growing food is so healing.
Every time I watch this channel I feel positive enthusiasm
I used to think that I’ll never ever in my life be into gardening, but oh so many things have changed! Thank you for making these videos, it’s very inspiring and helpful! 😊
I am always very interested in Vegetable growing and stuff like that and from the inspiration i got from her. I started my own little garden this spring.
You inspired me to turn my balcony into a small garden. I always thought living in a apartment I couldn’t do much but here I am planning my set up and seeds ❤️😱
Where did you learn your film and cinematography skills? I want to improve and look up to you a lot 🥺💓
Obrigado por partilhar conosco tantos saberes. É bela a forma como cuida das plantas e, sobretudo, como faz sua filhinha participar das atividades. Saudações e bênçãos. 👏🙏
I’m from Southern part of India, summer has started n season of planting too.Now I have started a little garden behind my home pumpkin, capsicum, tomatoes, green chilies, herbs, greens, banana, musk melons, bitter gourd….my garden has started to grow beautiful, I spend my early mornings n evening there. It’s soo relaxing n happy to grow things… Subuhaan’Allah.
Perfect timing. This is just the thing I needed! 💕 Now to get to seed starting.
Omg Yay you posted another gardening video. Thank you for being an Inspiration to start my own balcony garden! Support and love from us always!
Informative as always. You’re creating a movement right here. Keep doing the great work!
All her videos are just so aesthetic that you can’t stop watching them! She’s a real-life disney princess…
I absolutely love your videos, you’re pretty much an idol for me ❤I love your videos so much that I shared them with my parents, and it’s one of the only videos they watch gladly with subtitles even though both don’t like subtitles usually (vision problems).I wanted to let you know that you’ve helped us to change habits and live happier lives, so thank you ^^Sending our love from Brazil ❤
Great tips, beautiful visuals and recycling ideas – I cannot get enough of your videos! As always, thank you for your effort. Looking forward to this harvest ❤️
Thank you for sharing this. ❤️ This is really inspiring you can have a bountiful harvest in just small space and recycled items.🌿😍❤️
Thank you for bringing so many interesting pointers to light (small pun!). Like all the others, I too find your planning, sowing, nurturing, growing, harvesting, so inspiring and soothing, and resolve to plan my own little garden. Even one pot of herbs is a miracle! 🌿🌱🪴
Its the most satisfying to see each time when the seedlings starts to pop out from the soil 🥰 it feels like wanting to tell everyone that i did it !😍❤️ definately growing some more seeds next week after watching this 🥰🥰🥰 thank you Thuy for this amazing video 😍❤️
I just planted my seeds this week using milk cartons and I’m making a video of the progress. This is truly very helpful! Thank you!
#42 What I Eat in a Day (Spring) 🥢 | Asian Home Cooking

(c) Her 86m2 What you want to cook and eat is an accumulation, a function of your experiences — the people you’ve dated, what you’ve learned, where you’ve gone.
RECIPES ❤️❤️❤️
I love everything you do, your spirit, that you don´t waste things, the art in it, your pride in knowing, what you have and that yoiu are so blessed – you are so special and caring. Thank you for all of your videos ❤️
Every single shot is a masterpiece ❤️ all of it so soothing and beautiful.
I’m a guy here and seeing this I’m just wondering if I’ll ever have a family like this.😹😩
Always so in love with your beautiful & calming videos 💞💞 Thank you for sharing your life with us!!
Imagens incr�veis e inspiradoras
A home-cooked meal really fills the tummy and warms the heart. Eating with your loved ones is one of those precious moments that you will always cherish.🥰 By the way, I really like all the songs played in your video. 📻🎵🎙
I love how you choose songs for backsound❤️
This is so beautifully shot! Romantic and artsy! I just adore it! It’s really inspiring me to consider doing a “what I eat in a day video” ^_^
wow I remember your summer what I eat in a day which inspired me to grow cucamelons 💚Btw still excited and looking forward to your passive hydroponics video <3
Alexia’s brotdose ist ja superschön, und der Inhalt auch 🙈 Das Essen sieht super lecker aus und sehr gesund. Ihr seid wirklich eine tolle Familie 🤩
Que maravilha! Eis mais um vídeo belo e inspirador. Obrigado por partilhar conosco tantos saberes. Peço aos Céus que bendigam sua vida e a vida dos seus familiares. Saudações e bênçãos. 🙏👏
I always watched your videos first thing in the morning, so I can start my day in full relaxation mode and be inspired 💕.Thank you🥰
I want to have a “Her 86m2” music playlist 😭
omg just found your channel like 2 days ago and I literally fell for your works. Your videos are just too tasteful and soul-soothing. I really love what you did there with all of the serenity and positive energy that you put into every single shot. Just can’t help watching your videos.
I thoroughly enjoy watching your videos. It reflects that so much heart and soul are poured into it. Keep doing what you’re doing!🌟🌟
Hello Thuy. First thank you very much for all your videos, they bring to me a part of Vietnam where I usually spent a few months a year….I hope you can soon go there to visit your family. One little question : in what kind of cooking machine do you fry the lotus roots ? It seems to be a very good one. Thank you very much.
Omg your family your editing your aesthetics 😍 I am from Germany and went to South Korea for studying and now I started to work after my graduation. It isn’t always easy being so far away from home and my family. Your videos are so inspiring🥺 I wish you and your beautiful family all the best ❤️
Peaceful morning with every single moment in your video – appreciate your efforts and spirit that you send to us! I hope that someday I can have a peaceful mind as yours ❤️
Какой очаровательный рюкзак у вашей дочери! Я в восторге и обязательно сделаю своей малышке похожий, когда она подрастёт)))
#0 New Journey Teaser | Her 86m2 by Thuy Dao

(c) Her 86m2
I just saw your video in my feed.. Then I started watching your videos from the beginning to your latest video… Your video editing is amazing! I feel like I’m watching a film directed by a good director. It’s cozy and calm to watch!
that moment when your whole life is a perfect Instagram aesthetic
I’m very happy to subscribe on your youtube channel guys.. My heart is overwhelming with warmth when I’m watching you.. 🥰🥰🥰
You have a true talent of story telling through film. You’re an inspiration and I truly admire your work. There’s something so peaceful and life giving about your videos.
Yesterday I discovered this channel and I am really in love with all the videos, thanks for sharing your life with us. Sorry for my bad english, I speak espanish.
Was f�r ein wundervoller Kanal! Ich bin sehr begeistert, gerade habe ich dich entdeckt und habe sofort deinen herrlichen Kanal abonniert. LG
I wonder how long does it take you to edit your videos, planning and everything. can you make one how you did it?
Fantastic 😍 ich liebe das.
I just discovered your channel. This is the second video I’ve watched. I already feel like I am sharing in your artistic journey.
I’m so happy I discovered your channel!! <3 this is so beautiful aaaaa
So glad I found your channel. I will go through all your content. I love the sincere and pure storytelling aspect!
Love love love love love!!
Found your videos about gardening in my feed, then I started to watch most of your vlogs.xoxo,from PHilippines 💕
Very inspirational! Make me want to get off the cough and do something with my life.
Beautiful channel. Just stunning work, the videography, the editing… all of it! i feel a special connection to you as I’m also living in Germany, away from “home,” watever that means now. Thanks for putting out such good content. I aspire to get there with my channel someday!
I think I’ve fallen in love with you guys 😻💜
Happy to watch every single video and become a fan. Thank you!!.
Я восторге от ваших видео . Благодарю вас .
Hello from Indonesia, your videos are amazing ang relaxing. How do you manage all that aesthetic content, it’s so beautiful 🌻
Love this. Chỉ cần xem video của bạn cũng đủ làm tâm hồn thêm cảm, yên bình❤❤❤
#40 Happy Occident: Reasons to Stay Alive

(c) Her 86m2 We all carry darkness, no matter how much we would like to avoid admitting it. We need to admit to ourselves that we are not so virtuous, moral and good human …
Blogpost & more photos:� �Recipe for the Ice-blended Vietnamese Coconut Coffee with Caramel Jello you’re suffering from depression please seek professional help!
Một câu chuyện thật và ý nghĩa
“Having a sad thought, even having a continual succession of sad thoughts, is not the same as being a sad person.” Thank you, I needed that.
“The things we don’t need to live… are the things we need to live”So true.
It’s just amazing how much beauty can fit in five minutes! Wonderful message as well! ❤🙂
_”…books, art, love, cinema, travel… are the things we need to live.”_ So true. Without art, I’m not sure I would be alive. Creating and sharing those creations has helped me get through this past year. Thanks for filling the world with your beautiful vision. Be well!
J’ai 70 ans et vous êtes pour moi, une petite fille de rêve, consciente de sa réalité. Vous êtes une très vieille et belle âme qui sait qu’elle n’a pas fini son parcours, et qui est dotée d’une très grande sagesse. Merci 🙏🏻 d’exister dans ma réalité relative. 💕🕊🕊🕊
Truly it was really healing and calming .This is what I exactly needed right’re an angle dear❣🧚♀️
Your videos bring calm and serenity to my chaotic mind. Now when staying in home 24/7 with nothing to do or to stay productive it’s easier to get upset or angry at littlest thing. I wish In future when things get better I get a chance to explore the beautiful places and experience nature at its best. Thank you for sharing this beautiful pieces of art.
To be calm becomes a kind of revolutionary act — yes, yes, yes
I had to watch this more than once. 💞🌸 What a beautiful creation. So full of love, truth, and honesty. 🙏
Woke up to the buzz buzz alarm of my phone, saw this notification and it’s like the universe brought me your message. The timing is perfect. It’s exactly what I needed to hear to keep me encouraged. This was the light at the end of my tunnel. Thank you 💓💓💓
I was just watching your gardening videos when you posted. Thank you for inspiring me to start a balcony garden
Thank you for amazing content always. it heals me a-lot from inside and I started to appreciate little things in life.
You say: “Accept thoughts but don’t become them” that is so right. If you want to come closer to your self, your heart land stay true to who you are you have to accept the hole you. Even the parts that you are not proud of. The things in life is now, we only have now. Love your videos. Thank u so much for sharing❤
This is such a beautiful video! It makes me want to live my life a little more slowly but be more present in everything that I do 💕
You really have shown that you are a special mom, wife, daughter and person. Always keep that beautiful energy
Im so happy i discovered your channel,♡ i live for these kind of contents when the world is just so cruel lately we need a spark of positivity. Thank you for bringing that light♥ bless your beautiful family
You are an inspiring and creative person who is charging my positive energy by watching your channel Thank you, I follow you from the Middle East❣️
Soy fiel seguidora de tus v�deos, me encanta la est�tica en ellos, el detalle yla dedicaci�n que pones a dem�s de los encuadres de fotograf�a. Tus palabras han llegado a mi en varias ocasiones d�ndome otra perspectiva en momentos dif�ciles, Gracias. Espero poder ver y sentir esos paisajes tan hermosos en alg�n momento y mejor a�n si tengo la fortuna de estar rodeada de tanto amor igual que t�. Un abrazo desde Latinoam�rica.